item name unit description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 srcid Gaia source ID 2 rag deg Gaia RA at epoch 2015.0 (from DR1) 3 dcg deg Gaia Dec at epoch 2015.0 4 erg mas Gaia DR1 position error RA at epoch 2015.0 5 edg mas Gaia DR1 position error Dec at epoch 2015.0 6 flg 1 = TGAS, 2 = other UCAC-Gaia star, 3 = other NOMAD 7 nu number of images used for UCAC mean position 8 epu yr mean UCAC epoch (after 1997.0) 9 ira mas mean UCAC RA at epu epoch on Gaia reference frame 10 idc mas mean UCAC Dec at epu epoch on Gaia reference frame 11 pmur mas/yr proper motion RA*cosDec (UCAC-Gaia) 12 pmud mas/yr proper motion Dec (UCAC-Gaia) 13 pmer mas/yr formal error of UCAC-Gaia proper motion RA*cosDec 14 pmed mas/yr formal error of UCAC-Gaia proper motion Dec 15 gmag mag Gaia DR1 G magnitude 16 umag mag mean UCAC model magnitude 17 rmag mag NOMAD photographic R mag 18 jmag mag 2MASS J magnitude 19 hmag mag 2MASS H magnitude 20 kmag mag 2MASS K magnitude -------------------------------------------------------------------------