batimgstatpos - compute celestial coordinates for BAT image status packets
batimgstatpos infile attfile outfile
This is a specialized task which computes the celestial coordinates
(RA and Dec) for each excess measured on-board by BAT and reported in
the BAT "image status packet."
The BAT image status packet is telemetered to the ground with BAT
instrument coordinates (so-called theta and phi angles). This
task computes celestial coordinates using Swift attitude data and the
BAT teldef file.
Image status data are normally stored in the archive in the "trend
data" area, under "/swift/data/trend/YYYY_MM/bat/btbimgtr", where YYYY
and MM are the year and month number.
The image status packets contain information about the analysis of a
BAT on-board sky image. Some of the output columns include:
- TIME - start time of image
- DSP_TIME - original DSP telemetry time
- mForeDur/EXPOSURE - exposure of image in seconds
- mSourcesFound - number of excesses analyzed in image
- RA_CENT,DEC_CENT,PA_CENT - the approximate spacecraft pointing direction and roll angle at the image center-time.
- RA_OBJ,DEC_OBJ - celestial position of each excess (up to 20 per image)
- mThetaOrI,mPhiOrJ - detector (theta,phi) position of each excess (up to 20 per image)
- IMX/IMY - image position in tangent plane coordinates
- mCatNum/CATNUM - catalog number if this excess was identified in the on-board catalog (up to 20 per image); a value of 0 indicates an excess with no identification;
- SNR - measured signal to noise ratio (up to 20 per image), computed based on mStrength (measured counts) and mLocalSigma (local noise level);
The BAT is capable of reporting up to 20 excesses per image, although
rarely that many are reported. The columns identified above as "up to
20 per image" are 20-vectors. The actual number of excesses analyzed
is in the mSourcesFound column. The remaining (20-mSourcesFound)
entries will have mCatNum=NULL, RA_OBJ=NULL, and DEC_OBJ=NULL.
In the input file, the TIME column contains the time at which the BAT
on-board digital signal processor (DSP) telemetry was reported, which
occurs after the image was created. The actual image exposure begins
at mStartForeSec+mStartForeSubsec and ends at
Upon output, batimgstatpos recomputes the TIME column to be the start
of the image exposure. The original telemetry timestamp is stored in
a new column, DSP_TIME. A keyword, IMGTCORR, is set to {{{'T'rue}}}
in the output file to indicate that the meaning of the TIME column has
been changed.
PLEASE NOTE: not every excess can be considered to be a "real"
detection. A typical BAT on-board detection threshold is 6.5 sigma,
and excesses weaker than this could be considered questionable without
further analysis.
- infile [filename]
- Name of BAT image status data file.
- outfile [filename]
- Name of revised image status file, with celestial coordinates.
Two new columns are added, RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ, giving the
J2000 equatorial position in degrees.
- attitude[string]
- Swift attitude file name covering the same time as the image
status data.
- (teldef = "CALDB") [string]
- BAT instrument telescope description file, which defines
instrument-to-spacecraft alignments. A value of CALDB will cause
the tool to consult the calibration database.
- (distfile = "NONE") [string]
- File name of BAT image distortion map, or NONE to disable
distortion correction. A value of NONE is appropriate if one desires
to match the on-board calculated RA/Dec values, which is usually the
most desireable. A value of CALDB will cause the tool to consult the
calibration database, but PLEASE NOTE that this may result in
double-correction of the image distortions, so the BAT team recommends
to keep distfile=NONE.
- (clobber = NO) [boolean]
- If the output file already exists, then setting "clobber = yes" will cause it to be overwritten.
- (chatter = 2) [integer, 0 - 5]
- Controls the amount of informative text written to standard
output. Setting chatter = 1 produces a basic summary of the task
actions; chatter = 2 (default) additionally prints a summary of input
parameters; chatter = 5 prints debugging information.
- (history = YES) [boolean]
- If history = YES, then a set of HISTORY keywords will be written
to the header of the specified HDU in the output file to record the
value of all the task parameters that were used to produce the output
1. Convert a BAT image status file, using the spacecraft attitude file
from the same observation.
batimgstatpos sw00020004010bittb.fits sw00020004010bittb_cel.fits \
batfftimage, batmaskwtimg
Sep 2009