battblocks - estimate interesting Bayesian Blocks and burst durations for time-variable data


battblocks infile outfile


battblocks estimates interesting time intervals (GTIs) based on time variable event or rate data. It does this using the Bayesian Block algorithm, which is intended to robustly compute time intervals based on Bayesian analysis. (see Scargle 1998)

The Bayesian block algorithm can be used to estimate time intervals for any time series. For bursts, it can also estimate several measures of the burst duration, and the interval of the peak flux. Users should be aware that these algorithms are sensitive to systematic variations in the background. Some care must be taken to filter the incoming light curve. Users can also choose their own percentage fluence with the 'txx' keyword; the result is stored in the GTI_TXX extension.

Input Data

The user provides event data or a single-channel binned light curve. The light curve should be a standard OGIP light curve FITS file (i.e. contain the proper HDUCLASn keywords which identify whether the light curve is background subtracted or not). Both RATE and COUNT type light curves are supported. It must be possible to multiply RATE by the TIMEDEL per-bin exposure to arrive at counts per bin. If the light curve has been background subtracted, then the ERROR column must be present.

battblocks relies on the keyword information in the input file as being correct. In particular, HDUCLAS1 should be "EVENTS" or "LIGHTCURVE", depending on the input file type. For light curves, HDUCLAS2 should be "NET" or "TOTAL" depending on whether the file is background subtracted. For light curves, HDUCLAS3 should be "RATE" or "COUNT", although the user can override this with the hduclas3 parameter. There must also be a way to determine the per-sample exposure, either with the standard TIMEDEL keyword, or a column named either TIMEDEL or EXPOSURE.

How battblocks Estimates Burst Durations

As noted above, battblocks can estimate the burst duration and its uncertainty. This section contains a description of the algorithm used to make these estimates.

By default the first and last Bayesian blocks are assumed to be background intervals, and the time interval between these two blocks is assumed to contain the total burst emission. Consider the following burst light curve (view with fixed font size):

       ^             ***
       |            **  **
   R   |           **    **
   A   |           **      **
   T   |          **         ****
   E   |          **           ********
       |         **                ***************
       |   *******                            ********************** ---> t
Bayesian:  |     | | | | | |     |       |         |                |
           t0    t1                               t{n-1}           tn
                 |<- burst_tstart    burst_tstop ->|

The Bayesian block algorithm time bin edges are also shown, labeled t0, t1, ..., t{n-1} and tn. By default the start of the burst is assumed to begin at time t1 and end at time t{n-1}.

The default pre-burst background interval, GTI_BKG1, is defined as the start of the light curve to the start of the burst indicated by the end of the first Bayesian block (i.e., t0 to burst_tstart).

The default post-burst background interval, GTI_BKG2, is defined as the end of the burst, indicated by the beginning of the last Bayesian block, to the end of the light curve (i.e., burst_tstop to tn).

If the automatically-determined intervals are undesireable, then the user can make the following adjustments. t0 and tn are determined by the first and last bins of the light curve, so the user can simply time-filter the light curve before calling battblocks to adjust these points (i.e. delete rows from the beginning or end of the light curve FITS file). burst_tstart and burst_tstop are considered to be the start and end of the burst emission, T(0%) and T(100%) as defined below, and by default are set by the Bayesian block edges. However, the user may override these times by setting the 'burst_tstart' and 'burst_tstop' keywords.

The automated method requires that the Bayesian block algorithm find three or more Bayesian blocks from the data: pre-burst background block, at least one burst block, and one post-burst background block. If only one or two Bayesian blocks are found, and the user has not specified 'burst_tstart' and 'burst_tstop', then the duration estimate will fail.

Based on the above assumptions, 0% of the total burst fluence has occurred by time burst_tstart, and 100% of the total burst fluence has occurred by time burst_tstop. The intermediate percentage points, from 0 to 100%, are based on the cumulative light curve, scaled by the total number of counts, to the range of 0 to 1,

   f(t) = CUMULATIVE_LC(t) / CUMULATIVE_LC(burst_tstop)

The T90 burst duration is calculated by finding the time at which f crosses the 5% point (=T(5%)), and the 95% point (=T(95%)). T90 is the duration between these two crossing points (= T(95%) - T(5%)). A similar process is used to estimate T50 (= T(75%) - T(25%)). Because of the statistical nature of the measurements, the light curve may cross the X% threshold multiple times. In that case, the first and last crossing are recorded, and the center between these two is reported as the T(X%) time.

The duration uncertainty is estimated by extending +/- 1 sigma confidence band (defined below) around the cumulative light curve, and finding when the upper and lower bands cross the X% point. The uncertainty E(X%) is calculated as half the time between the upper and lower band crossing points. The uncertainty in T90 is SQRT(E(5%)**2 + E(95%)**2), and similar for T50.

The confidence bands are defined as follows. Given the scaled cumulative light curve value, f, the 1 sigma confidence band is estimated as either

   (1 sigma band) = f +/- SQRT(f*(1-f))*FRMS      (durerrmeth=FRACVAR)
   (1 sigma band) = f +/- FRMS                    (durerrmeth=TOTVAR)
where FRMS is the root-sum-square fractional error bar during the burst, defined as,
   FRMS = SQRT( SUM( f_ERROR^2 ) )
where f_ERROR (=LC_ERROR/CUMULATIVE_LC(burst_tstop)), is the fractional error in f. The choice of the error model depends on the durerrmeth setting, as indicated in the formulae above. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, and the burst duration work of Koshut et al. (1996), the BAT team recommends the default of durerrmeth=TOTVAR.

Output Data

The start and stop times of each Bayesian block is stored in a good time interval file (GTI file) specified by outfile.

Burst durations are stored in the following keywords (all units in seconds):

In addition to storing the burst duration, the actual start time and stop time are stored in the 'durfile' with extension names GTI_T90 and GTI_T50.

The interval of the peak flux is estimated by sliding a time window across the light curve or event data and finding the epoch with the highest counts. The user can select the size of the window. The corresponding GTI is written to 'durfile' with the extension name 'GTI_PEAK'.

In cases of short bursts, it is possible for the algorithm to find a peak interval shorter than 1 second (or whatever value 'tpeak' is set to). In other cases where the light curve bins are larger than 1 second to begin with, it may not be able to define a "peak 1 second" based on the light curve. In those unusualy cases, the reported interval will be centered on the originally-calculated interval, and the duration will be forced to be exactly 1 second (or the 'tpeak' setting).

The background intervals are also stored in the 'durfile'. The pre-burst background time interval (extension name 'GTI_BKG1') begins at time -INFINITY and ends at time burst_tstart as defined above. The post-burst background time interval (extension name 'GTI_BKG2') begins at burst_tstop and ends at +INFINITY. These good time intervals can be used to select background data and/or spectra from event files. In practice, +/- INFINITY is specified by the 'global_tstart' and 'global_tstop' parameters.

For these measures, the user can request that battblocks perform background subtraction. The background is estimated based on the first and last Bayesian block intervals, and linearly interpolated to other points.

Specifying Explicit Time Breakpoints

In some cases, users may wish to cut the natural Bayesian blocks at certain times based on external knowledge. For example, if a user knows that an instrument setting changed at a certain time, then the data before and after that time should be treated differently.

battblocks has a convenience option, 'breakfile', for the user to specify explicit time breakpoints in the data set. The 'breakfile' should be a standard GTI extension, which defines time intervals of interest. Unlike a 'typical' GTI, the intervals of the breakfile are allowed to be adjacent in time. These intervals are intersected (ANDed) with the natural Bayesian block intervals, and the result is that the natural Bayesian blocks will be 'cut' at breakfile START/STOP times.

Implementation Details

The global analysis time grows quadratically: as the input file size doubles, the computation time quadruples, and so on. Users can perform a local Bayesian block analysis by setting tlookback to a non-zero time window size. Only data within the time window at a particular instant are considered for the analysis at that instant. When tlookback is used, the resulting blocks are analyzed in a second pass to further consolidate blocks larger than the window size. Users of event data can also adjust the 'nspill' parameter to decimate the events, at the expense of decreasing the time resolution proportionately.


infile [filename]
Input file name containing event data or light curve data. Events must be sorted in increasing time order. Light curve data must be OGIP-format (containing the HDUCLASn keywords), and either have the columns TIME and COUNTS (binned counts); or TIME, RATE and ERROR (binned data with error bars). Only single channel light curves are supported.

outfile [filename]
Name of output good time interval file.

(durfile = 'NONE') [filename]
Name of output duration measures. If durfile is 'NONE' then the duration measures are not computed or written. GTI tables with extensions 'GTI_T90', 'GTI_T50' and 'GTI_PEAK' are created. Note that if fewer than three Bayesian blocks are detected, then durations are not estimated.

(nspill = 128) [integer]
Number of events to skip per analysis cell. 'nspill' events are grouped into one cell before Bayesian analysis. Ignored for binned data.

(gaussian = INDEF) [string]
Boolean which determines whether the Bayesian blocks computation is performed using Gaussian statistics or not. A value of INDEF causes battblocks to use Gaussian statistics for background-subtracted light curves, and Poissonian statistics otherwise. If "yes", then the ERROR column must exist in the input file. Ignored for event data.

(txx = 0.0) [real]
User-specified percentage of burst to estimate the duration for. By default 90% (GTI_T90) and 50% (GTI_T50) fluence intervals are computed, but users can choose another percentage point as well (stored as GTI_TXX). The interval is not estimated if txx is set to 0.0.

(tpeak = 1.0) [real]
Size of sliding window, in seconds, used to determine the interval of the peak count rate.

(tlookback = 0.0) [real]
A non-zero value indicates the lookback time window in seconds, for the local bayesian block analysis. Smaller values will run faster, at the expense of generating more blocks (no block will be larger than tlookback). The lookback time is converted to a number of samples by examining the mean sample rate. A value of 0.0 indicates the global bayesian block optimization should be performed.

(burst_tstart = "INDEF") [string]
The MET start time of burst emission, as defined above. The value of this parameter will be used to set the GTI_BKG1 stop time and the GTI_TOT start time, and will be used during calculation of the T50/T90/TXX burst duration. If "INDEF" is specified, then the value is estimated based on the Bayesian blocks as discussed above.

(burst_tstop = "INDEF") [string]
The MET stop time of burst emission, as defined above. The value of this parameter will be used to set the GTI_BKG2 start time and the GTI_TOT stop time, and will be used during calculation of the T50/T90/TXX burst duration. If "INDEF" is specified, then the value is estimated based on the Bayesian blocks as discussed above.

(timedel = 100e-6) [real]
Internal time quantization size. Time resolutions more finely sampled than timedel are lost.

(ncp_prior = 6.0) [real]
Log parameter prior for the number of "change points" between Bayesian blocks. This parameter acts as a smoothing parameter which weights against separate blocks. A smaller number permits less significant changes to be "detected," while a larger number requires more significant changes to be "detected."

(bkgsub = NO) [boolean]
Automatic background subtraction, for computation of duration measures and fluence estimates.

(coalescefrac = 0.05) [real]
The background subtraction and T50/T90 algorithms depend on the first and last Bayesian blocks being representative of the true local background. If there is an outlier block, this may heavily skew the background and duration calculations. If this parameter is non-zero, and if the first or last block has a shorter duration than (coalescefrac)×(its neighbor's duration), then the two blocks are coalesced into one. Note that this will erroneously ignore real variations if they fall at the extremes of the time series. Also, the coalescence is not iterative; the check is done only once.

(breakfile = "NONE") [string]
Name of FITS extension which contains user-specified breakpoints. The format of breakfile is a standard GTI file. If NONE is specified, then the natural Bayesian blocks are used.

(timecol = "TIME") [string]
Name of the light curve time column.

(countscol = "INDEF") [string]
Name of the light curve rate or counts column. For a value of INDEF, battblocks will search for RATE and COUNTS columns, in that order.

(errcol = "ERROR") [string]
Name of the light curve gaussian error column. Not used for event or Poisson light curves.

(expocol = "INDEF") [string]
Name of the light curve per-bin exposure column. For a value of INDEF, battblocks searches for the TIMEDEL and EXPOSURE columns, in that order. If expocol/TIMEDEL/EXPOSURE is not found, then the file is searched for a TIMEDEL or EXPOSURE keyword.

(hduclas3 = "INDEF") [string]
Default value of the HDUCLAS3 keyword, if one is not present in the file. If both hduclas3 and countscol are "INDEF", then battblocks will search for a RATE or COUNTS column and set hduclas3 according to which column is found.

(global_tstart = "INDEF") [string]
The global start time for all data. This should either be the string "INDEF", or a MET time which gives the beginning time of data for this observation. This value is used as the start time for the pre-burst background time interval. If "INDEF" is specified, then the value of -1.0E307 is used.

(global_tstop = "INDEF") [string]
The global stop time for all data. This should either be the string "INDEF", or a MET time which gives the ending time of data for this observation. This value is used as the end time for the post-burst background time interval. If "INDEF" is specified, then the value of +1.0E307 is used.

(diagfile = NONE) [string]
Diagnostic output file, used for internal debugging purposes. NONE indicates no diagnostic output should be made.

(clobber = NO) [boolean]
If the output file already exists, then setting "clobber = yes" will cause it to be overwritten.

(chatter = 2) [integer, 0 - 5]
Controls the amount of informative text written to standard output. Setting chatter = 1 produces terse output; chatter = 2 (default) additionally prints a summary of input parameters; chatter = 5 prints debugging information.

(history = YES) [boolean]
If history = YES, then a set of HISTORY keywords will be written to the header of the specified HDU in the output file to record the value of all the task parameters that were used to produce the output file.


1. Partition data into Bayesian Blocks

	battblocks burst.evt burst_bb.gti

2. Same as example 1, but with further event decimation

	battblocks burst.evt burst_bb.gti nspill=256

3. Extraction of Bayesian blocks from a light curve; extraction of burst durations, including a user specified level of 68.3% of the burst (T90 and T50 intervals are always computed)

	battblocks burst_bb.gti durfile=burst_dur.gti txx=68.3


Scargle, J. D. 1998, "Studies in Astronomical Time Series Analysis. V. Bayesian Blocks, a New Method to Analyze Structure in Photon Counting Data," Astrophys. J., 504, 405

Koshut, T. 1996, "Systematic Effects on Duration Measurements of Gamma-Ray Bursts," Astrophys. J., 463, 570


Oct 2008