ZTF DR21 lightcurves in parquet format. There are 1,181 field subdirectories, containing a total of 176,218 parquet files (one for each field / chip / quadrant / filter combination). File content and format are documented in section 12c of the release notes: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/ZTF/docs/releases/dr21/ztf_release_notes_dr21.pdf To read parquet using python/pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/user_guide/io.html?#parquet The parquet files can be verified on a Unix/Linux OS using: "md5sum -c checksum.md5" Total volume: ~ 6.7T Lightcurve statistics in g-filter: Number of lightcurves with >= 1 epoch : 1,538,138,540 Number of lightcurves with >= 2 epochs: 1,262,333,551 Number of lightcurves with >= 5 epochs: 1,046,080,085 Number of lightcurves with >= 10 epochs: 925,887,178 Number of lightcurves with >= 20 epochs: 799,357,387 Lightcurve statistics in r-filter: Number of lightcurves with >= 1 epoch : 2,403,654,314 Number of lightcurves with >= 2 epochs: 2,068,020,423 Number of lightcurves with >= 5 epochs: 1,759,780,669 Number of lightcurves with >= 10 epochs: 1,580,723,196 Number of lightcurves with >= 20 epochs: 1,391,366,327 Lightcurve statistics in i-filter: Number of lightcurves with >= 1 epoch : 945,057,256 Number of lightcurves with >= 2 epochs: 799,417,676 Number of lightcurves with >= 5 epochs: 683,591,920 Number of lightcurves with >= 10 epochs: 609,339,641 Number of lightcurves with >= 20 epochs: 516,126,174 -- Last modified: 2024-05-15