batbinevt - Compute mask weighted light curves or spectra from BAT event data.
batcelldetect - Perform source detection using the sliding cell method.
batclean - Read in a DPI and clean out a fit to the diffuse background.
batdetmask - Retrieve BAT gross detector quality map from CALDB.
batdph2dpi - (OBSOLETE) compress a 3-d image cube in a FITS binary table along the first (energy) dimension to create a 2-d image.
batdph2pha - (OBSOLETE) Read in a BAT Detector Plane Histogram and output a file containing a spectrum for each detector.
batdrmgen - Compute BAT detector response matrix for a known source position.
bateconvert - Read in an event file and apply energy conversions.
baterebin - Read in a survey DPH and rebin the energy spectra using quadratic corrections.
batfftimage - Make sky image from detector plane image by FFT deconvolution.
batglobalgti - Retrieve BAT global science analysis times.
batgrbproduct - Perform standard BAT GRB processing.
bathotpix - Locate and mask out hot pixels in a BAT detector image.
batid2xy - Convert between detector ID and x/y position in the BAT array.
batimgstatpos - Compute celestial coordinates for BAT image status packets.
batmasktaglc - Derive light curves from mask tagged rate packets.
batmaskwtevt - Compute mask weights for an event file.
batmaskwtimg - Compute mask weights for the entire detector BAT plane.
batoccultgti - Compute BAT good time intervals due to occultation.
batoccultmap - Compute BAT exposure mask due to occultation.
batphasimerr - Estimate statistical errors for simulated BAT spectrum.
batphasyserr - Apply BAT spectral systematic error vector.
batsumdph - (OBSOLETE) Add specified rows in a BAT_DPH table and generate a new, single-row BAT_DPH extension.
batsurvey - Perform processing on BAT Survey DPH data.
battblocks - Estimate interesting Bayesian Blocks and burst durations for time-variable data.
batupdatephakw - Update BAT ray tracing columns in spectral files.



June 2008