Chandra X-ray Center |
PI: Dr. Fabrizio Nicastro |
Parameter | Value | Description |
ASCDSVER | | ASCDS version number |
DATE | 2006-04-09T07:55:07 | Date and time of file creation |
DATE-OBS | 2004-12-14T12:33:22 | Observation start date |
DATE-END | 2004-12-16T01:16:02 | Observation end date |
RA_PNT | 76.971985387823 | Pointing RA |
DEC_PNT | 67.622899415796 | Pointing Dec |
ROLL_PNT | 186.86875516882 | Pointing Roll |
RA_TARG | 76.984167 | Observer's specified target RA |
DEC_TARG | 67.623333 | Observer's specified target Dec |
DEGAP | hrcsD1999-07-22gaplookupN0002.fits |
Parameter | Value | Description |
ASCDSVER | | ASCDS version number |
DATE | 2006-04-09T08:31:55 | Date and time of file creation |
DATE-OBS | 2004-12-14T12:33:22 | Observation start date |
DATE-END | 2004-12-16T01:16:02 | Observation end date |
INSTRUME | HRC | Instrument |
DETNAM | HRC-S | Detector |
GRATING | LETG | Grating |
OBJECT | BL 0502+675 | Source name |
TITLE | X-Raying the Intergalactic Medium with Blazars in Outburst | Proposa |
OBSERVER | Dr. Fabrizio Nicastro | Principal investigator |
OBS_ID | 5035 | Observation id |
SEQ_NUM | 900342 | Sequence number |
RA_NOM | 76.971985387823 | Nominal RA |
DEC_NOM | 67.622899415796 | Nominal Dec |
ROLL_NOM | 186.86875516882 | Nominal Roll |