params: Reassigning cal_path = 'cal'. params: Reassigning output_path = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/'. params: Reassigning input_path = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/'. Opening log file >/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/OrbPipe.log (LOG=) ... Now logging 30433 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa83c270) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9ad49c0) to LOG=GLOB(0xa83c270) with tag ')-'. << OrbPipe >> version='$Id: orbpipe,v 1.476 2009/02/27 00:11:02 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:34Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:40:45Z PCPU: 0.3/0.04/3 CCPU: 0.3/0.07 HOST: skirnir PID: 30433 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/orbpipe (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for OrbPipe: input_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = undef; cal_path = cal; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; ais = undef; tbase = UNIX; sctbase = GPS; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,add=>addemup,ingest=>gingest,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spex=>gspex,spac=>gspac,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,varpix=>movievarpix,spcombine=>gcombine,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,ingest18=>hkdump,trend=>ghktrend}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = 1; test = undef; grspa = undef; merge_path = undef; merge_base = undef; top_cut = 1000; top_mask = 2000; coadd_exptime = undef; sim_mode = undef; no_aspect = undef; use_solution = undef; use_prev_rta = undef; max_dither_rate = 4e-05; exit_code = undef; pre_map = undef; movie_mask = undef; fuv_minexp_check = 500; direct = undef; qa_spectra = undef; full_spectra = undef; enqueue_job = 0; slate_dir = undef; no_acs_correction = undef; no_abs_acs_correction = 1; do_bands = 1,2; nuv_only = undef; fuv_only = undef; sub_visits = undef; tlm_file = undef; clean_ingest = undef; keep_ingest_raw6 = undef; remove_x_file = undef; compress_images = 1; compress_types = cnt,int,intbgsub,wt,skybg,rrhr,objmask,dph,qa/dph2,qa/dphqa,dose,scdose,scq; show_steps = undef; no_dir_lock = undef; unlock = undef; output_file = =Out.txt; command_file = CmdLine.txt; enqueue_exec = enqjob; qav0_exec = gqareport; nolock = undef; eclipse = undef; eclipse_path = /home/galex/fltops/ingest/eclip; run_instsim = undef; ingest = 1; rebuild_scst = undef; hk_path = /home/galex/fltops/ingest/hk; default_cal_target = /home/galex/cal/targ/use; update_obst = 1; obs_stat_base = received; obst_path = /home/galex/fltops/obst; update_visit_link = 1; vislink_path = /home/galex/fltops/visits; mk_out_dir = undef; mk_use_link = 1; slice_time = undef; slice_on_rta_cols = undef; grid_num = undef; grid_leg = undef; grid_table = undef; grid_raw6_root = undef; fix_planid = undef; mps_path = undef; opslog_path = /home/galex/fltops/logs/pipe; comment = undef; no_summary_write = undef; no_hdr_update = undef; append_status = undef; deltaphot_mode = 1; other_opts = {nuv_special=>0,loose_ingest=>0,wayoff=>0,grismref=>1,qav0=>1,fuv_inverted=>-1,gyrocorr=>-1,plan=>0,dec0=>-999,opslogname=>ops.log,pathtile=>0,fast_xhk=>1,clean=>0,nomps=>0,raw6ifecl=>1,minaishop=>0,planid=>0,pflags=>0,official=>-1,raw6ptag_is_hvnom=>-1,v0mode=>1,survtype=>0,movmask=>1,faint=>0,fast_ingest=>0,varpix=>1,newopslogname=>ops_to_status.log,dummy=>1,force=>0,ra0=>-999,wait=>0,maskr=>0.6}; Passed-on parameters: '-enqjob:' '-append' '-orbpipe1b:photmap:' '-dead' '-orbpipe1b:grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-fitstblcat:' '-strict' '-orbpipe1b:photmap:' '-dead' '-orbpipe1b:grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-fitstblcat:' '-strict' '-orbpipe1b:photmap:' '-dead' '-orbpipe1b:grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-fitstblcat:' '-strict' '-orbpipe1b:photmap:' '-dead' '-orbpipe1b:grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-fitstblcat:' '-strict' Locking output directory /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/. Get MPS ref DB ... getmps: Reading MPS reference cache /home/galex/fltops/mps/ref/use/mps_ref.cache ... Determining eclipse from MPS DB using tile,ow,visit=MISDR1_27036_0462,d,0001 ... Pursuing eclipse 8090 ... Context evaluation produced: Eclipse=8090, Base=MISDR1_27036_0462_0001, OW=1, AIS=0 (multi=,nhops=,pflags=0). params: Reassigning direct = '1'. This run is official, the path is normal. Steps to run : ingest raw6 scst mkqadir split orbpipe1b opslog rta phxcheck premap varpix map sex astromchk flag flagastromchk merge merge_sex pipeqa qav0 orbpipe1b. Steps to skip: . Creating symlink /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//ECLIPSE to target 8090 Running gloc command 'gloc -nodups -nohdr -it deliv_nm -ecl 8090' ... Gloc command found these deliveries: 04307az03i 04307hz02i. Resolve telem. path '/home/galex/fltops/warchive/04305/' ... Confirming tlm file '/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm' ... Resolve telem. path '/home/galex/fltops/warchive/04305/' ... Confirming tlm file '/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm' ... Found these 2 telem files: /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm --------------------- Running mini_ingestpipe with tlm=/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm, obase=04307az03i --------------------- ::::::::: Running gingest on /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm ... SPAWN created cmd 'gingest -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -log_file 1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -save_info=1 -gzippath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -scan=1 -by_eclipse=1 -output_base 04307az03i -bgstim=0 -eclipse 8090 -input_base /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm'. Mysystem exec'ing Gingest (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0xa7c79b8),ARRAY(0xa7c79dc)) as ... gingest -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -log_file 1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -save_info=1 -gzippath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -scan=1 -by_eclipse=1 -output_base 04307az03i -bgstim=0 -eclipse 8090 -input_base /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm Now logging 30575 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9ee86d0) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x921da60) to LOG=GLOB(0x9ee86d0) with tag ')-'. << GIngest >> version='$Id: gingest,v 1.61 2009/12/18 20:04:14 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:40:54Z PCPU: 0.26/0.05/1 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 30575 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gingest (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GIngest: input_base = AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm; input_path = /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = 04307az03i; cal_path = cal; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = 1; test = undef; apids = -149,1..6,20,68,86..87,92,94,106,108..109,307,315,317,325,327,2045; no_clobber = undef; save_info = 1; by_eclipse = 1; bgstim = 0; vcid = undef; scan = 1; eclipse = 8090; sim_mode = undef; gzippath = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; Checking VCID of '/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm' ... Found 1st sync 0X74C2472C . Found VC 32 ... got 32 Running ingest for VCID 32 ... SPAWN created cmd 'ingest -input_base AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm -input_path /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base 04307az03i -verbose -scan -eclipse 8090 -skip_to_hk=1 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -eclipse_obase=1 -combine_hvnom=1 -overwrite_files=1 -abbreviate_ptag=1 -split_on_ptag=1'. Mysystem exec'ing Ingest (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9ebb60c),ARRAY(0x9ebb5f4)) as ... ingest -input_base AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm -input_path /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base 04307az03i -verbose -scan -eclipse 8090 -skip_to_hk=1 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -eclipse_obase=1 -combine_hvnom=1 -overwrite_files=1 -abbreviate_ptag=1 -split_on_ptag=1 # Ingest Version '$Id: ingest.c,v 1.182 2007/11/10 21:21:05 tim Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_17:40:55Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Opening H/K (ApID B1) file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hk.fits in mode 1. Scanning off, begin I/O. Opening RAW6 file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits (seen=-1) for FEE 0(0) in mode 1 (t=783444313.995) ... Opening RAW6 file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits (seen=-1) for FEE 1(1) in mode 1 (t=783444313.995) ... Compression mode now 2 at 783444313 Opening RAW6 file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i_t16-nd-raw6.fits (seen=-1) for FEE 0(0) in mode 1 (t=783445824.995) ... Opening RAW6 file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i_t16-fd-raw6.fits (seen=-1) for FEE 1(1) in mode 1 (t=783445824.995) ... !!! Not at end of source packet, but insufficient data. [[ 100%, ApID=7FF, Pkt=1228188/10045/3282, Time=783446105, Saw=D0DEC1DE ]] ------------------------------------------------------------ | Input file '/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/AUWA01_GALEX_2004307PA003__VC32.tlm' is 1370657808 bytes, checksum is 0xAE6862E0. | Read 100%, processed ~100.00%. | Read 1228188 IPDU packets | sync = 0x74C2472C | 1228188 VCDU packets | VCID = 32 | 10045 MPDU packets | VCDU skips = 0 | 842425 photon packets | VCDU pkt start = 1 | 35466 HK packets | VCDU pkt end = 1228188 | 0 B2 dump packets | VCDU pkt wraps = 0 | 0 B8 dump packets | SRC pkt start = 10128 | 0 B9 dump packets | SRC pkt end = 3282 | 577925 fill packets | Num. SRC pkts = 1455817 | 39341823 NUV photons | | 6112282 FUV photons | | Wrote 39341823 NUV and 6112282 FUV photon rows and 1794 H/K rows | First file time = 783410640.9950, last file time = 783446105.9950 | First file date = 041102-060400Z, last file date = 041102-155505Z | Top photon time = 783444313.9950, bottom phot time = 783446006.7700 | First photon time = 783444313.9950, last photon time = 783446006.7700 | First photon date = 041102-152513Z, last photon date = 041102-155326Z | Top H/K time = 783410640.9950, bottom H/K time = 783446105.9950 | First H/K time = 783410640.9950, last H/K time = 783446105.9950 | First H/K date = 041102-060400Z, last H/K date = 041102-155505Z | First PTAG time = 783410640.9950, last PTAG time = 783445824.9950 | First PTAG date = 041102-060400Z, last PTAG date = 041102-155024Z | IPDU header: time = 783450738.5195, playback = 0, error = 0 | IPDU header date = 041102-171218Z, IPDU fudge = 0 | #PTAGs = 14, first PTAG = 0x1F94C51E, last PTAG = 0x1F9AC516 | First MPDU offset = 0x00000002C, final = 0x051B08204 | Found 69 gaps totaling 0.355 seconds, scan mode = 1 | 0 gaps are > 1.0 seconds and total 0.000 seconds | Error count = 0, warning count = 0, resync count = 0 | #Skips = 0, Skip0 saw 0xD0DEC1DE, Skip1 saw 0xD0DEC1DE | Exit code = 0 | Run duration = 372.2 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------ PTAG summary: PTAG_hex PTAG Start_time Next_time Pkt_offset --+--------+-+--------+--+-------------+-+-------------+---+---------+ | 0x1F94C51E 0529843486 783410640.9950 783414726.9950 00001227600 | 0x1F95C50B 0529909003 783414726.9950 783415708.9950 00039161556 | 0x1F95C513 0529909011 783415708.9950 783416225.9950 00064950084 | 0x1F95C51E 0529909022 783416225.9950 783420644.9950 00066996828 | 0x1F96C508 0529974536 783420644.9950 783422145.9950 00090194004 | 0x1F96C516 0529974550 783422145.9950 783426561.9950 00311655276 | 0x1F97C50B 0530040075 783426561.9950 783428065.9950 00332805708 | 0x1F97C516 0530040086 783428065.9950 783432478.9950 00373877856 | 0x1F98C50B 0530105611 783432478.9950 783433985.9950 00394754868 | 0x1F98C516 0530105622 783433985.9950 783438396.9950 00453565836 | 0x1F99CF08 0530173704 783438396.9950 783439904.9950 00473623704 | 0x1F99CF16 0530173718 783439904.9950 783444313.9950 00482765976 | 0x1F9AC508 0530236680 783444313.9950 783445824.9950 00954616356 | 0x1F9AC516 0530236694 783445824.9950 783446105.9950 01202549148 Eclipse summary: Eclipse Version OW Start_time Next_time Pkt_offset --+-----+--+-----+--+-+--+-------------+-+-------------+---+---------+ | 0008084 12 1 783410640.9950 783414726.9950 00001227600 | 0008085 12 1 783414726.9950 783420644.9950 00039161556 | 0008086 12 1 783420644.9950 783426561.9950 00064950084 | 0008087 12 1 783426561.9950 783432478.9950 00066996828 | 0008088 12 1 783432478.9950 783438396.9950 00090194004 | 0008089 12 3 783438396.9950 783444313.9950 00311655276 | 0008090 12 1 783444313.9950 783446105.9950 00332805708 Out_File summary: Num ApID Mode File --+-+--+--+--+--+--+--------------------------------------- | 1 177 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hk.fits | 2 176 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits | 3 176 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits | 4 176 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i_t16-nd-raw6.fits | 5 176 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i_t16-fd-raw6.fits Bye-bye from ingest. Saving info structure to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-info.txt'. << End of GIngest >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:47:12Z PCPU: 0.3/0.06/379 CCPU: 14.7/6.94 HOST: skirnir PID: 30575 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ::::::::: Running xhk on 04307az03i-hk.fits ... SPAWN created cmd 'xhk -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -no_stats=1 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -tlm_points @state -fits_table=1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -hk_file 04307az03i-hk.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Xhk (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... xhk -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -no_stats=1 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -tlm_points @state -fits_table=1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -hk_file 04307az03i-hk.fits Now logging 31577 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9376bf0) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8685a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x9376bf0) with tag ')-'. << XHK >> version='$Revision: 1.106 $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:16Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:47:16Z PCPU: 0.29/0.04/1 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 31577 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/xhk (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for XHK: hk_file = 04307az03i-hk.fits; tlm_points = @state; exact = undef; must_match = undef; output_file = undef; time_range = undef; tbase = UNIX; input_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = undef; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; record_range = undef; sample_step = undef; sample_size = undef; long_listing = undef; compact_table = undef; compact_form = undef; csv_table = undef; fits_table = 1; csv_file = undef; csv_group = undef; fits_file = undef; no_print = undef; no_stats = 1; error_list = undef; error_level = 0; command_list = undef; heater_stats = undef; repeated_header = undef; no_header = undef; verbose = 1; sctbase = GPS; time_fudge = 0; plot = undef; plot_telem = undef; plot_device = undef; plot_y_range = undef; plot_y_label = undef; plot_secs_per_inch = 50; plots_per_page = 2; plot_interact = undef; plot_log = undef; plot_scale_file = undef; transition_telem = undef; transition_up_dt = 0; transition_down_dt = undef; transition_slop = 0; transition_contrast = undef; transition_time_lag = 1; transition_file = undef; transition_no_flip = undef; dpu_tlm_def = undef; selection = undef; macro_def_file = undef; no_conversion = undef; no_str_conversion = undef; chunk_size = undef; summary_type = undef; make_out_path = undef; redirect_stdout = undef; stderr_to_stdout = undef; report_gaps = undef; ok189 = undef; debug = undef; log_file = undef; Writing FITS output to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hkx.fits'. Reading telemetry DB ... Opening input file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hk.fits' ... ... contains 1793 records. Time range for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hk.fits = 1793 secs (s/c tbase=315964800): Specified: T0,1 = 041102_152514Z(1099409113.995),041102_155506Z(1099410905.995) () File : T0,1 = 041102_152514Z(1099409113.995),041102_155506Z(1099410905.995) Chunk size = 106 for record length = 1042 Opening FITS output file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hkx.fits with 104 columns, total width = 352 bytes ... Scanning data (pass 2) for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hk.fits ... Processed/Total = 1000/1793 Processed 1793 records in 2 seconds, 896.5 records/sec << End of XHK >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:47:20Z PCPU: 2.74/0.05/5 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 31577 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ::::::::: Making state file from 04307az03i-hkx.fits ... Writing to state file names based on '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e@_04307az03i-scst.fits'. Reading 1793 rows from file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307az03i-hkx.fits' 317 rows at a time. Opening state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits', eclipse=8090, chunksz=317. Eclipse 8090 has field center 55.69742,-6.44734 (as per MPS). Wrote 1793 total records with 1509 at HVNOM for eclipse 8090. Wrote 1793 state records. --------------------- Running mini_ingestpipe with tlm=/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm, obase=04307hz02i --------------------- ::::::::: Running gingest on /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm ... SPAWN created cmd 'gingest -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -log_file 1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -save_info=1 -gzippath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -scan=1 -by_eclipse=1 -output_base 04307hz02i -bgstim=0 -eclipse 8090 -input_base /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm'. Mysystem exec'ing Gingest (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0xa7c79b8),ARRAY(0xa7c79dc)) as ... gingest -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -log_file 1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -save_info=1 -gzippath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -scan=1 -by_eclipse=1 -output_base 04307hz02i -bgstim=0 -eclipse 8090 -input_base /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm Now logging 31658 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x8e416d0) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8176a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x8e416d0) with tag ')-'. << GIngest >> version='$Id: gingest,v 1.61 2009/12/18 20:04:14 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:47:31Z PCPU: 0.26/0.05/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 31658 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gingest (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GIngest: input_base = USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm; input_path = /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = 04307hz02i; cal_path = cal; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = 1; test = undef; apids = -149,1..6,20,68,86..87,92,94,106,108..109,307,315,317,325,327,2045; no_clobber = undef; save_info = 1; by_eclipse = 1; bgstim = 0; vcid = undef; scan = 1; eclipse = 8090; sim_mode = undef; gzippath = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; Checking VCID of '/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm' ... Found 1st sync 0X74C2472C . Found VC 32 ... got 32 Running ingest for VCID 32 ... SPAWN created cmd 'ingest -input_base USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm -input_path /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base 04307hz02i -verbose -scan -eclipse 8090 -skip_to_hk=1 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -eclipse_obase=1 -combine_hvnom=1 -overwrite_files=1 -abbreviate_ptag=1 -split_on_ptag=1'. Mysystem exec'ing Ingest (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x8e1460c),ARRAY(0x8e145f4)) as ... ingest -input_base USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm -input_path /home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base 04307hz02i -verbose -scan -eclipse 8090 -skip_to_hk=1 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -eclipse_obase=1 -combine_hvnom=1 -overwrite_files=1 -abbreviate_ptag=1 -split_on_ptag=1 # Ingest Version '$Id: ingest.c,v 1.182 2007/11/10 21:21:05 tim Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_17:47:33Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Opening H/K (ApID B1) file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hk.fits in mode 1. Scanning off, begin I/O. Opening RAW6 file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i_t16-nd-raw6.fits (seen=-1) for FEE 0(0) in mode 1 (t=783446106.995) ... Opening RAW6 file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i_t16-fd-raw6.fits (seen=-1) for FEE 1(1) in mode 1 (t=783446106.995) ... Compression mode now 2 at 783446118 Scanning on, end I/O. Terminating after having processed requested eclipse 8090. ------------------------------------------------------------ | Input file '/home/lin3/fltops/warchive/04305/USHI01_GALEX_2004307PA002__VC32.tlm' is 920821644 bytes, checksum is 0x09975138. | Read 4%, processed ~4.25%. | Read 35336 IPDU packets | sync = 0x74C2472C | 35336 VCDU packets | VCID = 32 | 289 MPDU packets | VCDU skips = 0 | 16162 photon packets | VCDU pkt start = 1 | 4125 HK packets | VCDU pkt end = 35336 | 0 B2 dump packets | VCDU pkt wraps = 0 | 0 B8 dump packets | SRC pkt start = 3283 | 0 B9 dump packets | SRC pkt end = 7185 | 17986 fill packets | Num. SRC pkts = 38273 | 597965 NUV photons | | 689811 FUV photons | | Wrote 597965 NUV and 689811 FUV photon rows and 4125 H/K rows | First file time = 783446006.7750, last file time = 783450230.9950 | First file date = 041102-155326Z, last file date = 041102-170350Z | Top photon time = 783446006.7750, bottom phot time = 783450230.9900 | First photon time = 783446006.7750, last photon time = 783450230.9900 | First photon date = 041102-155326Z, last photon date = 041102-170350Z | Top H/K time = 783446106.9950, bottom H/K time = 783450230.9950 | First H/K time = 783446106.9950, last H/K time = 783450230.9950 | First H/K date = 041102-155506Z, last H/K date = 041102-170350Z | First PTAG time = 783446106.9950, last PTAG time = 783450230.9950 | First PTAG date = 041102-155506Z, last PTAG date = 041102-170350Z | IPDU header: time = 783471547.4643, playback = 0, error = 0 | IPDU header date = 041102-225907Z, IPDU fudge = 0 | #PTAGs = 2, first PTAG = 0x1F9AC516, last PTAG = 0x1F9BC50B | First MPDU offset = 0x00000002C, final = 0x00257A468 | Found 1444 gaps totaling 53.225 seconds, scan mode = 1 | 1 gaps are > 1.0 seconds and total 45.040 seconds | Error count = 0, warning count = 0, resync count = 0 | #Skips = 0, Skip0 saw 0xD0DEC1DE, Skip1 saw 0xD0DEC1DE | Exit code = 0 | Run duration = 6.8 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------ PTAG summary: PTAG_hex PTAG Start_time Next_time Pkt_offset --+--------+-+--------+--+-------------+-+-------------+---+---------+ | 0x1F9AC516 0530236694 783446106.9950 783450230.9950 00001091448 | 0x1F9BC50B 0530302219 783450230.9950 783450230.9950 00039161556 Eclipse summary: Eclipse Version OW Start_time Next_time Pkt_offset --+-----+--+-----+--+-+--+-------------+-+-------------+---+---------+ | 0008090 12 1 783446106.9950 783450230.9950 00001091448 | 0008091 12 1 783450230.9950 783450230.9950 00039161556 Gap summary: Gap Start_time End_time Delta_time Seconds Slot --+---+--+-------------+--+-------------+--+---------+--+--------+--+--+ | 1 783446073.0000 783446118.0400 45.0400 11694182 8 Out_File summary: Num ApID Mode File --+-+--+--+--+--+--+--------------------------------------- | 1 177 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hk.fits | 2 176 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i_t16-nd-raw6.fits | 3 176 1 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i_t16-fd-raw6.fits Bye-bye from ingest. Saving info structure to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-info.txt'. << End of GIngest >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:48:04Z PCPU: 0.3/0.06/35 CCPU: 0.6/0.24 HOST: skirnir PID: 31658 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ::::::::: Running xhk on 04307hz02i-hk.fits ... SPAWN created cmd 'xhk -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -no_stats=1 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -tlm_points @state -fits_table=1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -hk_file 04307hz02i-hk.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Xhk (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... xhk -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -no_stats=1 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -tlm_points @state -fits_table=1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -hk_file 04307hz02i-hk.fits Now logging 31815 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x96a3bf0) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x89b2a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x96a3bf0) with tag ')-'. << XHK >> version='$Revision: 1.106 $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:16Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:48:10Z PCPU: 0.28/0.05/3 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 31815 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/xhk (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for XHK: hk_file = 04307hz02i-hk.fits; tlm_points = @state; exact = undef; must_match = undef; output_file = undef; time_range = undef; tbase = UNIX; input_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = undef; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; record_range = undef; sample_step = undef; sample_size = undef; long_listing = undef; compact_table = undef; compact_form = undef; csv_table = undef; fits_table = 1; csv_file = undef; csv_group = undef; fits_file = undef; no_print = undef; no_stats = 1; error_list = undef; error_level = 0; command_list = undef; heater_stats = undef; repeated_header = undef; no_header = undef; verbose = 1; sctbase = GPS; time_fudge = 0; plot = undef; plot_telem = undef; plot_device = undef; plot_y_range = undef; plot_y_label = undef; plot_secs_per_inch = 50; plots_per_page = 2; plot_interact = undef; plot_log = undef; plot_scale_file = undef; transition_telem = undef; transition_up_dt = 0; transition_down_dt = undef; transition_slop = 0; transition_contrast = undef; transition_time_lag = 1; transition_file = undef; transition_no_flip = undef; dpu_tlm_def = undef; selection = undef; macro_def_file = undef; no_conversion = undef; no_str_conversion = undef; chunk_size = undef; summary_type = undef; make_out_path = undef; redirect_stdout = undef; stderr_to_stdout = undef; report_gaps = undef; ok189 = undef; debug = undef; log_file = undef; Writing FITS output to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hkx.fits'. Reading telemetry DB ... Opening input file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hk.fits' ... ... contains 4124 records. Time range for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hk.fits = 4124 secs (s/c tbase=315964800): Specified: T0,1 = 041102_155507Z(1099410906.995),041102_170350Z(1099415029.995) () File : T0,1 = 041102_155507Z(1099410906.995),041102_170350Z(1099415029.995) Chunk size = 106 for record length = 1042 Opening FITS output file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hkx.fits with 104 columns, total width = 352 bytes ... Scanning data (pass 2) for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hk.fits ... Processed/Total = 1000/4124 Processed/Total = 2000/4124 Processed/Total = 3000/4124 Processed/Total = 4000/4124 Processed 4124 records in 10 seconds, 412.4 records/sec << End of XHK >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:48:31Z PCPU: 5.86/0.07/24 CCPU: 0.01/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 31815 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ::::::::: Making state file from 04307hz02i-hkx.fits ... Writing to state file names based on '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e@_04307hz02i-scst.fits'. Reading 4124 rows from file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/04307hz02i-hkx.fits' 317 rows at a time. Opening state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits', eclipse=8090, chunksz=317. Eclipse 8090 has field center 55.69742,-6.44734 (as per MPS). Wrote 4124 total records with 0 at HVNOM for eclipse 8090. (No on-target HVNOM records seen.) Wrote 4124 state records. Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-scst.fits ... Establish eclipse time range from MPS ref DB to e... Creating state file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits from these files: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits: 783444313.995 - 783446105.995 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits: 783446106.995 - 783450229.995 SPAWN created cmd 'fitstblcat -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -addhdr @1 -min_time 1099408891.9 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -time_col pktime -max_time 1099410815.2 -strict=1 -no_eq_times=1 -blank -999 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Fitstblcat (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... fitstblcat -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -addhdr @1 -min_time 1099408891.9 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -time_col pktime -max_time 1099410815.2 -strict=1 -no_eq_times=1 -blank -999 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits << FITStblCat >> version='$Id: fitstblcat,v 1.45 2007/11/09 18:52:29 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:21Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:48:52Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/4 CCPU: 0/0 HOST: skirnir PID: 31993 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/fitstblcat (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for FITStblCat: input_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; need_sort = undef; blank = -999; addhdr = @1; append = undef; merge = undef; strict = 1; no_eq_times = 1; min_time = 1099408891.9; max_time = 1099410815.2; time_col = pktime; dt_check = 0.005; chunk_sz = 0; chunk_slop_t = 0; hdunum = 2; keep1st = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Unnamed parameters: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits Setting minimum S/C time to 783444091.9 Setting maximum S/C time to 783446015.2 Prescanning file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits ... (Table has 1793 rows) (Found time column pktime) Prescanning file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits ... (Table has 4124 rows) === FITStblCat: Found no times within range in file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307hz02i-scst.fits'. File time ranges: e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits = 783444313.995 to 783446014.995, size=1033920 bytes Using file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits' as the output file model. Appending 1793 records of table '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' in chunks of 95 ... (Creating new file) (Opening file) (Appending 1793 rows at row 1) (Trimmed 9 of 95 rows from chunk at row 1616. New chunk times (0783445928.99500,0783446013.99500), was (0783445928.99500,0783446022.99500)) (Trimmed 82 of 83 rows from chunk at row 1711. New chunk times (0783446105.99500,0783446105.99500), was (0783446023.99500,0783446105.99500)) Looking at rules macro @1 ... Updating header ... Wrote 1702 of 1793 total rows. Ordered file time ranges utilized: e08090_04307az03i-scst.fits = 783444313.995 to 783446105.995 Done. << End of FITStblCat >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:49:14Z PCPU: 6.39/0.08/26 CCPU: 0/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 31993 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-nd-raw6.fits ... Creating raw6 file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits from these files: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits: 783444313.995 - 783445824.99 SPAWN created cmd 'fitstblcat -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -addhdr @1 -min_time 1099408891.9 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -time_col t -max_time 1099410815.2 -strict=1 -blank -999 -chunk_sz 50000 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Fitstblcat (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... fitstblcat -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -addhdr @1 -min_time 1099408891.9 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -time_col t -max_time 1099410815.2 -strict=1 -blank -999 -chunk_sz 50000 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits << FITStblCat >> version='$Id: fitstblcat,v 1.45 2007/11/09 18:52:29 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:21Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:49:18Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/1 CCPU: 0/0 HOST: skirnir PID: 32228 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/fitstblcat (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for FITStblCat: input_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; need_sort = undef; blank = -999; addhdr = @1; append = undef; merge = undef; strict = 1; no_eq_times = undef; min_time = 1099408891.9; max_time = 1099410815.2; time_col = t; dt_check = 0.005; chunk_sz = 50000; chunk_slop_t = 0; hdunum = 2; keep1st = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Unnamed parameters: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits Setting minimum S/C time to 783444091.9 Setting maximum S/C time to 783446015.2 Prescanning file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits ... (Table has 39224707 rows) (Found time column t) File time ranges: e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits = 783444313.995 to 783445824.990, size=627603840 bytes Using file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits' as the output file model. Appending 39224707 records of table '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits' in chunks of 50000 ... (Creating new file) (Opening file) (Appending 39224707 rows at row 1) Looking at rules macro @1 ... Updating header ... Wrote 39224707 of 39224707 total rows. Ordered file time ranges utilized: e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits = 783444313.995 to 783445824.990 Done. << End of FITStblCat >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:58:22Z PCPU: 236.3/22.51/545 CCPU: 0/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 32228 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-fd-raw6.fits ... Creating raw6 file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits from these files: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits: 783444313.995 - 783445824.99 SPAWN created cmd 'fitstblcat -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -addhdr @1 -min_time 1099408891.9 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -time_col t -max_time 1099410815.2 -strict=1 -blank -999 -chunk_sz 50000 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Fitstblcat (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... fitstblcat -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -addhdr @1 -min_time 1099408891.9 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -time_col t -max_time 1099410815.2 -strict=1 -blank -999 -chunk_sz 50000 /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits << FITStblCat >> version='$Id: fitstblcat,v 1.45 2007/11/09 18:52:29 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:21Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_17:58:27Z PCPU: 0.26/0.05/1 CCPU: 0/0 HOST: skirnir PID: 1293 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/fitstblcat (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for FITStblCat: input_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; need_sort = undef; blank = -999; addhdr = @1; append = undef; merge = undef; strict = 1; no_eq_times = undef; min_time = 1099408891.9; max_time = 1099410815.2; time_col = t; dt_check = 0.005; chunk_sz = 50000; chunk_slop_t = 0; hdunum = 2; keep1st = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Unnamed parameters: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits Setting minimum S/C time to 783444091.9 Setting maximum S/C time to 783446015.2 Prescanning file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits ... (Table has 6078702 rows) (Found time column t) File time ranges: e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits = 783444313.995 to 783445824.990, size=97266240 bytes Using file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits' as the output file model. Appending 6078702 records of table '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits' in chunks of 50000 ... (Creating new file) (Opening file) (Appending 6078702 rows at row 1) Looking at rules macro @1 ... Updating header ... Wrote 6078702 of 6078702 total rows. Ordered file time ranges utilized: e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits = 783444313.995 to 783445824.990 Done. << End of FITStblCat >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:00:38Z PCPU: 38.67/3.52/132 CCPU: 0/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 1293 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-ng-raw6.fits ... Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-fg-raw6.fits ... Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-no-raw6.fits ... Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/e08090_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][is]*-fo-raw6.fits ... Creating symlink /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//ECLIPSE_08090 to target /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ Creating QA directory '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa' ... Creating manual QA directory '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual' ... Setting group and permissions on manual QA dir '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual' ... (Reading SCST to establish HVNOM status.) (Read 1702 records from state file.) (Updating SCST headers.) Found 1509 HVNOM records; 1504 NUV, 1509 FUV. Running in 2-band mode. --------------------------------------------- Processing base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 --------------------------------------------- Running orbpipe1b for bands 1 2 --------------------------------------------- Processing band 1 --------------------------------------------- SPAWN created cmd 'orbpipe1b -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -opt_wheel_pos 1 -ais=0 -verbose -movie_mask=1 -pre_map=1 -band 1 -not merge,spcombine,spcombineqa,sppipeqa,qasppipeqa,pipeqa -orbpipe1b:spac1 -find=1 -run rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa -orbpipe1b:grta -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -orbpipe1b:photmap:simplemap -calinf maskr=0.6 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -use_solution=1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict'. Mysystem exec'ing Orbpipe1b (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... orbpipe1b -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -opt_wheel_pos 1 -ais=0 -verbose -movie_mask=1 -pre_map=1 -band 1 -not merge,spcombine,spcombineqa,sppipeqa,qasppipeqa,pipeqa -orbpipe1b:spac1 -find=1 -run rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa -orbpipe1b:grta -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -orbpipe1b:photmap:simplemap -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -use_solution=1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict Now logging 1809 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x8ef5f70) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x82cba78) to LOG=GLOB(0x8ef5f70) with tag ')-'. << OrbPipe1b >> version='$Id: orbpipe1b,v 1.174 2008/01/31 23:25:23 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:34Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:00:44Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 1809 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/orbpipe1b (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for OrbPipe1b: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = undef; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = 0; tbase = UNIX; sctbase = GPS; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa; not = merge,spcombine,spcombineqa,sppipeqa,qasppipeqa,pipeqa; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; grspa = undef; merge_path = undef; merge_base = undef; top_cut = 1000; top_mask = 2000; coadd_exptime = undef; sim_mode = undef; no_aspect = undef; use_solution = 1; use_prev_rta = undef; max_dither_rate = 4e-05; exit_code = undef; pre_map = 1; movie_mask = 1; fuv_minexp_check = 500; Passed-on parameters: '-spac1:' '-find=1' '-grta:' '-opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1' '-photmap:simplemap:' '-calinf maskr=0.6' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' SCST file = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... Running steps rta phxcheck premap varpix map sex astromchk flag flagastromchk merge merge_sex pipeqa. Skipping steps merge spcombine spcombineqa sppipeqa qasppipeqa pipeqa. InBase=MISDR1_27036_0462_0001, Band=1, OW=1, AIS=0 SPAWN created cmd 'grta -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -ais=0 -verbose -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -fail_if_nogood=1 -band 1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Grta (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... grta -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -ais=0 -verbose -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -fail_if_nogood=1 -band 1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. Now logging 1828 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xaa12fa4) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9d8aa60) to LOG=GLOB(0xaa12fa4) with tag ')-'. << GRTA >> version='$Id: grta,v 1.183 2008/01/24 03:00:56 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:00:49Z PCPU: 0.26/0.03/3 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 1828 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/grta (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GRTA: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = 0; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; grspa = undef; no_aspect = undef; no_abs_acs = 1; no_state = undef; refine_aspect = 1; mle_correction = undef; faint_dph = undef; relative_dph = undef; correct = undef; use_prev_rta = undef; offsets = undef; max_dither_rate = 4e-05; photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits; fail_if_nogood = 1; min_good_recs = 1; update_state_file = undef; deltaphot_qa = undef; way_off = undef; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; sim_mode = undef; other_opts = {gyrocorr=>-1,dodph2=>0,dodph1=>0,docent1=>0,skipgaspref=>0,fullasp=>1,rsrad=>1}; deltaphot_correction = undef; Passed-on parameters: '-rta:' '-nuvpltsol 0' '-rta:' '-fuvpltsol 0' '-rta:' '-sort' '-rta:' '-fuvpltsol 0' '-rta:' '-sort' Reading state file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Building aspect records (gyrocorr=0) ... Writing aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw.fits ... Wrote 1509 aspect records. Reading state file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Building aspect records (gyrocorr=-1) ... Initializing quaternion to 0.137902388911748 0.732928200054851 0.610201132582187 0.267308365922591 at time 783445823.995: RA, Dec, Roll = 55.6876332142797, -6.45377764961788, 103.000815700236 Gyro-rate propogation stats: delta-RA("): Mean = -1.364 +/- 0.102 StdDev = 3.978, N = 1511 Min = -9.835, Max = 11.605 delta-Dec("): Mean = -2.352 +/- 0.202 StdDev = 7.861, N = 1511 Min = -25.662, Max = 16.952 delta-Roll('): Mean = -0.095 +/- 0.008 StdDev = 0.311, N = 1511 Min = -0.787, Max = 0.369 Writing aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits ... Wrote 1509 aspect records. Extracted field RA,Dec,Roll=55.69742,-6.44734,102.998889128168 from state file. Reading through aspect file to get average FOV position ... ... read 1509 rows. Processed 1509 positions. , = 55.6982023559852,-6.44826723669151, = 103.001270028952, , = -2.79866353492676,-3.33805423559982 Extracted FOV RA,Dec,Roll=55.6982023559852,-6.44826723669151,103.001270028952 from aspect file. Build runstar file ... Using runstar center position RA,Dec= 55.6982023559852,-6.44826723669151 SPAWN created cmd 'grunstar -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -cntmin 3 -radius 1 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -dec -6.44826723669151 -relflux 0.5,0.1 -mindist 120,30 -ra 55.6982023559852 -cntmax 100 -rta: -nuvpltsol 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort'. Mysystem exec'ing Grunstar (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... grunstar -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -cntmin 3 -radius 1 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -dec -6.44826723669151 -relflux 0.5,0.1 -mindist 120,30 -ra 55.6982023559852 -cntmax 100 -rta: -nuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning input_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning nuvmin = '3'. params: Reassigning nuvmax = '100'. Now logging 1856 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x94ea778) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x88cca78) to LOG=GLOB(0x94ea778) with tag ')-'. << GRunstar >> version='$Id: grunstar,v 1.10 2005/05/11 23:07:25 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:01:00Z PCPU: 0.27/0.04/2 CCPU: 0.06/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 1856 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/grunstar (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GRunstar: ra = 55.6982023559852; dec = -6.44826723669151; vmax = 18; vmin = -1; nuvmax = 100; nuvmin = 3; fuvmax = 1e+30; fuvmin = -1e+30; radius = 1; duplicate_limit = 3; tbl = undef; of = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits; pt = undef; bf = undef; sao = undef; act = undef; usn = undef; actonly = undef; bright = 0; mindist = 120,30; relflux = 0.5,0.1; cntmin = 3; cntmax = 100; rta_opts = undef; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; SPAWN created cmd 'runstar -ra 55.6982023559852 -dec -6.44826723669151 -nuvmax 100 -nuvmin 3 -radius 1 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -mindist 120,30 -relflux 0.5,0.1'. Mysystem exec'ing Runstar (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... runstar -ra 55.6982023559852 -dec -6.44826723669151 -nuvmax 100 -nuvmin 3 -radius 1 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -mindist 120,30 -relflux 0.5,0.1 ### ### ### ### Start of runstar ### ### (23oct07) ### ### NOTE: Deleting stars within the following arcseconds and relative fluxes: mindist= 120.0000 relflux= 0.5000 mindist= 30.0000 relflux= 0.1000 NOTE: Original limits: nuvmax= 1.000e+02 nuvmin= 3.000e+00 fuvmax= 1.000e+30 fuvmin=-1.000e+30 radius= 1.0000 NOTE: Search limits: nuvmax= 1.000e+12 nuvmin= 3.000e-01 fuvmax= 1.000e+30 fuvmin=-1.000e+30 radius= 1.0333 NOTE:1: Allocate enough space for 44000 stars. NOTE: duplicate limit is 3.000 arcseconds. NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/fuvim-moea.fits . NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/nuvim-moea.fits . Search ACT star list... NOTE: Reading ACT file /home/galex/catalogs/act/tycho-act-catalog.fits . NOTE: Found 105 ACT star(s). Search SAO star list... NOTE: Reading SAO file /home/galex/catalogs/sao/saovl7.dat . NOTE: Found 0 SAO star(s). Search USNOA star list... SYSTEM: searchusnoa -ratol 1.033333 -dectol 1.033333 -rastar 55.698202 -decstar -6.448267 > temp-usnoa_2010-02-28T10:01:04_1879-504726455698-6448.dat SYSTEM: /bin/rm -f temp-usnoa_2010-02-28T10:01:04_1879-504726455698-6448.dat NOTE: Found 2276 USNOA star(s). NOTE: Found 2381 total star(s) (some may be duplicates). Weed out duplicates... NOTE: 2302 total star(s) left after removing duplicates. NOTE: Exclude stars with bright, close neighbors (based on NUV). NOTE: (NUV reduction) Deleted 250 star(s) (2052 star(s) remain). NOTE: Final limits: nuvmin= 3.000e+00 fuvmin=-1.000e+30 radius= 1.0000 NOTE: Deleted an additional 1721 star(s), (331 star(s) remain). Writing FITS table file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits . << End of GRunstar >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:01:09Z PCPU: 0.28/0.04/11 CCPU: 3.53/0.14 HOST: skirnir PID: 1856 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Adding ROLL=103.001270028952 to rtastar file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits' ... Write runstar region file .. SPAWN created cmd 'fits2ds9 -rta: -nuvpltsol 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -verbose=1 -runstar=1 -in_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -band 1 -out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Fits2ds9 (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... fits2ds9 -rta: -nuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -verbose=1 -runstar=1 -in_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -band 1 -out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.ds9reg DS9reg: Opening region ouput file '>/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.ds9reg' ... DS9reg: Opening FITS tbl '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits' ... DS9reg: Reading columns alpha_j2000 delta_j2000 NUV NUV ... DS9reg: Writing regions from 331 rows ... DS9reg: Write 331 regions. Done. SPAWN created cmd 'gdeltaphot -band 1 -verbose -coarse_half_width_x 60 -fine_t_interval 1 -star_detect 7 -min_fine 50 -min_coarse 300 -hunt_delay_time 30 -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits -coarse_t_interval 5 -cent_fmt 0 -min_frac 1 -coarse_centroid_mode 1 -hunt_max_radius 1800 -fine_half_width_x 30 -hunt_mode 1 -coarse_bin_size 2 -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -min_detect 6 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -no_writed=1 -aspect_out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -fine_bin_size 0.5 -cal_info calpath=cal -used_star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits -roll_mode 3 -rta: -nuvpltsol 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort'. Mysystem exec'ing Gdeltaphot (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gdeltaphot -band 1 -verbose -coarse_half_width_x 60 -fine_t_interval 1 -star_detect 7 -min_fine 50 -min_coarse 300 -hunt_delay_time 30 -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits -coarse_t_interval 5 -cent_fmt 0 -min_frac 1 -coarse_centroid_mode 1 -hunt_max_radius 1800 -fine_half_width_x 30 -hunt_mode 1 -coarse_bin_size 2 -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -min_detect 6 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -no_writed=1 -aspect_out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -fine_bin_size 0.5 -cal_info calpath=cal -used_star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits -roll_mode 3 -rta: -nuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort Now logging 1906 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa6f9870) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9ac2a78) to LOG=GLOB(0xa6f9870) with tag ')-'. << GDeltaPhot >> version='$Id: gdeltaphot,v 1.21 2006/01/19 01:56:03 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:01:15Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 1906 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gdeltaphot (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GDeltaPhot: photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits; slide_mode = 2; roll_mode = 3; relative_mode = 0; min_detect = 6; star_detect = 7; hunt_mode = 1; hunt_max_radius = 1800; hunt_delay_time = 30; write_sx = undef; no_writed = 1; no_aspect_file = undef; search_radius = undef; coord = 0; edge_rejection_angle = 0.55; max_stars = undef; star_temp_min = undef; star_temp_max = undef; fine_t_interval = 1; fine_half_width_x = 30; fine_half_width_y = undef; min_fine = 50; fine_bin_size = 0.5; fdeltlim = 3; coarse_t_interval = 5; coarse_half_width_x = 60; coarse_half_width_y = undef; min_coarse = 300; coarse_bin_size = 2; cdeltlim = 6; coarse_centroid_mode = 1; safe_t_intervals = undef; offsets = undef; gapmult = 3.5; gripe_frac = 0.15; min_frac = 1; doasp = undef; cent_fmt = 0; centroid_file = undef; star_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits; used_star_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits; aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits; use_solution = undef; state_file = undef; photon_file_sx = undef; photon_file_delta = undef; aspect_out_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits; ra0 = undef; dec0 = undef; twist = 0; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = undef; roll = undef; grspa = undef; nphots_to_read = -1; chunk_sz = 10000000; time_range = undef; tbase = undef; sctbase = undef; dump_phots = undef; other_opts = {detrad=>.25,rollratelim=>30,rej3p=>0,recover=>1,ratelim=>4,bgsub=>0,fitnsig=>3,cseg=>0,ndump=>10,finefilter=>0,fseg=>0,extrapends=>0,concentration=>5,mindroll=>0.013,limdroll=>0.03,filterhw=>2,savegs=>0,dummy=>0 ,rollfiltersz=>30}; verbose = 1; quiet = undef; debug = 0; cal_info = {dumwig=>0,ne=>0,linfile_fuv_x=>FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits,pltscl=>68.754932,maskfile_fuv=>FUV_mask.fits,wigfile_fuv_x=>FUV_wiggle_x.fits,nb=>1,fe=>0,fc=>0,wigfile_nuv_x=>NUV_wiggle_x.fits,nc=>0,walkfile_fuv_x=>FUV_walk_x.fits,ff=>1,nd=>0,walkfile_nuv_y=>NUV_walk_y.fits,nf=>1,detsize=>1.25,linfile_nuv_x=>NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits,wigfile_nuv_y=>NUV_wiggle_y.fits,linfile_nuv_y=>NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits,fb=>1,maskfile_nuv=>NUV_mask.fits,walkfile_fuv_y=>FUV_walk_y.fits,maskfile=>mask.fits,fd=>0,wigfile_fuv_y=>FUV_wiggle_y.fits,linfile_fuv_y=>FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits,dumlin=>0,dummy=>0 ,fa=>0,calpath=>cal,walkfile_nuv_x=>NUV_walk_x.fits,dumwalk=>0,maskr=>0,na=>0}; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; dph_exec = deltaphot; log_file = undef; SPAWN created cmd 'deltaphot -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -roll_mode 3 -min_detect 6 -star_detect 7 -hunt_mode 1 -hunt_max_radius 1800 -hunt_delay_time 30 -no_writed -fine_t_interval 1 -fine_half_width_x 30 -min_fine 50 -fine_bin_size 0.5 -coarse_t_interval 5 -coarse_half_width_x 60 -min_coarse 300 -coarse_bin_size 2 -coarse_centroid_mode 1 -min_frac 1 -cent_fmt 0 -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -used_star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits -aspect_out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits -band 1 -cal_info {ne=>0,dumwig=>0,linfile_fuv_x=>FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits,pltscl=>68.754932,maskfile_fuv=>FUV_mask.fits,wigfile_fuv_x=>FUV_wiggle_x.fits,nb=>1,fe=>0,fc=>0,wigfile_nuv_x=>NUV_wiggle_x.fits,nc=>0,walkfile_fuv_x=>FUV_walk_x.fits,ff=>1,nd=>0,walkfile_nuv_y=>NUV_walk_y.fits,linfile_nuv_x=>NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits,nf=>1,detsize=>1.25,wigfile_nuv_y=>NUV_wiggle_y.fits,linfile_nuv_y=>NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits,fb=>1,maskfile_nuv=>NUV_mask.fits,walkfile_fuv_y=>FUV_walk_y.fits,maskfile=>mask.fits,fd=>0,wigfile_fuv_y=>FUV_wiggle_y.fits,linfile_fuv_y=>FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits,dumlin=>0,dummy=>0 ,fa=>0,calpath=>cal,walkfile_nuv_x=>NUV_walk_x.fits,dumwalk=>0,maskr=>0,na=>0} -quiet=0'. Mysystem exec'ing Deltaphot (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9ebe93c),0) as ... deltaphot -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -roll_mode 3 -min_detect 6 -star_detect 7 -hunt_mode 1 -hunt_max_radius 1800 -hunt_delay_time 30 -no_writed -fine_t_interval 1 -fine_half_width_x 30 -min_fine 50 -fine_bin_size 0.5 -coarse_t_interval 5 -coarse_half_width_x 60 -min_coarse 300 -coarse_bin_size 2 -coarse_centroid_mode 1 -min_frac 1 -cent_fmt 0 -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -used_star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits -aspect_out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits -band 1 -cal_info \{ne=\>0,dumwig=\>0,linfile_fuv_x=\>FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits,pltscl=\>68.754932,maskfile_fuv=\>FUV_mask.fits,wigfile_fuv_x=\>FUV_wiggle_x.fits,nb=\>1,fe=\>0,fc=\>0,wigfile_nuv_x=\>NUV_wiggle_x.fits,nc=\>0,walkfile_fuv_x=\>FUV_walk_x.fits,ff=\>1,nd=\>0,walkfile_nuv_y=\>NUV_walk_y.fits,linfile_nuv_x=\>NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits,nf=\>1,detsize=\>1.25,wigfile_nuv_y=\>NUV_wiggle_y.fits,linfile_nuv_y=\>NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits,fb=\>1,maskfile_nuv=\>NUV_mask.fits,walkfile_fuv_y=\>FUV_walk_y.fits,maskfile=\>mask.fits,fd=\>0,wigfile_fuv_y=\>FUV_wiggle_y.fits,linfile_fuv_y=\>FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits,dumlin=\>0,dummy=\>0\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,fa=\>0,calpath=\>cal,walkfile_nuv_x=\>NUV_walk_x.fits,dumwalk=\>0,maskr=\>0,na=\>0\} -quiet=0 # DeltaPhot Version '$Id: deltaphot.c,v 1.184 2009/11/20 18:44:02 cmillion Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_18:01:16Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Command line options for DeltaPhot: [nitems=45/45,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "slide_mode" (i) = 2 1: "roll_mode" (i) = 3 2: "relative_mode" (i) = 0 3: "min_detect" (i) = 6 4: "star_detect" (i) = 7 5: "hunt_mode" (i) = 1 6: "hunt_max_radius" (d) = 1800 7: "hunt_delay_time" (d) = 30 8: "write_sx" (i) = 0 9: "no_writed" (i) = 1 10: "no_aspect_file" (i) = 0 11: "coord" (i) = 0 12: "edge_rejection_angle" (d) = 0.55 13: "fine_t_interval" (d) = 1 14: "fine_half_width_x" (i) = 30 15: "min_fine" (i) = 50 16: "fine_bin_size" (d) = 0.5 17: "fdeltlim" (d) = 3 18: "coarse_t_interval" (d) = 5 19: "coarse_half_width_x" (i) = 60 20: "min_coarse" (i) = 300 21: "coarse_bin_size" (d) = 2 22: "cdeltlim" (d) = 6 23: "coarse_centroid_mode" (i) = 1 24: "gapmult" (d) = 3.5 25: "gripe_frac" (d) = 0.15 26: "min_frac" (d) = 1 27: "doasp" (i) = 0 28: "cent_fmt" (i) = 0 29: "use_solution" (i) = 0 30: "twist" (d) = 0 31: "nphots_to_read" (i) = -1 32: "chunk_sz" (i) = 10000000 33: "dump_phots" (i) = 0 34: "other_opts" (n) = 0x84c80f8 (60 bytes) [nitems=19/19,nalloc=32,alloc_sz=1536+60,chunksz=8,ncache=64,flags=0x1] 0: "recover" (d) = 1 1: "detrad" (d) = 0.25 2: "ndump" (d) = 10 3: "bgsub" (d) = 0 4: "finefilter" (d) = 0 5: "filterhw" (d) = 2 6: "extrapends" (d) = 0 7: "cseg" (d) = 0 8: "fseg" (d) = 0 9: "rollfiltersz" (d) = 30 10: "mindroll" (d) = 0.013 11: "limdroll" (d) = 0.03 12: "concentration" (d) = 5 13: "ratelim" (d) = 4 14: "rollratelim" (d) = 30 15: "rej3p" (d) = 0 16: "fitnsig" (d) = 3 17: "savegs" (d) = 0 18: "dummy" (d) = 0 35: "verbose" (i) = 0 36: "quiet" (i) = 0 37: "debug" (i) = 0 38: "cal_info" (n) = 0x84ca140 (60 bytes) [nitems=35/35,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "calpath" (s) = "cal" (4 bytes) 1: "pltscl" (d) = 68.754932 2: "detsize" (d) = 1.25 3: "na" (d) = 0 4: "nb" (d) = 1 5: "nc" (d) = 0 6: "nd" (d) = 0 7: "ne" (d) = 0 8: "nf" (d) = 1 9: "fa" (d) = 0 10: "fb" (d) = 1 11: "fc" (d) = 0 12: "fd" (d) = 0 13: "fe" (d) = 0 14: "ff" (d) = 1 15: "maskfile" (s) = "mask.fits" (10 bytes) 16: "maskfile_fuv" (s) = "FUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 17: "maskfile_nuv" (s) = "NUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 18: "linfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 19: "linfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 20: "linfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 21: "linfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 22: "walkfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 23: "walkfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 24: "walkfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 25: "walkfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 26: "wigfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 27: "wigfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 28: "wigfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 29: "wigfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 30: "dumlin" (d) = 0 31: "dumwalk" (d) = 0 32: "dumwig" (d) = 0 33: "maskr" (d) = 0 34: "dummy" (d) = 0 39: "photon_file" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits" (36 bytes) 40: "star_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits" (120 bytes) 41: "used_star_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits" (125 bytes) 42: "aspect_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits" (116 bytes) 43: "aspect_out_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits" (126 bytes) 44: "band" (i) = 1 Histogram parameters: Coarse HW X,Y=64,64 bins; bin size=2.0"; time int=5 secs; border=4 pixels Fine HW X,Y=30,30 bins; bin size=0.5"; time int=1 secs Mode settings: Hunt mode = 1; Rmax=1800.0; # Locations=400 Roll mode = 3 Slide mode = 2 Relative mode = 0 Edge rejection radius = 0.550 Lock parameters: Coarse: Hist min=300; Rate max=6.0; Mode threshold=6; Min. detect=7; Det. radius=15.0 pixels; Rpeak=15 pixels Fine: Hist min=50; Rate max=3.0 Reading Aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits ... Read 1509 aspect records. Opening input photon file 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits'... Input search times = 0.000000 to 10000000000.000000. Aspect search times= 783444315.995000 to 783445823.995000. Final search times = 1099409115.995 to 1099410623.995 (tbase=315964800.000000). 783444315.995 to 783445823.995 (tbase=0). 2.000 to +1508.000 (relative). Reading header from state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... Using these conversion constants: NUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 FUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 Plate scale = 68.754932"/mm Det. size = 1.250000 deg. Center Scale Slope Clock X Y X Y X Y X Y NUV: 7400.000 6070.000 8.790 14.010 0.530 0.000 2007.000 1992.000 FUV: 7200.000 6670.000 7.780 10.730 0.000 0.000 1997.000 1993.000 flat_correct_0, flat_correct_1, flat_correct_2, t, scale = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 Loading mask file cal/NUV_mask.fits ... mask file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_mask.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_mask.fits Mask is 800X800 and has 3078 zero pixels. Remapping mask with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading linfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_y.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_y.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_y.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_y.fits Found 39224707 photons of type 0. Coord=0, band=1, roll=103.00, grspa=-999999.00 Field center RA,Dec=55.697,-6.447, Twist=0.00 (0.00) Opening input star file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits' ... Found 331 stars in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits'. And awaaaaaaay we go ... Reading 10000000 of 39224707 photons remaining (0/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 9947265(10000000) photons in 0.553878 seconds, 275.490039 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . deltaphot rtaph eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = (null) subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='(null)' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath does not exist '(null)', useing 'cal'. Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 24854 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 24 stim groups set (pinc=1035). Read in 0 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -6.1421312e+04 8.4915954e-05 [n=24] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=0 tot=24]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444355.508 5105.983 1034.0 5105.613 783444371.313 5105.548 1043.0 5105.614 783444387.139 5105.533 1019.0 5105.615 783444402.562 5105.617 1042.0 5105.617 783444418.311 5105.715 1036.0 5105.618 783444434.142 5105.646 1048.0 5105.619 783444450.037 5105.412 1049.0 5105.621 783444466.034 5105.579 1044.0 5105.622 783444482.030 5105.600 1051.0 5105.623 783444497.823 5105.394 1030.0 5105.625 783444513.484 5105.718 1038.0 5105.626 783444529.359 5105.554 1052.0 5105.627 783444545.261 5105.522 1038.0 5105.629 783444560.985 5105.633 1033.0 5105.630 783444576.507 5105.768 1049.0 5105.631 783444592.261 5105.632 1034.0 5105.633 783444608.000 5105.714 1049.0 5105.634 783444623.998 5105.725 1034.0 5105.636 783444639.728 5105.500 1037.0 5105.637 783444655.564 5105.651 1037.0 5105.638 783444671.561 5105.727 1041.0 5105.640 783444687.458 5105.657 1029.0 5105.641 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 63441 photons. Extracting deltas from 9947265 photons ... UNLOCKED: coarse counter = 0; exptime=0.0, peak count = 0; stars detected = 0; time = 783444321.000 (+5.005); next time = +10.005; nphotons = 1 UNLOCKED: coarse counter = 61344; exptime=5.0, peak count = 277; stars detected = 0; time = 783444326.000 (+10.005); next time = +15.005; nphotons = 128444 UNLOCKED: coarse counter = 60578; exptime=5.0, peak count = 296; stars detected = 0; time = 783444331.000 (+15.005); next time = +20.005; nphotons = 127843 UNLOCKED: coarse counter = 60575; exptime=5.0, peak count = 292; stars detected = 0; time = 783444336.000 (+20.005); next time = +25.005; nphotons = 128011 UNLOCKED: coarse counter = 59989; exptime=5.0, peak count = 299; stars detected = 0; time = 783444341.000 (+25.005); next time = +30.005; nphotons = 127696 Hunting through 400 test positions with 127735 photons ... (0.06) 1 3 0 LOCKED: coarse x,y,roll=33.6,32.8,-0.049; counter=61739; exptime=5.0; peak x,y=81,80; peak count 414; stars det=34; time=783444346.000 (+30.005); next time = +31.005 (Recentering histograms with 127735 photons ...) (Now detecting 47 stars; was 34.) Hunt successfully locked at position #3; R=160.0", PA=-0.000 Recovering 127735 coarse lock photons. Time = 783444341.000 (+25.005); Next time = +26.005 T(0000)= 783444341.5 (+ 25.5); dX,Y,R= -33.9, 127.2,-0.063 ( -0.3, 0.1,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.6, 0.3,-0.003 (+ -33.6, 127.2,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.3 End of photon recovery; RC=1. Time = 783444346.000 (+30.005); Next time = +31.005 T(0010)= 783444351.5 (+ 35.5); dX,Y,R= -34.3, 127.6,-0.027 ( 0.3, 0.7, 0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -34.5, 126.9,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.7 T(0020)= 783444361.5 (+ 45.5); dX,Y,R= -34.6, 127.6,-0.079 ( 0.5, 0.2,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.2, 127.4,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.2 T(0030)= 783444371.5 (+ 55.5); dX,Y,R= -35.0, 127.8,-0.072 ( 0.5, 0.7,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.5, 127.1,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.7 T(0040)= 783444381.5 (+ 65.5); dX,Y,R= -35.5, 127.8,-0.063 ( 0.3, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.9, 127.4,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.5 T(0050)= 783444391.5 (+ 75.5); dX,Y,R= -35.5, 127.8,-0.028 ( -0.0, 0.4, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.5, 127.4,-0.04); FX,Y= 0.0, -0.4 T(0060)= 783444401.5 (+ 85.5); dX,Y,R= -35.7, 127.8,-0.038 ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -36.0, 127.5,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.3 T(0070)= 783444411.5 (+ 95.5); dX,Y,R= -35.5, 128.1,-0.039 ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.8, 127.8,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.3 T(0080)= 783444421.5 (+ 105.5); dX,Y,R= -35.7, 128.4,-0.083 ( 0.4, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -36.1, 128.0,-0.09); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0090)= 783444431.5 (+ 115.5); dX,Y,R= -35.7, 129.1,-0.072 ( 0.4, 0.4, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -36.1, 128.6,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.4 T(0100)= 783444441.5 (+ 125.5); dX,Y,R= -35.2, 129.3,-0.052 ( 0.6, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.8, 129.0,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.3 T(0110)= 783444451.5 (+ 135.5); dX,Y,R= -35.2, 129.3,-0.071 ( 0.5, 0.4,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.8, 128.9,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.4 T(0120)= 783444461.5 (+ 145.5); dX,Y,R= -35.3, 129.2,-0.041 ( 0.8, 0.3, 0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -36.1, 128.8,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.3 T(0130)= 783444471.5 (+ 155.5); dX,Y,R= -35.2, 128.4,-0.072 ( 0.6, 0.2,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.8, 128.3,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.2 T(0140)= 783444481.5 (+ 165.5); dX,Y,R= -35.1, 128.3,-0.071 ( 0.7, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.9, 127.8,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.5 T(0150)= 783444491.5 (+ 175.5); dX,Y,R= -35.6, 128.1,-0.049 ( 0.1, 0.5, 0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.7, 127.5,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.1, -0.5 T(0160)= 783444501.5 (+ 185.5); dX,Y,R= -35.4, 127.6,-0.045 ( 0.5, 0.4, 0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.8, 127.3,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.4 T(0170)= 783444511.5 (+ 195.5); dX,Y,R= -35.1, 126.9,-0.037 ( 0.5, 0.3,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.6, 126.6,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(0180)= 783444521.5 (+ 205.5); dX,Y,R= -35.2, 126.9,-0.063 ( 0.4, 0.3,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.6, 126.6,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.3 T(0190)= 783444531.5 (+ 215.5); dX,Y,R= -34.7, 126.8,-0.076 ( 0.8, 0.4,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.4, 126.4,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.4 T(0200)= 783444541.5 (+ 225.5); dX,Y,R= -34.4, 126.5,-0.079 ( 0.8, 0.5,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -35.2, 126.0,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.5 T(0210)= 783444551.5 (+ 235.5); dX,Y,R= -34.4, 126.5,-0.060 ( 0.2, 0.9,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -34.5, 125.7,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.9 T(0220)= 783444561.5 (+ 245.5); dX,Y,R= -33.7, 126.2,-0.093 ( 0.7, 0.6,-0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -34.4, 125.7,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.6 T(0230)= 783444571.5 (+ 255.5); dX,Y,R= -33.7, 125.9,-0.054 ( 0.4, 0.5, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -34.0, 125.3,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0240)= 783444581.5 (+ 265.5); dX,Y,R= -33.6, 125.3,-0.046 ( 0.0, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.6, 125.0,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.0, -0.3 T(0250)= 783444591.5 (+ 275.5); dX,Y,R= -33.1, 124.6,-0.020 ( 0.4, 0.4, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.6, 124.2,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.4 T(0260)= 783444601.5 (+ 285.5); dX,Y,R= -33.2, 124.6,-0.056 ( 0.4, 0.8, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.6, 123.8,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.8 T(0270)= 783444611.5 (+ 295.5); dX,Y,R= -32.9, 124.0,-0.074 ( 0.7, 0.6,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.6, 123.3,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.6 T(0280)= 783444621.5 (+ 305.5); dX,Y,R= -33.2, 123.4,-0.073 ( 0.5, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.7, 122.9,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 T(0290)= 783444631.5 (+ 315.5); dX,Y,R= -32.8, 122.8,-0.049 ( 0.7, 0.4,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.5, 122.5,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.4 T(0300)= 783444641.5 (+ 325.5); dX,Y,R= -32.7, 122.4,-0.052 ( 0.5, 0.2,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -33.2, 122.2,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.2 T(0310)= 783444651.5 (+ 335.5); dX,Y,R= -32.5, 122.5,-0.026 ( 0.3, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -32.8, 121.9,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.6 T(0320)= 783444661.5 (+ 345.5); dX,Y,R= -32.0, 122.6,-0.056 ( 0.2, 0.8,-0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -32.3, 121.9,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.8 T(0330)= 783444671.5 (+ 355.5); dX,Y,R= -31.4, 121.9,-0.044 ( 0.7, 0.3,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -32.1, 121.7,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.3 T(0340)= 783444681.5 (+ 365.5); dX,Y,R= -31.0, 121.5,-0.061 ( 0.2, 0.3,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -31.2, 121.1,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.3 T(0350)= 783444691.5 (+ 375.5); dX,Y,R= -30.7, 121.2,-0.036 ( 0.3, 0.7,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -31.0, 120.5,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.7 Found 2277955/9947265 matches within 169.7"; time = 783444695.530 (+379.535); next time = +380.005; 0 in buffer. Reading 10000000 of 29224707 photons remaining (10000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 10000000(10000000) photons in 0.373491 seconds, 408.544973 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . deltaphot rtaph eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = (null) subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='(null)' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath does not exist '(null)', useing 'cal'. Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 25698 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 25 stim groups set (pinc=1027). Read in 24 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.5646034e+05 2.0622516e-04 [n=49] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=24 tot=49]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444355.508 5105.983 1034.0 5105.613 783444371.313 5105.548 1043.0 5105.614 783444387.139 5105.533 1019.0 5105.615 783444402.562 5105.617 1042.0 5105.617 783444418.311 5105.715 1036.0 5105.618 783444434.142 5105.646 1048.0 5105.619 783444450.037 5105.412 1049.0 5105.621 783444466.034 5105.579 1044.0 5105.622 783444482.030 5105.600 1051.0 5105.623 783444497.823 5105.394 1030.0 5105.625 783444513.484 5105.718 1038.0 5105.626 783444529.359 5105.554 1052.0 5105.627 783444545.261 5105.522 1038.0 5105.629 783444560.985 5105.633 1033.0 5105.630 783444576.507 5105.768 1049.0 5105.631 783444592.261 5105.632 1034.0 5105.633 783444608.000 5105.714 1049.0 5105.634 783444623.998 5105.725 1034.0 5105.636 783444639.728 5105.500 1037.0 5105.637 783444655.564 5105.651 1037.0 5105.638 783444671.561 5105.727 1041.0 5105.640 783444687.458 5105.657 1029.0 5105.641 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.678 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.694 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.710 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.726 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.742 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 64536 photons. Extracting deltas from 10000000 photons ... T(0360)= 783444701.5 (+ 385.5); dX,Y,R= -30.6, 120.6,-0.067 ( 0.7, 0.5,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -31.3, 120.1,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.5 T(0370)= 783444711.5 (+ 395.5); dX,Y,R= -30.5, 120.1,-0.075 ( 0.6, 0.8,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -31.1, 119.3,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.8 T(0380)= 783444721.5 (+ 405.5); dX,Y,R= -30.4, 119.3,-0.042 ( 0.2, 0.2, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -30.6, 119.1,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.2 T(0390)= 783444731.5 (+ 415.5); dX,Y,R= -30.3, 118.7,-0.052 ( 0.2, 0.0, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -30.5, 118.7,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.0 T(0400)= 783444741.5 (+ 425.5); dX,Y,R= -30.3, 117.9,-0.040 ( 0.4, -0.1, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -30.8, 118.0,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, 0.1 T(0410)= 783444751.5 (+ 435.5); dX,Y,R= -30.6, 117.9,-0.030 ( 0.6, 0.5, 0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -31.1, 117.4,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.5 T(0420)= 783444761.5 (+ 445.5); dX,Y,R= -30.4, 117.8,-0.029 ( 0.5, 0.3, 0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -30.8, 117.4,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(0430)= 783444771.5 (+ 455.5); dX,Y,R= -29.9, 117.8,-0.066 ( 0.4, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -30.3, 117.2,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(0440)= 783444781.5 (+ 465.5); dX,Y,R= -29.6, 117.6,-0.043 ( 0.9, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -30.4, 117.3,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.9, -0.3 T(0450)= 783444791.5 (+ 475.5); dX,Y,R= -29.5, 117.3,-0.043 ( 0.3, 0.4, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -29.8, 116.9,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.4 T(0460)= 783444801.5 (+ 485.5); dX,Y,R= -29.0, 116.9,-0.057 ( 0.4, 0.2,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -29.5, 116.7,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.2 T(0470)= 783444811.5 (+ 495.5); dX,Y,R= -28.3, 116.7,-0.008 ( 0.8, 0.4,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -29.1, 116.3,-0.00); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.4 T(0480)= 783444821.5 (+ 505.5); dX,Y,R= -28.4, 116.1,-0.030 ( 0.2, 0.1, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.6, 115.9,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.1 T(0490)= 783444831.5 (+ 515.5); dX,Y,R= -28.2, 115.8,-0.027 ( 0.3, 0.2, 0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.5, 115.6,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.2 T(0500)= 783444841.5 (+ 525.5); dX,Y,R= -28.7, 115.2,-0.019 ( -0.0, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.7, 114.7,-0.03); FX,Y= 0.0, -0.5 T(0510)= 783444851.5 (+ 535.5); dX,Y,R= -28.3, 114.9,-0.058 ( 0.7, 0.5,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -29.0, 114.4,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.5 T(0520)= 783444861.5 (+ 545.5); dX,Y,R= -28.5, 114.4,-0.073 ( 0.5, 0.2,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -29.1, 114.2,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.2 T(0530)= 783444871.5 (+ 555.5); dX,Y,R= -28.4, 114.3,-0.067 ( 0.4, 0.6,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.8, 113.8,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(0540)= 783444881.5 (+ 565.5); dX,Y,R= -28.4, 114.1,-0.049 ( 0.5, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.9, 113.6,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 T(0550)= 783444891.5 (+ 575.5); dX,Y,R= -28.4, 114.3,-0.062 ( 0.4, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.8, 113.7,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(0560)= 783444901.5 (+ 585.5); dX,Y,R= -28.3, 114.5,-0.071 ( 0.3, 0.4,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.6, 114.0,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.4 T(0570)= 783444911.5 (+ 595.5); dX,Y,R= -27.7, 114.4,-0.049 ( 0.3, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -28.0, 113.8,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.5 T(0580)= 783444921.5 (+ 605.5); dX,Y,R= -27.2, 114.0,-0.068 ( 0.3, 0.4,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.5, 113.6,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.4 T(0590)= 783444931.5 (+ 615.5); dX,Y,R= -27.0, 114.0,-0.064 ( 0.4, 0.2,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.4, 113.9,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.2 T(0600)= 783444941.5 (+ 625.5); dX,Y,R= -27.1, 113.9,-0.034 ( 0.5, 0.9,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.6, 113.0,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.9 T(0610)= 783444951.5 (+ 635.5); dX,Y,R= -27.0, 113.5,-0.049 ( 0.3, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.3, 112.8,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.6 T(0620)= 783444961.5 (+ 645.5); dX,Y,R= -26.8, 113.0,-0.016 ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.3, 112.5,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 T(0630)= 783444971.5 (+ 655.5); dX,Y,R= -27.0, 112.6,-0.051 ( 0.3, 0.2,-0.04); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.3, 112.3,-0.01); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.2 T(0640)= 783444981.5 (+ 665.5); dX,Y,R= -27.0, 112.6,-0.041 ( 0.3, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.3, 112.1,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.5 T(0650)= 783444991.5 (+ 675.5); dX,Y,R= -27.0, 112.6,-0.058 ( 0.4, 0.4,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.4, 112.2,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.4 T(0660)= 783445001.5 (+ 685.5); dX,Y,R= -26.9, 112.7,-0.054 ( 0.4, 0.7,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.3, 112.0,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.7 T(0670)= 783445011.5 (+ 695.5); dX,Y,R= -26.9, 112.6,-0.031 ( 0.6, 0.4, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.4, 112.2,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.4 T(0680)= 783445021.5 (+ 705.5); dX,Y,R= -26.6, 113.2,-0.021 ( 0.7, 0.9, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -27.3, 112.3,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.9 T(0690)= 783445031.5 (+ 715.5); dX,Y,R= -26.5, 112.9,-0.068 ( 0.4, 0.3, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.9, 112.6,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.3 T(0700)= 783445041.5 (+ 725.5); dX,Y,R= -25.9, 113.1,-0.056 ( 0.4, 0.6, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.3, 112.5,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(0710)= 783445051.5 (+ 735.5); dX,Y,R= -25.8, 112.5,-0.056 ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.1, 112.2,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.3 T(0720)= 783445061.5 (+ 745.5); dX,Y,R= -25.8, 112.6,-0.081 ( 0.3, 0.8,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.1, 111.8,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.8 T(0730)= 783445071.5 (+ 755.5); dX,Y,R= -26.0, 111.8,-0.056 ( 0.3, 0.6, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.2, 111.2,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.6 T(0740)= 783445081.5 (+ 765.5); dX,Y,R= -25.9, 111.4,-0.037 ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.4, 110.9,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 Found 2087773/10000000 matches within 169.7"; time = 783445084.850 (+768.855); next time = +769.005; 0 in buffer. Reading 10000000 of 19224707 photons remaining (20000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 10000000(10000000) photons in 0.413048 seconds, 369.419244 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . deltaphot rtaph eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = (null) subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='(null)' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath does not exist '(null)', useing 'cal'. Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 25757 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 25 stim groups set (pinc=1030). Read in 49 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.7032273e+05 2.2391931e-04 [n=74] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=49 tot=74]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444355.508 5105.983 1034.0 5105.613 783444371.313 5105.548 1043.0 5105.614 783444387.139 5105.533 1019.0 5105.615 783444402.562 5105.617 1042.0 5105.617 783444418.311 5105.715 1036.0 5105.618 783444434.142 5105.646 1048.0 5105.619 783444450.037 5105.412 1049.0 5105.621 783444466.034 5105.579 1044.0 5105.622 783444482.030 5105.600 1051.0 5105.623 783444497.823 5105.394 1030.0 5105.625 783444513.484 5105.718 1038.0 5105.626 783444529.359 5105.554 1052.0 5105.627 783444545.261 5105.522 1038.0 5105.629 783444560.985 5105.633 1033.0 5105.630 783444576.507 5105.768 1049.0 5105.631 783444592.261 5105.632 1034.0 5105.633 783444608.000 5105.714 1049.0 5105.634 783444623.998 5105.725 1034.0 5105.636 783444639.728 5105.500 1037.0 5105.637 783444655.564 5105.651 1037.0 5105.638 783444671.561 5105.727 1041.0 5105.640 783444687.458 5105.657 1029.0 5105.641 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.678 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.694 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.710 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.726 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.742 783445092.547 5105.740 1035.0 5105.754 783445108.142 5105.768 1038.0 5105.757 783445123.787 5105.711 1042.0 5105.761 783445139.228 5105.874 1040.0 5105.764 783445154.660 5105.795 1044.0 5105.767 783445170.341 5105.708 1019.0 5105.771 783445185.881 5105.719 1035.0 5105.774 783445201.279 5105.761 1045.0 5105.778 783445216.816 5105.766 1034.0 5105.781 783445232.572 5105.823 1038.0 5105.785 783445248.333 5105.797 1032.0 5105.788 783445264.036 5105.900 1042.0 5105.792 783445279.607 5105.782 1061.0 5105.795 783445295.085 5105.824 1032.0 5105.799 783445310.652 5105.761 1041.0 5105.802 783445326.215 5105.918 1033.0 5105.806 783445341.912 5105.794 1038.0 5105.809 783445357.430 5105.707 1048.0 5105.813 783445373.161 5105.776 1030.0 5105.816 783445388.882 5105.840 1013.0 5105.820 783445404.289 5105.945 1034.0 5105.823 783445419.836 5105.743 1032.0 5105.827 783445435.581 5105.773 1018.0 5105.830 783445451.036 5105.872 1029.0 5105.834 783445466.418 5105.875 1028.0 5105.837 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 66559 photons. Extracting deltas from 10000000 photons ... T(0750)= 783445091.5 (+ 775.5); dX,Y,R= -25.8, 111.1,-0.037 ( 0.5, 0.8, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.2, 110.4,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.8 T(0760)= 783445101.5 (+ 785.5); dX,Y,R= -26.0, 111.0,-0.023 ( 0.8, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.8, 110.6,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.5 T(0770)= 783445111.5 (+ 795.5); dX,Y,R= -26.2, 110.7,-0.022 ( 0.5, 0.2, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.7, 110.5,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.2 T(0780)= 783445121.5 (+ 805.5); dX,Y,R= -26.1, 110.9,-0.066 ( 0.4, 0.5,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.4, 110.4,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0790)= 783445131.5 (+ 815.5); dX,Y,R= -26.1, 111.2,-0.053 ( 0.1, 0.6, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.2, 110.6,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.1, -0.6 T(0800)= 783445141.5 (+ 825.5); dX,Y,R= -25.9, 111.5,-0.047 ( 0.4, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.3, 111.0,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0810)= 783445151.5 (+ 835.5); dX,Y,R= -25.7, 111.5,-0.060 ( 0.0, 0.6,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.7, 110.9,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.0, -0.6 T(0820)= 783445161.5 (+ 845.5); dX,Y,R= -25.2, 111.3,-0.074 ( 0.6, 0.7,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.8, 110.6,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.7 T(0830)= 783445171.5 (+ 855.5); dX,Y,R= -24.8, 111.1,-0.038 ( 0.6, 0.6,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.4, 110.5,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.6 T(0840)= 783445181.5 (+ 865.5); dX,Y,R= -25.2, 110.6,-0.066 ( 0.4, 0.1,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.5, 110.4,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.1 T(0850)= 783445191.5 (+ 875.5); dX,Y,R= -25.0, 110.3,-0.035 ( 0.3, 0.3,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.3, 110.0,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.3 T(0860)= 783445201.5 (+ 885.5); dX,Y,R= -25.2, 109.6,-0.048 ( 0.1, 0.1,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.3, 109.5,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.1, -0.1 T(0870)= 783445211.5 (+ 895.5); dX,Y,R= -25.3, 109.6,-0.037 ( 0.4, 0.4,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.7, 109.1,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.4 T(0880)= 783445221.5 (+ 905.5); dX,Y,R= -25.6, 109.6,-0.029 ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.1, 109.1,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 T(0890)= 783445231.5 (+ 915.5); dX,Y,R= -25.4, 109.5,-0.068 ( 0.5, 0.3,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.0, 109.2,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(0900)= 783445241.5 (+ 925.5); dX,Y,R= -25.5, 109.7,-0.057 ( 0.3, 0.4,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.8, 109.3,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.4 T(0910)= 783445251.5 (+ 935.5); dX,Y,R= -25.5, 110.0,-0.035 ( -0.1, 0.6, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.4, 109.4,-0.04); FX,Y= 0.1, -0.6 T(0920)= 783445261.5 (+ 945.5); dX,Y,R= -25.3, 110.0,-0.021 ( 0.4, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.8, 109.5,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0930)= 783445271.5 (+ 955.5); dX,Y,R= -25.1, 110.4,-0.037 ( 0.4, 0.6, 0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.4, 109.8,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(0940)= 783445281.5 (+ 965.5); dX,Y,R= -24.7, 110.3,-0.055 ( 0.4, 0.5,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.1, 109.7,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0950)= 783445291.5 (+ 975.5); dX,Y,R= -24.4, 109.8,-0.025 ( 0.6, 0.2, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.9, 109.6,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.2 T(0960)= 783445301.5 (+ 985.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 109.4,-0.043 ( 0.4, 0.4,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.5, 109.0,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.4 T(0970)= 783445311.5 (+ 995.5); dX,Y,R= -24.3, 109.1,-0.034 ( 0.3, 0.4,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.7, 108.7,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.4 T(0980)= 783445321.5 (+1005.5); dX,Y,R= -24.6, 108.8,-0.042 ( 0.4, 0.5,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.0, 108.3,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(0990)= 783445331.5 (+1015.5); dX,Y,R= -24.9, 108.3,-0.048 ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.4, 107.8,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 T(1000)= 783445341.5 (+1025.5); dX,Y,R= -24.7, 108.3,-0.006 ( 0.9, 0.7, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.6, 107.6,-0.01); FX,Y= -0.9, -0.7 T(1010)= 783445351.5 (+1035.5); dX,Y,R= -25.3, 107.9,-0.036 ( 0.4, 0.6,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.7, 107.3,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(1020)= 783445361.5 (+1045.5); dX,Y,R= -25.1, 108.6,-0.031 ( 0.7, 0.7,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.8, 107.9,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.7 T(1030)= 783445371.5 (+1055.5); dX,Y,R= -25.0, 108.2,-0.059 ( 0.7, 0.3,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.6, 108.0,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.3 T(1040)= 783445381.5 (+1065.5); dX,Y,R= -25.0, 108.6,-0.024 ( 0.5, 0.6, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.5, 108.0,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.6 T(1050)= 783445391.5 (+1075.5); dX,Y,R= -24.6, 108.7,-0.055 ( 0.8, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.5, 108.4,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.3 T(1060)= 783445401.5 (+1085.5); dX,Y,R= -24.6, 108.6,-0.043 ( 0.3, 0.5, 0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.0, 108.2,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.5 T(1070)= 783445411.5 (+1095.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 108.4,-0.015 ( 0.7, 0.4, 0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.9, 108.1,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.4 T(1080)= 783445421.5 (+1105.5); dX,Y,R= -24.1, 108.0,-0.044 ( 0.6, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.7, 107.5,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.5 T(1090)= 783445431.5 (+1115.5); dX,Y,R= -24.1, 107.4,-0.046 ( 0.4, 0.4,-0.03); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.5, 107.1,-0.01); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.4 T(1100)= 783445441.5 (+1125.5); dX,Y,R= -24.4, 106.9,-0.034 ( 0.5, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.9, 106.6,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(1110)= 783445451.5 (+1135.5); dX,Y,R= -24.8, 106.7,-0.042 ( 0.7, 0.6, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.5, 106.1,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.6 T(1120)= 783445461.5 (+1145.5); dX,Y,R= -25.1, 107.0,-0.032 ( 0.4, 0.7,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.5, 106.2,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.7 T(1130)= 783445471.5 (+1155.5); dX,Y,R= -25.0, 106.7,-0.066 ( 0.5, 0.2,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.5, 106.5,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.2 Found 2090680/10000000 matches within 169.7"; time = 783445474.175 (+1158.180); next time = +1159.005; 0 in buffer. Reading 9224707 of 9224707 photons remaining (30000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 9197758(9224707) photons in 0.329091 seconds, 427.717037 MB/sec. RC=-2, Last=1, EOF=1 . deltaphot rtaph eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = (null) subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='(null)' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath does not exist '(null)', useing 'cal'. Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 23031 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 23 stim groups set (pinc=1001). Read in 74 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.7955329e+05 2.3570132e-04 [n=97] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=74 tot=97]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444355.508 5105.983 1034.0 5105.613 783444371.313 5105.548 1043.0 5105.614 783444387.139 5105.533 1019.0 5105.615 783444402.562 5105.617 1042.0 5105.617 783444418.311 5105.715 1036.0 5105.618 783444434.142 5105.646 1048.0 5105.619 783444450.037 5105.412 1049.0 5105.621 783444466.034 5105.579 1044.0 5105.622 783444482.030 5105.600 1051.0 5105.623 783444497.823 5105.394 1030.0 5105.625 783444513.484 5105.718 1038.0 5105.626 783444529.359 5105.554 1052.0 5105.627 783444545.261 5105.522 1038.0 5105.629 783444560.985 5105.633 1033.0 5105.630 783444576.507 5105.768 1049.0 5105.631 783444592.261 5105.632 1034.0 5105.633 783444608.000 5105.714 1049.0 5105.634 783444623.998 5105.725 1034.0 5105.636 783444639.728 5105.500 1037.0 5105.637 783444655.564 5105.651 1037.0 5105.638 783444671.561 5105.727 1041.0 5105.640 783444687.458 5105.657 1029.0 5105.641 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.678 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.694 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.710 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.726 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.742 783445092.547 5105.740 1035.0 5105.754 783445108.142 5105.768 1038.0 5105.757 783445123.787 5105.711 1042.0 5105.761 783445139.228 5105.874 1040.0 5105.764 783445154.660 5105.795 1044.0 5105.767 783445170.341 5105.708 1019.0 5105.771 783445185.881 5105.719 1035.0 5105.774 783445201.279 5105.761 1045.0 5105.778 783445216.816 5105.766 1034.0 5105.781 783445232.572 5105.823 1038.0 5105.785 783445248.333 5105.797 1032.0 5105.788 783445264.036 5105.900 1042.0 5105.792 783445279.607 5105.782 1061.0 5105.795 783445295.085 5105.824 1032.0 5105.799 783445310.652 5105.761 1041.0 5105.802 783445326.215 5105.918 1033.0 5105.806 783445341.912 5105.794 1038.0 5105.809 783445357.430 5105.707 1048.0 5105.813 783445373.161 5105.776 1030.0 5105.816 783445388.882 5105.840 1013.0 5105.820 783445404.289 5105.945 1034.0 5105.823 783445419.836 5105.743 1032.0 5105.827 783445435.581 5105.773 1018.0 5105.830 783445451.036 5105.872 1029.0 5105.834 783445466.418 5105.875 1028.0 5105.837 783445481.887 5105.753 982.0 5105.849 783445497.139 5105.813 1013.0 5105.852 783445512.447 5105.775 1007.0 5105.856 783445527.610 5105.861 1008.0 5105.860 783445542.657 5105.976 1000.0 5105.863 783445557.776 5105.887 1018.0 5105.867 783445572.920 5105.793 1012.0 5105.870 783445588.188 5105.962 1015.0 5105.874 783445603.582 5105.888 1011.0 5105.878 783445618.787 5105.734 993.0 5105.881 783445634.147 5105.899 1007.0 5105.885 783445649.343 5105.987 1004.0 5105.888 783445664.431 5105.907 1011.0 5105.892 783445679.459 5106.009 1010.0 5105.895 783445694.445 5106.010 1003.0 5105.899 783445709.545 5105.853 1009.0 5105.903 783445724.748 5105.927 1005.0 5105.906 783445740.164 5106.021 1015.0 5105.910 783445755.262 5105.948 994.0 5105.913 783445770.289 5105.957 1007.0 5105.917 783445785.512 5105.750 1015.0 5105.920 783445800.830 5106.009 999.0 5105.924 783445816.094 5105.803 1002.0 5105.928 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 61081 photons. Extracting deltas from 9197758 photons ... T(1140)= 783445481.5 (+1165.5); dX,Y,R= -25.0, 107.3,-0.033 ( 0.6, 0.9, 0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.6, 106.4,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.9 T(1150)= 783445491.5 (+1175.5); dX,Y,R= -25.4, 107.2,-0.045 ( 0.6, 0.4,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -26.0, 106.8,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.4 T(1160)= 783445501.5 (+1185.5); dX,Y,R= -25.0, 107.5,-0.028 ( 0.6, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.6, 107.0,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.5 T(1170)= 783445511.5 (+1195.5); dX,Y,R= -24.5, 107.6,-0.064 ( 0.4, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.0, 107.1,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.5 T(1180)= 783445521.5 (+1205.5); dX,Y,R= -24.4, 107.4,-0.046 ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.9, 106.8,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.5 T(1190)= 783445531.5 (+1215.5); dX,Y,R= -24.1, 107.3,-0.021 ( 0.3, 0.5, 0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.4, 106.8,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.5 T(1200)= 783445541.5 (+1225.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 107.0,-0.065 ( 0.6, 0.6, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.8, 106.4,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.6 T(1210)= 783445551.5 (+1235.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 106.4,-0.045 ( 0.2, 0.4, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.4, 106.0,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.4 T(1220)= 783445561.5 (+1245.5); dX,Y,R= -24.1, 105.8,-0.030 ( 0.5, 0.3, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.6, 105.5,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(1230)= 783445571.5 (+1255.5); dX,Y,R= -24.7, 105.6,-0.061 ( 0.4, 0.7,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.1, 104.9,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.7 T(1240)= 783445581.5 (+1265.5); dX,Y,R= -24.6, 105.9,-0.073 ( 0.6, 0.6,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.2, 105.3,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.6 T(1250)= 783445591.5 (+1275.5); dX,Y,R= -24.8, 105.4,-0.045 ( 0.5, 0.3,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.3, 105.1,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(1260)= 783445601.5 (+1285.5); dX,Y,R= -24.8, 105.7,-0.011 ( 0.6, 0.6, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.3, 105.1,-0.01); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.6 T(1270)= 783445611.5 (+1295.5); dX,Y,R= -24.9, 105.9,-0.015 ( 0.9, 0.4, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.7, 105.5,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.9, -0.4 T(1280)= 783445621.5 (+1305.5); dX,Y,R= -24.9, 106.4,-0.061 ( 0.3, 1.0,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.2, 105.5,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -1.0 T(1290)= 783445631.5 (+1315.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 106.0,-0.027 ( 0.6, 0.4, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.8, 105.5,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.4 T(1300)= 783445641.5 (+1325.5); dX,Y,R= -23.8, 105.9,-0.031 ( 0.7, 0.2, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.5, 105.7,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.2 T(1310)= 783445651.5 (+1335.5); dX,Y,R= -23.6, 105.5,-0.030 ( 0.7, 0.5,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.3, 105.0,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.5 T(1320)= 783445661.5 (+1345.5); dX,Y,R= -23.7, 105.0,-0.052 ( 0.5, -0.1,-0.02); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.2, 105.1,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, 0.1 T(1330)= 783445671.5 (+1355.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 104.7,-0.043 ( 0.5, 0.3, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.7, 104.4,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.5, -0.3 T(1340)= 783445681.5 (+1365.5); dX,Y,R= -24.0, 104.4,-0.042 ( 0.6, 0.6, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.6, 103.8,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.6 T(1350)= 783445691.5 (+1375.5); dX,Y,R= -24.3, 103.6,-0.062 ( 0.3, 0.2, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.6, 103.4,-0.07); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.2 T(1360)= 783445701.5 (+1385.5); dX,Y,R= -24.5, 104.0,-0.055 ( 0.3, 1.0, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.8, 103.1,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.3, -1.0 T(1370)= 783445711.5 (+1395.5); dX,Y,R= -24.9, 103.6,-0.051 ( 0.3, 0.4, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.1, 103.1,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.4 T(1380)= 783445721.5 (+1405.5); dX,Y,R= -24.8, 103.8,-0.052 ( 0.8, 0.4, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.6, 103.4,-0.06); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.4 T(1390)= 783445731.5 (+1415.5); dX,Y,R= -24.5, 104.3,-0.038 ( 0.6, 0.9,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -25.1, 103.4,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.6, -0.9 T(1400)= 783445741.5 (+1425.5); dX,Y,R= -24.5, 104.1,-0.038 ( 0.4, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.9, 103.5,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.4, -0.6 T(1410)= 783445751.5 (+1435.5); dX,Y,R= -24.2, 104.3,-0.016 ( 0.7, 0.3, 0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.9, 104.0,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.7, -0.3 T(1420)= 783445761.5 (+1445.5); dX,Y,R= -24.0, 104.4,-0.037 ( 0.2, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.2, 103.7,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.2, -0.6 T(1430)= 783445771.5 (+1455.5); dX,Y,R= -23.8, 103.8,-0.058 ( 0.1, 0.5,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -23.9, 103.3,-0.05); FX,Y= -0.1, -0.5 T(1440)= 783445781.5 (+1465.5); dX,Y,R= -23.4, 103.4,-0.028 ( 0.8, 0.8, 0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.3, 102.6,-0.03); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.8 T(1450)= 783445791.5 (+1475.5); dX,Y,R= -23.7, 103.1,-0.048 ( 0.3, 0.8,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.0, 102.3,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.8 T(1460)= 783445801.5 (+1485.5); dX,Y,R= -23.6, 102.3,-0.026 ( 0.8, 0.4,-0.00); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.4, 101.8,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.8, -0.4 T(1470)= 783445811.5 (+1495.5); dX,Y,R= -23.9, 102.1,-0.028 ( 0.3, 0.2,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.3, 101.9,-0.02); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.2 T(1480)= 783445821.5 (+1505.5); dX,Y,R= -24.4, 102.0,-0.048 ( 0.3, 0.6,-0.01); CX,Y,R= 0.0, 0.0, 0.000 (+ -24.8, 101.4,-0.04); FX,Y= -0.3, -0.6 Found 1918248/9197758 matches within 169.7"; time = 783445441.795 (+1125.800); next time = +1508.005; 0 in buffer. Data accumulation complete. Matched 8374656 photons to guide objects. Allocating and writing 1509 aspect records (extrapends=0) ... Filtering (30.0 samples; 30.0 seconds) droll corrections ... Found roll corrections from -0.061 (5%) to -0.038 (95%) compared to a range test of 0.013 . The droll corrections WILL be applied. Wrote 1509 aspect records to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits 1481 records are valid 0 records were originally skipped 28 records are newly skipped (end=28,gap=0,!safe=0,solo=0,rate=0) 0 records skipped for time range violations Guide star report: | ID | RA | Dec | Secs | |------|-----------|-----------|------| | 65 | 55.4734 | -6.8979 | 1472 | | 66 | 55.8795 | -6.8871 | 1481 | | 72 | 55.5480 | -6.8604 | 1481 | | 74 | 55.5978 | -6.8555 | 1481 | | 84 | 55.8210 | -6.8158 | 1481 | | 86 | 55.4527 | -6.8014 | 1481 | | 88 | 55.9416 | -6.7990 | 1481 | | 95 | 55.8460 | -6.7775 | 1481 | | 101 | 55.7330 | -6.7484 | 1481 | | 107 | 55.9961 | -6.7126 | 1481 | | 112 | 55.2508 | -6.7027 | 1475 | | 124 | 55.5031 | -6.6143 | 1481 | | 125 | 55.8778 | -6.6130 | 1481 | | 134 | 55.6012 | -6.5673 | 1481 | | 135 | 56.1038 | -6.5641 | 1481 | | 143 | 55.8178 | -6.5336 | 1481 | | 144 | 55.8723 | -6.5315 | 1481 | | 161 | 55.3653 | -6.4669 | 1481 | | 162 | 56.0790 | -6.4631 | 1481 | | 169 | 55.9721 | -6.4443 | 1481 | | 171 | 55.4902 | -6.4186 | 1481 | | 172 | 55.5365 | -6.4076 | 1481 | | 174 | 55.3183 | -6.3893 | 1481 | | 176 | 56.0251 | -6.3843 | 1481 | | 182 | 55.3693 | -6.3625 | 1481 | | 187 | 56.2528 | -6.3367 | 1158 | | 188 | 55.5331 | -6.3363 | 1481 | | 194 | 55.7041 | -6.3171 | 1481 | | 196 | 55.4923 | -6.3117 | 1481 | | 200 | 55.6310 | -6.2695 | 1481 | | 202 | 55.8229 | -6.2641 | 1481 | | 206 | 55.6724 | -6.2460 | 1481 | | 210 | 55.7996 | -6.2323 | 1481 | | 215 | 56.1216 | -6.2108 | 1481 | | 216 | 55.2135 | -6.2084 | 1481 | | 218 | 55.7012 | -6.2022 | 1481 | | 220 | 55.2840 | -6.1953 | 1481 | | 233 | 55.7126 | -6.1149 | 1481 | | 244 | 55.3770 | -6.0731 | 1481 | | 246 | 55.5432 | -6.0647 | 1481 | | 256 | 55.7610 | -6.0206 | 1481 | | 259 | 55.4076 | -6.0108 | 1481 | | 261 | 56.0136 | -5.9903 | 1481 | | 271 | 55.4723 | -5.9394 | 1481 | | 274 | 55.6854 | -5.9308 | 1481 | | 276 | 55.7574 | -5.9095 | 1481 | | 286 | 55.7424 | -5.8673 | 943 | Writing 47 rows to used star file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits' using the following extended file name ... /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits[1][NUMBER==65||NUMBER==66||NUMBER==72||NUMBER==74||NUMBER==84||NUMBER==86||NUMBER==88||NUMBER==95||NUMBER==101||NUMBER==107||NUMBER==112||NUMBER==124||NUMBER==125||NUMBER==134||NUMBER==135||NUMBER==143||NUMBER==144||NUMBER==161||NUMBER==162||NUMBER==169||NUMBER==171||NUMBER==172||NUMBER==174||NUMBER==176||NUMBER==182||NUMBER==187||NUMBER==188||NUMBER==194||NUMBER==196||NUMBER==200||NUMBER==202||NUMBER==206||NUMBER==210||NUMBER==215||NUMBER==216||NUMBER==218||NUMBER==220||NUMBER==233||NUMBER==244||NUMBER==246||NUMBER==256||NUMBER==259||NUMBER==261||NUMBER==271||NUMBER==274||NUMBER==276||NUMBER==286] Done. << End of GDeltaPhot >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:04:59Z PCPU: 0.3/0.04/226 CCPU: 214.4/2.71 HOST: skirnir PID: 1906 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Writing used runstar region file ... SPAWN created cmd 'fits2ds9 -rta: -nuvpltsol 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -verbose=1 -color cyan -runstar=1 -in_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits -band 1 -symbol circle -out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Fits2ds9 (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... fits2ds9 -rta: -nuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -verbose=1 -color cyan -runstar=1 -in_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits -band 1 -symbol circle -out_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.ds9reg DS9reg: Opening region ouput file '>/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.ds9reg' ... DS9reg: Opening FITS tbl '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits' ... DS9reg: Reading columns alpha_j2000 delta_j2000 NUV NUV ... DS9reg: Writing regions from 47 rows ... DS9reg: Write 47 regions. Done. SPAWN created cmd 'asprefine -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -band 1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -integration_time 100 -keep_temps=0 -aspect_suf asprta_preref -out_aspect_suf asprta -refinement_limit 0 -rta: -nuvpltsol 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol 0 -rta: -sort'. Mysystem exec'ing Asprefine (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... asprefine -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -band 1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -integration_time 100 -keep_temps=0 -aspect_suf asprta_preref -out_aspect_suf asprta -refinement_limit 0 -rta: -nuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort -rta: -fuvpltsol\ \ \ \ 0 -rta: -sort Now logging 2642 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa1b5a14) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9543a78) to LOG=GLOB(0xa1b5a14) with tag ')-'. << AspRefine >> version='$Id: asprefine,v 1.66 2008/02/16 00:52:29 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:05:06Z PCPU: 0.26/0.04/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 2642 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/asprefine (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AspRefine: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; segment_offset = 120; segment_gap = 0; dominance_ratio = 1; integration_time = 100; droll_iter_thresh = 0; refinement_limit = 0; astromchk_radius = 20; asp_skip = undef; threshold = 3; keep_temps = 0; aspect_suf = asprta_preref; correction = undef; out_aspect_suf = asprta; base_suffix = _asprefine; no_platesol_3fit = undef; qa_output_path = undef; extra_opts = {cdeltas=>1.5}; Using temporary base name 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine'. Read 1509 records from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits'. Full time range of aspect file = [783444315.995, 783445823.995]. Usable time range of aspect file = [783444341.995, 783445821.995]. Segmenting aspect records on discontinuities 120" and/or 0 secs or bigger ... Found 1 segments: 0: nrecs=1481, t=[783444341.995, 783445821.995] Accepting the single segment found. Adjusting time range [783444341.995, 783445821.995] to find 100 seconds at end ... Will accumulate data within time range [783445721.995, 783445821.995]. Opening output file 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-out.txt' ... Running photmap on aspect file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits' ... SPAWN created cmd 'photmap -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -trange 783445721.995,783445821.995 -aspf /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits -which exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0,movie=0 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -band 1 -slicedt2 5 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1'. Mysystem exec'ing Photmap (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0xa175de4),0) as ... photmap -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -trange\ 783445721.995,783445821.995\ -aspf\ /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits\ -which\ exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0,movie=0 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -band 1 -slicedt2 5 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 Running sextra ... SPAWN created cmd 'sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa -compress_images=1 -stat_name 1 -nthr 3 -fthr 3 -minpix 2 -rmbg=0 -mask=0 -mkmask=0 -filter'. Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0xa177f74),0) as ... sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa -compress_images=1 -stat_name 1 -nthr 3 -fthr 3 -minpix 2 -rmbg=0 -mask=0 -mkmask=0 -filter Running astromchk ... SPAWN created cmd 'astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 1 -verbose -runstar_name /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -min_match_count 5 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd -match_radius 20'. Mysystem exec'ing Astromchk (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 1 -verbose -runstar_name /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -min_match_count 5 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd -match_radius 20 Now logging 3378 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x8d8091c) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8153a78) to LOG=GLOB(0x8d8091c) with tag ')-'. << AstromChk >> version='$Id: astromchk,v 1.49 2006/05/12 19:51:51 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:08:23Z PCPU: 0.24/0.04/3 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 3378 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/astromchk (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AstromChk: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd; band = 1; match_radius = 20; min_match_count = 5; max_fov_radius = 0.55; flux_limit = 0.1,0.01; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; opt_wheel_pos = d; flux_col = FLUX_AUTO; catalog_name = undef; runstar_name = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits; mch_file_name = undef; other_opts = undef; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = 0; Band found to be NUV. Opening Sextra catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat.fits' ... ... catalog has 546 sources. ... using FOV center RA,Dec=55.7074877674324,-6.41765586214673. Opening Runstar catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits' ... ... catalog has 331 sources. Sextra catalog reduced to 546 sources exceeding 0.1 cps. Matching with radius 20" ... Posmatchn: Indexing with step 0.01 ... Posmatchn: Order array has 546 elements. Lat range = -7.02357141468326 to -5.79892468155775 Posmatchn: ... created 123 indicies. Posmatchn: Comparing 331 sources to 546 sources ... Found 134 matches. Creating match file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits' ... Accepted 105 matches; rejected 29 matches. Radial delta("): Mean = 0.966 +/- 0.104 StdDev = 1.065, N = 105 Min = 0.036, Max = 6.286 Position angle(deg.s): Mean = 159.707 +/- 8.812 StdDev = 90.297, N = 105 Min = 2.613, Max = 357.790 Delta NUV x("): Mean = 0.320 +/- 0.084 StdDev = 0.861, N = 105 Min = -1.605, Max = 4.025 Delta NUV y("): Mean = 0.176 +/- 0.107 StdDev = 1.096, N = 105 Min = -2.484, Max = 5.845 ln(f_model/f_meas): Mean = 0.925 +/- 0.075 StdDev = 0.772, N = 105 Min = -0.791, Max = 2.835 Writing 105 match rows to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits' ... << End of AstromChk >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:08:29Z PCPU: 0.39/0.05/9 CCPU: 0.01/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 3378 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Running gplatesol ... SPAWN created cmd 'gplatesol -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd -3_param_fit=1 -use_fov=1 -stat_file 1'. Mysystem exec'ing Gplatesol (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gplatesol -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -verbose -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd -3_param_fit=1 -use_fov=1 -stat_file 1 << GPlateSol >> version='$Id: gplatesol,v 1.38 2006/12/02 23:18:02 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:49:26Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:08:36Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/1 CCPU: 0.03/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 3429 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gplatesol (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GPlateSol: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; 3_param_fit = 1; use_fov = 1; plot_file = undef; stat_file = 1; mch_type = cat_mch_flagstar,cat_mch_rtastar; update_hdr = undef; exec = plate_solution; idl = /usr/local/bin/idl; Writing to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar_stats.txt' ... Setting 'setenv IDL_PATH=/usr/local/rsi/idl/lib:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/lib/idl/galex:/home/galex/lib/idl/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/DustCodeIDL:/home/galex/lib/idl/fanning:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/img:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/imgroam:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/misc:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/uit' Chdir to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/'. Sending to IDL: 'plate_solution,"/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits",/use_fov,/rot_shift_only'. Plate solution: | Xshift = -0.2101 ( 0.0000) arcseconds | Yshift = 0.1223 ( 0.0000) arcseconds | Xscale = 1.500000 ( 0.000000) arcseconds/pixel | Yscale = 1.500000 ( 0.000000) arcseconds/pixel | Xrot = 180.00531 ( 0.000000) degrees | Yrot = 0.00529 ( 0.000000) degrees | ChiSq/dof = 0.995 | Nsamples = 105. | Nrejected = 0. | A = -0.2101 | B = -1.500000 | C = 0.000139 | D = 0.1223 | E = 0.000139 | F = 1.500000 | CRVAL1 = 55.70749 | CRVAL2 = -6.41766 | CRPIX1 = 1896.489 | CRPIX2 = 1991.742 | NPARAMS = 3. Writing results to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar_stats.txt' ... Done. << End of GPlateSol >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:08:43Z PCPU: 0.26/0.04/8 CCPU: 0.09/0.04 HOST: skirnir PID: 3429 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Refining aspect file ... Extracted dx,dy,droll = -0.2101", 0.1223", 0.00529 degrees from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar_stats.txt'. Apply correction to aspect records with WCS=[55.69742 -6.44734 0 0 -0.000416666666666667 0.000416666666666667 0 -TAN]... Corrected 1481 records. Writing new aspect file to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits' ... Opening hdrfrom file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits' ... Opening aspect output file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits' ... Wrote 1509 aspect records. Done. << End of AspRefine >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:08:49Z PCPU: 0.63/0.08/225 CCPU: 30.81/4.28 HOST: skirnir PID: 2642 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Removing intermediate files matching 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine*' but NOT matching '(-cat_mch_rtastar\.|-cat\.|-out\.|_iter0\.)[^/]+$' ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cnt.fits.gz ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-flag_hotmask.fits.gz ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-gauss_30_7x7.txt ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-int.fits ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-rr.fits ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-rrhr.fits ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-sexcols.txt ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-sexcols_orig.txt ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-sexnnw.txt ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-sexparams.txt ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-sexparams_orig.txt ... Removing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-wt.fits ... Moving intermediate files matching '(-cat_mch_rtastar\.|-cat\.|-out\.|_iter0\.)[^/]+$' to the QA directory ... Moving MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits ... Moving MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-out.txt ... Moving MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_asprefine-nd-cat.fits ... Update state file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits from aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Reading columns 'pktime status_flag_rta ra_rta dec_rta roll_rta'. Wrote/updated 1702 records. Matched 1509 records. Copied positions for 1481 records. Making QA plots and stats ... Mysystem exec'ing aspqa (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... aspqa -v -update -aspf /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits -truth /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits -band 1 -pdev -statf MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp_stats.txt Now logging 3542 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9d193b0) . << AspQA >> version='$Id: aspqa,v 1.83 2006/11/29 21:40:00 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:42Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:09:25Z PCPU: 0.45/0.04/9 CCPU: 0/0 HOST: skirnir PID: 3542 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/aspqa (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AspQA: input_base = undef; input_path = .; aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits; rta_aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits; band = 1; detector_coords = undef; fit_frame_sz = 2000; fit_overlap = 0.1; max_degree_fit = 9; frame_discontinuity_limit = 9999; update_hdr = 1; hdr_tag = undef; plot_device =; plots = undef; multi_window = undef; ignore_flags = undef; stat_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp_stats.txt; time_offset = undef; zoom = 1; interact = undef; round_dp = 3; sub_visit = undef; verbose = 1; log_file = undef; debug = 0; Plotting to device ''. Writing stats to file 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp_stats.txt'. Slurping truth aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Slurping aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits ... Setting origin to 783444315.995,55.7022737151184,-6.43929027703454,102.998764373683 Fitting 1481 points with 2000-second frames overlapping by 201 seconds ... New frame at i=0-1480, N=1481, order=9. dx order 9 fit coeffs = -33.800505079581,-0.0329555283682131,0.000173875031423529,1.36144010337201e-07,-1.92763963540258e-09,4.60112783190434e-12,-5.45621107094451e-15,3.5754610499189e-18,-1.23750820747318e-21,1.76971045441669e-25 dy order 9 fit coeffs = 127.183404642651,0.0266354203464743,-9.63877829133999e-06,-1.54996048118042e-06,6.40682792658465e-09,-1.19858022012899e-11,1.2506298779602e-14,-7.53476838017567e-18,2.46031871959702e-21,-3.38197622409053e-25 Done fitting. Updating 'true' aspect file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits' with stats ... << End of AspQA >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:09:45Z PCPU: 1.53/0.07/29 CCPU: 0/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 3542 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Mysystem exec'ing aspqa (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... aspqa -v -update -hdrtag R -aspf /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw.fits -truth /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits -band 1 -pdev -statf MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw_stats.txt Now logging 3641 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xae6ea34) . << AspQA >> version='$Id: aspqa,v 1.83 2006/11/29 21:40:00 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:42Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:09:51Z PCPU: 0.46/0.05/3 CCPU: 0/0 HOST: skirnir PID: 3641 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/aspqa (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AspQA: input_base = undef; input_path = .; aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw.fits; rta_aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits; band = 1; detector_coords = undef; fit_frame_sz = 2000; fit_overlap = 0.1; max_degree_fit = 9; frame_discontinuity_limit = 9999; update_hdr = 1; hdr_tag = R; plot_device =; plots = undef; multi_window = undef; ignore_flags = undef; stat_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw_stats.txt; time_offset = undef; zoom = 1; interact = undef; round_dp = 3; sub_visit = undef; verbose = 1; log_file = undef; debug = 0; Plotting to device ''. Writing stats to file 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw_stats.txt'. Slurping truth aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Slurping aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw.fits ... Setting origin to 783444315.995,55.7001049756748,-6.44370185379832,102.998644888494 Fitting 1481 points with 2000-second frames overlapping by 201 seconds ... New frame at i=0-1480, N=1481, order=9. dx order 9 fit coeffs = -39.9521454120596,0.104277506950831,-0.000592402786488753,4.01539039758016e-06,-1.590788335093e-08,3.43127310862328e-11,-4.21869734475056e-14,2.96467993724017e-17,-1.10927820876887e-20,1.71426894112606e-24 dy order 9 fit coeffs = 136.973437431747,-0.100245069305962,0.000687180093485034,-8.01814844964689e-06,3.75631592288658e-08,-8.59732750502959e-11,1.08350901621845e-13,-7.70103782787113e-17,2.89714453740209e-20,-4.48901349124239e-24 Done fitting. Updating 'true' aspect file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits' with stats ... << End of AspQA >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:10:00Z PCPU: 1.54/0.07/12 CCPU: 0/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 3641 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' << End of GRTA >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:10:01Z PCPU: 3.68/0.39/555 CCPU: 255.1/7.97 HOST: skirnir PID: 1828 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -band 1 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Photmap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -which\ rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -band 1 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 3793 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9effd50) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x92bfa60) to LOG=GLOB(0x9effd50) with tag ')-'. << PhotMap >> version='$Id: photmap,v 1.38 2006/09/18 22:15:59 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:10:15Z PCPU: 0.26/0.04/9 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 3793 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/photmap (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for PhotMap: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits; dead_time_cor = 1; use_solution = 1; slicedt2 = 10; seg_times = undef; min_part_tag = 1; interval = 5; compress_images = 1; map_exec = simplemap; Passed-on parameters: '-simplemap:' '-which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0' '-simplemap:' '-calinf maskr=0.6' Input file(s) = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits SPAWN created cmd 'simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 1 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6 -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6'. Mysystem exec'ing Simplemap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 1 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6 -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6 # SimpleMap Version '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_18:10:19Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Command line options for SimpleMap: [nitems=34/34,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "grism" (i) = 0 1: "dose_only" (i) = 0 2: "ais" (i) = 0 3: "charge_map_too" (i) = 0 4: "rate" (i) = 0 5: "which" (n) = 0x926e060 (60 bytes) [nitems=9/9,nalloc=16,alloc_sz=768+60,chunksz=8,ncache=32,flags=0x1] 0: "cnt" (d) = -1 1: "exp" (d) = 0 2: "rr" (d) = 0 3: "detbg" (d) = 0 4: "dose" (d) = 0 5: "q" (d) = 0 6: "sprr" (d) = 0 7: "movie" (d) = 8 8: "flag" (d) = 8 6: "compress_images" (i) = 1 7: "init_from_file" (i) = 0 8: "multiple_runs" (i) = 0 9: "use_solution" (i) = 1 10: "dead_time_cor" (i) = 1 11: "output_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/" (84 bytes) 12: "input_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try" (84 bytes) 13: "nphots_to_read" (i) = -1 14: "chunk_sz" (i) = 10000000 15: "count_def" (n) = 0x926dc88 (60 bytes) [nitems=5/5,nalloc=8,alloc_sz=384+60,chunksz=8,ncache=16,flags=0x1] 0: "ra0" (d) = -999 1: "dec0" (d) = -999 2: "npix" (d) = 3840 3: "pixsz" (d) = 1.5 4: "twist" (d) = 0 16: "dosage_def" (n) = 0x926e5b0 (60 bytes) [nitems=3/3,nalloc=4,alloc_sz=192+60,chunksz=8,ncache=8,flags=0x1] 0: "npix" (d) = 2250 1: "pixszx" (d) = 3 2: "bitpix" (i) = 32 17: "movie_def" (n) = 0x926eb10 (60 bytes) [nitems=1/1,nalloc=1,alloc_sz=48+60,chunksz=8,ncache=2,flags=0x1] 0: "framet" (d) = 16 18: "slicedt2" (d) = 10 19: "dump_phots" (i) = 0 20: "n_to_dump" (i) = 100 21: "dither_photons" (i) = 0 22: "fwhm" (d) = 4.5 23: "center" (i) = 0 24: "verbose" (i) = 0 25: "quiet" (i) = 0 26: "debug" (i) = 0 27: "cal_info" (n) = 0x926e690 (60 bytes) [nitems=48/48,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "calpath" (s) = "cal" (4 bytes) 1: "flatfile" (s) = "flat.fits" (10 bytes) 2: "detbgfile" (s) = "detbg.fits" (11 bytes) 3: "spflatfile" (s) = "spflat.fits" (12 bytes) 4: "pltscl" (d) = 68.754932 5: "detsize" (d) = 1.25 6: "na" (d) = 0 7: "nb" (d) = 1 8: "nc" (d) = 0 9: "nd" (d) = 0 10: "ne" (d) = 0 11: "nf" (d) = 1 12: "fa" (d) = 0 13: "fb" (d) = 1 14: "fc" (d) = 0 15: "fd" (d) = 0 16: "fe" (d) = 0 17: "ff" (d) = 1 18: "maskfile" (s) = "mask.fits" (10 bytes) 19: "maskfile_fuv" (s) = "FUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 20: "maskfile_nuv" (s) = "NUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 21: "linfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 22: "linfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 23: "linfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 24: "linfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 25: "walkfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 26: "walkfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 27: "walkfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 28: "walkfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 29: "wigfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 30: "wigfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 31: "wigfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 32: "wigfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 33: "dumlin" (d) = 0 34: "dumwalk" (d) = 0 35: "dumwig" (d) = 0 36: "maskr" (d) = 0.6 37: "flat_correct_fuv" (d) = -0.0031 38: "flat_t0_fuv" (d) = 840418779.02 39: "flat_correct_nuv" (d) = -0.0154 40: "flat_t0_nuv" (d) = 840418779.02 41: "flat_correct_fuv_0" (d) = 1.2420282 42: "flat_correct_fuv_1" (d) = -2.8843099e-10 43: "flat_correct_fuv_2" (d) = 0 44: "flat_correct_nuv_0" (d) = 1.9946352 45: "flat_correct_nuv_1" (d) = -1.9679445e-09 46: "flat_correct_nuv_2" (d) = 9.3025231e-19 47: "dummy" (d) = 0 28: "other_opts" (n) = 0x926f3c8 (60 bytes) [nitems=30/30,nalloc=32,alloc_sz=1536+60,chunksz=8,ncache=64,flags=0x1] 0: "feeclkratio" (d) = 0.966 1: "nomstimr8" (d) = 79 2: "xsc_det_off" (d) = 0 3: "ysc_det_off" (d) = 0 4: "print1st" (d) = 0 5: "leakchk" (d) = 0 6: "sort" (d) = 0 7: "embedfmt" (d) = 0 8: "scdose" (d) = 1 9: "charge" (d) = 1 10: "noaccum" (d) = 0 11: "nosave" (d) = 0 12: "selband" (d) = 0 13: "fieldr" (d) = 0 14: "nlcmask" (d) = 1 15: "fieldra" (d) = -999 16: "fielddec" (d) = -999 17: "jiggle" (d) = 1 18: "grainsz" (d) = 0.05 19: "sampler0" (d) = 1.05 20: "sampler1" (d) = 1.3 21: "stimstats" (d) = 1 22: "autoscale" (d) = 0 23: "asptoff" (d) = 0 24: "ratesampt" (d) = 0 25: "qlo" (d) = -1 26: "qhi" (d) = -1 27: "allowbadwalk" (d) = 1 28: "asperrsfatal" (d) = 0 29: "noprog" (d) = 1 29: "input_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001" (23 bytes) 30: "photon_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits" (119 bytes) 31: "output_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap" (30 bytes) 32: "band" (i) = 1 33: "opt_wheel_pos" (i) = 1 Reading Aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Read 1509 aspect records; t = [783444315.995 to 783445823.995]; Non-skipped t = [783444341.995 to 783445821.995] Opening photon file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits' ... Input search times = 0.000000 to 10000000000.000000. Aspect search times= 783444341.995000 to 783445821.995000. Final search times = 1099409141.995 to 1099410621.995 (tbase=315964800.000000). 783444341.995 to 783445821.995 (tbase=0). 28.000 to +1480.000 (relative). Found 39224707 photons in format 7. Photon time range = 1099409113.995 - 1099410624.990 = 1510.995000 sec.s = 783444313.995 - 783445824.990 Reading header from state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... eclipse=8090fdttdc=27.972995 Found header values ra0,dec0=55.697420,-6.447340, band=1, ow=1, fwhm=4.50 eclipse/visit=8090/1, tilenum/tilename=3345/'MISDR1_27036_0462', grelease='ops-v7_0_1'/'ops-v7_0_1' nvalidph=-999 Using these conversion constants: NUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 FUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 Plate scale = 68.754932"/mm Det. size = 1.250000 deg. Center Scale Slope Clock X Y X Y X Y X Y NUV: 7400.000 6070.000 8.790 14.010 0.530 0.000 2007.000 1992.000 FUV: 7200.000 6670.000 7.780 10.730 0.000 0.000 1997.000 1993.000 flat_correct_0, flat_correct_1, flat_correct_2, t, scale = 1.994635, -0.000000, 0.000000, 783445069.492500, 1.023835 Loading mask file cal/NUV_mask.fits ... mask file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_mask.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_mask.fits Mask is 800X800 and has 3078 zero pixels. Manual mask radius = 0.600 degrees masked 230292 pixels. Remapping mask with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading flat file 'cal/NUV_flat.fits' ... flat file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_flat.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_flat.fits Rescaling flat with scale 1.023835 ... ... rescaled 590220 pixels. Remapping flat with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading linfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_y.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_y.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_y.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_y.fits Making image definitions ... Allocating image space for 3 maps (0x601) ... Reading 10000000 of 39224707 photons remaining (0/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 9254867(10000000) photons in 0.559671 seconds, 272.638588 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 23152 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 23 stim groups set (pinc=1006). Read in 2 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -6.6338543e+04 9.1192379e-05 [n=25] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=2 tot=25]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 667066 photons. ... found 8339979 valid photons. Accumulating 9254867 photons, last=0 ... 000000002 / 009254867 000079500 / 009254867 000159861 / 009254867 000239975 / 009254867 000320271 / 009254867 000400613 / 009254867 000480844 / 009254867 000561119 / 009254867 000640551 / 009254867 000720535 / 009254867 000800051 / 009254867 000879821 / 009254867 000959424 / 009254867 001038788 / 009254867 001118209 / 009254867 001197375 / 009254867 001276843 / 009254867 001356457 / 009254867 001436149 / 009254867 001515951 / 009254867 001595560 / 009254867 001675346 / 009254867 001754650 / 009254867 001833365 / 009254867 001912606 / 009254867 001991641 / 009254867 002070578 / 009254867 002149670 / 009254867 002228574 / 009254867 002307631 / 009254867 002386354 / 009254867 002465491 / 009254867 002544667 / 009254867 002623402 / 009254867 002702647 / 009254867 002781347 / 009254867 002860612 / 009254867 002939791 / 009254867 003018798 / 009254867 003097951 / 009254867 003176918 / 009254867 003255999 / 009254867 003335132 / 009254867 003414238 / 009254867 003493068 / 009254867 003572170 / 009254867 003650895 / 009254867 003729535 / 009254867 003808316 / 009254867 003886858 / 009254867 003965679 / 009254867 004044044 / 009254867 004123062 / 009254867 004201541 / 009254867 004280375 / 009254867 004358945 / 009254867 004437788 / 009254867 004516396 / 009254867 004595027 / 009254867 004673968 / 009254867 004753100 / 009254867 004832228 / 009254867 004911228 / 009254867 004990345 / 009254867 005069548 / 009254867 005148867 / 009254867 005227780 / 009254867 005306425 / 009254867 005384739 / 009254867 005462818 / 009254867 005540842 / 009254867 005618892 / 009254867 005696808 / 009254867 005774206 / 009254867 005851833 / 009254867 005930049 / 009254867 006007998 / 009254867 006086222 / 009254867 006164349 / 009254867 006242316 / 009254867 006320452 / 009254867 006398755 / 009254867 006476886 / 009254867 006555016 / 009254867 006633198 / 009254867 006711342 / 009254867 006788994 / 009254867 006867034 / 009254867 006944651 / 009254867 007022527 / 009254867 007100458 / 009254867 007178113 / 009254867 007256451 / 009254867 007334558 / 009254867 007412634 / 009254867 007490693 / 009254867 007568885 / 009254867 007646407 / 009254867 007724552 / 009254867 007802845 / 009254867 007880555 / 009254867 007959179 / 009254867 008037076 / 009254867 008115434 / 009254867 008194428 / 009254867 008272807 / 009254867 008351518 / 009254867 008429174 / 009254867 008507512 / 009254867 008585340 / 009254867 008662878 / 009254867 008741020 / 009254867 008818378 / 009254867 008895523 / 009254867 008972421 / 009254867 009049985 / 009254867 009126895 / 009254867 009204554 / 009254867 009254867 / 009254867 Accumulated in 22.329733 seconds (690801 skipped), 2.412756 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667629 0 23172 0 ) Reading 10000000 of 29224707 photons remaining (10000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 10000000(10000000) photons in 0.366951 seconds, 415.826351 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 25698 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 25 stim groups set (pinc=1027). Read in 25 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.5615654e+05 2.0583738e-04 [n=50] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=25 tot=50]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.677 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.693 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.709 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.725 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.741 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 728684 photons. ... found 9029258 valid photons. Accumulating 10000000 photons, last=0 ... 000000001 / 010000000 000077250 / 010000000 000155054 / 010000000 000232622 / 010000000 000310254 / 010000000 000387598 / 010000000 000464050 / 010000000 000541486 / 010000000 000619051 / 010000000 000696045 / 010000000 000773207 / 010000000 000850842 / 010000000 000928485 / 010000000 001006532 / 010000000 001083978 / 010000000 001161567 / 010000000 001239539 / 010000000 001317403 / 010000000 001394743 / 010000000 001472338 / 010000000 001549750 / 010000000 001627624 / 010000000 001705225 / 010000000 001783023 / 010000000 001861522 / 010000000 001939249 / 010000000 002017324 / 010000000 002095253 / 010000000 002172609 / 010000000 002250304 / 010000000 002327880 / 010000000 002405525 / 010000000 002483321 / 010000000 002561055 / 010000000 002638254 / 010000000 002715253 / 010000000 002792657 / 010000000 002869341 / 010000000 002946279 / 010000000 003023014 / 010000000 003100112 / 010000000 003177484 / 010000000 003254642 / 010000000 003332007 / 010000000 003409200 / 010000000 003486519 / 010000000 003563096 / 010000000 003640372 / 010000000 003717377 / 010000000 003794078 / 010000000 003870958 / 010000000 003947878 / 010000000 004024560 / 010000000 004101202 / 010000000 004178272 / 010000000 004255259 / 010000000 004332444 / 010000000 004409686 / 010000000 004486901 / 010000000 004563735 / 010000000 004640806 / 010000000 004718525 / 010000000 004796094 / 010000000 004873382 / 010000000 004950929 / 010000000 005028714 / 010000000 005106012 / 010000000 005183511 / 010000000 005260855 / 010000000 005338051 / 010000000 005415180 / 010000000 005492620 / 010000000 005569254 / 010000000 005646791 / 010000000 005723160 / 010000000 005799964 / 010000000 005876471 / 010000000 005953479 / 010000000 006029851 / 010000000 006106574 / 010000000 006183211 / 010000000 006260255 / 010000000 006337260 / 010000000 006414553 / 010000000 006491405 / 010000000 006568299 / 010000000 006645499 / 010000000 006722449 / 010000000 006799554 / 010000000 006876486 / 010000000 006953237 / 010000000 007030049 / 010000000 007107189 / 010000000 007183795 / 010000000 007260555 / 010000000 007337776 / 010000000 007415308 / 010000000 007492342 / 010000000 007569089 / 010000000 007646181 / 010000000 007723283 / 010000000 007800850 / 010000000 007878049 / 010000000 007955714 / 010000000 008033398 / 010000000 008110627 / 010000000 008187869 / 010000000 008265445 / 010000000 008342799 / 010000000 008419811 / 010000000 008496684 / 010000000 008574229 / 010000000 008651174 / 010000000 008727925 / 010000000 008804562 / 010000000 008881121 / 010000000 008957606 / 010000000 009034570 / 010000000 009111632 / 010000000 009188278 / 010000000 009265414 / 010000000 009342301 / 010000000 009418915 / 010000000 009496089 / 010000000 009572923 / 010000000 009649683 / 010000000 009726354 / 010000000 009803000 / 010000000 009880108 / 010000000 009957063 / 010000000 010000000 / 010000000 Accumulated in 23.566602 seconds (754839 skipped), 2.356660 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 729128 0 25711 0 ) Reading 10000000 of 19224707 photons remaining (20000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 10000000(10000000) photons in 0.487640 seconds, 312.910848 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 25757 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 25 stim groups set (pinc=1030). Read in 50 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.7012779e+05 2.2367048e-04 [n=75] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=50 tot=75]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.677 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.693 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.709 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.725 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.741 783445092.547 5105.740 1035.0 5105.754 783445108.142 5105.768 1038.0 5105.757 783445123.787 5105.711 1042.0 5105.760 783445139.228 5105.874 1040.0 5105.764 783445154.660 5105.795 1044.0 5105.767 783445170.341 5105.708 1019.0 5105.771 783445185.881 5105.719 1035.0 5105.774 783445201.279 5105.761 1045.0 5105.778 783445216.816 5105.766 1034.0 5105.781 783445232.572 5105.823 1038.0 5105.785 783445248.333 5105.797 1032.0 5105.788 783445264.036 5105.900 1042.0 5105.792 783445279.607 5105.782 1061.0 5105.795 783445295.085 5105.824 1032.0 5105.799 783445310.652 5105.761 1041.0 5105.802 783445326.215 5105.918 1033.0 5105.806 783445341.912 5105.794 1038.0 5105.809 783445357.430 5105.707 1048.0 5105.813 783445373.161 5105.776 1030.0 5105.816 783445388.882 5105.840 1013.0 5105.820 783445404.289 5105.945 1034.0 5105.823 783445419.836 5105.743 1032.0 5105.827 783445435.581 5105.773 1018.0 5105.830 783445451.036 5105.872 1029.0 5105.834 783445466.418 5105.875 1028.0 5105.837 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 724227 photons. ... found 9041253 valid photons. Accumulating 10000000 photons, last=0 ... 000000001 / 010000000 000076383 / 010000000 000152921 / 010000000 000229419 / 010000000 000306538 / 010000000 000383498 / 010000000 000460331 / 010000000 000537082 / 010000000 000613842 / 010000000 000690730 / 010000000 000767098 / 010000000 000844215 / 010000000 000921587 / 010000000 000998835 / 010000000 001076071 / 010000000 001153684 / 010000000 001231413 / 010000000 001308868 / 010000000 001385569 / 010000000 001463331 / 010000000 001540533 / 010000000 001617379 / 010000000 001694356 / 010000000 001771539 / 010000000 001848347 / 010000000 001924883 / 010000000 002001358 / 010000000 002078108 / 010000000 002154637 / 010000000 002232138 / 010000000 002308708 / 010000000 002385504 / 010000000 002462330 / 010000000 002539295 / 010000000 002615930 / 010000000 002692589 / 010000000 002769472 / 010000000 002846250 / 010000000 002922683 / 010000000 002999206 / 010000000 003075910 / 010000000 003152608 / 010000000 003229295 / 010000000 003306082 / 010000000 003382890 / 010000000 003460236 / 010000000 003537014 / 010000000 003614474 / 010000000 003691874 / 010000000 003768863 / 010000000 003845287 / 010000000 003922920 / 010000000 004000307 / 010000000 004077636 / 010000000 004155739 / 010000000 004233172 / 010000000 004310765 / 010000000 004388189 / 010000000 004465482 / 010000000 004542477 / 010000000 004620345 / 010000000 004697839 / 010000000 004774853 / 010000000 004851884 / 010000000 004928944 / 010000000 005005741 / 010000000 005082546 / 010000000 005159135 / 010000000 005235477 / 010000000 005312586 / 010000000 005389887 / 010000000 005467071 / 010000000 005544213 / 010000000 005621638 / 010000000 005698800 / 010000000 005776184 / 010000000 005853611 / 010000000 005930976 / 010000000 006008060 / 010000000 006085216 / 010000000 006162259 / 010000000 006238769 / 010000000 006315835 / 010000000 006392723 / 010000000 006469837 / 010000000 006547201 / 010000000 006624462 / 010000000 006701446 / 010000000 006779024 / 010000000 006855907 / 010000000 006933533 / 010000000 007011226 / 010000000 007088515 / 010000000 007166059 / 010000000 007243827 / 010000000 007321719 / 010000000 007399650 / 010000000 007476981 / 010000000 007554889 / 010000000 007632483 / 010000000 007709864 / 010000000 007787543 / 010000000 007864794 / 010000000 007941989 / 010000000 008019082 / 010000000 008096632 / 010000000 008173712 / 010000000 008250678 / 010000000 008327821 / 010000000 008405581 / 010000000 008482396 / 010000000 008559967 / 010000000 008637538 / 010000000 008715491 / 010000000 008793035 / 010000000 008870422 / 010000000 008948339 / 010000000 009025610 / 010000000 009103215 / 010000000 009180850 / 010000000 009258389 / 010000000 009335703 / 010000000 009413370 / 010000000 009490845 / 010000000 009568348 / 010000000 009646186 / 010000000 009724232 / 010000000 009802239 / 010000000 009879348 / 010000000 009956523 / 010000000 010000000 / 010000000 Accumulated in 23.255374 seconds (750384 skipped), 2.325537 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 724616 0 25768 0 ) Reading 9224707 of 9224707 photons remaining (30000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 9143890(9224707) photons in 0.327005 seconds, 430.445703 MB/sec. RC=-2, Last=1, EOF=1 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 22902 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 22 stim groups set (pinc=1041). Read in 75 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.7903383e+05 2.3503829e-04 [n=97] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=75 tot=97]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.677 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.693 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.709 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.725 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.741 783445092.547 5105.740 1035.0 5105.754 783445108.142 5105.768 1038.0 5105.757 783445123.787 5105.711 1042.0 5105.760 783445139.228 5105.874 1040.0 5105.764 783445154.660 5105.795 1044.0 5105.767 783445170.341 5105.708 1019.0 5105.771 783445185.881 5105.719 1035.0 5105.774 783445201.279 5105.761 1045.0 5105.778 783445216.816 5105.766 1034.0 5105.781 783445232.572 5105.823 1038.0 5105.785 783445248.333 5105.797 1032.0 5105.788 783445264.036 5105.900 1042.0 5105.792 783445279.607 5105.782 1061.0 5105.795 783445295.085 5105.824 1032.0 5105.799 783445310.652 5105.761 1041.0 5105.802 783445326.215 5105.918 1033.0 5105.806 783445341.912 5105.794 1038.0 5105.809 783445357.430 5105.707 1048.0 5105.813 783445373.161 5105.776 1030.0 5105.816 783445388.882 5105.840 1013.0 5105.820 783445404.289 5105.945 1034.0 5105.823 783445419.836 5105.743 1032.0 5105.827 783445435.581 5105.773 1018.0 5105.830 783445451.036 5105.872 1029.0 5105.834 783445466.418 5105.875 1028.0 5105.837 783445482.189 5105.772 1021.0 5105.849 783445498.061 5105.756 1049.0 5105.852 783445513.958 5105.805 1052.0 5105.856 783445529.739 5105.922 1051.0 5105.860 783445545.353 5105.924 1040.0 5105.863 783445561.105 5105.841 1056.0 5105.867 783445576.850 5105.805 1057.0 5105.871 783445592.846 5106.010 1049.0 5105.875 783445608.707 5105.822 1055.0 5105.878 783445624.625 5105.820 1035.0 5105.882 783445640.516 5105.950 1040.0 5105.886 783445656.370 5105.864 1047.0 5105.890 783445671.889 5105.988 1054.0 5105.893 783445687.535 5106.017 1049.0 5105.897 783445703.185 5105.934 1042.0 5105.901 783445718.944 5105.880 1054.0 5105.904 783445734.937 5106.073 1043.0 5105.908 783445750.726 5105.879 1049.0 5105.912 783445766.376 5105.992 1049.0 5105.915 783445782.114 5105.787 1040.0 5105.919 783445798.077 5105.966 1034.0 5105.923 783445813.930 5105.810 1051.0 5105.927 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 663465 photons. ... found 8263665 valid photons. Accumulating 9143890 photons, last=1 ... 000000001 / 009143890 000077375 / 009143890 000155838 / 009143890 000233758 / 009143890 000312305 / 009143890 000390731 / 009143890 000468555 / 009143890 000546749 / 009143890 000625137 / 009143890 000703552 / 009143890 000781502 / 009143890 000859591 / 009143890 000938004 / 009143890 001015808 / 009143890 001093900 / 009143890 001172172 / 009143890 001249949 / 009143890 001327522 / 009143890 001404748 / 009143890 001482449 / 009143890 001560458 / 009143890 001638267 / 009143890 001715697 / 009143890 001793656 / 009143890 001872010 / 009143890 001950152 / 009143890 002027950 / 009143890 002106005 / 009143890 002184130 / 009143890 002262009 / 009143890 002339951 / 009143890 002417930 / 009143890 002495914 / 009143890 002573380 / 009143890 002651870 / 009143890 002730407 / 009143890 002808532 / 009143890 002887187 / 009143890 002965257 / 009143890 003043319 / 009143890 003121461 / 009143890 003200433 / 009143890 003279169 / 009143890 003357728 / 009143890 003436303 / 009143890 003515296 / 009143890 003594411 / 009143890 003673329 / 009143890 003752423 / 009143890 003831323 / 009143890 003910311 / 009143890 003988787 / 009143890 004067533 / 009143890 004146066 / 009143890 004224379 / 009143890 004303528 / 009143890 004382209 / 009143890 004460635 / 009143890 004539311 / 009143890 004618013 / 009143890 004696401 / 009143890 004775295 / 009143890 004853912 / 009143890 004932662 / 009143890 005011018 / 009143890 005089807 / 009143890 005168810 / 009143890 005247499 / 009143890 005326669 / 009143890 005405519 / 009143890 005484771 / 009143890 005563819 / 009143890 005642929 / 009143890 005722366 / 009143890 005801760 / 009143890 005881005 / 009143890 005960573 / 009143890 006040024 / 009143890 006119427 / 009143890 006198977 / 009143890 006278695 / 009143890 006358778 / 009143890 006438164 / 009143890 006517810 / 009143890 006597538 / 009143890 006677474 / 009143890 006757757 / 009143890 006837612 / 009143890 006917737 / 009143890 006998000 / 009143890 007077746 / 009143890 007157714 / 009143890 007238210 / 009143890 007318447 / 009143890 007398686 / 009143890 007478371 / 009143890 007558500 / 009143890 007638321 / 009143890 007718155 / 009143890 007797461 / 009143890 007877433 / 009143890 007956820 / 009143890 008037243 / 009143890 008117113 / 009143890 008197317 / 009143890 008277482 / 009143890 008358001 / 009143890 008438533 / 009143890 008519213 / 009143890 008599146 / 009143890 008679476 / 009143890 008759814 / 009143890 008840300 / 009143890 008921508 / 009143890 009002209 / 009143890 009083467 / 009143890 009143890 / 009143890 Accumulated in 21.550507 seconds (686869 skipped), 2.356820 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 663952 0 22917 0 ) Computing image stats for count image ... Computing image stats for 93 movie frames ... Stats for this run: Rough exposure time = 1480 seconds. Number within 1.300000 = 38289472 Number within 1.050000 = 38288617 Number between 1.050000 and 1.300000 = 855 Number outside 1.300000 = 109285 Ratio between 1.050000 and 1.300000 = 0.000022 Ratio scaled by area = 0.000064 Ave. rate within 1.050000 = 25870.687162 phots/sec Ave. rate within annulus = 0.577703 phots/sec Ave. rate outside 1.300000 = 73.841216 phots/sec Accumulation info: 0: "NCHUNKS" (i) = 4 1: "NRUNS" (d) = 1 2: "PHTRNG0" (d) = 1099409141.995 3: "PHTRNG1" (d) = 1099410621.995 4: "PHTFIRST" (d) = 783444341.995 5: "PHTLAST" (d) = 783445821.995 6: "PHTELAP" (d) = 1480 7: "EXPTIME" (d) = 1480 8: "NGAPS" (d) = 1 9: "TOTREAD" (d) = 39224707 10: "TOTMAP" (d) = 38301189 11: "TOTONMAP" (d) = 35515864 12: "NMASKED" (d) = 2785325 13: "NVISIBLE" (d) = 35515864 14: "NSTIM1" (d) = 24664 15: "STIM1X" (d) = 0.68157557123293 16: "STIM1Y" (d) = -0.75629085689442 17: "NSTIM2" (d) = 23387 18: "STIM2X" (d) = 0.68155399248398 19: "STIM2Y" (d) = 0.6858647931187 20: "NSTIM3" (d) = 24953 21: "STIM3X" (d) = -0.71282207884145 22: "STIM3Y" (d) = -0.75616112068464 23: "NSTIM4" (d) = 24543 24: "STIM4X" (d) = -0.7127553341753 25: "STIM4Y" (d) = 0.68604853047034 26: "CNTMED" (d) = 5 27: "CNTAVE" (d) = 5.4417718806566 28: "CNTPCT1" (d) = 1 29: "CNTPCT99" (d) = 12 30: "XNOT0AVE" (d) = 1899.6373810383 31: "YNOT0AVE" (d) = 1993.087039471 32: "NNOT0" (d) = 5622610 33: "RRMED" (d) = -999 34: "RRAVE" (d) = -999 35: "RRPCT1" (d) = -999 36: "RRPCT99" (d) = -999 37: "NASPOK" (i) = 1484 38: "NASPALL" (i) = 1484 39: "NASPXY" (i) = 1484 40: "AVASPX" (d) = 1900.5048215516 41: "AVASPY" (d) = 1993.967365514 42: "AVASPRRX" (d) = 1900.5048215516 43: "AVASPRRY" (d) = 1993.967365514 44: "AVASPRA" (d) = 55.705803845117 45: "AVASPDEC" (d) = -6.4167285324931 46: "AVASPROL" (d) = 102.95992428928 47: "R8INT" (d) = 1 48: "NRATES" (i) = 1480 49: "MAXRATES" (i) = 100000 50: "AVER8" (d) = 25945.105405405 51: "SIGR8" (d) = 371.25327239357 52: "MINR8" (d) = 25177 53: "MAXR8" (d) = 27203 54: "AVESTMR8" (d) = 65.910135135135 55: "SIGSTMR8" (d) = 3.0213403673307 56: "MINSTMR8" (d) = 56 57: "MAXSTMR8" (d) = 76 58: "NSKIP" (i) = 2882893 59: "NSKIP00" (i) = 0 60: "NSKIP01" (i) = 0 61: "NSKIP02" (i) = 0 62: "NSKIP03" (i) = 0 63: "NSKIP04" (i) = 0 64: "NSKIP05" (i) = 0 65: "NSKIP06" (i) = 0 66: "NSKIP07" (i) = 0 67: "NSKIP08" (i) = 2785325 68: "NSKIP09" (i) = 0 69: "NSKIP10" (i) = 97568 70: "NSKIP11" (i) = 0 Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-cnt.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-movie.fits.gz with 93 frames ............................................................................................. Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-flag_hotmask.fits.gz ... Mapping complete. << End of PhotMap >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:14:02Z PCPU: 0.28/0.04/236 CCPU: 205.2/2.28 HOST: skirnir PID: 3793 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'movievarpix -cal_path cal -verbose -moviemask_snr_limit 2.75 -varpixmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varpix.fits.gz -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits -moviemask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -stackmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varmask.fits.gz -moviemask_npixel_limit 4 -movie_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-movie.fits.gz -npixel_limit 5 -mask_radius 0.625 -apply_flat=1 -snr_limit 3.5 -no_sextra=1 -compress_images=1 -min_frame_exp_frac 0.5 -varpix_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-varpix.fits.gz -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Movievarpix (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... movievarpix -cal_path cal -verbose -moviemask_snr_limit 2.75 -varpixmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varpix.fits.gz -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits -moviemask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -stackmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varmask.fits.gz -moviemask_npixel_limit 4 -movie_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-movie.fits.gz -npixel_limit 5 -mask_radius 0.625 -apply_flat=1 -snr_limit 3.5 -no_sextra=1 -compress_images=1 -min_frame_exp_frac 0.5 -varpix_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-varpix.fits.gz -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 4561 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9ec1db0) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8d79a78) to LOG=GLOB(0x9ec1db0) with tag ')-'. << MovieVarPix >> version='$Id: movievarpix,v 1.24 2007/08/04 00:46:54 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:45Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:14:07Z PCPU: 0.57/0.06/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 4561 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/movievarpix (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for MovieVarPix: movie_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-movie.fits.gz; no_sextra = 1; snr_limit = 3.5; npixel_limit = 5; area_limit = 25; elongation_limit = 3; mask_radius = 0.625; varpix_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-varpix.fits.gz; intmovie_file = 0; varpixmask_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varpix.fits.gz; varpix_flag_value = 1; moviemask_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz; stackmask_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varmask.fits.gz; moviemask_snr_limit = 2.75; moviemask_npixel_limit = 4; filter_radius = 0; sex_thresh = undef; sex_minpix = 1; sex_filter_fwhm = 0; expand_mask_radius = 1; aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits; stddev = undef; maxpix = undef; compress_images = 1; cal_path = cal; apply_flat = 1; flat_limit = 0.5; level_frames = undef; min_frame_exp_frac = 0.5; out_path = .; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; Base=/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap, band=1/n, OW=1/d. Reading from movie file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-nd-movie.fits.gz'. Movie cube is 480x480x94 pixels. Removing short frames ... Movie cube is now 480x480x93 pixels. Reading flat 'cal/NUV_flat.fits' ... Reading mask 'cal/NUV_mask.fits' ... Applying mask to flat ... Flipping flat from S/C coord.s ... Rotating flat with roll=102.998889128168 ... Expanding flat 80 pixels ((1.6-1.33333336)/0.0016666667) ... Resampling flat to dims=480x480 ... Masking flat outside a radius of 187.5 pixels ... Reading aspect file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits' ... Dividing flat*expt out of 93 frames ... Get the vertical median of the movie cube ... Computing median threshold image with nsigma=3.5, areadet=1 ... Statistics for central area of the vertical median of the movie: Mean=nan, RMS=nan, Median=0.217673793435097, Min=0.0781187862157822, Max=162.163497924805 Get the vertical max of the movie cube ... Statistics for central area of the vertical max of the movie: Mean=nan, RMS=nan, Median=0.603638172149658, Min=0.3758445084095, Max=177.585556030273 Computing movie varpix mask cube ... Recomputing threshold image for new SNR=2.75 ... Writing movie varpix mask to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz' ... Writing movie stack varpix mask to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varmask.fits.gz' ... Produce varpix map ... Statistics for central area varpix map: Mean=nan, RMS=nan, Median=2.20066595077515, Min=0.682549118995667, Max=11.0263347625732 Writing varpix mask to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varpix.fits.gz' ... Writing 480x480 pixel varpix image to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-varpix.fits.gz'. Writing 921600 bytes of pixels with bitpix -32 ... Done. << End of MovieVarPix >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:15:15Z PCPU: 49.8/8.85/70 CCPU: 0.17/0.11 HOST: skirnir PID: 4561 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -band 1 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Photmap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -statfile\ /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/\ -moviemask\ /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -band 1 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 4827 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x96b0f5c) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8a8aa60) to LOG=GLOB(0x96b0f5c) with tag ')-'. << PhotMap >> version='$Id: photmap,v 1.38 2006/09/18 22:15:59 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:15:19Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 4827 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/photmap (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for PhotMap: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits; dead_time_cor = 1; use_solution = 1; slicedt2 = undef; seg_times = undef; min_part_tag = 1; interval = 5; compress_images = 1; map_exec = simplemap; Passed-on parameters: '-simplemap:' '-statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz' '-simplemap:' '-calinf maskr=0.6' Input file(s) = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits SPAWN created cmd 'simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 1 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6 -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6'. Mysystem exec'ing Simplemap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 1 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6 -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6 # SimpleMap Version '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_18:15:20Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Command line options for SimpleMap: [nitems=36/36,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "grism" (i) = 0 1: "dose_only" (i) = 0 2: "ais" (i) = 0 3: "charge_map_too" (i) = 0 4: "rate" (i) = 0 5: "which" (n) = 0x9dce060 (60 bytes) [nitems=9/9,nalloc=16,alloc_sz=768+60,chunksz=8,ncache=32,flags=0x1] 0: "cnt" (d) = -1 1: "exp" (d) = 4 2: "rr" (d) = 4 3: "detbg" (d) = 0 4: "dose" (d) = -1 5: "q" (d) = -1 6: "sprr" (d) = 0 7: "movie" (d) = 8 8: "flag" (d) = 8 6: "compress_images" (i) = 1 7: "init_from_file" (i) = 0 8: "multiple_runs" (i) = 0 9: "use_solution" (i) = 1 10: "dead_time_cor" (i) = 1 11: "output_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/" (84 bytes) 12: "input_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try" (84 bytes) 13: "nphots_to_read" (i) = -1 14: "chunk_sz" (i) = 10000000 15: "count_def" (n) = 0x9dcdc88 (60 bytes) [nitems=5/5,nalloc=8,alloc_sz=384+60,chunksz=8,ncache=16,flags=0x1] 0: "ra0" (d) = -999 1: "dec0" (d) = -999 2: "npix" (d) = 3840 3: "pixsz" (d) = 1.5 4: "twist" (d) = 0 16: "dosage_def" (n) = 0x9dce5b0 (60 bytes) [nitems=3/3,nalloc=4,alloc_sz=192+60,chunksz=8,ncache=8,flags=0x1] 0: "npix" (d) = 2250 1: "pixszx" (d) = 3 2: "bitpix" (i) = 32 17: "movie_def" (n) = 0x9dceb10 (60 bytes) [nitems=1/1,nalloc=1,alloc_sz=48+60,chunksz=8,ncache=2,flags=0x1] 0: "framet" (d) = 16 18: "slicedt2" (d) = 1 19: "dump_phots" (i) = 0 20: "n_to_dump" (i) = 100 21: "dither_photons" (i) = 0 22: "fwhm" (d) = 4.5 23: "center" (i) = 0 24: "verbose" (i) = 0 25: "quiet" (i) = 0 26: "debug" (i) = 0 27: "cal_info" (n) = 0x9dce690 (60 bytes) [nitems=48/48,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "calpath" (s) = "cal" (4 bytes) 1: "flatfile" (s) = "flat.fits" (10 bytes) 2: "detbgfile" (s) = "detbg.fits" (11 bytes) 3: "spflatfile" (s) = "spflat.fits" (12 bytes) 4: "pltscl" (d) = 68.754932 5: "detsize" (d) = 1.25 6: "na" (d) = 0 7: "nb" (d) = 1 8: "nc" (d) = 0 9: "nd" (d) = 0 10: "ne" (d) = 0 11: "nf" (d) = 1 12: "fa" (d) = 0 13: "fb" (d) = 1 14: "fc" (d) = 0 15: "fd" (d) = 0 16: "fe" (d) = 0 17: "ff" (d) = 1 18: "maskfile" (s) = "mask.fits" (10 bytes) 19: "maskfile_fuv" (s) = "FUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 20: "maskfile_nuv" (s) = "NUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 21: "linfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 22: "linfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 23: "linfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 24: "linfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 25: "walkfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 26: "walkfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 27: "walkfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 28: "walkfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 29: "wigfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 30: "wigfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 31: "wigfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 32: "wigfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 33: "dumlin" (d) = 0 34: "dumwalk" (d) = 0 35: "dumwig" (d) = 0 36: "maskr" (d) = 0.6 37: "flat_correct_fuv" (d) = -0.0031 38: "flat_t0_fuv" (d) = 840418779.02 39: "flat_correct_nuv" (d) = -0.0154 40: "flat_t0_nuv" (d) = 840418779.02 41: "flat_correct_fuv_0" (d) = 1.2420282 42: "flat_correct_fuv_1" (d) = -2.8843099e-10 43: "flat_correct_fuv_2" (d) = 0 44: "flat_correct_nuv_0" (d) = 1.9946352 45: "flat_correct_nuv_1" (d) = -1.9679445e-09 46: "flat_correct_nuv_2" (d) = 9.3025231e-19 47: "dummy" (d) = 0 28: "other_opts" (n) = 0x9dcf3c8 (60 bytes) [nitems=30/30,nalloc=32,alloc_sz=1536+60,chunksz=8,ncache=64,flags=0x1] 0: "feeclkratio" (d) = 0.966 1: "nomstimr8" (d) = 79 2: "xsc_det_off" (d) = 0 3: "ysc_det_off" (d) = 0 4: "print1st" (d) = 0 5: "leakchk" (d) = 0 6: "sort" (d) = 0 7: "embedfmt" (d) = 0 8: "scdose" (d) = 1 9: "charge" (d) = 1 10: "noaccum" (d) = 0 11: "nosave" (d) = 0 12: "selband" (d) = 0 13: "fieldr" (d) = 0 14: "nlcmask" (d) = 1 15: "fieldra" (d) = -999 16: "fielddec" (d) = -999 17: "jiggle" (d) = 1 18: "grainsz" (d) = 0.05 19: "sampler0" (d) = 1.05 20: "sampler1" (d) = 1.3 21: "stimstats" (d) = 1 22: "autoscale" (d) = 0 23: "asptoff" (d) = 0 24: "ratesampt" (d) = 0 25: "qlo" (d) = -1 26: "qhi" (d) = -1 27: "allowbadwalk" (d) = 1 28: "asperrsfatal" (d) = 0 29: "noprog" (d) = 1 29: "input_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001" (23 bytes) 30: "photon_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits" (119 bytes) 31: "output_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001" (23 bytes) 32: "band" (i) = 1 33: "opt_wheel_pos" (i) = 1 34: "stat_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/" (87 bytes) 35: "movie_mask_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz" (128 bytes) Reading Aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Read 1509 aspect records; t = [783444315.995 to 783445823.995]; Non-skipped t = [783444341.995 to 783445821.995] Reading mask cube from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie_mask.fits.gz' ... Reading 93 rows from frame table ... Opening photon file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-raw6.fits' ... Input search times = 0.000000 to 10000000000.000000. Aspect search times= 783444341.995000 to 783445821.995000. Final search times = 1099409141.995 to 1099410621.995 (tbase=315964800.000000). 783444341.995 to 783445821.995 (tbase=0). 28.000 to +1480.000 (relative). Found 39224707 photons in format 7. Photon time range = 1099409113.995 - 1099410624.990 = 1510.995000 sec.s = 783444313.995 - 783445824.990 Reading header from state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... eclipse=8090fdttdc=27.972995 Found header values ra0,dec0=55.697420,-6.447340, band=1, ow=1, fwhm=4.50 eclipse/visit=8090/1, tilenum/tilename=3345/'MISDR1_27036_0462', grelease='ops-v7_0_1'/'ops-v7_0_1' nvalidph=-999 Using these conversion constants: NUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 FUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 Plate scale = 68.754932"/mm Det. size = 1.250000 deg. Center Scale Slope Clock X Y X Y X Y X Y NUV: 7400.000 6070.000 8.790 14.010 0.530 0.000 2007.000 1992.000 FUV: 7200.000 6670.000 7.780 10.730 0.000 0.000 1997.000 1993.000 flat_correct_0, flat_correct_1, flat_correct_2, t, scale = 1.994635, -0.000000, 0.000000, 783445069.492500, 1.023835 Loading mask file cal/NUV_mask.fits ... mask file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_mask.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_mask.fits Mask is 800X800 and has 3078 zero pixels. Manual mask radius = 0.600 degrees masked 230292 pixels. Remapping mask with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading flat file 'cal/NUV_flat.fits' ... flat file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_flat.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_flat.fits Rescaling flat with scale 1.023835 ... ... rescaled 590220 pixels. Remapping flat with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading linfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_y.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_y.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_y.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_y.fits Making image definitions ... Allocating image space for 7 maps (0x747) ... Reading 10000000 of 39224707 photons remaining (0/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 9254867(10000000) photons in 0.586476 seconds, 260.177514 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 23152 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 23 stim groups set (pinc=1006). Read in 2 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -6.6338543e+04 9.1192379e-05 [n=25] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=2 tot=25]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 667066 photons. ... found 8339979 valid photons. Accumulating 9254867 photons, last=0 ... 000000002 / 009254867 000079500 / 009254867 000159861 / 009254867 000239975 / 009254867 000320271 / 009254867 000400613 / 009254867 000480844 / 009254867 000561119 / 009254867 000640551 / 009254867 000720535 / 009254867 000800051 / 009254867 000879821 / 009254867 000959424 / 009254867 001038788 / 009254867 001118209 / 009254867 001197375 / 009254867 001276843 / 009254867 001356457 / 009254867 001436149 / 009254867 001515951 / 009254867 001595560 / 009254867 001675346 / 009254867 001754650 / 009254867 001833365 / 009254867 001912606 / 009254867 001991641 / 009254867 002070578 / 009254867 002149670 / 009254867 002228574 / 009254867 002307631 / 009254867 002386354 / 009254867 002465491 / 009254867 002544667 / 009254867 002623402 / 009254867 002702647 / 009254867 002781347 / 009254867 002860612 / 009254867 002939791 / 009254867 003018798 / 009254867 003097951 / 009254867 003176918 / 009254867 003255999 / 009254867 003335132 / 009254867 003414238 / 009254867 003493068 / 009254867 003572170 / 009254867 003650895 / 009254867 003729535 / 009254867 003808316 / 009254867 003886858 / 009254867 003965679 / 009254867 004044044 / 009254867 004123062 / 009254867 004201541 / 009254867 004280375 / 009254867 004358945 / 009254867 004437788 / 009254867 004516396 / 009254867 004595027 / 009254867 004673968 / 009254867 004753100 / 009254867 004832228 / 009254867 004911228 / 009254867 004990345 / 009254867 005069548 / 009254867 005148867 / 009254867 005227780 / 009254867 005306425 / 009254867 005384739 / 009254867 005462818 / 009254867 005540842 / 009254867 005618892 / 009254867 005696808 / 009254867 005774206 / 009254867 005851833 / 009254867 005930049 / 009254867 006007998 / 009254867 006086222 / 009254867 006164349 / 009254867 006242316 / 009254867 006320452 / 009254867 006398755 / 009254867 006476886 / 009254867 006555016 / 009254867 006633198 / 009254867 006711342 / 009254867 006788994 / 009254867 006867034 / 009254867 006944651 / 009254867 007022527 / 009254867 007100458 / 009254867 007178113 / 009254867 007256451 / 009254867 007334558 / 009254867 007412634 / 009254867 007490693 / 009254867 007568885 / 009254867 007646407 / 009254867 007724552 / 009254867 007802845 / 009254867 007880555 / 009254867 007959179 / 009254867 008037076 / 009254867 008115434 / 009254867 008194428 / 009254867 008272807 / 009254867 008351518 / 009254867 008429174 / 009254867 008507512 / 009254867 008585340 / 009254867 008662878 / 009254867 008741020 / 009254867 008818378 / 009254867 008895523 / 009254867 008972421 / 009254867 009049985 / 009254867 009126895 / 009254867 009204554 / 009254867 009254867 / 009254867 Accumulated in 48.422657 seconds (704836 skipped), 5.232129 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667629 0 23172 14035 ) Reading 10000000 of 29224707 photons remaining (10000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 10000000(10000000) photons in 0.465930 seconds, 327.491030 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 25698 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 25 stim groups set (pinc=1027). Read in 25 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.5615654e+05 2.0583738e-04 [n=50] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=25 tot=50]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.677 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.693 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.709 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.725 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.741 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 728684 photons. ... found 9029258 valid photons. Accumulating 10000000 photons, last=0 ... 000000001 / 010000000 000077250 / 010000000 000155054 / 010000000 000232622 / 010000000 000310254 / 010000000 000387598 / 010000000 000464050 / 010000000 000541486 / 010000000 000619051 / 010000000 000696045 / 010000000 000773207 / 010000000 000850842 / 010000000 000928486 / 010000000 001006532 / 010000000 001083978 / 010000000 001161567 / 010000000 001239539 / 010000000 001317403 / 010000000 001394743 / 010000000 001472338 / 010000000 001549750 / 010000000 001627624 / 010000000 001705225 / 010000000 001783023 / 010000000 001861522 / 010000000 001939249 / 010000000 002017324 / 010000000 002095253 / 010000000 002172609 / 010000000 002250304 / 010000000 002327880 / 010000000 002405525 / 010000000 002483321 / 010000000 002561055 / 010000000 002638254 / 010000000 002715253 / 010000000 002792657 / 010000000 002869341 / 010000000 002946279 / 010000000 003023014 / 010000000 003100112 / 010000000 003177484 / 010000000 003254642 / 010000000 003332007 / 010000000 003409200 / 010000000 003486519 / 010000000 003563096 / 010000000 003640372 / 010000000 003717377 / 010000000 003794078 / 010000000 003870958 / 010000000 003947878 / 010000000 004024560 / 010000000 004101202 / 010000000 004178272 / 010000000 004255259 / 010000000 004332444 / 010000000 004409686 / 010000000 004486901 / 010000000 004563735 / 010000000 004640806 / 010000000 004718525 / 010000000 004796094 / 010000000 004873382 / 010000000 004950929 / 010000000 005028714 / 010000000 005106012 / 010000000 005183511 / 010000000 005260855 / 010000000 005338051 / 010000000 005415180 / 010000000 005492620 / 010000000 005569254 / 010000000 005646791 / 010000000 005723160 / 010000000 005799964 / 010000000 005876471 / 010000000 005953479 / 010000000 006029851 / 010000000 006106574 / 010000000 006183211 / 010000000 006260255 / 010000000 006337260 / 010000000 006414553 / 010000000 006491405 / 010000000 006568299 / 010000000 006645499 / 010000000 006722449 / 010000000 006799554 / 010000000 006876486 / 010000000 006953237 / 010000000 007030049 / 010000000 007107189 / 010000000 007183795 / 010000000 007260555 / 010000000 007337776 / 010000000 007415308 / 010000000 007492342 / 010000000 007569089 / 010000000 007646181 / 010000000 007723283 / 010000000 007800850 / 010000000 007878049 / 010000000 007955714 / 010000000 008033398 / 010000000 008110627 / 010000000 008187869 / 010000000 008265445 / 010000000 008342799 / 010000000 008419811 / 010000000 008496684 / 010000000 008574229 / 010000000 008651174 / 010000000 008727925 / 010000000 008804562 / 010000000 008881121 / 010000000 008957606 / 010000000 009034570 / 010000000 009111632 / 010000000 009188278 / 010000000 009265414 / 010000000 009342301 / 010000000 009418915 / 010000000 009496089 / 010000000 009572923 / 010000000 009649683 / 010000000 009726354 / 010000000 009803000 / 010000000 009880108 / 010000000 009957063 / 010000000 010000000 / 010000000 Accumulated in 51.863485 seconds (768990 skipped), 5.186348 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 729128 0 25711 14151 ) Reading 10000000 of 19224707 photons remaining (20000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 10000000(10000000) photons in 0.474820 seconds, 321.359350 MB/sec. RC=0, Last=0, EOF=0 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 25757 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 25 stim groups set (pinc=1030). Read in 50 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.7012779e+05 2.2367048e-04 [n=75] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=50 tot=75]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.677 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.693 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.709 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.725 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.741 783445092.547 5105.740 1035.0 5105.754 783445108.142 5105.768 1038.0 5105.757 783445123.787 5105.711 1042.0 5105.760 783445139.228 5105.874 1040.0 5105.764 783445154.660 5105.795 1044.0 5105.767 783445170.341 5105.708 1019.0 5105.771 783445185.881 5105.719 1035.0 5105.774 783445201.279 5105.761 1045.0 5105.778 783445216.816 5105.766 1034.0 5105.781 783445232.572 5105.823 1038.0 5105.785 783445248.333 5105.797 1032.0 5105.788 783445264.036 5105.900 1042.0 5105.792 783445279.607 5105.782 1061.0 5105.795 783445295.085 5105.824 1032.0 5105.799 783445310.652 5105.761 1041.0 5105.802 783445326.215 5105.918 1033.0 5105.806 783445341.912 5105.794 1038.0 5105.809 783445357.430 5105.707 1048.0 5105.813 783445373.161 5105.776 1030.0 5105.816 783445388.882 5105.840 1013.0 5105.820 783445404.289 5105.945 1034.0 5105.823 783445419.836 5105.743 1032.0 5105.827 783445435.581 5105.773 1018.0 5105.830 783445451.036 5105.872 1029.0 5105.834 783445466.418 5105.875 1028.0 5105.837 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 724227 photons. ... found 9041253 valid photons. Accumulating 10000000 photons, last=0 ... 000000001 / 010000000 000076383 / 010000000 000152921 / 010000000 000229419 / 010000000 000306538 / 010000000 000383498 / 010000000 000460331 / 010000000 000537082 / 010000000 000613842 / 010000000 000690730 / 010000000 000767098 / 010000000 000844215 / 010000000 000921587 / 010000000 000998835 / 010000000 001076071 / 010000000 001153684 / 010000000 001231413 / 010000000 001308868 / 010000000 001385569 / 010000000 001463331 / 010000000 001540533 / 010000000 001617379 / 010000000 001694356 / 010000000 001771539 / 010000000 001848347 / 010000000 001924883 / 010000000 002001358 / 010000000 002078108 / 010000000 002154637 / 010000000 002232138 / 010000000 002308708 / 010000000 002385504 / 010000000 002462330 / 010000000 002539295 / 010000000 002615930 / 010000000 002692589 / 010000000 002769472 / 010000000 002846250 / 010000000 002922683 / 010000000 002999206 / 010000000 003075910 / 010000000 003152608 / 010000000 003229295 / 010000000 003306082 / 010000000 003382890 / 010000000 003460236 / 010000000 003537014 / 010000000 003614474 / 010000000 003691874 / 010000000 003768863 / 010000000 003845287 / 010000000 003922920 / 010000000 004000307 / 010000000 004077636 / 010000000 004155739 / 010000000 004233172 / 010000000 004310765 / 010000000 004388189 / 010000000 004465482 / 010000000 004542477 / 010000000 004620345 / 010000000 004697839 / 010000000 004774853 / 010000000 004851884 / 010000000 004928944 / 010000000 005005741 / 010000000 005082546 / 010000000 005159135 / 010000000 005235477 / 010000000 005312586 / 010000000 005389887 / 010000000 005467071 / 010000000 005544213 / 010000000 005621638 / 010000000 005698800 / 010000000 005776184 / 010000000 005853611 / 010000000 005930976 / 010000000 006008060 / 010000000 006085216 / 010000000 006162259 / 010000000 006238769 / 010000000 006315835 / 010000000 006392723 / 010000000 006469837 / 010000000 006547201 / 010000000 006624462 / 010000000 006701446 / 010000000 006779024 / 010000000 006855907 / 010000000 006933533 / 010000000 007011226 / 010000000 007088515 / 010000000 007166059 / 010000000 007243827 / 010000000 007321719 / 010000000 007399650 / 010000000 007476981 / 010000000 007554889 / 010000000 007632483 / 010000000 007709864 / 010000000 007787543 / 010000000 007864794 / 010000000 007941989 / 010000000 008019082 / 010000000 008096632 / 010000000 008173712 / 010000000 008250678 / 010000000 008327821 / 010000000 008405581 / 010000000 008482396 / 010000000 008559967 / 010000000 008637538 / 010000000 008715491 / 010000000 008793035 / 010000000 008870422 / 010000000 008948339 / 010000000 009025610 / 010000000 009103215 / 010000000 009180850 / 010000000 009258389 / 010000000 009335703 / 010000000 009413370 / 010000000 009490845 / 010000000 009568348 / 010000000 009646186 / 010000000 009724232 / 010000000 009802239 / 010000000 009879348 / 010000000 009956523 / 010000000 010000000 / 010000000 Accumulated in 51.763535 seconds (766245 skipped), 5.176354 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 724616 0 25768 15861 ) Reading 9224707 of 9224707 photons remaining (30000000/39224707 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 9143890(9224707) photons in 0.349286 seconds, 402.987312 MB/sec. RC=-2, Last=1, EOF=1 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Allocate distortion cube memory [1592812 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/nuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 900000). Loaded 22902 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 22 stim groups set (pinc=1041). Read in 75 previous entries from 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=1): -1.7903383e+05 2.3503829e-04 [n=97] Writing stim data to 'SSD_nuv_08090.tbl' [old=75 tot=97]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444323.699 5105.564 1030.0 5105.610 783444339.687 5105.619 1038.0 5105.611 783444349.651 5105.841 1008.0 5105.611 783444365.013 5105.724 1002.0 5105.612 783444380.453 5105.551 1009.0 5105.614 783444395.583 5105.568 997.0 5105.615 783444410.664 5105.735 1012.0 5105.617 783444426.100 5105.620 1018.0 5105.618 783444441.505 5105.488 1017.0 5105.619 783444456.915 5105.520 1018.0 5105.621 783444472.550 5105.604 1006.0 5105.622 783444488.072 5105.458 1026.0 5105.624 783444503.279 5105.481 1006.0 5105.625 783444518.543 5105.828 1005.0 5105.626 783444534.089 5105.479 1027.0 5105.628 783444549.464 5105.537 1006.0 5105.629 783444564.677 5105.639 1007.0 5105.631 783444579.816 5105.704 1012.0 5105.632 783444595.095 5105.694 1016.0 5105.633 783444610.468 5105.683 1013.0 5105.635 783444626.018 5105.770 1001.0 5105.636 783444641.253 5105.459 1006.0 5105.638 783444656.694 5105.697 1014.0 5105.639 783444672.223 5105.722 1012.0 5105.640 783444687.681 5105.648 999.0 5105.642 783444703.399 5105.703 1039.0 5105.665 783444719.080 5105.640 1028.0 5105.668 783444735.174 5105.646 1018.0 5105.671 783444750.851 5105.644 1026.0 5105.674 783444766.256 5105.641 1023.0 5105.677 783444781.645 5105.622 1028.0 5105.681 783444797.205 5105.752 1019.0 5105.684 783444812.800 5105.680 1040.0 5105.687 783444828.274 5105.609 1034.0 5105.690 783444843.905 5105.752 1022.0 5105.693 783444859.522 5105.675 1028.0 5105.697 783444874.973 5105.599 1032.0 5105.700 783444890.358 5105.629 1039.0 5105.703 783444906.040 5105.666 1032.0 5105.706 783444921.728 5105.764 1028.0 5105.709 783444937.146 5105.702 1022.0 5105.713 783444952.655 5105.867 1038.0 5105.716 783444968.430 5105.654 1029.0 5105.719 783444984.013 5105.767 1018.0 5105.722 783444999.408 5105.671 1040.0 5105.725 783445014.930 5105.717 1028.0 5105.729 783445030.410 5105.707 1028.0 5105.732 783445045.968 5105.850 1025.0 5105.735 783445061.567 5105.791 1042.0 5105.738 783445076.848 5105.791 1038.0 5105.741 783445092.547 5105.740 1035.0 5105.754 783445108.142 5105.768 1038.0 5105.757 783445123.787 5105.711 1042.0 5105.760 783445139.228 5105.874 1040.0 5105.764 783445154.660 5105.795 1044.0 5105.767 783445170.341 5105.708 1019.0 5105.771 783445185.881 5105.719 1035.0 5105.774 783445201.279 5105.761 1045.0 5105.778 783445216.816 5105.766 1034.0 5105.781 783445232.572 5105.823 1038.0 5105.785 783445248.333 5105.797 1032.0 5105.788 783445264.036 5105.900 1042.0 5105.792 783445279.607 5105.782 1061.0 5105.795 783445295.085 5105.824 1032.0 5105.799 783445310.652 5105.761 1041.0 5105.802 783445326.215 5105.918 1033.0 5105.806 783445341.912 5105.794 1038.0 5105.809 783445357.430 5105.707 1048.0 5105.813 783445373.161 5105.776 1030.0 5105.816 783445388.882 5105.840 1013.0 5105.820 783445404.289 5105.945 1034.0 5105.823 783445419.836 5105.743 1032.0 5105.827 783445435.581 5105.773 1018.0 5105.830 783445451.036 5105.872 1029.0 5105.834 783445466.418 5105.875 1028.0 5105.837 783445482.189 5105.772 1021.0 5105.849 783445498.061 5105.756 1049.0 5105.852 783445513.958 5105.805 1052.0 5105.856 783445529.739 5105.922 1051.0 5105.860 783445545.353 5105.924 1040.0 5105.863 783445561.105 5105.841 1056.0 5105.867 783445576.850 5105.805 1057.0 5105.871 783445592.846 5106.010 1049.0 5105.875 783445608.707 5105.822 1055.0 5105.878 783445624.625 5105.820 1035.0 5105.882 783445640.516 5105.950 1040.0 5105.886 783445656.370 5105.864 1047.0 5105.890 783445671.889 5105.988 1054.0 5105.893 783445687.535 5106.017 1049.0 5105.897 783445703.185 5105.934 1042.0 5105.901 783445718.944 5105.880 1054.0 5105.904 783445734.937 5106.073 1043.0 5105.908 783445750.726 5105.879 1049.0 5105.912 783445766.376 5105.992 1049.0 5105.915 783445782.114 5105.787 1040.0 5105.919 783445798.077 5105.966 1034.0 5105.923 783445813.930 5105.810 1051.0 5105.927 Return to rtaph(), band=1, ... Masked 663465 photons. ... found 8263665 valid photons. Accumulating 9143890 photons, last=1 ... 000000001 / 009143890 000077375 / 009143890 000155838 / 009143890 000233758 / 009143890 000312305 / 009143890 000390731 / 009143890 000468555 / 009143890 000546749 / 009143890 000625137 / 009143890 000703552 / 009143890 000781502 / 009143890 000859591 / 009143890 000938004 / 009143890 001015808 / 009143890 001093900 / 009143890 001172172 / 009143890 001249949 / 009143890 001327522 / 009143890 001404748 / 009143890 001482449 / 009143890 001560458 / 009143890 001638267 / 009143890 001715697 / 009143890 001793656 / 009143890 001872010 / 009143890 001950152 / 009143890 002027950 / 009143890 002106005 / 009143890 002184130 / 009143890 002262009 / 009143890 002339951 / 009143890 002417930 / 009143890 002495914 / 009143890 002573380 / 009143890 002651870 / 009143890 002730407 / 009143890 002808532 / 009143890 002887187 / 009143890 002965257 / 009143890 003043319 / 009143890 003121461 / 009143890 003200433 / 009143890 003279169 / 009143890 003357728 / 009143890 003436303 / 009143890 003515296 / 009143890 003594411 / 009143890 003673329 / 009143890 003752423 / 009143890 003831323 / 009143890 003910311 / 009143890 003988787 / 009143890 004067533 / 009143890 004146066 / 009143890 004224379 / 009143890 004303528 / 009143890 004382209 / 009143890 004460635 / 009143890 004539311 / 009143890 004618013 / 009143890 004696401 / 009143890 004775295 / 009143890 004853912 / 009143890 004932662 / 009143890 005011018 / 009143890 005089807 / 009143890 005168810 / 009143890 005247499 / 009143890 005326669 / 009143890 005405519 / 009143890 005484771 / 009143890 005563819 / 009143890 005642929 / 009143890 005722366 / 009143890 005801760 / 009143890 005881005 / 009143890 005960573 / 009143890 006040024 / 009143890 006119427 / 009143890 006198977 / 009143890 006278695 / 009143890 006358778 / 009143890 006438164 / 009143890 006517810 / 009143890 006597538 / 009143890 006677474 / 009143890 006757757 / 009143890 006837612 / 009143890 006917737 / 009143890 006998000 / 009143890 007077746 / 009143890 007157714 / 009143890 007238210 / 009143890 007318447 / 009143890 007398686 / 009143890 007478371 / 009143890 007558500 / 009143890 007638321 / 009143890 007718155 / 009143890 007797461 / 009143890 007877433 / 009143890 007956820 / 009143890 008037243 / 009143890 008117113 / 009143890 008197317 / 009143890 008277482 / 009143890 008358001 / 009143890 008438533 / 009143890 008519213 / 009143890 008599146 / 009143890 008679476 / 009143890 008759814 / 009143890 008840300 / 009143890 008921508 / 009143890 009002209 / 009143890 009083467 / 009143890 009143890 / 009143890 Accumulated in 47.009644 seconds (700272 skipped), 5.141099 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 663952 0 22917 13403 ) Computing image stats for count image ... Computing image stats for RR image ... Computing image stats for 93 movie frames ... Opening statistics file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-map_stats.txt ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-exp.fits ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-scdose.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-scq.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-movie.fits.gz with 93 frames ............................................................................................. Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_hotmask.fits.gz ... Mapping complete. << End of PhotMap >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:21:04Z PCPU: 0.28/0.03/347 CCPU: 317.7/2.97 HOST: skirnir PID: 4827 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -compress_images=1 -stat_name 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -compress_images=1 -stat_name 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 6058 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9221610) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x806ca60) to LOG=GLOB(0x9221610) with tag ')-'. << SExtra >> version='$Id: sextra,v 1.218 2009/07/23 21:22:19 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:21:08Z PCPU: 0.5/0.08/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 6058 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/sextra (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for SExtra: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd; threshold = undef; nuv_threshold = 2; fuv_threshold = 2.5; minpix = 2; absolute_thresh = undef; background = undef; remove_background = 1; mask_objects = 1; get_mask = 1; mask_threshold = 3; expand_mask_radius = 0; trim_rr_level = 0.2; catalog_name = undef; measurement_map = undef; skip_map_creation = undef; no_sex = undef; filter = 1; conv_fwhm = -4.5,-4.5; seeing_fwhm = 5.5,5; apertures = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23; flux_fracs = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95; deblend_mincont = 0.04; deblend_nthresh = 32; phot_autoparams = 2.5,3.5; mag_zero = 0; clean = 1; mask_type = correct; deep = undef; deep_exp_thresh = 10000; backsize = 128; bg_filter_size = 5; detector_bg = undef; sex_par_name = default; sex_par_path = /home/galex/ops/params/sex,/home/galex/params/sex; sex_params = undef; count_map = undef; response_map = undef; weight_map = undef; detector_background_map = undef; inten_map = undef; sigma_map = 0; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; in_out_path = undef; extension_addition = undef; ais = undef; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; cal_path = cal; check_images = NONE; check_base = undef; mag_column = MAG_AUTO; plot_device = /xs; no_stats = undef; stat_name = 1; compress_images = 1; sex_exec = /home/galex/bin/sex; rmback_exec = poissonbg; fake_options = undef; other_opts = {asciicat=>0,savemem=>0,bgthr=>0,rmbgwt=>0,fieldr=>0.5,regmaglim=>0,fixposerr=>1,savemaskrun=>0,rrtrimr=>0,unmchregfile=>unmatched.ds9reg,prunmch=>0,nohardsex=>0,inscrwidth=>0,rrthr=>0,skipmasksex=>0,pgplotdir=>/home/galex/pgplot,truemchr=>0,truelim=>0,forceconv=>0,detectonly=>0,convsuf=>gauss,sigthr=>0,truecat=>0,detsize=>1.25}; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Temporary directory = '/tmp/sextra.skirnir.6058.ypCu'. Decompressor = '/bin/gzip'. Got PSFFWHM=4.5 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL1=55.69742 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL2=-6.44734 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got CDELT1=-0.000416666666666667 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got AVEFDEAD=0.136435948488783 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got EXPTIME=1480. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got RRMED=1161.03979492188 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS1=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS2=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got NVISIBLE=35515864. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Running embedded sextra to generate object mask 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_getmask-nd-objmask.fits' and out file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-objmask_out.txt' ... Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91ea5dc),0) as ... sextra -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -remove_background -filter -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -stat_name 1 -verbose -check_images seg -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_getmask-nd -other_opts fixposerr=0,detectonly=1 -no_stats=1 -threshold 3 -maskobj=0 -getmask=0 -cmprim=0 -xmaskr=0 Renaming mask file to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-objmask.fits' ... Unlinking 8 intermediate files ... Compressing objmask file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-objmask.fits' ... Mask generation complete. params: Reassigning background = '0'. params: Reassigning absolute_thresh = '1'. params: Reassigning minpix = '0.5'. Setting trim level to 0.2 * 1480. * (1-0.136435948488783) = 255.61495924732 params: Reassigning minpix = '10'. Opening count image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits ... Running poissonbg to get derived images ... SPAWN created cmd 'poissonbg -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -backsize 128 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -large_rr_img=1 -threshold 2 -area_detect 20.4 -filtersize 5 -mask_objects=1 -make_detect=1 -compress_images=1 -response_limit 255.61495924732'. Mysystem exec'ing Poissonbg (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... poissonbg -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -backsize 128 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -large_rr_img=1 -threshold 2 -area_detect 20.4 -filtersize 5 -mask_objects=1 -make_detect=1 -compress_images=1 -response_limit 255.61495924732 Parameters: inbase = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd outbase = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd sigmaclip = 3.00 nsigma = 2.00 area_detect = 20.40 backsize = 128 fitlersize = 5 detector_bg = -1.000000 maxiter = 10 response_limit = 255.61 sigfigs = 4 (scale=8192) cntfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits rrfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits objmaskfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-objmask.fits intfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-int.fits.gz wtfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits.gz intbgsubfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits.gz skybgfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-skybg.fits.gz rrhrfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits.gz Reading cnt map /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits ... Reading rr map /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits ... Reading objmask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-objmask.fits ... Median effective coverage = 1151.032 seconds. Applying low response limit to the rr image ... Upsampling the rr image to 3840x3840 from 960x960 ... Doing background calculation with mesh=30x30... Median-filtering the 30x30 bg mesh with filter=5 ... Upsampling the skybg image to 3840x3840 from 30x30 ... Applying low response limit to the skybg image ... Median background = 0.004095 cps, 2.00 Sigma = 0.000838451 cps. Est. det. image sigma = sqrt(BG=4.713566 cnts)/(thr=0.965084 cnts) = 2.249623 Making the low res threshold image ... Upsampling the threshold image to 3840x3840 from 30x30 ... Applying low response limit to the threshold image ... Median threshold for 2.00 sigma = 0.000845 cps, RMS = 3.95179e-05 cps. Flattening the int (cts/sec) image ... Writing flattened 3840x3840 cts/sec image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-int.fits.gz ... Doing background substraction ... Making the detection image ... Median detection level for 2.00 sigma = -0.568479, RMS= 1.91518 . Writing 3840x3840 large rr image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits.gz ... Writing 3840x3840 background image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-skybg.fits.gz Writing 3840x3840 BG-subtracted image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits.gz ... Writing 3840x3840 detection image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits.gz ... Done. Opening detection image '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits' to read header ... Analysis threshold reset to 0.000628838068306373 . Writing new matched 7x7 filter with FWHM=4.5" (3 pixels) to file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-gauss_30_7x7.txt . `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexparams_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.nnw' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexnnw.txt' Editing /home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param ... `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols_orig.txt' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols.txt' Detection image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits' Measurement image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits' Weight image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits' Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.6058.ypCu/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.6058.ypCu/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.6058.ypCu/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits ... Config file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexparams.txt ANALYSIS_THRESH = 0.000628838068306373 BACKPHOTO_THICK = 24 BACKPHOTO_TYPE = GLOBAL BACK_FILTERSIZE = 5 BACK_SIZE = 128 BACK_TYPE = MANUAL BACK_VALUE = 0,0 CATALOG_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits CATALOG_TYPE = FITS_1.0 CHECKIMAGE_NAME = NONE CHECKIMAGE_TYPE = NONE CLEAN = YES CLEAN_PARAM = 1 DEBLEND_MINCONT = 0.04 DEBLEND_NTHRESH = 32 DETECT_MINAREA = 10 DETECT_THRESH = 1 DETECT_TYPE = CCD FILTER = Y FILTER_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-gauss_30_7x7.txt GAIN = 1161.03979492188 INTERP_MAXXLAG = 1 INTERP_MAXYLAG = 1 INTERP_TYPE = NONE,NONE MAG_GAMMA = 4 MAG_ZEROPOINT = 0 MASK_TYPE = CORRECT MEMORY_BUFSIZE = 1024 MEMORY_OBJSTACK = 2000 MEMORY_PIXSTACK = 1500000 PARAMETERS_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols.txt PHOT_APERTURES = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23 PHOT_AUTOPARAMS = 2.5,3.5 PHOT_FLUXFRAC = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95 PIXEL_SCALE = 1.500 SATUR_LEVEL = 999999999 SEEING_FWHM = 5.5 STARNNW_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexnnw.txt THRESH_TYPE = ABSOLUTE VERBOSE_TYPE = NORMAL WEIGHT_GAIN = Y WEIGHT_IMAGE = /tmp/sextra.skirnir.6058.ypCu/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits,/tmp/sextra.skirnir.6058.ypCu/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits WEIGHT_TYPE = MAP_WEIGHT,MAP_WEIGHT Sextractor command /home/galex/bin/sex extracting into '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits'. > ----- SExtractor 2.5.0 started on 2010-02-28 at 10:24:58 with 1 thread > Setting catalog parameters > Reading detection filter > Initializing Neural Network > Reading Neural Network Weights > Initializing catalog > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits Detecting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits Measuring from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data Measurement image:> Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (M) Background: 0 RMS: 0.0020588 / Threshold: 0.000628838 Detection image: > Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (D) Background: 0 RMS: 2.22042 / Threshold: 1 > Scanning image > Line: 16 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 32 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 48 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 64 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 80 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 96 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 112 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 128 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 144 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 160 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 176 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 192 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 208 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 224 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 240 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 256 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 272 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 288 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 304 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 320 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 336 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 352 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 368 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 384 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 400 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 416 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 432 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 448 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 464 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 480 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 496 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 512 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 528 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 544 Objects: 1 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 560 Objects: 36 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 576 Objects: 72 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 592 Objects: 98 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 608 Objects: 120 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 624 Objects: 139 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 640 Objects: 156 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 656 Objects: 192 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 672 Objects: 233 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 688 Objects: 266 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 704 Objects: 313 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 720 Objects: 348 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 736 Objects: 387 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 752 Objects: 427 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 768 Objects: 465 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 784 Objects: 508 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 800 Objects: 548 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 816 Objects: 599 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 832 Objects: 645 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 848 Objects: 694 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 864 Objects: 750 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 880 Objects: 791 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 896 Objects: 836 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 912 Objects: 885 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 928 Objects: 931 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 944 Objects: 978 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 960 Objects: 1038 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 976 Objects: 1094 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 992 Objects: 1153 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1008 Objects: 1215 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1024 Objects: 1285 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1040 Objects: 1341 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1056 Objects: 1411 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1072 Objects: 1476 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1088 Objects: 1542 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1104 Objects: 1617 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1120 Objects: 1683 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1136 Objects: 1747 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1152 Objects: 1807 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1168 Objects: 1878 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1184 Objects: 1958 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1200 Objects: 2016 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1216 Objects: 2091 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1232 Objects: 2161 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1248 Objects: 2242 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1264 Objects: 2315 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1280 Objects: 2380 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1296 Objects: 2459 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1312 Objects: 2538 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1328 Objects: 2610 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1344 Objects: 2679 detected / 16 sextracted > Line: 1360 Objects: 2759 detected / 83 sextracted > Line: 1376 Objects: 2835 detected / 136 sextracted > Line: 1392 Objects: 2901 detected / 189 sextracted > Line: 1408 Objects: 2985 detected / 246 sextracted > Line: 1424 Objects: 3057 detected / 305 sextracted > Line: 1440 Objects: 3135 detected / 371 sextracted > Line: 1456 Objects: 3221 detected / 435 sextracted > Line: 1472 Objects: 3309 detected / 505 sextracted > Line: 1488 Objects: 3382 detected / 561 sextracted > Line: 1504 Objects: 3452 detected / 621 sextracted > Line: 1520 Objects: 3522 detected / 679 sextracted > Line: 1536 Objects: 3595 detected / 731 sextracted > Line: 1552 Objects: 3674 detected / 784 sextracted > Line: 1568 Objects: 3756 detected / 853 sextracted > Line: 1584 Objects: 3835 detected / 916 sextracted > Line: 1600 Objects: 3913 detected / 982 sextracted > Line: 1616 Objects: 3995 detected / 1052 sextracted > Line: 1632 Objects: 4071 detected / 1111 sextracted > Line: 1648 Objects: 4155 detected / 1176 sextracted > Line: 1664 Objects: 4254 detected / 1245 sextracted > Line: 1680 Objects: 4336 detected / 1305 sextracted > Line: 1696 Objects: 4408 detected / 1362 sextracted > Line: 1712 Objects: 4493 detected / 1427 sextracted > Line: 1728 Objects: 4572 detected / 1485 sextracted > Line: 1744 Objects: 4670 detected / 1558 sextracted > Line: 1760 Objects: 4755 detected / 1629 sextracted > Line: 1776 Objects: 4842 detected / 1701 sextracted > Line: 1792 Objects: 4925 detected / 1763 sextracted > Line: 1808 Objects: 5028 detected / 1829 sextracted > Line: 1824 Objects: 5115 detected / 1885 sextracted > Line: 1840 Objects: 5198 detected / 1941 sextracted > Line: 1856 Objects: 5283 detected / 2002 sextracted > Line: 1872 Objects: 5364 detected / 2063 sextracted > Line: 1888 Objects: 5426 detected / 2111 sextracted > Line: 1904 Objects: 5513 detected / 2177 sextracted > Line: 1920 Objects: 5607 detected / 2249 sextracted > Line: 1936 Objects: 5702 detected / 2322 sextracted > Line: 1952 Objects: 5803 detected / 2399 sextracted > Line: 1968 Objects: 5884 detected / 2455 sextracted > Line: 1984 Objects: 5971 detected / 2523 sextracted > Line: 2000 Objects: 6062 detected / 2591 sextracted > Line: 2016 Objects: 6140 detected / 2653 sextracted > Line: 2032 Objects: 6217 detected / 2708 sextracted > Line: 2048 Objects: 6298 detected / 2767 sextracted > Line: 2064 Objects: 6396 detected / 2827 sextracted > Line: 2080 Objects: 6469 detected / 2880 sextracted > Line: 2096 Objects: 6557 detected / 2941 sextracted > Line: 2112 Objects: 6630 detected / 2994 sextracted > Line: 2128 Objects: 6713 detected / 3056 sextracted > Line: 2144 Objects: 6806 detected / 3128 sextracted > Line: 2160 Objects: 6887 detected / 3193 sextracted > Line: 2176 Objects: 6969 detected / 3255 sextracted > Line: 2192 Objects: 7063 detected / 3330 sextracted > Line: 2208 Objects: 7151 detected / 3396 sextracted > Line: 2224 Objects: 7227 detected / 3456 sextracted > Line: 2240 Objects: 7294 detected / 3508 sextracted > Line: 2256 Objects: 7355 detected / 3554 sextracted > Line: 2272 Objects: 7442 detected / 3619 sextracted > Line: 2288 Objects: 7523 detected / 3688 sextracted > Line: 2304 Objects: 7613 detected / 3758 sextracted > Line: 2320 Objects: 7694 detected / 3823 sextracted > Line: 2336 Objects: 7761 detected / 3873 sextracted > Line: 2352 Objects: 7839 detected / 3937 sextracted > Line: 2368 Objects: 7930 detected / 4001 sextracted > Line: 2384 Objects: 8013 detected / 4058 sextracted > Line: 2400 Objects: 8108 detected / 4129 sextracted > Line: 2416 Objects: 8185 detected / 4185 sextracted > Line: 2432 Objects: 8277 detected / 4255 sextracted > Line: 2448 Objects: 8370 detected / 4325 sextracted > Line: 2464 Objects: 8473 detected / 4403 sextracted > Line: 2480 Objects: 8571 detected / 4474 sextracted > Line: 2496 Objects: 8670 detected / 4547 sextracted > Line: 2512 Objects: 8766 detected / 4611 sextracted > Line: 2528 Objects: 8865 detected / 4677 sextracted > Line: 2544 Objects: 8952 detected / 4722 sextracted > Line: 2560 Objects: 9035 detected / 4787 sextracted > Line: 2576 Objects: 9125 detected / 4846 sextracted > Line: 2592 Objects: 9210 detected / 4910 sextracted > Line: 2608 Objects: 9293 detected / 4975 sextracted > Line: 2624 Objects: 9363 detected / 5030 sextracted > Line: 2640 Objects: 9424 detected / 5077 sextracted > Line: 2656 Objects: 9505 detected / 5127 sextracted > Line: 2672 Objects: 9570 detected / 5181 sextracted > Line: 2688 Objects: 9642 detected / 5237 sextracted > Line: 2704 Objects: 9722 detected / 5299 sextracted > Line: 2720 Objects: 9776 detected / 5337 sextracted > Line: 2736 Objects: 9839 detected / 5391 sextracted > Line: 2752 Objects: 9915 detected / 5447 sextracted > Line: 2768 Objects: 9973 detected / 5488 sextracted > Line: 2784 Objects: 10033 detected / 5537 sextracted > Line: 2800 Objects: 10099 detected / 5593 sextracted > Line: 2816 Objects: 10144 detected / 5632 sextracted > Line: 2832 Objects: 10205 detected / 5686 sextracted > Line: 2848 Objects: 10257 detected / 5722 sextracted > Line: 2864 Objects: 10312 detected / 5764 sextracted > Line: 2880 Objects: 10376 detected / 5811 sextracted > Line: 2896 Objects: 10440 detected / 5857 sextracted > Line: 2912 Objects: 10498 detected / 5900 sextracted > Line: 2928 Objects: 10552 detected / 5943 sextracted > Line: 2944 Objects: 10605 detected / 5987 sextracted > Line: 2960 Objects: 10650 detected / 6022 sextracted > Line: 2976 Objects: 10721 detected / 6080 sextracted > Line: 2992 Objects: 10776 detected / 6125 sextracted > Line: 3008 Objects: 10833 detected / 6168 sextracted > Line: 3024 Objects: 10891 detected / 6210 sextracted > Line: 3040 Objects: 10935 detected / 6243 sextracted > Line: 3056 Objects: 10987 detected / 6282 sextracted > Line: 3072 Objects: 11027 detected / 6311 sextracted > Line: 3088 Objects: 11080 detected / 6353 sextracted > Line: 3104 Objects: 11129 detected / 6390 sextracted > Line: 3120 Objects: 11165 detected / 6415 sextracted > Line: 3136 Objects: 11205 detected / 6449 sextracted > Line: 3152 Objects: 11253 detected / 6490 sextracted > Line: 3168 Objects: 11290 detected / 6521 sextracted > Line: 3184 Objects: 11337 detected / 6555 sextracted > Line: 3200 Objects: 11390 detected / 6593 sextracted > Line: 3216 Objects: 11433 detected / 6624 sextracted > Line: 3232 Objects: 11485 detected / 6658 sextracted > Line: 3248 Objects: 11544 detected / 6701 sextracted > Line: 3264 Objects: 11598 detected / 6738 sextracted > Line: 3280 Objects: 11642 detected / 6773 sextracted > Line: 3296 Objects: 11691 detected / 6812 sextracted > Line: 3312 Objects: 11736 detected / 6841 sextracted > Line: 3328 Objects: 11771 detected / 6868 sextracted > Line: 3344 Objects: 11800 detected / 6888 sextracted > Line: 3360 Objects: 11835 detected / 6911 sextracted > Line: 3376 Objects: 11868 detected / 6936 sextracted > Line: 3392 Objects: 11900 detected / 6953 sextracted > Line: 3408 Objects: 11934 detected / 6969 sextracted > Line: 3424 Objects: 11976 detected / 6994 sextracted > Line: 3440 Objects: 11999 detected / 7014 sextracted > Line: 3456 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3472 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3488 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3504 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3520 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3536 Objects: 12016 detected / 7027 sextracted > Line: 3552 Objects: 12016 detected / 7028 sextracted > Line: 3568 Objects: 12016 detected / 7032 sextracted > Line: 3584 Objects: 12016 detected / 7033 sextracted > Line: 3600 Objects: 12016 detected / 7038 sextracted > Line: 3616 Objects: 12016 detected / 7045 sextracted > Line: 3632 Objects: 12016 detected / 7061 sextracted > Line: 3648 Objects: 12016 detected / 7111 sextracted > Line: 3664 Objects: 12016 detected / 7158 sextracted > Line: 3680 Objects: 12016 detected / 7215 sextracted > Line: 3696 Objects: 12016 detected / 7278 sextracted > Line: 3712 Objects: 12016 detected / 7319 sextracted > Line: 3728 Objects: 12016 detected / 7374 sextracted > Line: 3744 Objects: 12016 detected / 7429 sextracted > Line: 3760 Objects: 12016 detected / 7471 sextracted > Line: 3776 Objects: 12016 detected / 7525 sextracted > Line: 3792 Objects: 12016 detected / 7574 sextracted > Line: 3808 Objects: 12016 detected / 7627 sextracted > Line: 3824 Objects: 12016 detected / 7672 sextracted > Line: 3840 Objects: 12016 detected / 7705 sextracted Objects: detected 12016 / sextracted 9025 > Closing files > > All done (in 14 s) Sextractor run complete. Removing decompressed files. Captured detection RMS=2.22042 from sextractor output. Massaging position errors using DetRMS=2.24962320587297, Thresh=0.00083845075774183 cps, BG=0.00409507751464844 cps ... Reading position errors ... ... read 9025 records ... ... rewriting position error columns ... ... massaging complete. Modifying header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits' using int file header ... Writing statistics to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_stats.txt ... SPAWN created cmd 'astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -verbose -min_match_count 6 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Astromchk (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -verbose -min_match_count 6 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 6634 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa539c04) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9915a78) to LOG=GLOB(0xa539c04) with tag ')-'. << AstromChk >> version='$Id: astromchk,v 1.49 2006/05/12 19:51:51 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:25:31Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/1 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 6634 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/astromchk (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AstromChk: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd; band = 1; match_radius = 4; min_match_count = 6; max_fov_radius = 0.55; flux_limit = 0.1,0.01; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; opt_wheel_pos = d; flux_col = FLUX_AUTO; catalog_name = undef; runstar_name = undef; mch_file_name = undef; other_opts = undef; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = 0; Band found to be NUV. Opening Sextra catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits' ... ... catalog has 9025 sources. ... using FOV center RA,Dec=55.705803845117,-6.4167285324931. Opening Runstar catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits' ... ... catalog has 331 sources. Sextra catalog reduced to 2469 sources exceeding 0.1 cps. Matching with radius 4" ... Posmatchn: Indexing with step 0.01 ... Posmatchn: Order array has 2469 elements. Lat range = -7.02119787810287 to -5.81132721729947 Posmatchn: ... created 121 indicies. Posmatchn: Comparing 331 sources to 2469 sources ... Found 120 matches. Creating match file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits' ... Accepted 102 matches; rejected 18 matches. Radial delta("): Mean = 0.951 +/- 0.081 StdDev = 0.814, N = 102 Min = 0.091, Max = 3.859 Position angle(deg.s): Mean = 191.211 +/- 11.376 StdDev = 114.891, N = 102 Min = 3.435, Max = 359.117 Delta NUV x("): Mean = 0.065 +/- 0.097 StdDev = 0.980, N = 102 Min = -2.589, Max = 3.757 Delta NUV y("): Mean = -0.126 +/- 0.076 StdDev = 0.771, N = 102 Min = -2.515, Max = 3.088 ln(f_model/f_meas): Mean = 1.084 +/- 0.097 StdDev = 0.977, N = 102 Min = -0.961, Max = 3.844 Writing 102 match rows to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits' ... << End of AstromChk >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:25:34Z PCPU: 0.59/0.09/4 CCPU: 0.01/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6634 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'gmkflagmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -do_flags 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 -band 1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Gmkflagmap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gmkflagmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -do_flags 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 -band 1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning cdelt = '0.00333333333333333'. Now logging 6654 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x93e5060) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x879da78) to LOG=GLOB(0x93e5060) with tag ')-'. << GMkFlagMap >> version='$Id: gmkflagmap,v 1.44 2007/08/20 17:49:32 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:25:38Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6654 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gmkflagmap (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GMkFlagMap: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; do_flags = 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9; like_fits = undef; npix = 480; cdelt = 0.00333333333333333; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; Opening state file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Reading through state file to get average FOV position ... ... read 1702 rows. State file has refined positions. Processed 1481 positions. , = 55.7058108427275,-6.4167296757683, = 102.959918502413, , = -30.0178011913066,110.196932069557 Reject aspect records for these reasons: Bad status: 193 Bad RA: 28 Adding info to state file header ... Build runstar file ... SPAWN created cmd 'grunstar -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -cntmin 1 -radius 0.75 -ra 55.7058108427275 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -dec -6.4167296757683'. Mysystem exec'ing Grunstar (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... grunstar -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -cntmin 1 -radius 0.75 -ra 55.7058108427275 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -dec -6.4167296757683 params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning input_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning nuvmin = '1'. Now logging 6678 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa423878) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x980aa78) to LOG=GLOB(0xa423878) with tag ')-'. << GRunstar >> version='$Id: grunstar,v 1.10 2005/05/11 23:07:25 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:25:41Z PCPU: 0.26/0.02/1 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6678 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/grunstar (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GRunstar: ra = 55.7058108427275; dec = -6.4167296757683; vmax = 18; vmin = -1; nuvmax = 1e+30; nuvmin = 1; fuvmax = 1e+30; fuvmin = -1e+30; radius = 0.75; duplicate_limit = 3; tbl = undef; of = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits; pt = undef; bf = undef; sao = undef; act = undef; usn = undef; actonly = undef; bright = 0; mindist = undef; relflux = undef; cntmin = 1; cntmax = undef; rta_opts = undef; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; SPAWN created cmd 'runstar -ra 55.7058108427275 -dec -6.4167296757683 -nuvmin 1 -radius 0.75 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Runstar (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... runstar -ra 55.7058108427275 -dec -6.4167296757683 -nuvmin 1 -radius 0.75 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits ### ### ### ### Start of runstar ### ### (23oct07) ### ### NOTE: Original limits: nuvmax= 1.000e+30 nuvmin= 1.000e+00 fuvmax= 1.000e+30 fuvmin=-1.000e+30 radius= 0.7500 NOTE: Search limits: nuvmax= 1.000e+30 nuvmin= 1.000e+00 fuvmax= 1.000e+30 fuvmin=-1.000e+30 radius= 0.7500 NOTE:1: Allocate enough space for 44000 stars. NOTE: duplicate limit is 3.000 arcseconds. NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/fuvim-moea.fits . NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/nuvim-moea.fits . Search ACT star list... NOTE: Reading ACT file /home/galex/catalogs/act/tycho-act-catalog.fits . NOTE: Found 55 ACT star(s). Search SAO star list... NOTE: Reading SAO file /home/galex/catalogs/sao/saovl7.dat . NOTE: Found 0 SAO star(s). Search USNOA star list... SYSTEM: searchusnoa -ratol 0.750000 -dectol 0.750000 -rastar 55.705811 -decstar -6.416730 > temp-usnoa_2010-02-28T10:25:44_6691-504874455705-6416.dat SYSTEM: /bin/rm -f temp-usnoa_2010-02-28T10:25:44_6691-504874455705-6416.dat NOTE: Found 687 USNOA star(s). NOTE: Found 742 total star(s) (some may be duplicates). Weed out duplicates... NOTE: 701 total star(s) left after removing duplicates. NOTE: Final limits: nuvmin= 1.000e+00 fuvmin=-1.000e+30 radius= 0.7500 NOTE: Deleted an additional 0 star(s), (701 star(s) remain). Writing FITS table file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits . << End of GRunstar >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:25:49Z PCPU: 0.27/0.03/9 CCPU: 2.36/0.19 HOST: skirnir PID: 6678 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Writing 701 rows to region file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.ds9reg' ... Getting region files for band 1 flags (1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9) ... Running galexflag with edge=>1 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 1 -band 1 -flag_type 1 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x93c51f8),ARRAY(0x93c51d4)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 1 -band 1 -flag_type 1 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge_eq.ds9reg' Running galexflag with window=>2 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 2 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x93c51f8),ARRAY(0x93c51d4)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 2 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window_eq.ds9reg' Running galexflag with dichroic=>3 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 3 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x93c51f8),ARRAY(0x93c51d4)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 3 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg' Running galexflag with brtedge=>5 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 5 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x93c51f8),ARRAY(0x93c51d4)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 5 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge_eq.ds9reg' Running galexflag with rim=>6 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 6 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x93c51f8),ARRAY(0x93c51d4)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 1 -flag_type 6 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string NUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg' Region file list = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg Flag list = 1 2 4 16 32 . Adding info to region FITS file header ... Running gmkmask ... SPAWN created cmd 'gmkmask -verbose -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -region_files /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg -or_mask=1 -apply_values 1,2,4,16,32 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -npix 480 -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Gmkmask (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gmkmask -verbose -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -region_files /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg -or_mask=1 -apply_values 1,2,4,16,32 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -npix 480 -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits Now logging 6752 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa75918c) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9ca0a60) to LOG=GLOB(0xa75918c) with tag ')-'. << GMkMask >> version='$Id: gmkmask,v 1.16 2007/09/27 18:02:59 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:17Z PCPU: 0.24/0.04/1 CCPU: 0.01/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6752 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gmkmask (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GMkMask: regions = undef; fill = undef; mask_image = /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits; in_image = undef; out_image = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits; or_mask = 1; axes = undef; mask_value = 0; initial_value = 1; apply_value = 0; cdelt = 0.00333333333333333; options = undef; verbose = 1; quiet = undef; debug = 0; region_files = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg; apply_values = 1,2,4,16,32; like_fits = undef; npix = 480; log_file = undef; Creating starter output file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits ... Applying value 1 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 1 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9f67aa8),ARRAY(0x9f67a84)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 1 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_edge.ds9reg Applying value 2 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 2 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9f67aa8),ARRAY(0x9f67a84)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 2 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_window.ds9reg Applying value 4 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 4 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9f67aa8),ARRAY(0x9f67a84)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 4 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg Applying value 16 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 16 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9f67aa8),ARRAY(0x9f67a84)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 16 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_brtedge.ds9reg Applying value 32 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 32 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x9f67aa8),ARRAY(0x9f67a84)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-6654-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 32 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_rim.ds9reg Done. << End of GMkMask >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:37Z PCPU: 0.29/0.05/21 CCPU: 2.21/0.31 HOST: skirnir PID: 6752 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Updating keywords for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits ... Adding varpix flag from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varpix.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits' ... Adding varmask flag from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_varmask.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits' ... Adding hotmask flag from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_hotmask.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits' ... Done. << End of GMkFlagMap >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:46Z PCPU: 0.89/0.16/70 CCPU: 5.8/0.85 HOST: skirnir PID: 6654 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -verbose -runstar_name MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -min_match_count 0 -max_fov_radius 0.625 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts gyrocorr=-1 -refine=1 -noabs=1 -opts fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Astromchk (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 1 -verbose -runstar_name MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -min_match_count 0 -max_fov_radius 0.625 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -spac1: -find=1 -grta: -opts\ gyrocorr=-1\ -refine=1\ -noabs=1\ -opts\ fullasp=1 -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 6882 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x98eeb64) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8cc2a78) to LOG=GLOB(0x98eeb64) with tag ')-'. << AstromChk >> version='$Id: astromchk,v 1.49 2006/05/12 19:51:51 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:49Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/1 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 6882 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/astromchk (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AstromChk: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd; band = 1; match_radius = 4; min_match_count = 0; max_fov_radius = 0.625; flux_limit = 0.1,0.01; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; opt_wheel_pos = d; flux_col = FLUX_AUTO; catalog_name = undef; runstar_name = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits; mch_file_name = undef; other_opts = undef; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = 0; Band found to be NUV. Opening Sextra catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits' ... ... catalog has 9025 sources. ... using FOV center RA,Dec=55.705803845117,-6.4167285324931. Opening Runstar catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits' ... ... catalog has 701 sources. Sextra catalog reduced to 2469 sources exceeding 0.1 cps. Matching with radius 4" ... Posmatchn: Indexing with step 0.01 ... Posmatchn: Order array has 2469 elements. Lat range = -7.02119787810287 to -5.81132721729947 Posmatchn: ... created 121 indicies. Posmatchn: Comparing 701 sources to 2469 sources ... Found 382 matches. Creating match file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits' ... Accepted 382 matches; rejected 0 matches. Radial delta("): Mean = 0.975 +/- 0.040 StdDev = 0.772, N = 382 Min = 0.046, Max = 3.859 Position angle(deg.s): Mean = 190.094 +/- 5.200 StdDev = 101.636, N = 382 Min = 0.828, Max = 359.117 Delta NUV x("): Mean = -0.001 +/- 0.047 StdDev = 0.913, N = 382 Min = -3.031, Max = 3.757 Delta NUV y("): Mean = 0.069 +/- 0.043 StdDev = 0.843, N = 382 Min = -3.756, Max = 3.088 ln(f_model/f_meas): Mean = 1.163 +/- 0.045 StdDev = 0.878, N = 382 Min = -1.899, Max = 3.899 Writing 382 match rows to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits' ... << End of AstromChk >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:51Z PCPU: 0.79/0.06/3 CCPU: 0.01/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6882 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' << End of OrbPipe1b >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:52Z PCPU: 0.94/0.15/1570 CCPU: 916.2/32.53 HOST: skirnir PID: 1809 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' --------------------------------------------- Processing band 2 --------------------------------------------- SPAWN created cmd 'orbpipe1b -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -opt_wheel_pos 1 -ais=0 -verbose -movie_mask=1 -pre_map=1 -band 2 -not astromchk -use_prev_rta=1 -run rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa -exit_code 0 -orbpipe1b:grta -nostate -not runstar -orbpipe1b:photmap:simplemap -calinf maskr=0.6 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -use_solution=1 -no_aspect=1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict'. Mysystem exec'ing Orbpipe1b (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... orbpipe1b -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -opt_wheel_pos 1 -ais=0 -verbose -movie_mask=1 -pre_map=1 -band 2 -not astromchk -use_prev_rta=1 -run rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa -exit_code 0 -orbpipe1b:grta -nostate\ -not\ runstar -orbpipe1b:photmap:simplemap -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -use_solution=1 -no_aspect=1 -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict Now logging 6927 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa480fec) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9856a78) to LOG=GLOB(0xa480fec) with tag ')-'. << OrbPipe1b >> version='$Id: orbpipe1b,v 1.174 2008/01/31 23:25:23 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:34Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:55Z PCPU: 0.26/0.04/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6927 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/orbpipe1b (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for OrbPipe1b: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = undef; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = 0; tbase = UNIX; sctbase = GPS; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa; not = astromchk; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; grspa = undef; merge_path = undef; merge_base = undef; top_cut = 1000; top_mask = 2000; coadd_exptime = undef; sim_mode = undef; no_aspect = 1; use_solution = 1; use_prev_rta = 1; max_dither_rate = 4e-05; exit_code = 0; pre_map = 1; movie_mask = 1; fuv_minexp_check = 500; Passed-on parameters: '-grta:' '-nostate -not runstar' '-photmap:simplemap:' '-calinf maskr=0.6' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' '-photmap:' '-dead' '-grta:' '-maxdith 4e-5' SCST file = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... Running steps rta phxcheck premap varpix map sex astromchk flag flagastromchk merge merge_sex pipeqa. Skipping steps astromchk. InBase=MISDR1_27036_0462_0001, Band=2, OW=1, AIS=0 SPAWN created cmd 'grta -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -ais=0 -verbose -no_aspect -use_prev_rta -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -fail_if_nogood=1 -band 2 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Grta (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... grta -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -ais=0 -verbose -no_aspect -use_prev_rta -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -fail_if_nogood=1 -band 2 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. Now logging 6946 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xab94f60) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9f0ca60) to LOG=GLOB(0xab94f60) with tag ')-'. << GRTA >> version='$Id: grta,v 1.183 2008/01/24 03:00:56 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:58Z PCPU: 0.26/0.03/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 6946 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/grta (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GRTA: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = 0; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = runstar; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; grspa = undef; no_aspect = 1; no_abs_acs = undef; no_state = 1; refine_aspect = undef; mle_correction = undef; faint_dph = undef; relative_dph = undef; correct = undef; use_prev_rta = 1; offsets = undef; max_dither_rate = 4e-05; photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits; fail_if_nogood = 1; min_good_recs = 1; update_state_file = undef; deltaphot_qa = undef; way_off = undef; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; sim_mode = undef; other_opts = {gyrocorr=>0,dodph2=>0,dodph1=>0,docent1=>0,skipgaspref=>0,fullasp=>0,rsrad=>1}; deltaphot_correction = undef; Passed-on parameters: '-rta:' '-nuvpltsol 0' '-rta:' '-fuvpltsol 0' '-rta:' '-sort' '-rta:' '-fuvpltsol 0' '-rta:' '-sort' Extracted field RA,Dec,Roll=55.69742,-6.44734,102.998889128168 from state file. Reading through aspect file to get average FOV position ... ... read 1509 rows. Processed 1509 positions. , = 55.6982023559852,-6.44826723669151, = 103.001270028952, , = -2.79866353492676,-3.33805423559982 Extracted FOV RA,Dec,Roll=55.6982023559852,-6.44826723669151,103.001270028952 from aspect file. << End of GRTA >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:26:59Z PCPU: 0.35/0.04/3 CCPU: 0.05/0.03 HOST: skirnir PID: 6946 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -band 2 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Photmap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -which\ rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -band 2 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 6980 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xab51ec4) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9f28a60) to LOG=GLOB(0xab51ec4) with tag ')-'. << PhotMap >> version='$Id: photmap,v 1.38 2006/09/18 22:15:59 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:27:01Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/1 CCPU: 0.06/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 6980 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/photmap (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for PhotMap: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits; dead_time_cor = 1; use_solution = 1; slicedt2 = 10; seg_times = undef; min_part_tag = 1; interval = 5; compress_images = 1; map_exec = simplemap; Passed-on parameters: '-simplemap:' '-which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0' '-simplemap:' '-calinf maskr=0.6' Input file(s) = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits SPAWN created cmd 'simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 2 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6 -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6'. Mysystem exec'ing Simplemap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 2 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -slicedt2 10 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6 -which rr=0,exp=0,dose=0,detbg=0,q=0,sprr=0 -calinf maskr=0.6 # SimpleMap Version '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_18:27:02Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Command line options for SimpleMap: [nitems=34/34,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "grism" (i) = 0 1: "dose_only" (i) = 0 2: "ais" (i) = 0 3: "charge_map_too" (i) = 0 4: "rate" (i) = 0 5: "which" (n) = 0x99fc060 (60 bytes) [nitems=9/9,nalloc=16,alloc_sz=768+60,chunksz=8,ncache=32,flags=0x1] 0: "cnt" (d) = -1 1: "exp" (d) = 0 2: "rr" (d) = 0 3: "detbg" (d) = 0 4: "dose" (d) = 0 5: "q" (d) = 0 6: "sprr" (d) = 0 7: "movie" (d) = 8 8: "flag" (d) = 8 6: "compress_images" (i) = 1 7: "init_from_file" (i) = 0 8: "multiple_runs" (i) = 0 9: "use_solution" (i) = 1 10: "dead_time_cor" (i) = 1 11: "output_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/" (84 bytes) 12: "input_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try" (84 bytes) 13: "nphots_to_read" (i) = -1 14: "chunk_sz" (i) = 10000000 15: "count_def" (n) = 0x99fbc88 (60 bytes) [nitems=5/5,nalloc=8,alloc_sz=384+60,chunksz=8,ncache=16,flags=0x1] 0: "ra0" (d) = -999 1: "dec0" (d) = -999 2: "npix" (d) = 3840 3: "pixsz" (d) = 1.5 4: "twist" (d) = 0 16: "dosage_def" (n) = 0x99fc5b0 (60 bytes) [nitems=3/3,nalloc=4,alloc_sz=192+60,chunksz=8,ncache=8,flags=0x1] 0: "npix" (d) = 2250 1: "pixszx" (d) = 3 2: "bitpix" (i) = 32 17: "movie_def" (n) = 0x99fcb10 (60 bytes) [nitems=1/1,nalloc=1,alloc_sz=48+60,chunksz=8,ncache=2,flags=0x1] 0: "framet" (d) = 16 18: "slicedt2" (d) = 10 19: "dump_phots" (i) = 0 20: "n_to_dump" (i) = 100 21: "dither_photons" (i) = 0 22: "fwhm" (d) = 4.5 23: "center" (i) = 0 24: "verbose" (i) = 0 25: "quiet" (i) = 0 26: "debug" (i) = 0 27: "cal_info" (n) = 0x99fc690 (60 bytes) [nitems=48/48,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "calpath" (s) = "cal" (4 bytes) 1: "flatfile" (s) = "flat.fits" (10 bytes) 2: "detbgfile" (s) = "detbg.fits" (11 bytes) 3: "spflatfile" (s) = "spflat.fits" (12 bytes) 4: "pltscl" (d) = 68.754932 5: "detsize" (d) = 1.25 6: "na" (d) = 0 7: "nb" (d) = 1 8: "nc" (d) = 0 9: "nd" (d) = 0 10: "ne" (d) = 0 11: "nf" (d) = 1 12: "fa" (d) = 0 13: "fb" (d) = 1 14: "fc" (d) = 0 15: "fd" (d) = 0 16: "fe" (d) = 0 17: "ff" (d) = 1 18: "maskfile" (s) = "mask.fits" (10 bytes) 19: "maskfile_fuv" (s) = "FUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 20: "maskfile_nuv" (s) = "NUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 21: "linfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 22: "linfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 23: "linfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 24: "linfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 25: "walkfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 26: "walkfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 27: "walkfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 28: "walkfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 29: "wigfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 30: "wigfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 31: "wigfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 32: "wigfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 33: "dumlin" (d) = 0 34: "dumwalk" (d) = 0 35: "dumwig" (d) = 0 36: "maskr" (d) = 0.6 37: "flat_correct_fuv" (d) = -0.0031 38: "flat_t0_fuv" (d) = 840418779.02 39: "flat_correct_nuv" (d) = -0.0154 40: "flat_t0_nuv" (d) = 840418779.02 41: "flat_correct_fuv_0" (d) = 1.2420282 42: "flat_correct_fuv_1" (d) = -2.8843099e-10 43: "flat_correct_fuv_2" (d) = 0 44: "flat_correct_nuv_0" (d) = 1.9946352 45: "flat_correct_nuv_1" (d) = -1.9679445e-09 46: "flat_correct_nuv_2" (d) = 9.3025231e-19 47: "dummy" (d) = 0 28: "other_opts" (n) = 0x99fd3c8 (60 bytes) [nitems=30/30,nalloc=32,alloc_sz=1536+60,chunksz=8,ncache=64,flags=0x1] 0: "feeclkratio" (d) = 0.966 1: "nomstimr8" (d) = 79 2: "xsc_det_off" (d) = 0 3: "ysc_det_off" (d) = 0 4: "print1st" (d) = 0 5: "leakchk" (d) = 0 6: "sort" (d) = 0 7: "embedfmt" (d) = 0 8: "scdose" (d) = 1 9: "charge" (d) = 1 10: "noaccum" (d) = 0 11: "nosave" (d) = 0 12: "selband" (d) = 0 13: "fieldr" (d) = 0 14: "nlcmask" (d) = 1 15: "fieldra" (d) = -999 16: "fielddec" (d) = -999 17: "jiggle" (d) = 1 18: "grainsz" (d) = 0.05 19: "sampler0" (d) = 1.05 20: "sampler1" (d) = 1.3 21: "stimstats" (d) = 1 22: "autoscale" (d) = 0 23: "asptoff" (d) = 0 24: "ratesampt" (d) = 0 25: "qlo" (d) = -1 26: "qhi" (d) = -1 27: "allowbadwalk" (d) = 1 28: "asperrsfatal" (d) = 0 29: "noprog" (d) = 1 29: "input_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001" (23 bytes) 30: "photon_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits" (119 bytes) 31: "output_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap" (30 bytes) 32: "band" (i) = 2 33: "opt_wheel_pos" (i) = 1 Reading Aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Read 1509 aspect records; t = [783444315.995 to 783445823.995]; Non-skipped t = [783444341.995 to 783445821.995] Opening photon file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits' ... Input search times = 0.000000 to 10000000000.000000. Aspect search times= 783444341.995000 to 783445821.995000. Final search times = 1099409141.995 to 1099410621.995 (tbase=315964800.000000). 783444341.995 to 783445821.995 (tbase=0). 28.000 to +1480.000 (relative). Found 6078702 photons in format 7. Photon time range = 1099409113.995 - 1099410624.990 = 1510.995000 sec.s = 783444313.995 - 783445824.990 Reading header from state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... eclipse=8090fdttdc=27.972995 Found header values ra0,dec0=55.697420,-6.447340, band=2, ow=1, fwhm=4.50 eclipse/visit=8090/1, tilenum/tilename=3345/'MISDR1_27036_0462', grelease='ops-v7_0_1'/'ops-v7_0_1' nvalidph=-999 Using these conversion constants: NUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 FUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 Plate scale = 68.754932"/mm Det. size = 1.250000 deg. Center Scale Slope Clock X Y X Y X Y X Y NUV: 7400.000 6070.000 8.790 14.010 0.530 0.000 2007.000 1992.000 FUV: 7200.000 6670.000 7.780 10.730 0.000 0.000 1997.000 1993.000 flat_correct_0, flat_correct_1, flat_correct_2, t, scale = 1.242028, -0.000000, 0.000000, 783445069.492500, 1.016058 Loading mask file cal/FUV_mask.fits ... mask file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_mask.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_mask.fits Mask is 800X800 and has 5978 zero pixels. Manual mask radius = 0.600 degrees masked 230551 pixels. Remapping mask with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading flat file 'cal/FUV_flat.fits' ... flat file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_flat.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_flat.fits Rescaling flat with scale 1.016058 ... ... rescaled 525064 pixels. Remapping flat with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading linfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_y.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_y.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_y.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_y.fits Making image definitions ... Allocating image space for 3 maps (0x601) ... Reading 6078702 of 6078702 photons remaining (0/6078702 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 5949138(6078702) photons in 0.330356 seconds, 280.768618 MB/sec. RC=-2, Last=1, EOF=1 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. For FUV offset, using: eclipse=8090 fodx= -0.00881 0.00000 fody= 0.10265 0.35970 Allocate distortion cube memory [1686448 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/fuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/fuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 1190827). Loaded 110540 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 110 stim groups set (pinc=1004). Read in 0 previous entries from 'SSD_fuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=2): -3.6871601e+05 4.7713158e-04 [n=110] Writing stim data to 'SSD_fuv_08090.tbl' [old=0 tot=110]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444348.660 5090.030 1001.0 5090.032 783444362.094 5089.967 1001.0 5090.038 783444375.627 5090.204 1000.0 5090.045 783444389.142 5090.073 1005.0 5090.051 783444402.602 5089.968 1004.0 5090.058 783444416.075 5089.838 1004.0 5090.064 783444429.490 5090.041 1000.0 5090.071 783444442.934 5089.954 1008.0 5090.077 783444456.342 5090.171 1006.0 5090.083 783444469.778 5090.006 1006.0 5090.090 783444483.236 5090.166 1004.0 5090.096 783444496.630 5089.988 1008.0 5090.103 783444510.036 5090.206 1003.0 5090.109 783444523.467 5089.958 1006.0 5090.115 783444536.885 5090.049 1004.0 5090.122 783444550.315 5090.019 1005.0 5090.128 783444563.709 5090.021 1007.0 5090.135 783444577.125 5090.282 1005.0 5090.141 783444590.572 5090.148 1005.0 5090.147 783444603.971 5090.229 1009.0 5090.154 783444617.422 5090.123 1005.0 5090.160 783444630.838 5090.253 1007.0 5090.167 783444644.317 5090.161 1006.0 5090.173 783444657.744 5090.136 1013.0 5090.179 783444671.246 5090.228 1002.0 5090.186 783444684.666 5090.329 1002.0 5090.192 783444698.087 5090.189 1004.0 5090.199 783444711.519 5090.156 1006.0 5090.205 783444725.015 5090.246 1004.0 5090.212 783444738.509 5090.218 1005.0 5090.218 783444751.964 5090.122 1008.0 5090.224 783444765.379 5090.190 1007.0 5090.231 783444778.800 5090.411 1002.0 5090.237 783444792.197 5090.309 1003.0 5090.244 783444805.606 5090.309 1006.0 5090.250 783444819.044 5090.326 1009.0 5090.256 783444832.513 5090.451 1003.0 5090.263 783444845.963 5090.297 1006.0 5090.269 783444859.352 5090.192 1005.0 5090.276 783444872.792 5090.362 1003.0 5090.282 783444886.182 5090.433 1002.0 5090.288 783444899.643 5090.218 1005.0 5090.295 783444913.115 5090.288 1005.0 5090.301 783444926.564 5090.333 1005.0 5090.308 783444940.059 5090.347 1009.0 5090.314 783444953.615 5090.338 1006.0 5090.321 783444967.053 5090.236 1005.0 5090.327 783444980.551 5090.275 1004.0 5090.333 783444994.001 5090.437 1007.0 5090.340 783445007.463 5090.276 1005.0 5090.346 783445020.873 5090.323 1005.0 5090.353 783445034.370 5090.449 1013.0 5090.359 783445047.806 5090.421 1002.0 5090.366 783445061.252 5090.299 1005.0 5090.372 783445074.613 5090.621 1006.0 5090.378 783445088.044 5090.409 1003.0 5090.385 783445101.583 5090.359 999.0 5090.391 783445114.964 5090.330 1001.0 5090.398 783445128.455 5090.367 998.0 5090.404 783445142.028 5090.435 1003.0 5090.410 783445155.505 5090.315 1006.0 5090.417 783445168.952 5090.505 1008.0 5090.423 783445182.326 5090.357 1005.0 5090.430 783445195.721 5090.614 1000.0 5090.436 783445209.155 5090.356 1011.0 5090.443 783445222.669 5090.504 1006.0 5090.449 783445236.042 5090.479 1003.0 5090.455 783445249.428 5090.410 1002.0 5090.462 783445262.820 5090.539 1008.0 5090.468 783445276.208 5090.590 1006.0 5090.475 783445289.580 5090.340 1007.0 5090.481 783445303.077 5090.300 1001.0 5090.487 783445316.542 5090.390 1009.0 5090.494 783445329.925 5090.493 1005.0 5090.500 783445343.405 5090.462 1006.0 5090.507 783445356.867 5090.631 1000.0 5090.513 783445370.327 5090.520 1002.0 5090.519 783445383.777 5090.745 1002.0 5090.526 783445397.339 5090.603 1011.0 5090.532 783445410.827 5090.543 1010.0 5090.539 783445424.323 5090.474 1005.0 5090.545 783445437.778 5090.553 1003.0 5090.552 783445451.260 5090.590 1004.0 5090.558 783445464.772 5090.508 1015.0 5090.564 783445478.258 5090.563 1003.0 5090.571 783445491.665 5090.461 1004.0 5090.577 783445505.075 5090.597 1001.0 5090.584 783445518.460 5090.536 1009.0 5090.590 783445531.870 5090.594 1003.0 5090.597 783445545.344 5090.651 1003.0 5090.603 783445558.800 5090.676 1002.0 5090.609 783445572.242 5090.594 1001.0 5090.616 783445585.717 5090.666 1007.0 5090.622 783445599.153 5090.711 1004.0 5090.629 783445612.572 5090.605 1005.0 5090.635 783445626.034 5090.517 1006.0 5090.641 783445639.436 5090.613 1004.0 5090.648 783445652.919 5090.550 1001.0 5090.654 783445666.334 5090.684 1005.0 5090.661 783445679.697 5090.747 1006.0 5090.667 783445693.111 5090.735 1006.0 5090.673 783445706.507 5090.610 1003.0 5090.680 783445719.892 5090.685 1002.0 5090.686 783445733.253 5090.674 1005.0 5090.693 783445746.642 5090.802 1003.0 5090.699 783445760.132 5090.650 1009.0 5090.705 783445773.584 5090.615 1003.0 5090.712 783445787.006 5090.826 1002.0 5090.718 783445800.404 5090.617 1006.0 5090.725 783445813.881 5090.654 1006.0 5090.731 Return to rtaph(), band=2, ... Masked 854567 photons. ... found 4852532 valid photons. Accumulating 5949138 photons, last=1 ... 000000001 / 005949138 000012351 / 005949138 000024734 / 005949138 000037288 / 005949138 000049788 / 005949138 000062292 / 005949138 000074640 / 005949138 000087169 / 005949138 000099674 / 005949138 000111994 / 005949138 000124293 / 005949138 000136679 / 005949138 000149109 / 005949138 000161554 / 005949138 000173845 / 005949138 000186430 / 005949138 000198981 / 005949138 000211324 / 005949138 000223767 / 005949138 000236185 / 005949138 000248462 / 005949138 000260933 / 005949138 000273475 / 005949138 000285871 / 005949138 000298250 / 005949138 000310665 / 005949138 000322875 / 005949138 000335230 / 005949138 000347635 / 005949138 000359823 / 005949138 000372143 / 005949138 000384590 / 005949138 000396965 / 005949138 000409118 / 005949138 000421485 / 005949138 000434069 / 005949138 000446379 / 005949138 000458899 / 005949138 000471246 / 005949138 000483693 / 005949138 000496010 / 005949138 000508266 / 005949138 000520505 / 005949138 000532763 / 005949138 000544977 / 005949138 000557275 / 005949138 000569369 / 005949138 000581621 / 005949138 000593805 / 005949138 000606293 / 005949138 000618609 / 005949138 000630672 / 005949138 000643201 / 005949138 000655602 / 005949138 000667998 / 005949138 000680183 / 005949138 000692209 / 005949138 000704577 / 005949138 000716852 / 005949138 000728986 / 005949138 000741131 / 005949138 000753378 / 005949138 000765548 / 005949138 000777801 / 005949138 000789953 / 005949138 000802161 / 005949138 000814353 / 005949138 000826687 / 005949138 000838727 / 005949138 000850979 / 005949138 000863183 / 005949138 000875261 / 005949138 000887305 / 005949138 000899458 / 005949138 000911508 / 005949138 000923811 / 005949138 000935906 / 005949138 000948117 / 005949138 000960399 / 005949138 000972582 / 005949138 000984697 / 005949138 000996793 / 005949138 001008903 / 005949138 001020919 / 005949138 001033134 / 005949138 001045216 / 005949138 001057252 / 005949138 001069358 / 005949138 001081626 / 005949138 001093675 / 005949138 001105787 / 005949138 001117838 / 005949138 001129826 / 005949138 001141856 / 005949138 001153955 / 005949138 001166102 / 005949138 001178151 / 005949138 001190064 / 005949138 001202253 / 005949138 001214236 / 005949138 001226164 / 005949138 001238321 / 005949138 001250493 / 005949138 001262660 / 005949138 001274698 / 005949138 001286479 / 005949138 001298556 / 005949138 001310194 / 005949138 001322208 / 005949138 001334179 / 005949138 001346296 / 005949138 001358423 / 005949138 001370346 / 005949138 001382385 / 005949138 001394485 / 005949138 001406382 / 005949138 001418473 / 005949138 001430458 / 005949138 001442591 / 005949138 001454527 / 005949138 001466665 / 005949138 001478943 / 005949138 001490975 / 005949138 001502736 / 005949138 001514718 / 005949138 001526701 / 005949138 001538862 / 005949138 001550960 / 005949138 001562907 / 005949138 001574881 / 005949138 001586960 / 005949138 001598695 / 005949138 001610685 / 005949138 001622599 / 005949138 001634404 / 005949138 001646435 / 005949138 001658282 / 005949138 001670233 / 005949138 001682167 / 005949138 001694185 / 005949138 001706240 / 005949138 001717984 / 005949138 001729930 / 005949138 001741761 / 005949138 001753912 / 005949138 001765822 / 005949138 001777763 / 005949138 001789833 / 005949138 001801716 / 005949138 001813800 / 005949138 001825739 / 005949138 001837738 / 005949138 001849883 / 005949138 001861774 / 005949138 001873711 / 005949138 001885693 / 005949138 001897592 / 005949138 001909669 / 005949138 001921660 / 005949138 001933616 / 005949138 001945419 / 005949138 001957394 / 005949138 001969178 / 005949138 001980913 / 005949138 001992862 / 005949138 002004688 / 005949138 002016618 / 005949138 002028581 / 005949138 002040555 / 005949138 002052351 / 005949138 002064260 / 005949138 002076277 / 005949138 002088213 / 005949138 002100034 / 005949138 002112017 / 005949138 002123950 / 005949138 002135964 / 005949138 002147936 / 005949138 002159809 / 005949138 002171722 / 005949138 002183569 / 005949138 002195695 / 005949138 002207586 / 005949138 002219494 / 005949138 002231457 / 005949138 002243378 / 005949138 002255393 / 005949138 002267478 / 005949138 002279271 / 005949138 002291080 / 005949138 002303004 / 005949138 002314566 / 005949138 002326388 / 005949138 002338427 / 005949138 002350547 / 005949138 002362360 / 005949138 002374156 / 005949138 002386093 / 005949138 002398222 / 005949138 002410226 / 005949138 002422020 / 005949138 002433922 / 005949138 002445790 / 005949138 002457676 / 005949138 002469631 / 005949138 002481759 / 005949138 002493747 / 005949138 002505689 / 005949138 002517726 / 005949138 002529609 / 005949138 002541537 / 005949138 002553584 / 005949138 002565274 / 005949138 002577225 / 005949138 002589229 / 005949138 002601154 / 005949138 002612976 / 005949138 002624882 / 005949138 002636903 / 005949138 002648785 / 005949138 002660645 / 005949138 002672415 / 005949138 002684413 / 005949138 002696195 / 005949138 002708222 / 005949138 002720164 / 005949138 002732161 / 005949138 002744112 / 005949138 002755780 / 005949138 002767614 / 005949138 002779352 / 005949138 002791160 / 005949138 002802962 / 005949138 002814818 / 005949138 002826760 / 005949138 002838675 / 005949138 002850611 / 005949138 002862654 / 005949138 002874399 / 005949138 002886476 / 005949138 002898365 / 005949138 002910119 / 005949138 002921967 / 005949138 002933760 / 005949138 002945557 / 005949138 002957571 / 005949138 002969414 / 005949138 002981242 / 005949138 002993012 / 005949138 003004729 / 005949138 003016671 / 005949138 003028511 / 005949138 003040326 / 005949138 003052375 / 005949138 003064161 / 005949138 003075964 / 005949138 003087664 / 005949138 003099513 / 005949138 003111308 / 005949138 003123180 / 005949138 003134961 / 005949138 003146757 / 005949138 003158617 / 005949138 003170464 / 005949138 003182453 / 005949138 003194437 / 005949138 003206307 / 005949138 003218137 / 005949138 003229934 / 005949138 003241832 / 005949138 003253605 / 005949138 003265663 / 005949138 003277459 / 005949138 003289226 / 005949138 003301107 / 005949138 003313002 / 005949138 003324957 / 005949138 003337017 / 005949138 003348755 / 005949138 003360753 / 005949138 003372700 / 005949138 003384519 / 005949138 003396355 / 005949138 003408191 / 005949138 003419962 / 005949138 003431951 / 005949138 003443760 / 005949138 003455702 / 005949138 003467684 / 005949138 003479580 / 005949138 003491500 / 005949138 003503381 / 005949138 003515090 / 005949138 003527059 / 005949138 003538995 / 005949138 003550744 / 005949138 003562558 / 005949138 003574362 / 005949138 003586065 / 005949138 003598017 / 005949138 003609999 / 005949138 003621791 / 005949138 003633609 / 005949138 003645394 / 005949138 003657206 / 005949138 003669111 / 005949138 003681082 / 005949138 003693031 / 005949138 003704973 / 005949138 003716939 / 005949138 003728848 / 005949138 003740689 / 005949138 003752629 / 005949138 003764453 / 005949138 003776472 / 005949138 003788434 / 005949138 003800471 / 005949138 003812547 / 005949138 003824407 / 005949138 003836240 / 005949138 003848219 / 005949138 003860211 / 005949138 003872333 / 005949138 003884325 / 005949138 003896338 / 005949138 003908345 / 005949138 003920222 / 005949138 003932174 / 005949138 003944215 / 005949138 003956126 / 005949138 003968027 / 005949138 003980138 / 005949138 003992078 / 005949138 004003895 / 005949138 004015983 / 005949138 004028175 / 005949138 004040051 / 005949138 004051819 / 005949138 004063880 / 005949138 004075774 / 005949138 004087596 / 005949138 004099401 / 005949138 004111409 / 005949138 004123406 / 005949138 004135505 / 005949138 004147475 / 005949138 004159465 / 005949138 004171408 / 005949138 004183327 / 005949138 004195209 / 005949138 004207029 / 005949138 004219047 / 005949138 004230949 / 005949138 004242804 / 005949138 004254681 / 005949138 004266638 / 005949138 004278633 / 005949138 004290614 / 005949138 004302670 / 005949138 004314614 / 005949138 004326805 / 005949138 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/ 005949138 004891818 / 005949138 004903872 / 005949138 004915941 / 005949138 004928032 / 005949138 004940135 / 005949138 004952448 / 005949138 004964485 / 005949138 004976569 / 005949138 004988827 / 005949138 005000768 / 005949138 005012932 / 005949138 005024956 / 005949138 005037162 / 005949138 005049250 / 005949138 005061512 / 005949138 005073812 / 005949138 005085975 / 005949138 005098214 / 005949138 005110577 / 005949138 005122882 / 005949138 005135102 / 005949138 005147227 / 005949138 005159463 / 005949138 005171547 / 005949138 005183758 / 005949138 005196123 / 005949138 005208424 / 005949138 005220803 / 005949138 005233047 / 005949138 005245272 / 005949138 005257510 / 005949138 005269718 / 005949138 005282125 / 005949138 005294275 / 005949138 005306518 / 005949138 005318733 / 005949138 005331054 / 005949138 005343319 / 005949138 005355569 / 005949138 005367881 / 005949138 005380272 / 005949138 005392559 / 005949138 005404945 / 005949138 005417459 / 005949138 005429860 / 005949138 005442199 / 005949138 005454475 / 005949138 005466940 / 005949138 005479218 / 005949138 005491551 / 005949138 005504127 / 005949138 005516490 / 005949138 005528982 / 005949138 005541358 / 005949138 005553683 / 005949138 005566198 / 005949138 005578501 / 005949138 005590955 / 005949138 005603554 / 005949138 005616041 / 005949138 005628439 / 005949138 005640871 / 005949138 005653197 / 005949138 005665634 / 005949138 005678269 / 005949138 005690768 / 005949138 005703283 / 005949138 005715906 / 005949138 005728621 / 005949138 005741026 / 005949138 005753630 / 005949138 005766080 / 005949138 005778465 / 005949138 005790983 / 005949138 005803501 / 005949138 005816247 / 005949138 005828882 / 005949138 005841442 / 005949138 005854008 / 005949138 005866723 / 005949138 005879269 / 005949138 005892017 / 005949138 005904670 / 005949138 005917386 / 005949138 005930049 / 005949138 005942732 / 005949138 005949138 / 005949138 Accumulated in 12.990222 seconds (949614 skipped), 2.183547 usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 839071 0 110543 0 ) Computing image stats for count image ... Computing image stats for 93 movie frames ... Stats for this run: Rough exposure time = 1480 seconds. Number within 1.300000 = 5837960 Number within 1.050000 = 5828501 Number between 1.050000 and 1.300000 = 9459 Number outside 1.300000 = 111178 Ratio between 1.050000 and 1.300000 = 0.001620 Ratio scaled by area = 0.004661 Ave. rate within 1.050000 = 3938.176351 phots/sec Ave. rate within annulus = 6.391216 phots/sec Ave. rate outside 1.300000 = 75.120270 phots/sec Accumulation info: 0: "NCHUNKS" (i) = 1 1: "NRUNS" (d) = 1 2: "PHTRNG0" (d) = 1099409141.995 3: "PHTRNG1" (d) = 1099410621.995 4: "PHTFIRST" (d) = 783444341.995 5: "PHTLAST" (d) = 783445821.995 6: "PHTELAP" (d) = 1480 7: "EXPTIME" (d) = 1480 8: "NGAPS" (d) = 1 9: "TOTREAD" (d) = 6078702 10: "TOTMAP" (d) = 5838595 11: "TOTONMAP" (d) = 4999524 12: "NMASKED" (d) = 839071 13: "NVISIBLE" (d) = 4999524 14: "NSTIM1" (d) = 27680 15: "STIM1X" (d) = 0.68195335380546 16: "STIM1Y" (d) = -0.70619767782598 17: "NSTIM2" (d) = 27469 18: "STIM2X" (d) = 0.68193699968861 19: "STIM2Y" (d) = 0.73122154367959 20: "NSTIM3" (d) = 27740 21: "STIM3X" (d) = -0.70871712028367 22: "STIM3Y" (d) = -0.70611286449574 23: "NSTIM4" (d) = 27653 24: "STIM4X" (d) = -0.70872469633602 25: "STIM4Y" (d) = 0.73111087203725 26: "CNTMED" (d) = 1 27: "CNTAVE" (d) = 0.77876152510421 28: "CNTPCT1" (d) = 0 29: "CNTPCT99" (d) = 4 30: "XNOT0AVE" (d) = 1900.9764437875 31: "YNOT0AVE" (d) = 1928.7316851692 32: "NNOT0" (d) = 3003645 33: "RRMED" (d) = -999 34: "RRAVE" (d) = -999 35: "RRPCT1" (d) = -999 36: "RRPCT99" (d) = -999 37: "NASPOK" (i) = 1481 38: "NASPALL" (i) = 1481 39: "NASPXY" (i) = 1481 40: "AVASPX" (d) = 1900.4881325391 41: "AVASPY" (d) = 1993.9646213797 42: "AVASPRRX" (d) = 1900.4881325391 43: "AVASPRRY" (d) = 1993.9646213797 44: "AVASPRA" (d) = 55.705810842728 45: "AVASPDEC" (d) = -6.4167296757683 46: "AVASPROL" (d) = 102.95991850241 47: "R8INT" (d) = 1 48: "NRATES" (i) = 1480 49: "MAXRATES" (i) = 100000 50: "AVER8" (d) = 4019.6871621622 51: "SIGR8" (d) = 93.44190110294 52: "MINR8" (d) = 3793 53: "MAXR8" (d) = 4369 54: "AVESTMR8" (d) = 74.690540540541 55: "SIGSTMR8" (d) = 1.3017561258554 56: "MINSTMR8" (d) = 69 57: "MAXSTMR8" (d) = 77 58: "NSKIP" (i) = 949614 59: "NSKIP00" (i) = 0 60: "NSKIP01" (i) = 0 61: "NSKIP02" (i) = 0 62: "NSKIP03" (i) = 0 63: "NSKIP04" (i) = 0 64: "NSKIP05" (i) = 0 65: "NSKIP06" (i) = 0 66: "NSKIP07" (i) = 0 67: "NSKIP08" (i) = 839071 68: "NSKIP09" (i) = 0 69: "NSKIP10" (i) = 110543 70: "NSKIP11" (i) = 0 Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-cnt.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-movie.fits.gz with 93 frames ............................................................................................. Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-flag_hotmask.fits.gz ... Mapping complete. << End of PhotMap >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:27:48Z PCPU: 0.28/0.04/48 CCPU: 40.43/1.42 HOST: skirnir PID: 6980 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'movievarpix -cal_path cal -verbose -moviemask_snr_limit 2.75 -varpixmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varpix.fits.gz -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits -moviemask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -stackmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varmask.fits.gz -moviemask_npixel_limit 4 -movie_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-movie.fits.gz -npixel_limit 5 -mask_radius 0.625 -apply_flat=1 -snr_limit 3.5 -no_sextra=1 -compress_images=1 -min_frame_exp_frac 0.5 -varpix_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-varpix.fits.gz -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Movievarpix (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... movievarpix -cal_path cal -verbose -moviemask_snr_limit 2.75 -varpixmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varpix.fits.gz -aspect_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits -moviemask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -stackmask_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varmask.fits.gz -moviemask_npixel_limit 4 -movie_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-movie.fits.gz -npixel_limit 5 -mask_radius 0.625 -apply_flat=1 -snr_limit 3.5 -no_sextra=1 -compress_images=1 -min_frame_exp_frac 0.5 -varpix_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-varpix.fits.gz -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 7180 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9653c10) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x850ba78) to LOG=GLOB(0x9653c10) with tag ')-'. << MovieVarPix >> version='$Id: movievarpix,v 1.24 2007/08/04 00:46:54 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:45Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:27:51Z PCPU: 0.58/0.06/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 7180 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/movievarpix (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for MovieVarPix: movie_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-movie.fits.gz; no_sextra = 1; snr_limit = 3.5; npixel_limit = 5; area_limit = 25; elongation_limit = 3; mask_radius = 0.625; varpix_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-varpix.fits.gz; intmovie_file = 0; varpixmask_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varpix.fits.gz; varpix_flag_value = 1; moviemask_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz; stackmask_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varmask.fits.gz; moviemask_snr_limit = 2.75; moviemask_npixel_limit = 4; filter_radius = 0; sex_thresh = undef; sex_minpix = 1; sex_filter_fwhm = 0; expand_mask_radius = 1; aspect_file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits; stddev = undef; maxpix = undef; compress_images = 1; cal_path = cal; apply_flat = 1; flat_limit = 0.5; level_frames = undef; min_frame_exp_frac = 0.5; out_path = .; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; Base=/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap, band=2/f, OW=1/d. Reading from movie file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_premap-fd-movie.fits.gz'. Movie cube is 480x480x94 pixels. Removing short frames ... Movie cube is now 480x480x93 pixels. Reading flat 'cal/FUV_flat.fits' ... Reading mask 'cal/FUV_mask.fits' ... Applying mask to flat ... Flipping flat from S/C coord.s ... Rotating flat with roll=102.998889128168 ... Expanding flat 80 pixels ((1.6-1.33333336)/0.0016666667) ... Resampling flat to dims=480x480 ... Masking flat outside a radius of 187.5 pixels ... Reading aspect file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits' ... Dividing flat*expt out of 93 frames ... Get the vertical median of the movie cube ... Computing median threshold image with nsigma=3.5, areadet=1 ... Smoothing median movie with 11-pixel kernel ... Statistics for central area of the vertical median of the movie: Mean=nan, RMS=nan, Median=0.0374148935079575, Min=0.00976693909615278, Max=7.03769731521606 Get the vertical max of the movie cube ... Statistics for central area of the vertical max of the movie: Mean=nan, RMS=nan, Median=0.2085070759058, Min=0.0759572014212608, Max=8.96882724761963 Computing movie varpix mask cube ... Recomputing threshold image for new SNR=2.75 ... Writing movie varpix mask to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz' ... Writing movie stack varpix mask to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varmask.fits.gz' ... Produce varpix map ... Statistics for central area varpix map: Mean=nan, RMS=nan, Median=1.93850266933441, Min=0.581792175769806, Max=13.5674962997437 Writing varpix mask to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varpix.fits.gz' ... Writing 480x480 pixel varpix image to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-varpix.fits.gz'. Writing 921600 bytes of pixels with bitpix -32 ... Done. << End of MovieVarPix >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:28:45Z PCPU: 39.16/7.54/56 CCPU: 0.04/0.12 HOST: skirnir PID: 7180 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -band 2 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Photmap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... photmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -cal_path cal -verbose -use_solution -photon_file MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -photmap:simplemap -statfile\ /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/\ -moviemask\ /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -band 2 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 7344 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xaae4f7c) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9ebea60) to LOG=GLOB(0xaae4f7c) with tag ')-'. << PhotMap >> version='$Id: photmap,v 1.38 2006/09/18 22:15:59 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:28:51Z PCPU: 0.26/0.02/3 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 7344 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/photmap (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for PhotMap: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; photon_file = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits; dead_time_cor = 1; use_solution = 1; slicedt2 = undef; seg_times = undef; min_part_tag = 1; interval = 5; compress_images = 1; map_exec = simplemap; Passed-on parameters: '-simplemap:' '-statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz' '-simplemap:' '-calinf maskr=0.6' Input file(s) = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits SPAWN created cmd 'simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 2 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6 -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6'. Mysystem exec'ing Simplemap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... simplemap -cal_info calpath=cal -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -photon_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -band 2 -other_opts noprog=1 -dead_time_cor=1 -use_solution=1 -compress_images=1 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6 -statfile /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ -moviemask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz -calinf maskr=0.6 # SimpleMap Version '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' # Datime: Sun_10/02/28_18:28:53Z -- CPU: User 0.00, System 0.00 Command line options for SimpleMap: [nitems=36/36,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "grism" (i) = 0 1: "dose_only" (i) = 0 2: "ais" (i) = 0 3: "charge_map_too" (i) = 0 4: "rate" (i) = 0 5: "which" (n) = 0x9e53060 (60 bytes) [nitems=9/9,nalloc=16,alloc_sz=768+60,chunksz=8,ncache=32,flags=0x1] 0: "cnt" (d) = -1 1: "exp" (d) = 4 2: "rr" (d) = 4 3: "detbg" (d) = 0 4: "dose" (d) = -1 5: "q" (d) = -1 6: "sprr" (d) = 0 7: "movie" (d) = 8 8: "flag" (d) = 8 6: "compress_images" (i) = 1 7: "init_from_file" (i) = 0 8: "multiple_runs" (i) = 0 9: "use_solution" (i) = 1 10: "dead_time_cor" (i) = 1 11: "output_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/" (84 bytes) 12: "input_path" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try" (84 bytes) 13: "nphots_to_read" (i) = -1 14: "chunk_sz" (i) = 10000000 15: "count_def" (n) = 0x9e52c88 (60 bytes) [nitems=5/5,nalloc=8,alloc_sz=384+60,chunksz=8,ncache=16,flags=0x1] 0: "ra0" (d) = -999 1: "dec0" (d) = -999 2: "npix" (d) = 3840 3: "pixsz" (d) = 1.5 4: "twist" (d) = 0 16: "dosage_def" (n) = 0x9e535b0 (60 bytes) [nitems=3/3,nalloc=4,alloc_sz=192+60,chunksz=8,ncache=8,flags=0x1] 0: "npix" (d) = 2250 1: "pixszx" (d) = 3 2: "bitpix" (i) = 32 17: "movie_def" (n) = 0x9e53b10 (60 bytes) [nitems=1/1,nalloc=1,alloc_sz=48+60,chunksz=8,ncache=2,flags=0x1] 0: "framet" (d) = 16 18: "slicedt2" (d) = 1 19: "dump_phots" (i) = 0 20: "n_to_dump" (i) = 100 21: "dither_photons" (i) = 0 22: "fwhm" (d) = 4.5 23: "center" (i) = 0 24: "verbose" (i) = 0 25: "quiet" (i) = 0 26: "debug" (i) = 0 27: "cal_info" (n) = 0x9e53690 (60 bytes) [nitems=48/48,nalloc=64,alloc_sz=3072+60,chunksz=8,ncache=128,flags=0x1] 0: "calpath" (s) = "cal" (4 bytes) 1: "flatfile" (s) = "flat.fits" (10 bytes) 2: "detbgfile" (s) = "detbg.fits" (11 bytes) 3: "spflatfile" (s) = "spflat.fits" (12 bytes) 4: "pltscl" (d) = 68.754932 5: "detsize" (d) = 1.25 6: "na" (d) = 0 7: "nb" (d) = 1 8: "nc" (d) = 0 9: "nd" (d) = 0 10: "ne" (d) = 0 11: "nf" (d) = 1 12: "fa" (d) = 0 13: "fb" (d) = 1 14: "fc" (d) = 0 15: "fd" (d) = 0 16: "fe" (d) = 0 17: "ff" (d) = 1 18: "maskfile" (s) = "mask.fits" (10 bytes) 19: "maskfile_fuv" (s) = "FUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 20: "maskfile_nuv" (s) = "NUV_mask.fits" (14 bytes) 21: "linfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 22: "linfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 23: "linfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 24: "linfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits" (23 bytes) 25: "walkfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 26: "walkfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 27: "walkfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_walk_x.fits" (16 bytes) 28: "walkfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_walk_y.fits" (16 bytes) 29: "wigfile_fuv_x" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 30: "wigfile_fuv_y" (s) = "FUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 31: "wigfile_nuv_x" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_x.fits" (18 bytes) 32: "wigfile_nuv_y" (s) = "NUV_wiggle_y.fits" (18 bytes) 33: "dumlin" (d) = 0 34: "dumwalk" (d) = 0 35: "dumwig" (d) = 0 36: "maskr" (d) = 0.6 37: "flat_correct_fuv" (d) = -0.0031 38: "flat_t0_fuv" (d) = 840418779.02 39: "flat_correct_nuv" (d) = -0.0154 40: "flat_t0_nuv" (d) = 840418779.02 41: "flat_correct_fuv_0" (d) = 1.2420282 42: "flat_correct_fuv_1" (d) = -2.8843099e-10 43: "flat_correct_fuv_2" (d) = 0 44: "flat_correct_nuv_0" (d) = 1.9946352 45: "flat_correct_nuv_1" (d) = -1.9679445e-09 46: "flat_correct_nuv_2" (d) = 9.3025231e-19 47: "dummy" (d) = 0 28: "other_opts" (n) = 0x9e543c8 (60 bytes) [nitems=30/30,nalloc=32,alloc_sz=1536+60,chunksz=8,ncache=64,flags=0x1] 0: "feeclkratio" (d) = 0.966 1: "nomstimr8" (d) = 79 2: "xsc_det_off" (d) = 0 3: "ysc_det_off" (d) = 0 4: "print1st" (d) = 0 5: "leakchk" (d) = 0 6: "sort" (d) = 0 7: "embedfmt" (d) = 0 8: "scdose" (d) = 1 9: "charge" (d) = 1 10: "noaccum" (d) = 0 11: "nosave" (d) = 0 12: "selband" (d) = 0 13: "fieldr" (d) = 0 14: "nlcmask" (d) = 1 15: "fieldra" (d) = -999 16: "fielddec" (d) = -999 17: "jiggle" (d) = 1 18: "grainsz" (d) = 0.05 19: "sampler0" (d) = 1.05 20: "sampler1" (d) = 1.3 21: "stimstats" (d) = 1 22: "autoscale" (d) = 0 23: "asptoff" (d) = 0 24: "ratesampt" (d) = 0 25: "qlo" (d) = -1 26: "qhi" (d) = -1 27: "allowbadwalk" (d) = 1 28: "asperrsfatal" (d) = 0 29: "noprog" (d) = 1 29: "input_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001" (23 bytes) 30: "photon_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits" (119 bytes) 31: "output_base" (s) = "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001" (23 bytes) 32: "band" (i) = 2 33: "opt_wheel_pos" (i) = 1 34: "stat_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/" (87 bytes) 35: "movie_mask_file" (s) = "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz" (128 bytes) Reading Aspect file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Read 1509 aspect records; t = [783444315.995 to 783445823.995]; Non-skipped t = [783444341.995 to 783445821.995] Reading mask cube from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie_mask.fits.gz' ... Reading 93 rows from frame table ... Opening photon file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-raw6.fits' ... Input search times = 0.000000 to 10000000000.000000. Aspect search times= 783444341.995000 to 783445821.995000. Final search times = 1099409141.995 to 1099410621.995 (tbase=315964800.000000). 783444341.995 to 783445821.995 (tbase=0). 28.000 to +1480.000 (relative). Found 6078702 photons in format 7. Photon time range = 1099409113.995 - 1099410624.990 = 1510.995000 sec.s = 783444313.995 - 783445824.990 Reading header from state file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits' ... eclipse=8090fdttdc=27.972995 Found header values ra0,dec0=55.697420,-6.447340, band=2, ow=1, fwhm=4.50 eclipse/visit=8090/1, tilenum/tilename=3345/'MISDR1_27036_0462', grelease='ops-v7_0_1'/'ops-v7_0_1' nvalidph=-999 Using these conversion constants: NUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 FUV plate solution = 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 Plate scale = 68.754932"/mm Det. size = 1.250000 deg. Center Scale Slope Clock X Y X Y X Y X Y NUV: 7400.000 6070.000 8.790 14.010 0.530 0.000 2007.000 1992.000 FUV: 7200.000 6670.000 7.780 10.730 0.000 0.000 1997.000 1993.000 flat_correct_0, flat_correct_1, flat_correct_2, t, scale = 1.242028, -0.000000, 0.000000, 783445069.492500, 1.016058 Loading mask file cal/FUV_mask.fits ... mask file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_mask.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_mask.fits Mask is 800X800 and has 5978 zero pixels. Manual mask radius = 0.600 degrees masked 230551 pixels. Remapping mask with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading flat file 'cal/FUV_flat.fits' ... flat file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_flat.fits -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_flat.fits Rescaling flat with scale 1.016058 ... ... rescaled 525064 pixels. Remapping flat with 0,1,1,0 ... Reading linfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_x_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading linfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits; 230400 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_NLC_y_det2sky.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_x.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_x.fits Reading walkfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_walk_y.fits Reading walkfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_walk_y.fits; 7372800 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_walk_y.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_x file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_x.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_x.fits Reading wigfile_fuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/FUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/FUV_wiggle_y.fits Reading wigfile_nuv_y file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/cal/NUV_wiggle_y.fits; 15360 pixels of size 4 bytes. -> /home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00/NUV_wiggle_y.fits Making image definitions ... Allocating image space for 7 maps (0x747) ... Reading 6078702 of 6078702 photons remaining (0/6078702 so far) (chunksz=10000000, fmt=7) ... Read 5949138(6078702) photons in 0.324381 seconds, 285.940296 MB/sec. RC=-2, Last=1, EOF=1 . Converting photons to extended format ... simplemap rtaph#2 eclipse = 8090 fdttdc = 27.972995 calpath = cal subvis = -999 eclipse=8090 fdttdc= 27.97299 subvis=-999 calpath='cal' NOTE: Running rtaph_setup_FODC() [version 19nov2009 (1:13pm)] NOTE: user calpath exists 'cal.' Current working directory = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. For FUV offset, using: eclipse=8090 fodx= -0.00881 0.00000 fody= 0.10265 0.35970 Allocate distortion cube memory [1686448 floats each cube]. Reading 'cal/fuv_distortion_cube_dx.fits'. Reading 'cal/fuv_distortion_cube_dy.fits'. Load all stim photons (max = 1190827). Loaded 110540 stim photons. Compute new stim data. NOTE: rtaph_setup_FODC: 110 stim groups set (pinc=1004). Read in 0 previous entries from 'SSD_fuv_08090.tbl'. Stim solution coeffecients(band=2): -3.6871601e+05 4.7713158e-04 [n=110] Writing stim data to 'SSD_fuv_08090.tbl' [old=0 tot=110]. |sct |stim_sep |stim_num | sep_fit | 783444348.660 5090.030 1001.0 5090.032 783444362.094 5089.967 1001.0 5090.038 783444375.627 5090.204 1000.0 5090.045 783444389.142 5090.073 1005.0 5090.051 783444402.602 5089.968 1004.0 5090.058 783444416.075 5089.838 1004.0 5090.064 783444429.490 5090.041 1000.0 5090.071 783444442.934 5089.954 1008.0 5090.077 783444456.342 5090.171 1006.0 5090.083 783444469.778 5090.006 1006.0 5090.090 783444483.236 5090.166 1004.0 5090.096 783444496.630 5089.988 1008.0 5090.103 783444510.036 5090.206 1003.0 5090.109 783444523.467 5089.958 1006.0 5090.115 783444536.885 5090.049 1004.0 5090.122 783444550.315 5090.019 1005.0 5090.128 783444563.709 5090.021 1007.0 5090.135 783444577.125 5090.282 1005.0 5090.141 783444590.572 5090.148 1005.0 5090.147 783444603.971 5090.229 1009.0 5090.154 783444617.422 5090.123 1005.0 5090.160 783444630.838 5090.253 1007.0 5090.167 783444644.317 5090.161 1006.0 5090.173 783444657.744 5090.136 1013.0 5090.179 783444671.246 5090.228 1002.0 5090.186 783444684.666 5090.329 1002.0 5090.192 783444698.087 5090.189 1004.0 5090.199 783444711.519 5090.156 1006.0 5090.205 783444725.015 5090.246 1004.0 5090.212 783444738.509 5090.218 1005.0 5090.218 783444751.964 5090.122 1008.0 5090.224 783444765.379 5090.190 1007.0 5090.231 783444778.800 5090.411 1002.0 5090.237 783444792.197 5090.309 1003.0 5090.244 783444805.606 5090.309 1006.0 5090.250 783444819.044 5090.326 1009.0 5090.256 783444832.513 5090.451 1003.0 5090.263 783444845.963 5090.297 1006.0 5090.269 783444859.352 5090.192 1005.0 5090.276 783444872.792 5090.362 1003.0 5090.282 783444886.182 5090.433 1002.0 5090.288 783444899.643 5090.218 1005.0 5090.295 783444913.115 5090.288 1005.0 5090.301 783444926.564 5090.333 1005.0 5090.308 783444940.059 5090.347 1009.0 5090.314 783444953.615 5090.338 1006.0 5090.321 783444967.053 5090.236 1005.0 5090.327 783444980.551 5090.275 1004.0 5090.333 783444994.001 5090.437 1007.0 5090.340 783445007.463 5090.276 1005.0 5090.346 783445020.873 5090.323 1005.0 5090.353 783445034.370 5090.449 1013.0 5090.359 783445047.806 5090.421 1002.0 5090.366 783445061.252 5090.299 1005.0 5090.372 783445074.613 5090.621 1006.0 5090.378 783445088.044 5090.409 1003.0 5090.385 783445101.583 5090.359 999.0 5090.391 783445114.964 5090.330 1001.0 5090.398 783445128.455 5090.367 998.0 5090.404 783445142.028 5090.435 1003.0 5090.410 783445155.505 5090.315 1006.0 5090.417 783445168.952 5090.505 1008.0 5090.423 783445182.326 5090.357 1005.0 5090.430 783445195.721 5090.614 1000.0 5090.436 783445209.155 5090.356 1011.0 5090.443 783445222.669 5090.504 1006.0 5090.449 783445236.042 5090.479 1003.0 5090.455 783445249.428 5090.410 1002.0 5090.462 783445262.820 5090.539 1008.0 5090.468 783445276.208 5090.590 1006.0 5090.475 783445289.580 5090.340 1007.0 5090.481 783445303.077 5090.300 1001.0 5090.487 783445316.542 5090.390 1009.0 5090.494 783445329.925 5090.493 1005.0 5090.500 783445343.405 5090.462 1006.0 5090.507 783445356.867 5090.631 1000.0 5090.513 783445370.327 5090.520 1002.0 5090.519 783445383.777 5090.745 1002.0 5090.526 783445397.339 5090.603 1011.0 5090.532 783445410.827 5090.543 1010.0 5090.539 783445424.323 5090.474 1005.0 5090.545 783445437.778 5090.553 1003.0 5090.552 783445451.260 5090.590 1004.0 5090.558 783445464.772 5090.508 1015.0 5090.564 783445478.258 5090.563 1003.0 5090.571 783445491.665 5090.461 1004.0 5090.577 783445505.075 5090.597 1001.0 5090.584 783445518.460 5090.536 1009.0 5090.590 783445531.870 5090.594 1003.0 5090.597 783445545.344 5090.651 1003.0 5090.603 783445558.800 5090.676 1002.0 5090.609 783445572.242 5090.594 1001.0 5090.616 783445585.717 5090.666 1007.0 5090.622 783445599.153 5090.711 1004.0 5090.629 783445612.572 5090.605 1005.0 5090.635 783445626.034 5090.517 1006.0 5090.641 783445639.436 5090.613 1004.0 5090.648 783445652.919 5090.550 1001.0 5090.654 783445666.334 5090.684 1005.0 5090.661 783445679.697 5090.747 1006.0 5090.667 783445693.111 5090.735 1006.0 5090.673 783445706.507 5090.610 1003.0 5090.680 783445719.892 5090.685 1002.0 5090.686 783445733.253 5090.674 1005.0 5090.693 783445746.642 5090.802 1003.0 5090.699 783445760.132 5090.650 1009.0 5090.705 783445773.584 5090.615 1003.0 5090.712 783445787.006 5090.826 1002.0 5090.718 783445800.404 5090.617 1006.0 5090.725 783445813.881 5090.654 1006.0 5090.731 Return to rtaph(), band=2, ... Masked 854567 photons. ... found 4852532 valid photons. Accumulating 5949138 photons, last=1 ... 000000001 / 005949138 000012351 / 005949138 000024734 / 005949138 000037288 / 005949138 000049788 / 005949138 000062292 / 005949138 000074640 / 005949138 000087169 / 005949138 000099674 / 005949138 000111994 / 005949138 000124293 / 005949138 000136679 / 005949138 000149109 / 005949138 000161554 / 005949138 000173845 / 005949138 000186430 / 005949138 000198981 / 005949138 000211324 / 005949138 000223767 / 005949138 000236185 / 005949138 000248462 / 005949138 000260933 / 005949138 000273475 / 005949138 000285871 / 005949138 000298250 / 005949138 000310665 / 005949138 000322875 / 005949138 000335230 / 005949138 000347635 / 005949138 000359823 / 005949138 000372143 / 005949138 000384590 / 005949138 000396965 / 005949138 000409118 / 005949138 000421485 / 005949138 000434069 / 005949138 000446379 / 005949138 000458899 / 005949138 000471246 / 005949138 000483693 / 005949138 000496010 / 005949138 000508266 / 005949138 000520505 / 005949138 000532763 / 005949138 000544977 / 005949138 000557275 / 005949138 000569369 / 005949138 000581621 / 005949138 000593805 / 005949138 000606293 / 005949138 000618609 / 005949138 000630672 / 005949138 000643201 / 005949138 000655602 / 005949138 000667998 / 005949138 000680183 / 005949138 000692209 / 005949138 000704577 / 005949138 000716852 / 005949138 000728986 / 005949138 000741131 / 005949138 000753378 / 005949138 000765548 / 005949138 000777801 / 005949138 000789953 / 005949138 000802161 / 005949138 000814353 / 005949138 000826687 / 005949138 000838727 / 005949138 000850979 / 005949138 000863183 / 005949138 000875261 / 005949138 000887305 / 005949138 000899458 / 005949138 000911508 / 005949138 000923811 / 005949138 000935906 / 005949138 000948117 / 005949138 000960399 / 005949138 000972582 / 005949138 000984697 / 005949138 000996793 / 005949138 001008903 / 005949138 001020919 / 005949138 001033134 / 005949138 001045216 / 005949138 001057252 / 005949138 001069358 / 005949138 001081626 / 005949138 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usec.s/photon. (Skip type counts = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 839071 0 110543 0 ) Computing image stats for count image ... Computing image stats for RR image ... Computing image stats for 93 movie frames ... Opening statistics file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-map_stats.txt ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-exp.fits ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-scdose.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-scq.fits.gz ... Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-movie.fits.gz with 93 frames ............................................................................................. Making FITS file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_hotmask.fits.gz ... Mapping complete. << End of PhotMap >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:31:35Z PCPU: 0.28/0.03/167 CCPU: 141.6/1.93 HOST: skirnir PID: 7344 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -compress_images=1 -stat_name 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -compress_images=1 -stat_name 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 7801 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa304564) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x914fa60) to LOG=GLOB(0xa304564) with tag ')-'. << SExtra >> version='$Id: sextra,v 1.218 2009/07/23 21:22:19 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:31:40Z PCPU: 0.49/0.06/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 7801 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/sextra (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for SExtra: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd; threshold = undef; nuv_threshold = 2; fuv_threshold = 2.5; minpix = 2; absolute_thresh = undef; background = undef; remove_background = 1; mask_objects = 1; get_mask = 1; mask_threshold = 3; expand_mask_radius = 0; trim_rr_level = 0.2; catalog_name = undef; measurement_map = undef; skip_map_creation = undef; no_sex = undef; filter = 1; conv_fwhm = -4.5,-4.5; seeing_fwhm = 5.5,5; apertures = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23; flux_fracs = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95; deblend_mincont = 0.04; deblend_nthresh = 32; phot_autoparams = 2.5,3.5; mag_zero = 0; clean = 1; mask_type = correct; deep = undef; deep_exp_thresh = 10000; backsize = 128; bg_filter_size = 5; detector_bg = undef; sex_par_name = default; sex_par_path = /home/galex/ops/params/sex,/home/galex/params/sex; sex_params = undef; count_map = undef; response_map = undef; weight_map = undef; detector_background_map = undef; inten_map = undef; sigma_map = 0; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; in_out_path = undef; extension_addition = undef; ais = undef; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; cal_path = cal; check_images = NONE; check_base = undef; mag_column = MAG_AUTO; plot_device = /xs; no_stats = undef; stat_name = 1; compress_images = 1; sex_exec = /home/galex/bin/sex; rmback_exec = poissonbg; fake_options = undef; other_opts = {asciicat=>0,savemem=>0,bgthr=>0,rmbgwt=>0,fieldr=>0.5,regmaglim=>0,fixposerr=>1,savemaskrun=>0,rrtrimr=>0,unmchregfile=>unmatched.ds9reg,prunmch=>0,nohardsex=>0,inscrwidth=>0,rrthr=>0,skipmasksex=>0,pgplotdir=>/home/galex/pgplot,truemchr=>0,truelim=>0,forceconv=>0,detectonly=>0,convsuf=>gauss,sigthr=>0,truecat=>0,detsize=>1.25}; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Temporary directory = '/tmp/sextra.skirnir.7801.cnyX'. Decompressor = '/bin/gzip'. Got PSFFWHM=4.5 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL1=55.69742 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL2=-6.44734 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got CDELT1=-0.000416666666666667 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got AVEFDEAD=0.0230353397662152 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got EXPTIME=1480. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got RRMED=1315.37329101562 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS1=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS2=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got NVISIBLE=4999524. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Running embedded sextra to generate object mask 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_getmask-fd-objmask.fits' and out file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-objmask_out.txt' ... Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0xa2cd4e0),0) as ... sextra -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -remove_background -filter -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -stat_name 1 -verbose -check_images seg -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_getmask-fd -other_opts fixposerr=0,detectonly=1 -no_stats=1 -threshold 3 -maskobj=0 -getmask=0 -cmprim=0 -xmaskr=0 Renaming mask file to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-objmask.fits' ... Unlinking 8 intermediate files ... Compressing objmask file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-objmask.fits' ... Mask generation complete. params: Reassigning background = '0'. params: Reassigning absolute_thresh = '1'. params: Reassigning minpix = '0.5'. Setting trim level to 0.2 * 1480. * (1-0.0230353397662152) = 289.1815394292 params: Reassigning minpix = '10'. Opening count image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits ... Running poissonbg to get derived images ... SPAWN created cmd 'poissonbg -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -backsize 128 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -large_rr_img=1 -threshold 2.5 -area_detect 20.4 -filtersize 5 -mask_objects=1 -make_detect=1 -compress_images=1 -response_limit 289.1815394292'. Mysystem exec'ing Poissonbg (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... poissonbg -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -backsize 128 -verbose=0 -quiet=0 -large_rr_img=1 -threshold 2.5 -area_detect 20.4 -filtersize 5 -mask_objects=1 -make_detect=1 -compress_images=1 -response_limit 289.1815394292 Parameters: inbase = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd outbase = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd sigmaclip = 3.00 nsigma = 2.50 area_detect = 20.40 backsize = 128 fitlersize = 5 detector_bg = -1.000000 maxiter = 10 response_limit = 289.18 sigfigs = 4 (scale=8192) cntfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits rrfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits objmaskfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-objmask.fits intfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-int.fits.gz wtfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits.gz intbgsubfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits.gz skybgfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-skybg.fits.gz rrhrfile = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits.gz Reading cnt map /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits ... Reading rr map /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits ... Reading objmask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-objmask.fits ... Median effective coverage = 1289.159 seconds. Applying low response limit to the rr image ... Upsampling the rr image to 3840x3840 from 960x960 ... Doing background calculation with mesh=30x30... Median-filtering the 30x30 bg mesh with filter=5 ... Upsampling the skybg image to 3840x3840 from 30x30 ... Applying low response limit to the skybg image ... Median background = 0.000582 cps, 2.50 Sigma = 0.000422043 cps. Est. det. image sigma = sqrt(BG=0.750726 cnts)/(thr=0.544081 cnts) = 1.592491 Making the low res threshold image ... Upsampling the threshold image to 3840x3840 from 30x30 ... Applying low response limit to the threshold image ... Median threshold for 2.50 sigma = 0.000427 cps, RMS = 4.86374e-05 cps. Flattening the int (cts/sec) image ... Writing flattened 3840x3840 cts/sec image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-int.fits.gz ... Doing background substraction ... Making the detection image ... Median detection level for 2.50 sigma = -1.130456, RMS= 1.00656 . Writing 3840x3840 large rr image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits.gz ... Writing 3840x3840 background image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-skybg.fits.gz Writing 3840x3840 BG-subtracted image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits.gz ... Writing 3840x3840 detection image to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits.gz ... Done. Opening detection image '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits' to read header ... Analysis threshold reset to 0.000316532561386759 . Writing new matched 7x7 filter with FWHM=4.5" (3 pixels) to file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-gauss_30_7x7.txt . `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexparams_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.nnw' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexnnw.txt' Editing /home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param ... `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols_orig.txt' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols.txt' Detection image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits' Measurement image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits' Weight image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits' Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.7801.cnyX/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.7801.cnyX/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.7801.cnyX/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits ... Config file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexparams.txt ANALYSIS_THRESH = 0.000316532561386759 BACKPHOTO_THICK = 24 BACKPHOTO_TYPE = GLOBAL BACK_FILTERSIZE = 5 BACK_SIZE = 128 BACK_TYPE = MANUAL BACK_VALUE = 0,0 CATALOG_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits CATALOG_TYPE = FITS_1.0 CHECKIMAGE_NAME = NONE CHECKIMAGE_TYPE = NONE CLEAN = YES CLEAN_PARAM = 1 DEBLEND_MINCONT = 0.04 DEBLEND_NTHRESH = 32 DETECT_MINAREA = 10 DETECT_THRESH = 1 DETECT_TYPE = CCD FILTER = Y FILTER_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-gauss_30_7x7.txt GAIN = 1315.37329101562 INTERP_MAXXLAG = 1 INTERP_MAXYLAG = 1 INTERP_TYPE = NONE,NONE MAG_GAMMA = 4 MAG_ZEROPOINT = 0 MASK_TYPE = CORRECT MEMORY_BUFSIZE = 1024 MEMORY_OBJSTACK = 2000 MEMORY_PIXSTACK = 1500000 PARAMETERS_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols.txt PHOT_APERTURES = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23 PHOT_AUTOPARAMS = 2.5,3.5 PHOT_FLUXFRAC = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95 PIXEL_SCALE = 1.500 SATUR_LEVEL = 999999999 SEEING_FWHM = 5 STARNNW_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexnnw.txt THRESH_TYPE = ABSOLUTE VERBOSE_TYPE = NORMAL WEIGHT_GAIN = Y WEIGHT_IMAGE = /tmp/sextra.skirnir.7801.cnyX/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits,/tmp/sextra.skirnir.7801.cnyX/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits WEIGHT_TYPE = MAP_WEIGHT,MAP_WEIGHT Sextractor command /home/galex/bin/sex extracting into '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits'. > ----- SExtractor 2.5.0 started on 2010-02-28 at 10:34:43 with 1 thread > Setting catalog parameters > Reading detection filter > Initializing Neural Network > Reading Neural Network Weights > Initializing catalog > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits Detecting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits Measuring from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data Measurement image:> Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (M) Background: 0 RMS: 0.000532618 / Threshold: 0.000316533 Detection image: > Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (D) Background: 0 RMS: 1.12919 / Threshold: 1 > Scanning image > Line: 16 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 32 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 48 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 64 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 80 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 96 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 112 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 128 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 144 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 160 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 176 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 192 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 208 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 224 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 240 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 256 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 272 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 288 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 304 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 320 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 336 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 352 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 368 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 384 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 400 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 416 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 432 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 448 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 464 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 480 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 496 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 512 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 528 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 544 Objects: 4 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 560 Objects: 21 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 576 Objects: 31 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 592 Objects: 36 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 608 Objects: 39 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 624 Objects: 43 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 640 Objects: 45 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 656 Objects: 46 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 672 Objects: 50 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 688 Objects: 60 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 704 Objects: 64 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 720 Objects: 69 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 736 Objects: 78 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 752 Objects: 88 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 768 Objects: 99 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 784 Objects: 115 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 800 Objects: 128 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 816 Objects: 141 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 832 Objects: 154 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 848 Objects: 171 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 864 Objects: 194 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 880 Objects: 201 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 896 Objects: 217 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 912 Objects: 231 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 928 Objects: 240 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 944 Objects: 257 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 960 Objects: 274 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 976 Objects: 283 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 992 Objects: 294 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1008 Objects: 312 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1024 Objects: 328 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1040 Objects: 344 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1056 Objects: 362 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1072 Objects: 374 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1088 Objects: 397 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1104 Objects: 414 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1120 Objects: 437 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1136 Objects: 456 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1152 Objects: 470 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1168 Objects: 488 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1184 Objects: 505 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1200 Objects: 520 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1216 Objects: 538 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1232 Objects: 554 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1248 Objects: 574 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1264 Objects: 588 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1280 Objects: 602 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1296 Objects: 625 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1312 Objects: 642 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1328 Objects: 655 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1344 Objects: 676 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1360 Objects: 692 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1376 Objects: 703 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1392 Objects: 722 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1408 Objects: 737 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1424 Objects: 758 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1440 Objects: 780 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1456 Objects: 795 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1472 Objects: 819 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1488 Objects: 834 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1504 Objects: 850 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1520 Objects: 866 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1536 Objects: 879 detected / 2 sextracted > Line: 1552 Objects: 891 detected / 9 sextracted > Line: 1568 Objects: 905 detected / 17 sextracted > Line: 1584 Objects: 926 detected / 21 sextracted > Line: 1600 Objects: 945 detected / 26 sextracted > Line: 1616 Objects: 962 detected / 31 sextracted > Line: 1632 Objects: 984 detected / 35 sextracted > Line: 1648 Objects: 1006 detected / 36 sextracted > Line: 1664 Objects: 1031 detected / 38 sextracted > Line: 1680 Objects: 1058 detected / 43 sextracted > Line: 1696 Objects: 1074 detected / 50 sextracted > Line: 1712 Objects: 1100 detected / 56 sextracted > Line: 1728 Objects: 1119 detected / 63 sextracted > Line: 1744 Objects: 1139 detected / 73 sextracted > Line: 1760 Objects: 1156 detected / 78 sextracted > Line: 1776 Objects: 1178 detected / 89 sextracted > Line: 1792 Objects: 1202 detected / 97 sextracted > Line: 1808 Objects: 1220 detected / 105 sextracted > Line: 1824 Objects: 1251 detected / 118 sextracted > Line: 1840 Objects: 1264 detected / 127 sextracted > Line: 1856 Objects: 1292 detected / 142 sextracted > Line: 1872 Objects: 1317 detected / 157 sextracted > Line: 1888 Objects: 1336 detected / 163 sextracted > Line: 1904 Objects: 1354 detected / 184 sextracted > Line: 1920 Objects: 1373 detected / 197 sextracted > Line: 1936 Objects: 1399 detected / 207 sextracted > Line: 1952 Objects: 1417 detected / 218 sextracted > Line: 1968 Objects: 1432 detected / 230 sextracted > Line: 1984 Objects: 1450 detected / 243 sextracted > Line: 2000 Objects: 1471 detected / 249 sextracted > Line: 2016 Objects: 1496 detected / 265 sextracted > Line: 2032 Objects: 1512 detected / 283 sextracted > Line: 2048 Objects: 1534 detected / 297 sextracted > Line: 2064 Objects: 1549 detected / 315 sextracted > Line: 2080 Objects: 1569 detected / 328 sextracted > Line: 2096 Objects: 1583 detected / 342 sextracted > Line: 2112 Objects: 1603 detected / 362 sextracted > Line: 2128 Objects: 1618 detected / 375 sextracted > Line: 2144 Objects: 1637 detected / 386 sextracted > Line: 2160 Objects: 1652 detected / 395 sextracted > Line: 2176 Objects: 1669 detected / 411 sextracted > Line: 2192 Objects: 1694 detected / 426 sextracted > Line: 2208 Objects: 1711 detected / 440 sextracted > Line: 2224 Objects: 1721 detected / 454 sextracted > Line: 2240 Objects: 1732 detected / 472 sextracted > Line: 2256 Objects: 1747 detected / 486 sextracted > Line: 2272 Objects: 1766 detected / 494 sextracted > Line: 2288 Objects: 1779 detected / 512 sextracted > Line: 2304 Objects: 1799 detected / 532 sextracted > Line: 2320 Objects: 1815 detected / 545 sextracted > Line: 2336 Objects: 1832 detected / 557 sextracted > Line: 2352 Objects: 1848 detected / 579 sextracted > Line: 2368 Objects: 1871 detected / 592 sextracted > Line: 2384 Objects: 1885 detected / 606 sextracted > Line: 2400 Objects: 1897 detected / 625 sextracted > Line: 2416 Objects: 1915 detected / 639 sextracted > Line: 2432 Objects: 1939 detected / 656 sextracted > Line: 2448 Objects: 1956 detected / 679 sextracted > Line: 2464 Objects: 1975 detected / 697 sextracted > Line: 2480 Objects: 1997 detected / 714 sextracted > Line: 2496 Objects: 2015 detected / 721 sextracted > Line: 2512 Objects: 2036 detected / 736 sextracted > Line: 2528 Objects: 2060 detected / 750 sextracted > Line: 2544 Objects: 2073 detected / 761 sextracted > Line: 2560 Objects: 2088 detected / 772 sextracted > Line: 2576 Objects: 2110 detected / 786 sextracted > Line: 2592 Objects: 2130 detected / 805 sextracted > Line: 2608 Objects: 2149 detected / 822 sextracted > Line: 2624 Objects: 2165 detected / 839 sextracted > Line: 2640 Objects: 2181 detected / 866 sextracted > Line: 2656 Objects: 2197 detected / 881 sextracted > Line: 2672 Objects: 2207 detected / 901 sextracted > Line: 2688 Objects: 2217 detected / 919 sextracted > Line: 2704 Objects: 2232 detected / 940 sextracted > Line: 2720 Objects: 2239 detected / 956 sextracted > Line: 2736 Objects: 2251 detected / 979 sextracted > Line: 2752 Objects: 2261 detected / 996 sextracted > Line: 2768 Objects: 2276 detected / 1016 sextracted > Line: 2784 Objects: 2286 detected / 1035 sextracted > Line: 2800 Objects: 2297 detected / 1059 sextracted > Line: 2816 Objects: 2310 detected / 1077 sextracted > Line: 2832 Objects: 2317 detected / 1098 sextracted > Line: 2848 Objects: 2325 detected / 1113 sextracted > Line: 2864 Objects: 2338 detected / 1141 sextracted > Line: 2880 Objects: 2353 detected / 1156 sextracted > Line: 2896 Objects: 2367 detected / 1177 sextracted > Line: 2912 Objects: 2381 detected / 1193 sextracted > Line: 2928 Objects: 2393 detected / 1213 sextracted > Line: 2944 Objects: 2402 detected / 1229 sextracted > Line: 2960 Objects: 2407 detected / 1240 sextracted > Line: 2976 Objects: 2418 detected / 1257 sextracted > Line: 2992 Objects: 2424 detected / 1275 sextracted > Line: 3008 Objects: 2439 detected / 1299 sextracted > Line: 3024 Objects: 2446 detected / 1314 sextracted > Line: 3040 Objects: 2453 detected / 1330 sextracted > Line: 3056 Objects: 2463 detected / 1346 sextracted > Line: 3072 Objects: 2469 detected / 1357 sextracted > Line: 3088 Objects: 2481 detected / 1377 sextracted > Line: 3104 Objects: 2490 detected / 1389 sextracted > Line: 3120 Objects: 2501 detected / 1406 sextracted > Line: 3136 Objects: 2508 detected / 1423 sextracted > Line: 3152 Objects: 2516 detected / 1436 sextracted > Line: 3168 Objects: 2523 detected / 1450 sextracted > Line: 3184 Objects: 2537 detected / 1461 sextracted > Line: 3200 Objects: 2545 detected / 1485 sextracted > Line: 3216 Objects: 2555 detected / 1495 sextracted > Line: 3232 Objects: 2568 detected / 1507 sextracted > Line: 3248 Objects: 2575 detected / 1518 sextracted > Line: 3264 Objects: 2581 detected / 1532 sextracted > Line: 3280 Objects: 2590 detected / 1552 sextracted > Line: 3296 Objects: 2598 detected / 1567 sextracted > Line: 3312 Objects: 2601 detected / 1583 sextracted > Line: 3328 Objects: 2607 detected / 1597 sextracted > Line: 3344 Objects: 2613 detected / 1611 sextracted > Line: 3360 Objects: 2615 detected / 1628 sextracted > Line: 3376 Objects: 2620 detected / 1643 sextracted > Line: 3392 Objects: 2626 detected / 1661 sextracted > Line: 3408 Objects: 2631 detected / 1671 sextracted > Line: 3424 Objects: 2638 detected / 1693 sextracted > Line: 3440 Objects: 2642 detected / 1713 sextracted > Line: 3456 Objects: 2642 detected / 1726 sextracted > Line: 3472 Objects: 2642 detected / 1744 sextracted > Line: 3488 Objects: 2642 detected / 1764 sextracted > Line: 3504 Objects: 2642 detected / 1780 sextracted > Line: 3520 Objects: 2642 detected / 1791 sextracted > Line: 3536 Objects: 2642 detected / 1812 sextracted > Line: 3552 Objects: 2642 detected / 1826 sextracted > Line: 3568 Objects: 2642 detected / 1842 sextracted > Line: 3584 Objects: 2642 detected / 1861 sextracted > Line: 3600 Objects: 2642 detected / 1879 sextracted > Line: 3616 Objects: 2642 detected / 1892 sextracted > Line: 3632 Objects: 2642 detected / 1909 sextracted > Line: 3648 Objects: 2642 detected / 1921 sextracted > Line: 3664 Objects: 2642 detected / 1932 sextracted > Line: 3680 Objects: 2642 detected / 1944 sextracted > Line: 3696 Objects: 2642 detected / 1956 sextracted > Line: 3712 Objects: 2642 detected / 1966 sextracted > Line: 3728 Objects: 2642 detected / 1976 sextracted > Line: 3744 Objects: 2642 detected / 1988 sextracted > Line: 3760 Objects: 2642 detected / 1996 sextracted > Line: 3776 Objects: 2642 detected / 2006 sextracted > Line: 3792 Objects: 2642 detected / 2018 sextracted > Line: 3808 Objects: 2642 detected / 2031 sextracted > Line: 3824 Objects: 2642 detected / 2039 sextracted > Line: 3840 Objects: 2642 detected / 2045 sextracted Objects: detected 2642 / sextracted 2344 > Closing files > > All done (in 8 s) Sextractor run complete. Removing decompressed files. Captured detection RMS=1.12919 from sextractor output. Massaging position errors using DetRMS=1.59249072619175, Thresh=0.000422043415182345 cps, BG=0.000582337379455566 cps ... Reading position errors ... ... read 2344 records ... ... rewriting position error columns ... ... massaging complete. Modifying header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits' using int file header ... Writing statistics to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_stats.txt ... SPAWN created cmd 'gmkflagmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -do_flags 3,4,6,8,9 -band 2 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Gmkflagmap (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gmkflagmap -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -do_flags 3,4,6,8,9 -band 2 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning cdelt = '0.00333333333333333'. Now logging 8227 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x97756b4) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8b2ea78) to LOG=GLOB(0x97756b4) with tag ')-'. << GMkFlagMap >> version='$Id: gmkflagmap,v 1.44 2007/08/20 17:49:32 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:35:10Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/2 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 8227 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gmkflagmap (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GMkFlagMap: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; do_flags = 3,4,6,8,9; like_fits = undef; npix = 480; cdelt = 0.00333333333333333; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; Opening state file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Reading through state file to get average FOV position ... ... read 1702 rows. State file has refined positions. Processed 1481 positions. , = 55.7058108427275,-6.4167296757683, = 102.959918502413, , = -30.0178011913066,110.196932069557 Reject aspect records for these reasons: Bad status: 193 Bad RA: 28 Adding info to state file header ... Build runstar file ... SPAWN created cmd 'grunstar -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 2 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -cntmin 0.1 -radius 0.75 -ra 55.7058108427275 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -dec -6.4167296757683'. Mysystem exec'ing Grunstar (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... grunstar -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 2 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -verbose -cntmin 0.1 -radius 0.75 -ra 55.7058108427275 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -dec -6.4167296757683 params: Reassigning output_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning input_base = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001'. params: Reassigning fuvmin = '0.1'. Now logging 8250 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa5d8878) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x99bfa78) to LOG=GLOB(0xa5d8878) with tag ')-'. << GRunstar >> version='$Id: grunstar,v 1.10 2005/05/11 23:07:25 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:35:16Z PCPU: 0.25/0.02/3 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 8250 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/grunstar (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GRunstar: ra = 55.7058108427275; dec = -6.4167296757683; vmax = 18; vmin = -1; nuvmax = 1e+30; nuvmin = -1e+30; fuvmax = 1e+30; fuvmin = 0.1; radius = 0.75; duplicate_limit = 3; tbl = undef; of = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits; pt = undef; bf = undef; sao = undef; act = undef; usn = undef; actonly = undef; bright = 0; mindist = undef; relflux = undef; cntmin = 0.1; cntmax = undef; rta_opts = undef; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; SPAWN created cmd 'runstar -ra 55.7058108427275 -dec -6.4167296757683 -fuvmin 0.1 -radius 0.75 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Runstar (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... runstar -ra 55.7058108427275 -dec -6.4167296757683 -fuvmin 0.1 -radius 0.75 -of /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits ### ### ### ### Start of runstar ### ### (23oct07) ### ### NOTE: Original limits: nuvmax= 1.000e+30 nuvmin=-1.000e+30 fuvmax= 1.000e+30 fuvmin= 1.000e-01 radius= 0.7500 NOTE: Search limits: nuvmax= 1.000e+30 nuvmin=-1.000e+30 fuvmax= 1.000e+30 fuvmin= 1.000e-01 radius= 0.7500 NOTE:1: Allocate enough space for 44000 stars. NOTE: duplicate limit is 3.000 arcseconds. NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/fuvim-moea.fits . NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/nuvim-moea.fits . Search ACT star list... NOTE: Reading ACT file /home/galex/catalogs/act/tycho-act-catalog.fits . NOTE: Found 31 ACT star(s). Search SAO star list... NOTE: Reading SAO file /home/galex/catalogs/sao/saovl7.dat . NOTE: Found 0 SAO star(s). Search USNOA star list... SYSTEM: searchusnoa -ratol 0.750000 -dectol 0.750000 -rastar 55.705811 -decstar -6.416730 > temp-usnoa_2010-02-28T10:35:20_8287-504932055705-6416.dat SYSTEM: /bin/rm -f temp-usnoa_2010-02-28T10:35:20_8287-504932055705-6416.dat NOTE: Found 48 USNOA star(s). NOTE: Found 79 total star(s) (some may be duplicates). Weed out duplicates... NOTE: 54 total star(s) left after removing duplicates. NOTE: Final limits: nuvmin=-1.000e+30 fuvmin= 1.000e-01 radius= 0.7500 NOTE: Deleted an additional 0 star(s), (54 star(s) remain). Writing FITS table file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits . << End of GRunstar >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:35:24Z PCPU: 0.27/0.03/11 CCPU: 2.4/0.11 HOST: skirnir PID: 8250 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Writing 54 rows to region file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.ds9reg' ... Getting region files for band 2 flags (3 4 6 8 9) ... Running galexflag with dichroic=>3 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 1 -band 2 -flag_type 3 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string FUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x97563bc),ARRAY(0x9756398)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 1 -band 2 -flag_type 3 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string FUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg' Running galexflag with rim=>6 ... SPAWN created cmd 'galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 2 -flag_type 6 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string FUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275'. Mysystem exec'ing Galexflag (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x97563bc),ARRAY(0x9756398)) as ... galexflag -eq_region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg -fits_mode 2 -band 2 -flag_type 6 -roll 102.959918502413 -scst_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits -star_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -fits_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_tbl.fits -quiet=0 -dec0 -6.44734 -region_file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg -npix 480 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -fovdec -6.4167296757683 -cr_string FUV -ra0 55.69742 -fovra 55.7058108427275 Mysystem exec'ing /bin/mv (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... /bin/mv -v /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg' Region file list = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg Flag list = 4 32 . Adding info to region FITS file header ... Running gmkmask ... SPAWN created cmd 'gmkmask -verbose -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -region_files /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg -or_mask=1 -apply_values 4,32 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -npix 480 -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits'. Mysystem exec'ing Gmkmask (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gmkmask -verbose -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -region_files /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg -or_mask=1 -apply_values 4,32 -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -npix 480 -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits Now logging 8340 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0xa1c9fd4) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9711a60) to LOG=GLOB(0xa1c9fd4) with tag ')-'. << GMkMask >> version='$Id: gmkmask,v 1.16 2007/09/27 18:02:59 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:35:42Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/1 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 8340 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gmkmask (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GMkMask: regions = undef; fill = undef; mask_image = /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits; in_image = undef; out_image = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits; or_mask = 1; axes = undef; mask_value = 0; initial_value = 1; apply_value = 0; cdelt = 0.00333333333333333; options = undef; verbose = 1; quiet = undef; debug = 0; region_files = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg,/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg; apply_values = 4,32; like_fits = undef; npix = 480; log_file = undef; Creating starter output file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits ... Applying value 4 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 4 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x99d8910),ARRAY(0x99d88ec)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 4 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_dichroic.ds9reg Applying value 32 with mask /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits... SPAWN created cmd 'mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 32 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg'. Mysystem exec'ing Mkmask (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x99d8910),ARRAY(0x99d88ec)) as ... mkmask -mask_image /tmp/gmkflagmap-skirnir-8227-mask.fits -in_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -out_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits -or_mask -cdelt 0.00333333333333333 -verbose -apply_value 32 -verbose=1 -quiet=0 -regions @/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_rim.ds9reg Done. << End of GMkMask >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:35:53Z PCPU: 0.27/0.04/12 CCPU: 0.65/0.12 HOST: skirnir PID: 8340 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Updating keywords for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits ... Adding varpix flag from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varpix.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits' ... Adding varmask flag from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_varmask.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits' ... Adding hotmask flag from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_hotmask.fits' to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits' ... Done. << End of GMkFlagMap >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:36:01Z PCPU: 0.81/0.13/53 CCPU: 4.22/0.51 HOST: skirnir PID: 8227 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 2 -verbose -runstar_name MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -min_match_count 0 -max_fov_radius 0.625 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Astromchk (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... astromchk -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -band 2 -verbose -runstar_name MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits -min_match_count 0 -max_fov_radius 0.625 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 8396 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9c2c8d8) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x9000a78) to LOG=GLOB(0x9c2c8d8) with tag ')-'. << AstromChk >> version='$Id: astromchk,v 1.49 2006/05/12 19:51:51 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:36:05Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 8396 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/astromchk (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for AstromChk: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd; band = 2; match_radius = 4; min_match_count = 0; max_fov_radius = 0.625; flux_limit = 0.1,0.01; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; opt_wheel_pos = d; flux_col = FLUX_AUTO; catalog_name = undef; runstar_name = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits; mch_file_name = undef; other_opts = undef; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = 0; Band found to be FUV. Opening Sextra catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits' ... ... catalog has 2344 sources. ... using FOV center RA,Dec=55.7058108427275,-6.41672967576831. Opening Runstar catalog '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits' ... ... catalog has 54 sources. Sextra catalog reduced to 2333 sources exceeding 0.01 cps. Matching with radius 4" ... Posmatchn: Indexing with step 0.01 ... Posmatchn: Order array has 2333 elements. Lat range = -7.02312906437044 to -5.81679441747831 Posmatchn: ... created 121 indicies. Posmatchn: Comparing 54 sources to 2333 sources ... Found 21 matches. Creating match file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits' ... Accepted 21 matches; rejected 0 matches. Radial delta("): Mean = 1.095 +/- 0.190 StdDev = 0.872, N = 21 Min = 0.251, Max = 3.991 Position angle(deg.s): Mean = 285.553 +/- 17.575 StdDev = 80.541, N = 21 Min = 15.930, Max = 345.761 Delta FUV x("): Mean = 0.594 +/- 0.188 StdDev = 0.862, N = 21 Min = -2.066, Max = 2.956 Delta FUV y("): Mean = 0.565 +/- 0.165 StdDev = 0.755, N = 21 Min = -0.429, Max = 2.681 ln(f_model/f_meas): Mean = 1.046 +/- 0.549 StdDev = 2.515, N = 21 Min = -2.271, Max = 9.929 Writing 21 match rows to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits' ... << End of AstromChk >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:36:09Z PCPU: 0.4/0.05/6 CCPU: 0.02/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 8396 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -measurement_map f -skip_map_creation=1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -stat_name 1 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -measurement_map f -skip_map_creation=1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd -stat_name 1 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 8417 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x94e8610) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8333a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x94e8610) with tag ')-'. << SExtra >> version='$Id: sextra,v 1.218 2009/07/23 21:22:19 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:36:13Z PCPU: 0.5/0.05/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 8417 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/sextra (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for SExtra: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd; threshold = undef; nuv_threshold = 2; fuv_threshold = 2.5; minpix = 2; absolute_thresh = undef; background = undef; remove_background = 1; mask_objects = 1; get_mask = 1; mask_threshold = 3; expand_mask_radius = 0; trim_rr_level = 0.2; catalog_name = undef; measurement_map = f; skip_map_creation = 1; no_sex = undef; filter = 1; conv_fwhm = -4.5,-4.5; seeing_fwhm = 5.5,5; apertures = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23; flux_fracs = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95; deblend_mincont = 0.04; deblend_nthresh = 32; phot_autoparams = 2.5,3.5; mag_zero = 0; clean = 1; mask_type = correct; deep = undef; deep_exp_thresh = 10000; backsize = 128; bg_filter_size = 5; detector_bg = undef; sex_par_name = default; sex_par_path = /home/galex/ops/params/sex,/home/galex/params/sex; sex_params = undef; count_map = undef; response_map = undef; weight_map = undef; detector_background_map = undef; inten_map = undef; sigma_map = 0; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; in_out_path = undef; extension_addition = undef; ais = undef; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; cal_path = cal; check_images = NONE; check_base = undef; mag_column = MAG_AUTO; plot_device = /xs; no_stats = undef; stat_name = 1; compress_images = undef; sex_exec = /home/galex/bin/sex; rmback_exec = poissonbg; fake_options = undef; other_opts = {asciicat=>0,savemem=>0,bgthr=>0,rmbgwt=>0,fieldr=>0.5,regmaglim=>0,fixposerr=>1,savemaskrun=>0,rrtrimr=>0,unmchregfile=>unmatched.ds9reg,prunmch=>0,nohardsex=>0,inscrwidth=>0,rrthr=>0,skipmasksex=>0,pgplotdir=>/home/galex/pgplot,truemchr=>0,truelim=>0,forceconv=>0,detectonly=>0,convsuf=>gauss,sigthr=>0,truecat=>0,detsize=>1.25}; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Temporary directory = '/tmp/sextra.skirnir.8417.3eFY'. Decompressor = '/bin/gzip'. Got PSFFWHM=4.5 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL1=55.69742 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL2=-6.44734 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got CDELT1=-0.000416666666666667 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got AVEFDEAD=0.136435948488783 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got EXPTIME=1480. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got RRMED=1161.03979492188 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS1=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS2=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Got NVISIBLE=35515864. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits'. Swapping to measurement image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits and catalog name /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits. params: Reassigning background = '0'. params: Reassigning absolute_thresh = '1'. params: Reassigning minpix = '0.5'. Setting trim level to 0.2 * 1480. * (1-0.136435948488783) = 255.61495924732 params: Reassigning minpix = '10'. Opening detection image '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits' to read header ... Analysis threshold reset to 0.000628838068306373 . `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexparams_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.nnw' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexnnw.txt' Editing /home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param ... `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols_orig.txt' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols.txt' Detection image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits' Measurement image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits' Weight image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits' Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8417.3eFY/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8417.3eFY/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8417.3eFY/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits ... Config file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexparams.txt ANALYSIS_THRESH = 0.000628838068306373 BACKPHOTO_THICK = 24 BACKPHOTO_TYPE = GLOBAL BACK_FILTERSIZE = 5 BACK_SIZE = 128 BACK_TYPE = MANUAL BACK_VALUE = 0,0 CATALOG_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits CATALOG_TYPE = FITS_1.0 CHECKIMAGE_NAME = NONE CHECKIMAGE_TYPE = NONE CLEAN = YES CLEAN_PARAM = 1 DEBLEND_MINCONT = 0.04 DEBLEND_NTHRESH = 32 DETECT_MINAREA = 10 DETECT_THRESH = 1 DETECT_TYPE = CCD FILTER = Y FILTER_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-gauss_30_7x7.txt GAIN = 1161.03979492188 INTERP_MAXXLAG = 1 INTERP_MAXYLAG = 1 INTERP_TYPE = NONE,NONE MAG_GAMMA = 4 MAG_ZEROPOINT = 0 MASK_TYPE = CORRECT MEMORY_BUFSIZE = 1024 MEMORY_OBJSTACK = 2000 MEMORY_PIXSTACK = 1500000 PARAMETERS_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexcols.txt PHOT_APERTURES = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23 PHOT_AUTOPARAMS = 2.5,3.5 PHOT_FLUXFRAC = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95 PIXEL_SCALE = 1.500 SATUR_LEVEL = 999999999 SEEING_FWHM = 5.5 STARNNW_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-sexnnw.txt THRESH_TYPE = ABSOLUTE VERBOSE_TYPE = NORMAL WEIGHT_GAIN = Y WEIGHT_IMAGE = /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8417.3eFY/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits,/tmp/sextra.skirnir.8417.3eFY/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits WEIGHT_TYPE = MAP_WEIGHT,MAP_WEIGHT Sextractor command /home/galex/bin/sex extracting into '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits'. > ----- SExtractor 2.5.0 started on 2010-02-28 at 10:36:27 with 1 thread > Setting catalog parameters > Reading detection filter > Initializing Neural Network > Reading Neural Network Weights > Initializing catalog > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits Detecting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits Measuring from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data Measurement image:> Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (M) Background: 0 RMS: 0.000527087 / Threshold: 0.000628838 Detection image: > Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (D) Background: 0 RMS: 2.22042 / Threshold: 1 > Scanning image > Line: 16 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 32 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 48 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 64 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 80 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 96 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 112 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 128 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 144 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 160 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 176 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 192 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 208 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 224 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 240 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 256 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 272 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 288 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 304 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 320 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 336 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 352 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 368 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 384 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 400 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 416 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 432 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 448 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 464 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 480 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 496 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 512 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 528 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 544 Objects: 1 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 560 Objects: 36 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 576 Objects: 72 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 592 Objects: 98 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 608 Objects: 120 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 624 Objects: 139 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 640 Objects: 156 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 656 Objects: 192 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 672 Objects: 233 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 688 Objects: 266 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 704 Objects: 313 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 720 Objects: 348 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 736 Objects: 387 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 752 Objects: 427 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 768 Objects: 465 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 784 Objects: 508 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 800 Objects: 548 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 816 Objects: 599 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 832 Objects: 645 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 848 Objects: 694 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 864 Objects: 750 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 880 Objects: 791 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 896 Objects: 836 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 912 Objects: 885 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 928 Objects: 931 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 944 Objects: 978 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 960 Objects: 1038 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 976 Objects: 1094 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 992 Objects: 1153 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1008 Objects: 1215 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1024 Objects: 1285 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1040 Objects: 1341 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1056 Objects: 1411 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1072 Objects: 1476 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1088 Objects: 1542 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1104 Objects: 1617 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1120 Objects: 1683 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1136 Objects: 1747 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1152 Objects: 1807 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1168 Objects: 1878 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1184 Objects: 1958 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1200 Objects: 2016 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1216 Objects: 2091 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1232 Objects: 2161 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1248 Objects: 2242 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1264 Objects: 2315 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1280 Objects: 2380 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1296 Objects: 2459 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1312 Objects: 2538 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1328 Objects: 2610 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1344 Objects: 2679 detected / 16 sextracted > Line: 1360 Objects: 2759 detected / 83 sextracted > Line: 1376 Objects: 2835 detected / 136 sextracted > Line: 1392 Objects: 2901 detected / 189 sextracted > Line: 1408 Objects: 2985 detected / 246 sextracted > Line: 1424 Objects: 3057 detected / 305 sextracted > Line: 1440 Objects: 3135 detected / 371 sextracted > Line: 1456 Objects: 3221 detected / 435 sextracted > Line: 1472 Objects: 3309 detected / 505 sextracted > Line: 1488 Objects: 3382 detected / 561 sextracted > Line: 1504 Objects: 3452 detected / 621 sextracted > Line: 1520 Objects: 3522 detected / 679 sextracted > Line: 1536 Objects: 3595 detected / 731 sextracted > Line: 1552 Objects: 3674 detected / 784 sextracted > Line: 1568 Objects: 3756 detected / 853 sextracted > Line: 1584 Objects: 3835 detected / 916 sextracted > Line: 1600 Objects: 3913 detected / 982 sextracted > Line: 1616 Objects: 3995 detected / 1052 sextracted > Line: 1632 Objects: 4071 detected / 1111 sextracted > Line: 1648 Objects: 4155 detected / 1176 sextracted > Line: 1664 Objects: 4254 detected / 1245 sextracted > Line: 1680 Objects: 4336 detected / 1305 sextracted > Line: 1696 Objects: 4408 detected / 1362 sextracted > Line: 1712 Objects: 4493 detected / 1427 sextracted > Line: 1728 Objects: 4572 detected / 1485 sextracted > Line: 1744 Objects: 4670 detected / 1558 sextracted > Line: 1760 Objects: 4755 detected / 1629 sextracted > Line: 1776 Objects: 4842 detected / 1701 sextracted > Line: 1792 Objects: 4925 detected / 1763 sextracted > Line: 1808 Objects: 5028 detected / 1829 sextracted > Line: 1824 Objects: 5115 detected / 1885 sextracted > Line: 1840 Objects: 5198 detected / 1941 sextracted > Line: 1856 Objects: 5283 detected / 2002 sextracted > Line: 1872 Objects: 5364 detected / 2063 sextracted > Line: 1888 Objects: 5426 detected / 2111 sextracted > Line: 1904 Objects: 5513 detected / 2177 sextracted > Line: 1920 Objects: 5607 detected / 2249 sextracted > Line: 1936 Objects: 5702 detected / 2322 sextracted > Line: 1952 Objects: 5803 detected / 2399 sextracted > Line: 1968 Objects: 5884 detected / 2455 sextracted > Line: 1984 Objects: 5971 detected / 2523 sextracted > Line: 2000 Objects: 6062 detected / 2591 sextracted > Line: 2016 Objects: 6140 detected / 2653 sextracted > Line: 2032 Objects: 6217 detected / 2708 sextracted > Line: 2048 Objects: 6298 detected / 2767 sextracted > Line: 2064 Objects: 6396 detected / 2827 sextracted > Line: 2080 Objects: 6469 detected / 2880 sextracted > Line: 2096 Objects: 6557 detected / 2941 sextracted > Line: 2112 Objects: 6630 detected / 2994 sextracted > Line: 2128 Objects: 6713 detected / 3056 sextracted > Line: 2144 Objects: 6806 detected / 3128 sextracted > Line: 2160 Objects: 6887 detected / 3193 sextracted > Line: 2176 Objects: 6969 detected / 3255 sextracted > Line: 2192 Objects: 7063 detected / 3330 sextracted > Line: 2208 Objects: 7151 detected / 3396 sextracted > Line: 2224 Objects: 7227 detected / 3456 sextracted > Line: 2240 Objects: 7294 detected / 3508 sextracted > Line: 2256 Objects: 7355 detected / 3554 sextracted > Line: 2272 Objects: 7442 detected / 3619 sextracted > Line: 2288 Objects: 7523 detected / 3688 sextracted > Line: 2304 Objects: 7613 detected / 3758 sextracted > Line: 2320 Objects: 7694 detected / 3823 sextracted > Line: 2336 Objects: 7761 detected / 3873 sextracted > Line: 2352 Objects: 7839 detected / 3937 sextracted > Line: 2368 Objects: 7930 detected / 4001 sextracted > Line: 2384 Objects: 8013 detected / 4058 sextracted > Line: 2400 Objects: 8108 detected / 4129 sextracted > Line: 2416 Objects: 8185 detected / 4185 sextracted > Line: 2432 Objects: 8277 detected / 4255 sextracted > Line: 2448 Objects: 8370 detected / 4325 sextracted > Line: 2464 Objects: 8473 detected / 4403 sextracted > Line: 2480 Objects: 8571 detected / 4474 sextracted > Line: 2496 Objects: 8670 detected / 4547 sextracted > Line: 2512 Objects: 8766 detected / 4611 sextracted > Line: 2528 Objects: 8865 detected / 4677 sextracted > Line: 2544 Objects: 8952 detected / 4722 sextracted > Line: 2560 Objects: 9035 detected / 4787 sextracted > Line: 2576 Objects: 9125 detected / 4846 sextracted > Line: 2592 Objects: 9210 detected / 4910 sextracted > Line: 2608 Objects: 9293 detected / 4975 sextracted > Line: 2624 Objects: 9363 detected / 5030 sextracted > Line: 2640 Objects: 9424 detected / 5077 sextracted > Line: 2656 Objects: 9505 detected / 5127 sextracted > Line: 2672 Objects: 9570 detected / 5181 sextracted > Line: 2688 Objects: 9642 detected / 5237 sextracted > Line: 2704 Objects: 9722 detected / 5299 sextracted > Line: 2720 Objects: 9776 detected / 5337 sextracted > Line: 2736 Objects: 9839 detected / 5391 sextracted > Line: 2752 Objects: 9915 detected / 5447 sextracted > Line: 2768 Objects: 9973 detected / 5488 sextracted > Line: 2784 Objects: 10033 detected / 5537 sextracted > Line: 2800 Objects: 10099 detected / 5593 sextracted > Line: 2816 Objects: 10144 detected / 5632 sextracted > Line: 2832 Objects: 10205 detected / 5686 sextracted > Line: 2848 Objects: 10257 detected / 5722 sextracted > Line: 2864 Objects: 10312 detected / 5764 sextracted > Line: 2880 Objects: 10376 detected / 5811 sextracted > Line: 2896 Objects: 10440 detected / 5857 sextracted > Line: 2912 Objects: 10498 detected / 5900 sextracted > Line: 2928 Objects: 10552 detected / 5943 sextracted > Line: 2944 Objects: 10605 detected / 5987 sextracted > Line: 2960 Objects: 10650 detected / 6022 sextracted > Line: 2976 Objects: 10721 detected / 6080 sextracted > Line: 2992 Objects: 10776 detected / 6125 sextracted > Line: 3008 Objects: 10833 detected / 6168 sextracted > Line: 3024 Objects: 10891 detected / 6210 sextracted > Line: 3040 Objects: 10935 detected / 6243 sextracted > Line: 3056 Objects: 10987 detected / 6282 sextracted > Line: 3072 Objects: 11027 detected / 6311 sextracted > Line: 3088 Objects: 11080 detected / 6353 sextracted > Line: 3104 Objects: 11129 detected / 6390 sextracted > Line: 3120 Objects: 11165 detected / 6415 sextracted > Line: 3136 Objects: 11205 detected / 6449 sextracted > Line: 3152 Objects: 11253 detected / 6490 sextracted > Line: 3168 Objects: 11290 detected / 6521 sextracted > Line: 3184 Objects: 11337 detected / 6555 sextracted > Line: 3200 Objects: 11390 detected / 6593 sextracted > Line: 3216 Objects: 11433 detected / 6624 sextracted > Line: 3232 Objects: 11485 detected / 6658 sextracted > Line: 3248 Objects: 11544 detected / 6701 sextracted > Line: 3264 Objects: 11598 detected / 6738 sextracted > Line: 3280 Objects: 11642 detected / 6773 sextracted > Line: 3296 Objects: 11691 detected / 6812 sextracted > Line: 3312 Objects: 11736 detected / 6841 sextracted > Line: 3328 Objects: 11771 detected / 6868 sextracted > Line: 3344 Objects: 11800 detected / 6888 sextracted > Line: 3360 Objects: 11835 detected / 6911 sextracted > Line: 3376 Objects: 11868 detected / 6936 sextracted > Line: 3392 Objects: 11900 detected / 6953 sextracted > Line: 3408 Objects: 11934 detected / 6969 sextracted > Line: 3424 Objects: 11976 detected / 6994 sextracted > Line: 3440 Objects: 11999 detected / 7014 sextracted > Line: 3456 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3472 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3488 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3504 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3520 Objects: 12016 detected / 7026 sextracted > Line: 3536 Objects: 12016 detected / 7027 sextracted > Line: 3552 Objects: 12016 detected / 7028 sextracted > Line: 3568 Objects: 12016 detected / 7032 sextracted > Line: 3584 Objects: 12016 detected / 7033 sextracted > Line: 3600 Objects: 12016 detected / 7038 sextracted > Line: 3616 Objects: 12016 detected / 7045 sextracted > Line: 3632 Objects: 12016 detected / 7061 sextracted > Line: 3648 Objects: 12016 detected / 7111 sextracted > Line: 3664 Objects: 12016 detected / 7158 sextracted > Line: 3680 Objects: 12016 detected / 7215 sextracted > Line: 3696 Objects: 12016 detected / 7278 sextracted > Line: 3712 Objects: 12016 detected / 7319 sextracted > Line: 3728 Objects: 12016 detected / 7374 sextracted > Line: 3744 Objects: 12016 detected / 7429 sextracted > Line: 3760 Objects: 12016 detected / 7471 sextracted > Line: 3776 Objects: 12016 detected / 7525 sextracted > Line: 3792 Objects: 12016 detected / 7574 sextracted > Line: 3808 Objects: 12016 detected / 7627 sextracted > Line: 3824 Objects: 12016 detected / 7672 sextracted > Line: 3840 Objects: 12016 detected / 7705 sextracted Objects: detected 12016 / sextracted 9025 > Closing files > > All done (in 14 s) Sextractor run complete. Removing decompressed files. Captured detection RMS=2.22042 from sextractor output. Massaging position errors using DetRMS=2.24962320587297, Thresh=0.00083845075774183 cps, BG=0.00409507751464844 cps ... Reading position errors ... ... read 9025 records ... ... rewriting position error columns ... ... massaging complete. Modifying header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits' using int file header ... Writing statistics to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat_stats.txt ... SPAWN created cmd 'sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -measurement_map n -skip_map_creation=1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -stat_name 1 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Sextra (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... sextra -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -measurement_map n -skip_map_creation=1 -qa_output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd -stat_name 1 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 8506 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x97a1610) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x85eca60) to LOG=GLOB(0x97a1610) with tag ')-'. << SExtra >> version='$Id: sextra,v 1.218 2009/07/23 21:22:19 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:23Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:36:57Z PCPU: 0.49/0.05/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 8506 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/sextra (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for SExtra: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd; threshold = undef; nuv_threshold = 2; fuv_threshold = 2.5; minpix = 2; absolute_thresh = undef; background = undef; remove_background = 1; mask_objects = 1; get_mask = 1; mask_threshold = 3; expand_mask_radius = 0; trim_rr_level = 0.2; catalog_name = undef; measurement_map = n; skip_map_creation = 1; no_sex = undef; filter = 1; conv_fwhm = -4.5,-4.5; seeing_fwhm = 5.5,5; apertures = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23; flux_fracs = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95; deblend_mincont = 0.04; deblend_nthresh = 32; phot_autoparams = 2.5,3.5; mag_zero = 0; clean = 1; mask_type = correct; deep = undef; deep_exp_thresh = 10000; backsize = 128; bg_filter_size = 5; detector_bg = undef; sex_par_name = default; sex_par_path = /home/galex/ops/params/sex,/home/galex/params/sex; sex_params = undef; count_map = undef; response_map = undef; weight_map = undef; detector_background_map = undef; inten_map = undef; sigma_map = 0; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; qa_output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; in_out_path = undef; extension_addition = undef; ais = undef; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = undef; cal_path = cal; check_images = NONE; check_base = undef; mag_column = MAG_AUTO; plot_device = /xs; no_stats = undef; stat_name = 1; compress_images = undef; sex_exec = /home/galex/bin/sex; rmback_exec = poissonbg; fake_options = undef; other_opts = {asciicat=>0,savemem=>0,bgthr=>0,rmbgwt=>0,fieldr=>0.5,regmaglim=>0,fixposerr=>1,savemaskrun=>0,rrtrimr=>0,unmchregfile=>unmatched.ds9reg,prunmch=>0,nohardsex=>0,inscrwidth=>0,rrthr=>0,skipmasksex=>0,pgplotdir=>/home/galex/pgplot,truemchr=>0,truelim=>0,forceconv=>0,detectonly=>0,convsuf=>gauss,sigthr=>0,truecat=>0,detsize=>1.25}; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = undef; Temporary directory = '/tmp/sextra.skirnir.8506.v5Ow'. Decompressor = '/bin/gzip'. Got PSFFWHM=4.5 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL1=55.69742 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got CRVAL2=-6.44734 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got CDELT1=-0.000416666666666667 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got AVEFDEAD=0.0230353397662152 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got EXPTIME=1480. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got RRMED=1315.37329101562 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS1=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got NAXIS2=3840 from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Got NVISIBLE=4999524. from FITS header in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits'. Swapping to measurement image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits and catalog name /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits. params: Reassigning background = '0'. params: Reassigning absolute_thresh = '1'. params: Reassigning minpix = '0.5'. Setting trim level to 0.2 * 1480. * (1-0.0230353397662152) = 289.1815394292 params: Reassigning minpix = '10'. Opening detection image '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits' to read header ... Analysis threshold reset to 0.000316532561386759 . `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexparams_orig.txt' `/home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.nnw' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexnnw.txt' Editing /home/galex/ops/params/sex/default.param ... `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols_orig.txt' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols.txt' Detection image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits' Measurement image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits' Weight image = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits' Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8506.v5Ow/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8506.v5Ow/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits ... Decompressing /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits.gz into /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8506.v5Ow/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits ... Config file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexparams.txt ANALYSIS_THRESH = 0.000316532561386759 BACKPHOTO_THICK = 24 BACKPHOTO_TYPE = GLOBAL BACK_FILTERSIZE = 5 BACK_SIZE = 128 BACK_TYPE = MANUAL BACK_VALUE = 0,0 CATALOG_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits CATALOG_TYPE = FITS_1.0 CHECKIMAGE_NAME = NONE CHECKIMAGE_TYPE = NONE CLEAN = YES CLEAN_PARAM = 1 DEBLEND_MINCONT = 0.04 DEBLEND_NTHRESH = 32 DETECT_MINAREA = 10 DETECT_THRESH = 1 DETECT_TYPE = CCD FILTER = Y FILTER_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-gauss_30_7x7.txt GAIN = 1315.37329101562 INTERP_MAXXLAG = 1 INTERP_MAXYLAG = 1 INTERP_TYPE = NONE,NONE MAG_GAMMA = 4 MAG_ZEROPOINT = 0 MASK_TYPE = CORRECT MEMORY_BUFSIZE = 1024 MEMORY_OBJSTACK = 2000 MEMORY_PIXSTACK = 1500000 PARAMETERS_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexcols.txt PHOT_APERTURES = 2,3,5,8,12,17,23 PHOT_AUTOPARAMS = 2.5,3.5 PHOT_FLUXFRAC = 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95 PIXEL_SCALE = 1.500 SATUR_LEVEL = 999999999 SEEING_FWHM = 5 STARNNW_NAME = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-sexnnw.txt THRESH_TYPE = ABSOLUTE VERBOSE_TYPE = NORMAL WEIGHT_GAIN = Y WEIGHT_IMAGE = /tmp/sextra.skirnir.8506.v5Ow/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits,/tmp/sextra.skirnir.8506.v5Ow/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits WEIGHT_TYPE = MAP_WEIGHT,MAP_WEIGHT Sextractor command /home/galex/bin/sex extracting into '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits'. > ----- SExtractor 2.5.0 started on 2010-02-28 at 10:37:08 with 1 thread > Setting catalog parameters > Reading detection filter > Initializing Neural Network > Reading Neural Network Weights > Initializing catalog > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits Detecting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits Measuring from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data > Looking for MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits Weighting from: "MISDR1_27036_0462_00" / 3840 x 3840 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data Measurement image:> Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (M) Background: 0 RMS: 0.00199611 / Threshold: 0.000316533 Detection image: > Setting up background maps > Setting up background map at line: 128 > Setting up background map at line: 256 > Setting up background map at line: 384 > Setting up background map at line: 512 > Setting up background map at line: 640 > Setting up background map at line: 768 > Setting up background map at line: 896 > Setting up background map at line: 1024 > Setting up background map at line: 1152 > Setting up background map at line: 1280 > Setting up background map at line: 1408 > Setting up background map at line: 1536 > Setting up background map at line: 1664 > Setting up background map at line: 1792 > Setting up background map at line: 1920 > Setting up background map at line: 2048 > Setting up background map at line: 2176 > Setting up background map at line: 2304 > Setting up background map at line: 2432 > Setting up background map at line: 2560 > Setting up background map at line: 2688 > Setting up background map at line: 2816 > Setting up background map at line: 2944 > Setting up background map at line: 3072 > Setting up background map at line: 3200 > Setting up background map at line: 3328 > Setting up background map at line: 3456 > Setting up background map at line: 3584 > Setting up background map at line: 3712 > Filtering background map(s) > Computing background d-map > Computing background-noise d-map (D) Background: 0 RMS: 1.12919 / Threshold: 1 > Scanning image > Line: 16 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 32 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 48 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 64 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 80 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 96 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 112 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 128 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 144 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 160 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 176 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 192 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 208 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 224 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 240 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 256 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 272 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 288 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 304 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 320 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 336 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 352 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 368 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 384 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 400 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 416 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 432 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 448 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 464 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 480 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 496 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 512 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 528 Objects: 0 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 544 Objects: 4 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 560 Objects: 21 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 576 Objects: 31 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 592 Objects: 36 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 608 Objects: 39 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 624 Objects: 43 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 640 Objects: 45 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 656 Objects: 46 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 672 Objects: 50 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 688 Objects: 60 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 704 Objects: 64 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 720 Objects: 69 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 736 Objects: 78 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 752 Objects: 88 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 768 Objects: 99 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 784 Objects: 115 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 800 Objects: 128 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 816 Objects: 141 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 832 Objects: 154 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 848 Objects: 171 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 864 Objects: 194 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 880 Objects: 201 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 896 Objects: 217 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 912 Objects: 231 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 928 Objects: 240 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 944 Objects: 257 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 960 Objects: 274 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 976 Objects: 283 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 992 Objects: 294 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1008 Objects: 312 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1024 Objects: 328 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1040 Objects: 344 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1056 Objects: 362 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1072 Objects: 374 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1088 Objects: 397 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1104 Objects: 414 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1120 Objects: 437 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1136 Objects: 456 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1152 Objects: 470 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1168 Objects: 488 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1184 Objects: 505 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1200 Objects: 520 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1216 Objects: 538 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1232 Objects: 554 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1248 Objects: 574 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1264 Objects: 588 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1280 Objects: 602 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1296 Objects: 625 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1312 Objects: 642 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1328 Objects: 655 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1344 Objects: 676 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1360 Objects: 692 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1376 Objects: 703 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1392 Objects: 722 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1408 Objects: 737 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1424 Objects: 758 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1440 Objects: 780 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1456 Objects: 795 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1472 Objects: 819 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1488 Objects: 834 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1504 Objects: 850 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1520 Objects: 866 detected / 0 sextracted > Line: 1536 Objects: 879 detected / 2 sextracted > Line: 1552 Objects: 891 detected / 9 sextracted > Line: 1568 Objects: 905 detected / 17 sextracted > Line: 1584 Objects: 926 detected / 21 sextracted > Line: 1600 Objects: 945 detected / 26 sextracted > Line: 1616 Objects: 962 detected / 31 sextracted > Line: 1632 Objects: 984 detected / 35 sextracted > Line: 1648 Objects: 1006 detected / 36 sextracted > Line: 1664 Objects: 1031 detected / 38 sextracted > Line: 1680 Objects: 1058 detected / 43 sextracted > Line: 1696 Objects: 1074 detected / 50 sextracted > Line: 1712 Objects: 1100 detected / 56 sextracted > Line: 1728 Objects: 1119 detected / 63 sextracted > Line: 1744 Objects: 1139 detected / 73 sextracted > Line: 1760 Objects: 1156 detected / 78 sextracted > Line: 1776 Objects: 1178 detected / 89 sextracted > Line: 1792 Objects: 1202 detected / 97 sextracted > Line: 1808 Objects: 1220 detected / 105 sextracted > Line: 1824 Objects: 1251 detected / 118 sextracted > Line: 1840 Objects: 1264 detected / 127 sextracted > Line: 1856 Objects: 1292 detected / 142 sextracted > Line: 1872 Objects: 1317 detected / 157 sextracted > Line: 1888 Objects: 1336 detected / 163 sextracted > Line: 1904 Objects: 1354 detected / 184 sextracted > Line: 1920 Objects: 1373 detected / 197 sextracted > Line: 1936 Objects: 1399 detected / 207 sextracted > Line: 1952 Objects: 1417 detected / 218 sextracted > Line: 1968 Objects: 1432 detected / 230 sextracted > Line: 1984 Objects: 1450 detected / 243 sextracted > Line: 2000 Objects: 1471 detected / 249 sextracted > Line: 2016 Objects: 1496 detected / 265 sextracted > Line: 2032 Objects: 1512 detected / 283 sextracted > Line: 2048 Objects: 1534 detected / 297 sextracted > Line: 2064 Objects: 1549 detected / 315 sextracted > Line: 2080 Objects: 1569 detected / 328 sextracted > Line: 2096 Objects: 1583 detected / 342 sextracted > Line: 2112 Objects: 1603 detected / 362 sextracted > Line: 2128 Objects: 1618 detected / 375 sextracted > Line: 2144 Objects: 1637 detected / 386 sextracted > Line: 2160 Objects: 1652 detected / 395 sextracted > Line: 2176 Objects: 1669 detected / 411 sextracted > Line: 2192 Objects: 1694 detected / 426 sextracted > Line: 2208 Objects: 1711 detected / 440 sextracted > Line: 2224 Objects: 1721 detected / 454 sextracted > Line: 2240 Objects: 1732 detected / 472 sextracted > Line: 2256 Objects: 1747 detected / 486 sextracted > Line: 2272 Objects: 1766 detected / 494 sextracted > Line: 2288 Objects: 1779 detected / 512 sextracted > Line: 2304 Objects: 1799 detected / 532 sextracted > Line: 2320 Objects: 1815 detected / 545 sextracted > Line: 2336 Objects: 1832 detected / 557 sextracted > Line: 2352 Objects: 1848 detected / 579 sextracted > Line: 2368 Objects: 1871 detected / 592 sextracted > Line: 2384 Objects: 1885 detected / 606 sextracted > Line: 2400 Objects: 1897 detected / 625 sextracted > Line: 2416 Objects: 1915 detected / 639 sextracted > Line: 2432 Objects: 1939 detected / 656 sextracted > Line: 2448 Objects: 1956 detected / 679 sextracted > Line: 2464 Objects: 1975 detected / 697 sextracted > Line: 2480 Objects: 1997 detected / 714 sextracted > Line: 2496 Objects: 2015 detected / 721 sextracted > Line: 2512 Objects: 2036 detected / 736 sextracted > Line: 2528 Objects: 2060 detected / 750 sextracted > Line: 2544 Objects: 2073 detected / 761 sextracted > Line: 2560 Objects: 2088 detected / 772 sextracted > Line: 2576 Objects: 2110 detected / 786 sextracted > Line: 2592 Objects: 2130 detected / 805 sextracted > Line: 2608 Objects: 2149 detected / 822 sextracted > Line: 2624 Objects: 2165 detected / 839 sextracted > Line: 2640 Objects: 2181 detected / 866 sextracted > Line: 2656 Objects: 2197 detected / 881 sextracted > Line: 2672 Objects: 2207 detected / 901 sextracted > Line: 2688 Objects: 2217 detected / 919 sextracted > Line: 2704 Objects: 2232 detected / 940 sextracted > Line: 2720 Objects: 2239 detected / 956 sextracted > Line: 2736 Objects: 2251 detected / 979 sextracted > Line: 2752 Objects: 2261 detected / 996 sextracted > Line: 2768 Objects: 2276 detected / 1016 sextracted > Line: 2784 Objects: 2286 detected / 1035 sextracted > Line: 2800 Objects: 2297 detected / 1059 sextracted > Line: 2816 Objects: 2310 detected / 1077 sextracted > Line: 2832 Objects: 2317 detected / 1098 sextracted > Line: 2848 Objects: 2325 detected / 1113 sextracted > Line: 2864 Objects: 2338 detected / 1141 sextracted > Line: 2880 Objects: 2353 detected / 1156 sextracted > Line: 2896 Objects: 2367 detected / 1177 sextracted > Line: 2912 Objects: 2381 detected / 1193 sextracted > Line: 2928 Objects: 2393 detected / 1213 sextracted > Line: 2944 Objects: 2402 detected / 1229 sextracted > Line: 2960 Objects: 2407 detected / 1240 sextracted > Line: 2976 Objects: 2418 detected / 1257 sextracted > Line: 2992 Objects: 2424 detected / 1275 sextracted > Line: 3008 Objects: 2439 detected / 1299 sextracted > Line: 3024 Objects: 2446 detected / 1314 sextracted > Line: 3040 Objects: 2453 detected / 1330 sextracted > Line: 3056 Objects: 2463 detected / 1346 sextracted > Line: 3072 Objects: 2469 detected / 1357 sextracted > Line: 3088 Objects: 2481 detected / 1377 sextracted > Line: 3104 Objects: 2490 detected / 1389 sextracted > Line: 3120 Objects: 2501 detected / 1406 sextracted > Line: 3136 Objects: 2508 detected / 1423 sextracted > Line: 3152 Objects: 2516 detected / 1436 sextracted > Line: 3168 Objects: 2523 detected / 1450 sextracted > Line: 3184 Objects: 2537 detected / 1461 sextracted > Line: 3200 Objects: 2545 detected / 1485 sextracted > Line: 3216 Objects: 2555 detected / 1495 sextracted > Line: 3232 Objects: 2568 detected / 1507 sextracted > Line: 3248 Objects: 2575 detected / 1518 sextracted > Line: 3264 Objects: 2581 detected / 1532 sextracted > Line: 3280 Objects: 2590 detected / 1552 sextracted > Line: 3296 Objects: 2598 detected / 1567 sextracted > Line: 3312 Objects: 2601 detected / 1583 sextracted > Line: 3328 Objects: 2607 detected / 1597 sextracted > Line: 3344 Objects: 2613 detected / 1611 sextracted > Line: 3360 Objects: 2615 detected / 1628 sextracted > Line: 3376 Objects: 2620 detected / 1643 sextracted > Line: 3392 Objects: 2626 detected / 1661 sextracted > Line: 3408 Objects: 2631 detected / 1671 sextracted > Line: 3424 Objects: 2638 detected / 1693 sextracted > Line: 3440 Objects: 2642 detected / 1713 sextracted > Line: 3456 Objects: 2642 detected / 1726 sextracted > Line: 3472 Objects: 2642 detected / 1744 sextracted > Line: 3488 Objects: 2642 detected / 1764 sextracted > Line: 3504 Objects: 2642 detected / 1780 sextracted > Line: 3520 Objects: 2642 detected / 1791 sextracted > Line: 3536 Objects: 2642 detected / 1812 sextracted > Line: 3552 Objects: 2642 detected / 1826 sextracted > Line: 3568 Objects: 2642 detected / 1842 sextracted > Line: 3584 Objects: 2642 detected / 1861 sextracted > Line: 3600 Objects: 2642 detected / 1879 sextracted > Line: 3616 Objects: 2642 detected / 1892 sextracted > Line: 3632 Objects: 2642 detected / 1909 sextracted > Line: 3648 Objects: 2642 detected / 1921 sextracted > Line: 3664 Objects: 2642 detected / 1932 sextracted > Line: 3680 Objects: 2642 detected / 1944 sextracted > Line: 3696 Objects: 2642 detected / 1956 sextracted > Line: 3712 Objects: 2642 detected / 1966 sextracted > Line: 3728 Objects: 2642 detected / 1976 sextracted > Line: 3744 Objects: 2642 detected / 1988 sextracted > Line: 3760 Objects: 2642 detected / 1996 sextracted > Line: 3776 Objects: 2642 detected / 2006 sextracted > Line: 3792 Objects: 2642 detected / 2018 sextracted > Line: 3808 Objects: 2642 detected / 2031 sextracted > Line: 3824 Objects: 2642 detected / 2039 sextracted > Line: 3840 Objects: 2642 detected / 2045 sextracted Objects: detected 2642 / sextracted 2344 > Closing files > > All done (in 7 s) Sextractor run complete. Removing decompressed files. Captured detection RMS=1.12919 from sextractor output. Massaging position errors using DetRMS=1.59249072619175, Thresh=0.000422043415182345 cps, BG=0.000582337379455566 cps ... Reading position errors ... ... read 2344 records ... ... rewriting position error columns ... ... massaging complete. Modifying header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits' using int file header ... Writing statistics to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat_stats.txt ... SPAWN created cmd 'gmerge -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -fuv_temp_correction=1 -dyf0 11.454 -dyf1 -0.66723 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Gmerge (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gmerge -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -fuv_temp_correction=1 -dyf0 11.454 -dyf1 -0.66723 -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 8645 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x8e8b808) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8250a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x8e8b808) with tag ')-'. << GMerge >> version='$Id: gmerge,v 1.31 2007/09/22 20:39:20 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:37:34Z PCPU: 0.25/0.03/3 CCPU: 0.05/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 8645 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gmerge (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GMerge: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; snrs = 2,2; snr_cut = 0; search_rad = 7; force_rad = 3; prob_limit = 1e-05; catalog_ext = cat; merge_ext = mcat; flux_scales = 1,1; no_artifact_flags = undef; fuv_temp_value = -9999; fuv_temp_correction = 1; dyf0 = 11.454; dyf1 = -0.66723; Mysystem exec'ing galexmerge (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... galexmerge -nuv /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits -fuv /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits -out /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits -prob 1e-05 -fuvs2n 2 -nuvs2n 2 -fuvs2ncut 0 -nuvs2ncut 0 -sep 7 -autosep 3 -prob 1e-05 -nuv_zpscale 1 -fuv_zpscale 1 -n_flderr 0.42 -f_flderr 0.68 -ibf_err 0.36 -fuv_temp_correction -fuv_temp_value -9999 -dyf0 11.454 -dyf1 -0.66723 ===WARNING: '-dyf0' parameter no longer used. ===WARNING: '-dyf1' parameter no longer used. ===WARNING: '-fuv_temp_value' parameter no longer used. ===WARNING: '-fuv_temp_correction' parameter no longer used. ===WARNING: 'ibf_err' parameter no longer used. ===WARNING: 'n_flderr' parameter no longer used. ===WARNING: 'f_flderr' parameter no longer used. ### ### ### ### Start of galexmerge ### ### (19jan2010) ### ### 2010-02-28T10:37:34 $Id: galexmerge.c,v 1.89 2010/01/20 00:23:57 tab Exp $ NOTE: Using calibration magnitude type: AUTO NOTE: For MOEA: Using default calibration directory. NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/nuvim-moea.fits . NOTE: For MOEA: Using default calibration directory. NOTE: simu_lmc: loaded 1901 points from /home/galex/cal/targ/use/fuvim-moea.fits . NOTE: nuv_zpscale= 1.00000e+00 nuv_zpmag= 20.08000 NOTE: fuv_zpscale= 1.00000e+00 fuv_zpmag= 18.82000 NOTE: Check existence of input files. NOTE: Check existence of other (image) files. Using following parameters: nuv =/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits fuv =/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits out =/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits fuvs2n = 2.00000 nuvs2n = 2.00000 fuvs2ncut= 0.00000 nuvs2ncut= 0.00000 sep = 7.00000 autosep = 3.00000 prob = 0.00001 exptime = -1.00000 poserr = -1.00000 R1 = 5.00000 R2 = 10.00000 R3 = 30.00000 NOTE: Maximum number of sources is 9025 . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-skybg.fits . NOTE: NUV median background: pho/s/px= 0.00409508 pho/s/sq.arcsec= 0.00182003 pho/s/sq.arcmin= 6.55212402 NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-skybg.fits . NOTE: FUV median background: pho/s/px= 0.00058246 pho/s/sq.arcsec= 0.00025887 pho/s/sq.arcmin= 0.93193054 NOTE: ... Merging... 1 : NOTE: Merging source catalogs (nuvs2n= 2.000 fuvs2n= 2.000) NOTE: Reading 'SExtractor' FITS source list: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits NOTE: RSL: Total number of sources in file: 2344 . NOTE: RSL: Number of sources selected: 2344 . NOTE: Read 2344 FUV sources (S/N cutoff= 0.00). NOTE: Reading 'SExtractor' FITS source list: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits NOTE: RSL: Total number of sources in file: 9025 . NOTE: RSL: Number of sources selected: 9025 . NOTE: Read 9025 NUV sources (S/N cutoff= 0.00). NOTE: Loading SXSL[] structure from NUV file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits . NOTE: Number of NUV sources is 9025 . NOTE: Other catalog is /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits . NOTE: Loading SXSL[] structure from FUV file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits . NOTE: Number of FUV sources is 2344 . NOTE: Other catalog is /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits . NOTE: Using origin of 55.7058038, -6.4167285 from (nuv) AVASPRA,AVASPDEC cards. NOTE: Difference between _CENT and AVASP centers is 0.031725 degrees (114.209608 arcseconds). NOTE: Using avasp field center: 55.7058038 -6.4167285 NOTE: Load up NUV and FUV positional variances using SExtractor errors [ERRX/Y2_IMAGE]. NOTE: Set up source grid key for both bands. NOTE: Loading candidates. AutoSepLimit= 3.00 SepLimit= 7.00 ProbLimit= 0.0000100 NOTE: Loading NUV candidates for all FUV sources. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. NOTE: Loading FUV candidates for all NUV sources. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. NOTE: Resolve NUV. NOTE: Resolve FUV (symmetry check). NOTE: Verify: symmetry check. NOTE: Logic symmetry verified. NOTE: Median separation = 1.53598 Sigma = 1.22554 NOTE: Matched 1526 FUV sources to NUV sources (ave sep = 1.92027). NOTE: Band Separation Analysis during merging... NOTE: Band Separation Analysis... ssf = 1.00000 NOTE: Found 187 band-merged objects for statistics. NOTE: Band Separation Analysis... ssf = 1.10000 NOTE: Found 272 band-merged objects for statistics. NOTE: Band Separation Analysis... ssf = 1.21000 NOTE: Found 351 band-merged objects for statistics. NOTE: [seplim= 6.00] Inc: dx= -0.04396 dy= 0.23000 error= 0.02017 Total: dx= -0.04396 dy= 0.23000 NOTE: Current values: bsc_x= -0.04396 bsc_y= 0.23000 bsc_e= 0.02017 bsc_n=351 NOTE: ... Merging... 2 : ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. NOTE: Median separation = 1.49013 Sigma = 1.18896 NOTE: Matched 1526 FUV sources to NUV sources (ave sep = 1.89538). NOTE: [seplim= 3.00] Inc: dx= 0.00295 dy= 0.00208 error= 0.02021 Total: dx= -0.04101 dy= 0.23208 NOTE: Current values: bsc_x= -0.04101 bsc_y= 0.23208 bsc_e= 0.02021 bsc_n=348 NOTE: ... Merging... 3 : ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. NOTE: Median separation = 1.49029 Sigma = 1.18908 NOTE: Matched 1526 FUV sources to NUV sources (ave sep = 1.89524). NOTE: [seplim= 3.00] Inc: dx= 0.00000 dy= 0.00000 error= 0.02021 Total: dx= -0.04101 dy= 0.23208 NOTE: Current values: bsc_x= -0.04101 bsc_y= 0.23208 bsc_e= 0.02021 bsc_n=348 NOTE: ... Merging... 4 : ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. NOTE: Median separation = 1.49029 Sigma = 1.18908 NOTE: Matched 1526 FUV sources to NUV sources (ave sep = 1.89524). NOTE: [seplim= 3.00] Final incremental check: dx= 0.00000 dy= 0.00000 error= 0.02021 NOTE: Current values: bsc_x= -0.04101 bsc_y= 0.23208 bsc_e= 0.02021 bsc_n=348 NOTE:wml: _CENT= 55.6974200, -6.4473400 AVASP= 55.7058038, -6.4167285 Separation= 0.0317249 Number of fields in -mcat.fits file: 364 . NOTE: Using 55.7058038 and -6.4167285 as AVASP center. NOTE: Total number of (filled and unfilled) sources in merge list: 9843 . NOTE: Total number of filled sources: 1526 . NOTE: Total number of unfilled NUV sources: 7499 . NOTE: Total number of unfilled FUV sources: 818 . NOTE: gm_set_detector: NUV catalog file existence: 1 . NOTE:gsd: Using field center of 55.7058038 -6.4167285 (aspp= 1.500000). NOTE:gsd: Using roll angle of 102.95992 NOTE: Apply in scale and magnitude zero point, and position errors. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.146653, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.125713, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.150146, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.156401, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.144540, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.159046, set to 0.16. ===WARNING: total positional variance is < 0.16 (total error of 0.4 arcsec), 0.151042, set to 0.16. NOTE: Get data from other catalogs ( -fd-ncat and -nd-fcat ). NOTE: (fuv data at NUV positions): Other catalog is /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits . NOTE: (nuv data at FUV positions): Other catalog is /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits . NOTE: Tile word input to primary() routine: 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits'. NOTE: Find primary flag for each source, grid=27036 . NOTE: Found at least one non-zero value for 'primary' in catalog. NOTE: Reading NUV Q reference file: 'cal/NUV_qmap.fits'. NOTE: Reading FUV Q reference file: 'cal/FUV_qmap.fits'. NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-int.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-int.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-skybg.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-skybg.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rrhr.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rrhr.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-int.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-wt.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-int.fits . NOTE: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-wt.fits . NOTE: Field Origin: RA = 55.6974200 Dec = -6.4473400 NOTE: Field Origin: Gal.Long.= 193.9566480 Gal.Lat.= -44.4016322 NOTE: Reading /home/galex/cal/targ/use//../../plan/dust/SFD_dust_4096_sgp.fits . NOTE: gmlscqfi: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-scq.fits . NOTE: gmlscqfi: Reading image file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-scq.fits . Number of unfilled NUV sources with possible FUV match (any S/N) = 112 . Number of unfilled FUV sources with possible NUV match (any S/N) = 113 . NOTE: Compute neighbor statistics... NOTE: NUV background (pho/s/sq.arcmin) from sources 6.56890883 and image 6.55212402 (diff=-0.01678481). NOTE: FUV background (pho/s/sq.arcmin) from sources 0.93517302 and image 0.93193054 (diff=-0.00324248). NOTE: Writing output file: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits . NOTE: Optimal row size is 73 . NOTE: RFT_d: Reading column number 2, 'id' [J] from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits (with 27 columns). NOTE: RFT_d: Reading column number 9, 'mchrow' [J] from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits (with 27 columns). NOTE: RFT_d: Reading column number 18, 'r' [D] from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits (with 27 columns). NOTE: RFT_d: Reading column number 19, 'pa' [D] from /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits (with 27 columns). NOTE: Writing out Band-Merger columns. NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 1 [ 0.0% ] ... Write out NUV Sextractor source list table columns starting wtih column number 153 [should be 148]. Write out FUV Sextractor source list table columns starting wtih column number 259 . NOTE: Last column written is number 364 . NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 1461 [ 14.8% ] ... NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 2921 [ 29.7% ] ... NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 4381 [ 44.5% ] ... NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 5841 [ 59.3% ] ... NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 7301 [ 74.2% ] ... NOTE: Writing merged catalog at row 8761 [ 89.0% ] ... 2010-02-28T10:38:44 ### ### ### ### End of galexmerge ### ### ### ### Update header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits' from '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits' ... << End of GMerge >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:39:04Z PCPU: 0.36/0.13/93 CCPU: 31.31/4.8 HOST: skirnir PID: 8645 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' SPAWN created cmd 'gpipeqa -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -exit_code 0 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate -not runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith 4e-5'. Mysystem exec'ing Gpipeqa (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gpipeqa -input_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -output_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -verbose -exit_code 0 -output_path /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -opt_wheel_pos 1 -input_base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grta: -nostate\ -not\ runstar -photmap:simplemap: -calinf\ maskr=0.6 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -photmap: -dead -grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 Now logging 8887 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x92013e8) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x85d1a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x92013e8) with tag ')-'. << GPipeQA >> version='$Id: gpipeqa,v 1.96 2008/10/09 21:17:15 cmillion Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:30Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:39:10Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/3 CCPU: 0.05/0.02 HOST: skirnir PID: 8887 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gpipeqa (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GPipeQA: steps = undef; product = auto; multi_sp_jpegs = undef; grismqa_suffix = undef; roll = undef; exit_code = 0; rgb_sizes = 2,4,8,32; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; Determining product type from path '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/' ... Product = 'single'. Using ibase='MISDR1_27036_0462_0001', ipath='/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/', opath='qa'. Chdir'ing to 'qa' ... Running steps tab plate psf rgb annot sum (psfplot=0)... ------- Running galex_tabqa for category tab ... Looking for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits or /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xg-gsp.fits ... Found type=mcat, bow=xd, suffix=. Mysystem exec'ing galex_tabqa (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... galex_tabqa -mcat /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits -ps -statfile MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-qa_tabmcat_stats.txt -add_cards ### ### ### ### Start of galex_tabqa ### ### (30oct09) ### ### 2010-02-28T10:39:14 $Id: galex_tabqa.c,v 1.66 2009/11/20 22:22:06 tab Exp $ NOTE: .root=-nd .suffix= NOTE: Trying to write new QA header cards, creating a new -mcat.fits file. NOTE: Running mcat quality analysis. Number of fields in -mcat.fits file: 364 . Actual number of fields in command line -mcat.fits file: 364 . NOTE: qa_mcat: Opening original -mcat.fits file: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits NOTE: qa_mcat: creating new -mcat.fits file temp-qa-2010-02-28Txx:xx:xx_8954-xd-mcat.fits NOTE: Found 510 header cards (keys) in first HDU. NOTE: Found 1101 header cards (keys) in second HDU. NOTE: Reading 'galexmerge' FITS source list: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits NOTE: RSL: Total number of sources in file: 9843 . NOTE: RSL: Number of sources selected: 9843 . NOTE: Number of sources loaded = 9843 NOTE: Exposure time: NUV= 1480.000s FUV= 1480.000s Average= 1480.000s Write to device: . NOTE: dx = 0.009 +/- 0.860 ( 0.048) nn=320 NOTE: dy = 0.297 +/- 0.993 ( 0.056) NOTE: dx = 0.051 +/- 0.860 ( 0.048) nn=320 NOTE: dy = 0.065 +/- 0.993 ( 0.056) NOTE: Value range is 0.103640 to 6.587340, median=1.742370. NOTE: 5% to 95% percentile range is 0.301722 to 5.186656 . NOTE: dx = 0.140 +/- 1.135 ( 0.053) nn=466 NOTE: dy = 0.052 +/- 0.994 ( 0.046) NOTE: high count = 7.000000 ( 1.12 per sq.arcmin) NOTE: dx = 0.065 +/- 1.005 ( 0.047) nn=466 NOTE: dy = 0.122 +/- 1.126 ( 0.052) NOTE: high count = 10.000000 ( 1.60 per sq.arcmin) NOTE: high count = 41.000000 ( 6.56 per sq.arcmin) NOTE: high count = 11.000000 ( 1.76 per sq.arcmin) . . . . Match Angle (degrees) Median= 169.568 (+/- 104.778) . . . . Chi-squared Probability Median= 44.2125 (+/- 31.2350) . . . . Radial Sep.(") Pos.Err= -1.00 Median= 1.4903 (+/- 1.4348) . . . . log( NUV flux ) Median= -1.2278 (+/- 0.3559) . . . . log( FUV flux ) Median= -1.6196 (+/- 0.2685) . . . . NUV Major Axis FWHM (") [S/N>10] Median= 9.5140 (+/- 4.9968) . . . . FUV Major Axis FWHM (") [S/N>5] Median= 7.0808 (+/- 2.8613) . . . . NUV Ellipticity [Maj>5,S/N>20] Median= 0.1702 (+/- 0.1333) . . . . NUV Axis Angle [Maj>5,S/N>20] Median= 17.4036 (+/- 37.7166) . . . . FUV Axis Angle [Maj>5,S/N>10] Median= -7.4379 (+/- 51.6459) . . . . NUV Backgnd (pho/s/sq.arcm) [ 3.200] Median= 6.5720 (+/- 0.2090) . . . . FUV Backgnd (pho/s/sq.arcm) [ 0.250] Median= 0.9348 (+/- 0.0609) NOTE: Value range is 6.143951 to 7.208710, median=6.562328. NOTE: 5% to 95% percentile range is 6.160409 to 7.194614 . NOTE: Value range is 0.846979 to 1.093699, median=0.933835. NOTE: 5% to 95% percentile range is 0.854694 to 1.093639 . SYSTEM: /bin/mv 2010-02-28T10:39:45 ### ### ### ### End of galex_tabqa ### ### ### ### ------- Running gplatesol for category plate ... Mysystem exec'ing gplatesol (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... gplatesol -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -band 1 -statf 1 -plotf 1 -update -mchtype cat_mch_rtastar << GPlateSol >> version='$Id: gplatesol,v 1.38 2006/12/02 23:18:02 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:49:26Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:39:50Z PCPU: 0.27/0.02/4 CCPU: 0.04/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 9121 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gplatesol (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GPlateSol: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; 3_param_fit = undef; use_fov = undef; plot_file = 1; stat_file = 1; mch_type = cat_mch_rtastar; update_hdr = 1; exec = plate_solution; idl = /usr/local/bin/idl; Writing to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar_stats.txt' ... Plotting residuals to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/' ... Setting 'setenv IDL_PATH=/usr/local/rsi/idl/lib:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/lib/idl/galex:/home/galex/lib/idl/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/DustCodeIDL:/home/galex/lib/idl/fanning:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/img:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/imgroam:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/misc:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/uit' Chdir to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/'. Sending to IDL: 'plate_solution,"/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits",output_plot_file="/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/"'. Plate solution: | Xshift = -0.0696 ( 0.1006) arcseconds | Yshift = -0.1175 ( 0.1006) arcseconds | Xscale = 1.500410 ( 0.000163) arcseconds/pixel | Yscale = 1.499673 ( 0.000150) arcseconds/pixel | Xrot = 180.00030 ( 0.006232) degrees | Yrot = 359.99869 ( 0.005716) degrees | ChiSq/dof = 0.761 | Nsamples = 102. | Nrejected = 0. | A = -0.0696 | B = -1.500410 | C = -0.000034 | D = -0.1175 | E = 0.000008 | F = 1.499673 | CRVAL1 = 55.69742 | CRVAL2 = -6.44734 | CRPIX1 = 1920.500 | CRPIX2 = 1920.500 | NPARAMS = 6. Writing results to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar_stats.txt' ... Updating header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits' ... Done. << End of GPlateSol >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:03Z PCPU: 0.29/0.03/17 CCPU: 0.11/0.05 HOST: skirnir PID: 9121 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Mysystem exec'ing gplatesol (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... gplatesol -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -band 1 -statf 1 -plotf 1 -update -mchtype cat_mch_flagstar << GPlateSol >> version='$Id: gplatesol,v 1.38 2006/12/02 23:18:02 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:49:26Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:07Z PCPU: 0.26/0.02/2 CCPU: 0.03/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 9218 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gplatesol (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GPlateSol: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 1; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; 3_param_fit = undef; use_fov = undef; plot_file = 1; stat_file = 1; mch_type = cat_mch_flagstar; update_hdr = 1; exec = plate_solution; idl = /usr/local/bin/idl; Writing to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar_stats.txt' ... Plotting residuals to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/' ... Setting 'setenv IDL_PATH=/usr/local/rsi/idl/lib:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/lib/idl/galex:/home/galex/lib/idl/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/DustCodeIDL:/home/galex/lib/idl/fanning:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/img:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/imgroam:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/misc:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/uit' Chdir to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/'. Sending to IDL: 'plate_solution,"/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits",output_plot_file="/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/"'. Plate solution: | Xshift = 0.0449 ( 0.0521) arcseconds | Yshift = 0.0530 ( 0.0521) arcseconds | Xscale = 1.500164 ( 0.000073) arcseconds/pixel | Yscale = 1.499878 ( 0.000070) arcseconds/pixel | Xrot = 179.99826 ( 0.002797) degrees | Yrot = 359.99746 ( 0.002674) degrees | ChiSq/dof = 0.772 | Nsamples = 382. | Nrejected = 0. | A = 0.0449 | B = -1.500164 | C = -0.000067 | D = 0.0530 | E = -0.000045 | F = 1.499878 | CRVAL1 = 55.69742 | CRVAL2 = -6.44734 | CRPIX1 = 1920.500 | CRPIX2 = 1920.500 | NPARAMS = 6. Writing results to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar_stats.txt' ... Updating header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits' ... Done. << End of GPlateSol >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:19Z PCPU: 0.28/0.03/14 CCPU: 0.12/0.05 HOST: skirnir PID: 9218 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Mysystem exec'ing gplatesol (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... gplatesol -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -band 2 -statf 1 -plotf 1 -update -mchtype cat_mch_flagstar << GPlateSol >> version='$Id: gplatesol,v 1.38 2006/12/02 23:18:02 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:49:26Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:21Z PCPU: 0.26/0.02/1 CCPU: 0.04/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 9266 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gplatesol (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GPlateSol: input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = 2; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; 3_param_fit = undef; use_fov = undef; plot_file = 1; stat_file = 1; mch_type = cat_mch_flagstar; update_hdr = 1; exec = plate_solution; idl = /usr/local/bin/idl; Writing to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar_stats.txt' ... Plotting residuals to file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/' ... Setting 'setenv IDL_PATH=/usr/local/rsi/idl/lib:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/lib/idl/galex:/home/galex/lib/idl/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/DustCodeIDL:/home/galex/lib/idl/fanning:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/img:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/imgroam:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/misc:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/uit' Chdir to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/'. Sending to IDL: 'plate_solution,"/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits",output_plot_file="/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/"'. Plate solution: | Xshift = 0.5737 ( 0.2266) arcseconds | Yshift = -0.7347 ( 0.2266) arcseconds | Xscale = 1.500025 ( 0.000353) arcseconds/pixel | Yscale = 1.500108 ( 0.000299) arcseconds/pixel | Xrot = 179.98932 ( 0.013487) degrees | Yrot = 359.99598 ( 0.011404) degrees | ChiSq/dof = 0.846 | Nsamples = 21. | Nrejected = 0. | A = 0.5737 | B = -1.500025 | C = -0.000105 | D = -0.7347 | E = -0.000279 | F = 1.500108 | CRVAL1 = 55.69742 | CRVAL2 = -6.44734 | CRPIX1 = 1920.500 | CRPIX2 = 1920.500 | NPARAMS = 6. Writing results to stat file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar_stats.txt' ... Updating header of '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits' ... Done. << End of GPlateSol >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:36Z PCPU: 0.27/0.03/16 CCPU: 0.1/0.06 HOST: skirnir PID: 9266 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ------- Running getfwhm for category psf ... Mysystem exec'ing getfwhm (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... getfwhm -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -bands 1,2 -wt 1 -statf 1 -psfsuf psf_eq -eqreg -noreg -nobgsub -imtype intbgsub -nrep 1 -runstar 1,1 -pdev 0 Now logging 9309 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9d17f50) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x89f0a60) to LOG=GLOB(0x9d17f50) with tag ')-'. << GetFWHM >> version='$Id: getfwhm,v 1.125 2008/01/09 00:18:56 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:42Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:39Z PCPU: 0.67/0.1/2 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 9309 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/getfwhm (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GetFWHM: input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; thumb_only = undef; thumb_too = undef; mag_limits = undef; maxcat = 100; alim = -1; runstar_catalog = 1,1; rad_test = 1800; reg0_radius = undef; cntlim = 2; confusion_rad = -4; confusion_mag = 4; mask_radius = 0; all = undef; weight = 1; magcolumn = MAG_AUTO; snipsize = 81; fwhm = -4.5; noregion = 1; equatorial_regions = 1; psf_suffix = psf_eq; no_bg_sub = 1; bg_method = 1; plot_fit_subtracted = undef; fit_type_subtracted = 2; sub_scale = 2; no_contour = undef; itf = log; pct_stretch = 0.5,0.995; abs_stretch = undef; color_table = ramp; ramp_table = gamma; upsample = 1; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_base = undef; catfile = undef; intfile = undef; image_type = intbgsub; sub_visits = undef; cntfile = undef; thumb_min = 30; thumb_max = 180; thumb_table = undef; thumb_sep_files = undef; thumb_num = undef; thumb_suffix = thumb; thumb_compress = undef; many_dirs = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; band = 1,2; runstar_radius = 4; stat_file = 1; plotdevice = 0; one_plot_per_page = undef; verbose = 1; log_file = undef; dump = undef; dump_level = 1; debug = 0; Command line params = -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -bands 1,2 -wt 1 -statf 1 -psfsuf psf_eq -eqreg -noreg -nobgsub -imtype intbgsub -nrep 1 -runstar 1,1 -pdev 0 -------------------------- Band 1 Getting band/OW info from MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd ... Found band/OW = n/d, inbase now 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd'. Using obase 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd'. Opening statfile MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-psf_eq_stats.txt ... Reading file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits ... Loading col.s (NUMBER X_IMAGE Y_IMAGE A_IMAGE B_IMAGE THETA_IMAGE ALPHA_J2000 DELTA_J2000 FLAGS FWHM_IMAGE MAG_AUTO) from HDU #2 ... Found 9015 rows. Reading image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits ... Getting image center ... Found (1900.5048215516,1993.96736551402). Read 3840X3840 image. CDELT1=0.000416666666666667, EXPTIME=1480., BG=0.002*(0.000416666666666667*3600)**2=0.00450000000000001 Got median FWHM 11.2367849349976" from the table. Got median semi-major axis 2.77570259571076" from the table. The confusion radius is 7.15945615951379 pixels. Initial FWHM is 6.5362799864316" (4.3575199909544 pixels). Snip size is 81 x 81 pixels. Semi-major axis limit is 5.55140519142151 pixels. Reading star catalog file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits ... ... read 701 stars. Filtering ... Building PSF from 256 sources ... Masked 2566 sources. Generate PSF data from 1 NUV file ... Catalog file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits, image = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-intbgsub.fits Mag limit = -999 999, source count limit = 0 Using 256 sources out of a total of 9015 read. Rejected ... 1 for confusion 3070 for being beyond 1200 pix 23 with semi-major axis > 8.33" 1559 for centroid count < 2 4106 for not matching star catalog 0 for being over the count limit. MAG_AUTO histogram of used sources: N(-5)=2 N(-4)=12 N(-3)=25 N(-2)=33 N(-1)=42 N(0)=83 N(1)=33 N(2)=22 N(3)=4 By region ... Writing PSF(s) to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-psf_eq.fits ... Writing PSF pixels ... Done. -------------------------- Band 2 Getting band/OW info from MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd ... Found band/OW = f/d, inbase now 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd'. Using obase 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd'. Opening statfile MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-psf_eq_stats.txt ... Reading file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits ... Loading col.s (NUMBER X_IMAGE Y_IMAGE A_IMAGE B_IMAGE THETA_IMAGE ALPHA_J2000 DELTA_J2000 FLAGS FWHM_IMAGE MAG_AUTO) from HDU #2 ... Found 2344 rows. Reading image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits ... Getting image center ... Found (1900.48813253913,1993.96462137968). Read 3840X3840 image. CDELT1=0.000416666666666667, EXPTIME=1480., BG=0.0002*(0.000416666666666667*3600)**2=0.000450000000000001 Got median FWHM 8.94614124298096" from the table. Got median semi-major axis 2.20195770263672" from the table. The confusion radius is 7.15945615951379 pixels. Initial FWHM is 5.185214037323" (3.45680935821533 pixels). Snip size is 81 x 81 pixels. Semi-major axis limit is 4.40391540527344 pixels. Reading star catalog file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits ... ... read 54 stars. Filtering ... Building PSF from 13 sources ... Masked 34 sources. Generate PSF data from 1 FUV file ... Catalog file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits, image = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-intbgsub.fits Mag limit = -999 999, source count limit = 0 Using 13 sources out of a total of 2344 read. Rejected ... 717 for being beyond 1200 pix 8 with semi-major axis > 6.61" 693 for centroid count < 2 913 for not matching star catalog 0 for being over the count limit. MAG_AUTO histogram of used sources: N(-2)=1 N(-1)=0 N(0)=2 N(1)=2 N(2)=4 N(3)=2 N(4)=2 By region ... Writing PSF(s) to /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-psf_eq.fits ... Writing PSF pixels ... Done. << End of GetFWHM >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:40:59Z PCPU: 0.67/0.11/22 CCPU: 9.4/0.9 HOST: skirnir PID: 9309 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ------- Running galexrgb for category rgb ... Mysystem exec'ing galexrgb (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... galexrgb -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -2 -4 -8 -32 -bgsub -brite 2.5 << GALEXrgb >> version='$Id: galexrgb,v 1.38 2007/08/20 16:53:13 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:49:26Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:41:02Z PCPU: 0.26/0.03/1 CCPU: 0.04/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 9409 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/galexrgb (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GALEXrgb: sigclip = undef; nsigma = 2,12,2,12; bgsub = 1; clean = undef; half = 1; forth = 1; eighth = 1; thumb = 1; no_full = undef; brightness = 2.5; suffix = undef; sigexec = rgb_galex_fields; asinhexec = rgb_galex_asinh; idl = /usr/local/bin/idl; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/; output_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; cal_path = cal; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; ais = undef; tbase = 0; sctbase = 315964800; pipe_data_version_number = 1; run = undef; not = undef; execs = {rta=>grta,ingest=>gingest,add=>addemup,ingest32=>ingest,flag=>gmkflagmap,spac=>gspac,spex=>gspex,map=>photmap,fitstblcat=>fitstblcat,merge=>gmerge,spcombine=>gcombine,varpix=>movievarpix,astromchk=>astromchk,xhk=>xhk,sex=>sextra,instsim=>ginstsim,pipeqa=>gpipeqa,spacadd=>gspacadd,sppipeqa=>gpipeqa,trend=>ghktrend,ingest18=>hkdump}; verbose = 1; debug = 0; log_file = undef; test = undef; Setting 'setenv IDL_PATH=/usr/local/rsi/idl/lib:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/lib/idl/galex:/home/galex/lib/idl/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/DustCodeIDL:/home/galex/lib/idl/fanning:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/img:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/imgroam:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/misc:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/uit' Chdir to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/'. Sending to IDL: 'rgb_galex_asinh,'/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-int.fits.gz','/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-int.fits.gz','MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int',/verbose,/bgsub,/full,/half,/fourth,/eighth,/thumb,brite=2.5'. Wrote files MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color.jpg MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_large.jpg MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium.jpg MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_small.jpg MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_thumb.jpg . Done. << End of GALEXrgb >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:41:55Z PCPU: 0.96/0.12/54 CCPU: 31.27/5.57 HOST: skirnir PID: 9409 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' ------- Running mkimannot for category annot ... Looking for a medium jpeg ... Mysystem exec'ing mkimannot (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... mkimannot -image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium.jpg -new_image /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium_annot.jpg -nuvmin_flag 3 -roll 102.959918502413 -ra 55.7058108427275 -dec -6.41672967576831 -map_ra 55.69742 -map_dec -6.44734 -rtastar /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits -flagstar /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits -addstar /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits ### ### ### ### Start of mkimannot ### ### (23oct07) ### ### image file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium.jpg new_image file = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium_annot.jpg rtastar = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits flagstar = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits addstar = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits Requested side = 960.000000 Arcsec/pixel = 6.0000 Overlay JPG file= Overlay GIF file= NOTE: Look for map center RA, Dec, and roll angle in rtastar file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits'. NOTE: From file(map): RAc= -999.000000 DECc= -999.000000 roll= 103.0013 NOTE: Using FOV RA,Dec,Roll= 55.7058108 -6.4167297 102.9599 NOTE: Using map RA,Dec,Roll= 55.6974200 -6.4473400 103.0013 Use width = 11.280335 NOTE: Number of sources: 701 . NOTE: New number of sources: 327 . NOTE: Number of sources: 331 . NOTE: New number of sources: 331 . NOTE: Number of sources: 47 . NOTE: New number of sources: 47 . SYSTEM: /bin/rm -f /tmp/temp2_2010-02-28T10:41:59_9478.gif SYSTEM: giftrans -t 0 /tmp/temp1_2010-02-28T10:41:59_9478.gif > /tmp/temp2_2010-02-28T10:41:59_9478.gif SYSTEM: convert /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium.jpg -quality 100 -draw 'image Over 0,0 960,960 "/tmp/temp2_2010-02-28T10:41:59_9478.gif"' /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-int_2color_medium_annot.jpg SYSTEM: /bin/rm -f /tmp/temp1_2010-02-28T10:41:59_9478.gif SYSTEM: /bin/rm -f /tmp/temp2_2010-02-28T10:41:59_9478.gif ------- Running marshalqa for category sum ... Mysystem exec'ing marshalqa (keep,out,err=0,ARRAY(0x91fea00),ARRAY(0x91fea18)) as ... marshalqa -ibase MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ipath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa -ow 1 -verbose -exitcode 0 -fits 1 Now logging 9500 to file OrbPipe.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3/GLOB(0x9a9a068) . Dup'ing STDERR=GLOB(0x8e61a78) to LOG=GLOB(0x9a9a068) with tag ')-'. << MarshalQA >> version='$Id: marshalqa,v 1.51 2006/11/03 22:15:10 tim Exp $', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:48:42Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:42:07Z PCPU: 0.25/0.04/1 CCPU: 0.01/0.01 HOST: skirnir PID: 9500 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/marshalqa (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for MarshalQA: single_band = undef; multiple_visit_product = undef; append = undef; describe = undef; exit_code = 0; input_pattern = *.log,%BASE%*-summary.txt,%BASE%*.fits,%BASE%*.fits.gz,qa/%BASE%*.txt,qa/%BASE%*.fits,qa/%BASE%*.fits.gz; anti_regex = asprefine,getmask; sub_visit = undef; rule_base = QARules.pd; rule_path = /home/galex/ops/params,/home/galex/params; add_rules = undef; input_base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; output_base = undef; input_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa; fits_file = 1; suffix = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; log_file = undef; verbose = 1; debug = 0; InBase = 'MISDR1_27036_0462_0001', InPath = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/', OW='d'. Looking for rule file QARules.pd in /home/galex/ops/params ... Found rule file '/home/galex/ops/params/QARules.pd'. Reading rules from /home/galex/ops/params/QARules.pd ... ... read 214 rules. Found 214 total rules. Globbing *.log ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 1 file(s). Globbing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001*-summary.txt ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 0 file(s). Globbing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001*.fits ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 27 file(s). Globbing MISDR1_27036_0462_0001*.fits.gz ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 34 file(s). Globbing qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001*.txt ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 14 file(s). Globbing qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001*.fits ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 2 file(s). Globbing qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001*.fits.gz ... ... excluding anti-regex matches ... ... matched 0 file(s). Id Band ByBand Min Max File Rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SCST:HKdir - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /HKFL00\d+\s*=\s*'(\S+)// | SCST:Delivery - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /HKFL00\d+\s*=\s*'.*/(\S+)-hk\.fits'/ | SCST:Eclipse - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(ECLIPSE)%/ | SCST:PlanID - - - 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(PLANID)%/ | SCST:TileID - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=qs(TILENAME)%/ | SCST:TileNum - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(TILENUM)%/ | SCST:MPSOW - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(MPSOW)%/ | SCST:OW - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(OW)%/ | SCST:GRSPA - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(GRSPA)%/ | SCST:RA0 - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(RA_CENT)%/ | SCST:Dec0 - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(DEC_CENT)%/ | SCST:NLegs - - - 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(MPSNPOS)%/ | SCST:SubVisit - - - 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(SUBVIS)%/ | SCST:Leg - - - 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(LEG)%/ | SCST:RALeg - - - 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(LEGRA)%/ | SCST:DecLeg - - - 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(LEGDEC)%/ | SCST:Visit - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(VISIT)%/ | SCST:Plan - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=qs(MPSPLAN)%/ | SCST:Phase - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=qs(MPSPHASE)%/ | SCST:SurveyType - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=qs(MPSTYPE)%/ | SCST:Roll - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(ROLL)%/ | SCST:NHVNom - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(NHVNOM)%/ | SCST:NHVNomNUV - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(NHVNOMN)%/ | SCST:NHVNomFUV - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=f(NHVNOMF)%/ | SCST:AbsCalPath - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=qs(ABSCAL)%/ | SCST:PipeType - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(PIPETYPE)%/ | SCST:Petal - - 1 1 -scst\.fits /%:=i(PETAL)%/ | RTA:NAspTot - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(NASPTOT)%/ | RTA:NAspACS - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(NASPACS)%/ | RTA:NAspRTA - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(NASPRTA)%/ | RTA:NAspACSSkip - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(NACSSKIP)%/ | RTA:NAspRTASkip - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(NRTASKIP)%/ | RTA:GRelease - - 1 1 -asp\.fits /%:=qs(GRELEASE)%/ | AspRefine:RefineDRA - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(REFDX)%/ | AspRefine:RefineDDec - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(REFDY)%/ | AspRefine:RefineDRoll - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(REFDROLL)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRACorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRACorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDRACorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRACorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDDecCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDDecCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDDecCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDDecCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRollCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRollCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDRollCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRollCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRACorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRACorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDRACorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRACorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDDecCorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDDecCorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDDecCorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDDecCorrFlat - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDistCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDistCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDistCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDistCorr - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDistPlan - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDistPlan - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDistPlan - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDistPlan - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDRDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRCorrDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTAV)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRCorrDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTSD)%/ | AspQA:MinDRCorrDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTMN)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRCorrDt - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTMX)%/ | AspQA:MeanRTARA - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(RTAAVRA)%/ | AspQA:MeanRTADec - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(RTAAVDC)%/ | AspQA:MeanRTAACSDist - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRTAACS)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRACorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRACorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDRACorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRACorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDDecCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDDecCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDDecCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDDecCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRollCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRollCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDRollCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRollCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DROLMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDistCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDistCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDistCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDistCorrRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDistPlanRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDistPlanRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDistPlanRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDistPlanRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DSTPMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRACorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRACorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDRACorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRACorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DXFMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDDecCorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDDecCorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDDecCorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDDecCorrFlatRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DYFMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDRDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRDTMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanDRCorrDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTAVR)%/ | AspQA:StdDevDRCorrDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTSDR)%/ | AspQA:MinDRCorrDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTMNR)%/ | AspQA:MaxDRCorrDtRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DCDTMXR)%/ | AspQA:MeanRTARARaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(RTAAVRAR)%/ | AspQA:MeanRTADecRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(RTAAVDCR)%/ | AspQA:MeanRTAACSDistRaw - - 1 1 -asprta\.fits /%:=f(DRTAACSR)%/ | PlateSol:DRA - - 1 1 -cat_mch_rtastar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLDX)%/ | PlateSol:DDec - - 1 1 -cat_mch_rtastar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLDY)%/ | PlateSol:DRoll - - 1 1 -cat_mch_rtastar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLDROL)%/ | PlateSol:NumMatches - - 1 1 -cat_mch_rtastar\.fits /%:=f(ACNMCHUS)%/ | PlateSol:NumMatchesUsed - - 1 1 -cat_mch_rtastar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLNMCH)%/ | PlateSol:DRAMore - - 1 1 -cat_mch_flagstar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLDX)%/ | PlateSol:DDecMore - - 1 1 -cat_mch_flagstar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLDY)%/ | PlateSol:DRollMore - - 1 1 -cat_mch_flagstar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLDROL)%/ | PlateSol:NumMatchesMore - 1 2 2 -cat_mch_flagstar\.fits /%:=f(ACNMCHUS)%/ | PlateSol:NumMatchesUsedMore - - 1 1 -cat_mch_flagstar\.fits /%:=f(PSOLNMCH)%/ | SExtra:MeanPosErrFix - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(AVEPEFIX)%/ | SExtra:MinPosErrFix - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(MINPEFIX)%/ | SExtra:MaxPosErrFix - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(MAXPEFIX)%/ | SExtra:MeanPosErr - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(AVEPEA)%/ | SExtra:MinPosErr - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(MINPEA)%/ | SExtra:MaxPosErr - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(MAXPEA)%/ | SExtra:SExDetBGRMS - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(SXDBGRMS)%/ | SExtra:DetBGSig - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(PSIGDET)%/ | SExtra:MedianBG - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(PMEDBG)%/ | SExtra:MedianRR - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(PMEDRR)%/ | SExtra:MedianThresh - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(PTHRBG)%/ | SExtra:NSigmaThresh - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(PTHRESH)%/ | SExtra:AreaDet - 1 2 2 -cat\.fits /%:=f(AREADET)%/ | PhotMap:ElapTime - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(PHTELAP)%/ | PhotMap:PhTime0 - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(PHTFIRST)%/ | PhotMap:PhTime1 - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(PHTLAST)%/ | PhotMap:PhDaTime - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=qs(OBSDATIM)%/ | PhotMap:ExpTime - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(EXPTIME)%/ | PhotMap:NPhRead - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=i(TOTREAD)%/ | PhotMap:NPhOnMap - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=i(TOTONMAP)%/ | PhotMap:NPhSkip - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=i(NSKIP)%/ | PhotMap:NPhMask2 - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=i(NMASKED)%/ | PhotMap:CntMean - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(CNTAVE)%/ | PhotMap:CntMed - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(CNTMED)%/ | PhotMap:Cnt1Pct - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(CNTPCT1)%/ | PhotMap:Cnt99Pct - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(CNTPCT99)%/ | PhotMap:MeanCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(AVER8)%/ | PhotMap:MinCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(MINR8)%/ | PhotMap:MaxCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(MAXR8)%/ | PhotMap:StdDevCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SIGR8)%/ | PhotMap:MeanStimCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(AVESTMR8)%/ | PhotMap:MinStimCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(MINSTMR8)%/ | PhotMap:MaxStimCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(MAXSTMR8)%/ | PhotMap:StdDevStimCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SIGSTMR8)%/ | PhotMap:MeanFDead - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(AVEFDEAD)%/ | PhotMap:MinFDead - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(MINFDEAD)%/ | PhotMap:MaxFDead - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(MAXFDEAD)%/ | PhotMap:StdDevFDead - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SIGFDEAD)%/ | PhotMap:RAFldCen - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(AVASPRA)%/ | PhotMap:DecFldCen - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(AVASPDEC)%/ | PhotMap:MeanRoll - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(AVASPROL)%/ | PhotMap:NAspUsed - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(NASPOK)%/ | PhotMap:NAspRead - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(NASPALL)%/ | PhotMap:NValidPhot - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(NVALIDPH)%/ | PhotMap:ExpNSecs - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SMNSECS)%/ | PhotMap:InnerCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SMR8LTR0)%/ | PhotMap:OuterCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SMR8GTR1)%/ | PhotMap:StrayCPS - 1 2 2 -cnt\.fits /%:=f(SMR8R0R1)%/ | Photmap:NHVNomNUV - - 1 1 -n[dgo]-rr\.fits /%:=f(NHVNOMN)%/ | Photmap:NHVNomFUV - - 1 1 -f[dgo]-rr\.fits /%:=f(NHVNOMF)%/ | Photmap:NVisitsNUV - - - 1 -n[dgo]-rr\.fits /%:=f(NADDED)%/ | Photmap:NVisitsFUV - - - 1 -f[dgo]-rr\.fits /%:=f(NADDED)%/ | Photmap:RA0 - - 1 1 -rr\.fits /%:=f(RA_CENT)%/ | Photmap:Dec0 - - 1 1 -rr\.fits /%:=f(DEC_CENT)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMGaussFit - 1 2 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(GBLFWHM)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMNSamp - 1 2 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(NUSED)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMGaussFitSum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLFWHM)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMMajSum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLA)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMMinSum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLB)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMEllipSum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLE)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMThetaSum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLTHET)%/ | GetFWHM:FW80Sum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLFW80)%/ | GetFWHM:PkPixFracSum - 1 - 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(ALLPKPX)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMCat - 1 2 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(CATFWHM)%/ | GetFWHM:FWHMCatMaj - 1 2 2 qa/[^/]*-psf.*\.fits$ /%:=f(CATFWHMA)%/ | GMergeQA:NsingleBand 1 1 - 2 -mcat\.fits /%:=i(TOTUFN)%/ | GMergeQA:NsingleBand 2 2 - 2 -mcat\.fits /%:=i(TOTUFF)%/ | GMergeQA:Nmerged - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=i(TOTFILL)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeMedianDx - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQDDXMED)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeMedianDy - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQDDYMED)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDx - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQDDXRMS)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDy - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQDDYRMS)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDx - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQDDXMRM)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDy - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQDDYMRM)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeMedianDRA - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQSDXMED)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeMedianDDec - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQSDYMED)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDRA - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQSDXRMS)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDDec - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQSDYRMS)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDRA - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQSDXMRM)%/ | GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDDec - - - 1 -mcat\.fits /%:=f(BQSDYMRM)%/ | GSpac:SpecMedFWHM 1 1 - 2 -xg-gsp\.fits /%:=f(SQNFWHMM)%/ | GSpac:SpecMedFWHM 2 2 - 2 -xg-gsp\.fits /%:=f(SQFFWHMM)%/ | GSpac:SpecStdDevFWHM 1 1 - 2 -xg-gsp\.fits /%:=f(SQNFWHMR)%/ | GSpac:SpecStdDevFWHM 2 2 - 2 -xg-gsp\.fits /%:=f(SQFFWHMR)%/ | GSpac:NUVMchStdDev - - - 1 -xg-gsp\.fits /%:=f(SQNRCRMS)%/ | GSpac:NUVCatMchGRSPAOff - - - 1 -ng-gsax\.fits /%:=f(GRSPADIF)%/ | GSpac:NUVCatMchDXOff - - - 1 -ng-gsax\.fits /%:=f(SXOFF)%/ | GSpac:NUVCatMchDYOff - - - 1 -ng-gsax\.fits /%:=f(SYOFF)%/ | GSpac:NUVCatMchDRollOff - - - 1 -ng-gsax\.fits /%:=f(STWIST)%/ | GSpac:NUVCatMchMedResidual - - - 1 -ng-gsax\.fits /%:=f(SMDNRES)%/ Opening output file '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-sumstats.txt' ... Slurping and searching files ... Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits ... Rule RTA:GRelease(0) found 1 items 'ops-v7_0_1'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits matched 1 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Rule RTA:NAspTot(0) found 1 items '1509'. Rule RTA:NAspACS(0) found 1 items '1509'. Rule RTA:NAspRTA(0) found 1 items '1481'. Rule RTA:NAspACSSkip(0) found 1 items '0'. Rule RTA:NAspRTASkip(0) found 1 items '28'. Rule AspRefine:RefineDRA(0) found 1 items '-0.2101'. Rule AspRefine:RefineDDec(0) found 1 items '0.1223'. Rule AspRefine:RefineDRoll(0) found 1 items '0.00529'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRACorr(0) found 1 items '-27.647330036594'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRACorr(0) found 1 items '3.93838307758945'. Rule AspQA:MinDRACorr(0) found 1 items '-35.5487819840168'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRACorr(0) found 1 items '-23.1835308744924'. Rule AspQA:MeanDDecCorr(0) found 1 items '114.022049580613'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDDecCorr(0) found 1 items '7.97588241649811'. Rule AspQA:MinDDecCorr(0) found 1 items '102.032144524416'. Rule AspQA:MaxDDecCorr(0) found 1 items '129.660666394266'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRollCorr(0) found 1 items '-149.163874015994'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRollCorr(0) found 1 items '24.9913226190229'. Rule AspQA:MinDRollCorr(0) found 1 items '-225.5439381325'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRollCorr(0) found 1 items '-106.554096045767'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRACorrFlat(0) found 1 items '-4.79945173267518E-05'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRACorrFlat(0) found 1 items '0.329562023982597'. Rule AspQA:MinDRACorrFlat(0) found 1 items '-0.87154275503752'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRACorrFlat(0) found 1 items '0.979116591622589'. Rule AspQA:MeanDDecCorrFlat(0) found 1 items '0.000210671386562187'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDDecCorrFlat(0) found 1 items '0.431671399829302'. Rule AspQA:MinDDecCorrFlat(0) found 1 items '-0.964728202787128'. Rule AspQA:MaxDDecCorrFlat(0) found 1 items '0.924830991229015'. Rule AspQA:MeanDistCorr(0) found 1 items '117.342503447752'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDistCorr(0) found 1 items '8.67539546618386'. Rule AspQA:MinDistCorr(0) found 1 items '104.852731568758'. Rule AspQA:MaxDistCorr(0) found 1 items '134.294513221072'. Rule AspQA:MeanDistPlan(0) found 1 items '116.911058631035'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDistPlan(0) found 1 items '27.8689208460916'. Rule AspQA:MinDistPlan(0) found 1 items '57.659524346562'. Rule AspQA:MaxDistPlan(0) found 1 items '164.305772987177'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRDt(0) found 1 items '1.91332531739317'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRDt(0) found 1 items '0.381570146275534'. Rule AspQA:MinDRDt(0) found 1 items '0.726789693909624'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRDt(0) found 1 items '2.83282370902796'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRCorrDt(0) found 1 items '-0.0179350362534005'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRCorrDt(0) found 1 items '0.0984542255494351'. Rule AspQA:MinDRCorrDt(0) found 1 items '-0.317978870525664'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRCorrDt(0) found 1 items '0.355902210723912'. Rule AspQA:MeanRTARA(0) found 1 items '55.7058108426342'. Rule AspQA:MeanRTADec(0) found 1 items '-6.4167296759232'. Rule AspQA:MeanRTAACSDist(0) found 1 items '117.32604803499'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRACorrRaw(0) found 1 items '-26.07030054593'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRACorrRaw(0) found 1 items '3.33374444588196'. Rule AspQA:MinDRACorrRaw(0) found 1 items '-41.4145332977432'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRACorrRaw(0) found 1 items '-21.3854975148713'. Rule AspQA:MeanDDecCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '116.026913876692'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDDecCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '7.43776251001054'. Rule AspQA:MinDDecCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '101.943583965109'. Rule AspQA:MaxDDecCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '143.093028338439'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRollCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '-143.196184586827'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRollCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '20.7152470030012'. Rule AspQA:MinDRollCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '-222.244120677647'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRollCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '-93.6961012814152'. Rule AspQA:MeanDistCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '118.936220526001'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDistCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '7.90647053661804'. Rule AspQA:MinDistCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '104.755925125166'. Rule AspQA:MaxDistCorrRaw(0) found 1 items '148.960220003525'. Rule AspQA:MeanDistPlanRaw(0) found 1 items '116.911058631035'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDistPlanRaw(0) found 1 items '27.8689208460916'. Rule AspQA:MinDistPlanRaw(0) found 1 items '57.659524346562'. Rule AspQA:MaxDistPlanRaw(0) found 1 items '164.305772987177'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRACorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '-0.000112775187781018'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRACorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '0.824293846056191'. Rule AspQA:MinDRACorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '-2.6759774029447'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRACorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '2.18655585619808'. Rule AspQA:MeanDDecCorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '-0.000217148080566642'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDDecCorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '3.91993638375411'. Rule AspQA:MinDDecCorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '-9.11712123416812'. Rule AspQA:MaxDDecCorrFlatRaw(0) found 1 items '10.7561710365248'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRDtRaw(0) found 1 items '1.91332542464751'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRDtRaw(0) found 1 items '0.381570169852062'. Rule AspQA:MinDRDtRaw(0) found 1 items '0.726789738200761'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRDtRaw(0) found 1 items '2.83282389328859'. Rule AspQA:MeanDRCorrDtRaw(0) found 1 items '-0.0296752996686215'. Rule AspQA:StdDevDRCorrDtRaw(0) found 1 items '0.338569692711167'. Rule AspQA:MinDRCorrDtRaw(0) found 1 items '-1.13158515957829'. Rule AspQA:MaxDRCorrDtRaw(0) found 1 items '1.03316232037773'. Rule AspQA:MeanRTARARaw(0) found 1 items '55.7058108426779'. Rule AspQA:MeanRTADecRaw(0) found 1 items '-6.41672967583951'. Rule AspQA:MeanRTAACSDistRaw(0) found 1 items '118.919735434913'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits matched 86 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits ... Rule SExtra:MeanPosErrFix(2) found 1 items '1.98667669982291'. Rule SExtra:MinPosErrFix(2) found 1 items '1.94520078209721'. Rule SExtra:MaxPosErrFix(2) found 1 items '1.98801221545282'. Rule SExtra:MeanPosErr(2) found 1 items '0.391092835535098'. Rule SExtra:MinPosErr(2) found 1 items '0.0093932485835495'. Rule SExtra:MaxPosErr(2) found 1 items '1.03174914760965'. Rule SExtra:SExDetBGRMS(2) found 1 items '1.12919'. Rule SExtra:DetBGSig(2) found 1 items '1.59249072619175'. Rule SExtra:MedianBG(2) found 1 items '0.000582337379455566'. Rule SExtra:MedianRR(2) found 1 items '1289.15930175781'. Rule SExtra:MedianThresh(2) found 1 items '0.000422043415182345'. Rule SExtra:NSigmaThresh(2) found 1 items '2.5'. Rule SExtra:AreaDet(2) found 1 items '20.4'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits matched 13 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits ... Rule PlateSol:DRAMore(0) found 1 items '0.5737'. Rule PlateSol:DDecMore(0) found 1 items '-0.7347'. Rule PlateSol:DRollMore(0) found 1 items '-0.00402000000002545'. Rule PlateSol:NumMatchesMore(2) found 1 items '21'. Rule PlateSol:NumMatchesUsedMore(0) found 1 items '21'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits matched 5 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits ... Rule Photmap:NHVNomFUV(0) found 1 items '1509'. Rule Photmap:RA0(0) found 1 items '55.69742'. Rule Photmap:Dec0(0) found 1 items '-6.44734'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits matched 3 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits ... Rule SExtra:MeanPosErrFix(1) found 1 items '1.02644989960193'. Rule SExtra:MinPosErrFix(1) found 1 items '1.02532246602219'. Rule SExtra:MaxPosErrFix(1) found 1 items '1.02646983729679'. Rule SExtra:MeanPosErr(1) found 1 items '0.558697527660572'. Rule SExtra:MinPosErr(1) found 1 items '0.00539054604680868'. Rule SExtra:MaxPosErr(1) found 1 items '1.55230577814961'. Rule SExtra:SExDetBGRMS(1) found 1 items '2.22042'. Rule SExtra:DetBGSig(1) found 1 items '2.24962320587297'. Rule SExtra:MedianBG(1) found 1 items '0.00409507751464844'. Rule SExtra:MedianRR(1) found 1 items '1151.03210449219'. Rule SExtra:MedianThresh(1) found 1 items '0.00083845075774183'. Rule SExtra:NSigmaThresh(1) found 1 items '2'. Rule SExtra:AreaDet(1) found 1 items '20.4'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits matched 13 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits ... Rule PlateSol:DRAMore(0) found 1 items '0.0449'. Rule PlateSol:DDecMore(0) found 1 items '0.053'. Rule PlateSol:DRollMore(0) found 1 items '-0.00254000000001042'. Rule PlateSol:NumMatchesMore(1) found 1 items '382'. Rule PlateSol:NumMatchesUsedMore(0) found 1 items '382'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits matched 5 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits ... Rule PlateSol:DRA(0) found 1 items '-0.0696'. Rule PlateSol:DDec(0) found 1 items '-0.1175'. Rule PlateSol:DRoll(0) found 1 items '-0.00130999999998949'. Rule PlateSol:NumMatches(0) found 1 items '102'. Rule PlateSol:NumMatchesUsed(0) found 1 items '102'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits matched 5 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits ... Rule Photmap:NHVNomNUV(0) found 1 items '1504'. Rule Photmap:RA0(0) found 1 items '55.69742'. Rule Photmap:Dec0(0) found 1 items '-6.44734'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits matched 3 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Rule SCST:HKdir(0) found 1 items '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try'. Rule SCST:Delivery(0) found 1 items '04307az03i'. Rule SCST:Eclipse(0) found 1 items '8090'. Rule SCST:PlanID(0) found 1 items '3345'. Rule SCST:TileID(0) found 1 items 'MISDR1_27036_0462'. Rule SCST:TileNum(0) found 1 items '3345'. Rule SCST:MPSOW(0) found 1 items '1'. Rule SCST:OW(0) found 1 items '1'. Rule SCST:GRSPA(0) found 1 items '186.388889128168'. Rule SCST:RA0(0) found 1 items '55.69742'. Rule SCST:Dec0(0) found 1 items '-6.44734'. Rule SCST:NLegs(0) found 1 items '0'. Rule SCST:Visit(0) found 1 items '1'. Rule SCST:Plan(0) found 1 items 'mis'. Rule SCST:Phase(0) found 1 items 'G2'. Rule SCST:SurveyType(0) found 1 items 'MIS'. Rule SCST:Roll(0) found 1 items '102.998889128168'. Rule SCST:NHVNom(0) found 1 items '1509'. Rule SCST:NHVNomNUV(0) found 1 items '1504'. Rule SCST:NHVNomFUV(0) found 1 items '1509'. Rule SCST:AbsCalPath(0) found 1 items '/home/galex/cal/targ/cal05.00'. Rule SCST:PipeType(0) found 1 items '0'. Rule SCST:Petal(0) found 1 items '0'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits matched 23 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits ... Rule GMergeQA:NsingleBand(1) found 1 items '7499'. Rule GMergeQA:NsingleBand(2) found 1 items '818'. Rule GMergeQA:Nmerged(0) found 1 items '1526'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeMedianDx(0) found 1 items '0.140008717775345'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeMedianDy(0) found 1 items '0.0521692298352718'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDx(0) found 1 items '1.13515830039978'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDy(0) found 1 items '0.994274914264679'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDx(0) found 1 items '0.0525851920247078'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDy(0) found 1 items '0.0460588969290257'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeMedianDRA(0) found 1 items '0.0648103505373001'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeMedianDDec(0) found 1 items '0.122051522135735'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDRA(0) found 1 items '1.00540709495544'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevDDec(0) found 1 items '1.12603843212128'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDRA(0) found 1 items '0.0465745851397514'. Rule GMergeQA:MergeStdDevMeanDDec(0) found 1 items '0.0521627217531204'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits matched 15 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits.gz ... Rule PhotMap:ElapTime(2) found 1 items '1480'. Rule PhotMap:PhTime0(2) found 1 items '783444341.995'. Rule PhotMap:PhTime1(2) found 1 items '783445821.995'. Rule PhotMap:PhDaTime(2) found 1 items '041102T152542Z'. Rule PhotMap:ExpTime(2) found 1 items '1480'. Rule PhotMap:NPhRead(2) found 1 items '6078702'. Rule PhotMap:NPhOnMap(2) found 1 items '4999524'. Rule PhotMap:NPhSkip(2) found 1 items '949614'. Rule PhotMap:NPhMask2(2) found 1 items '839071'. Rule PhotMap:CntMean(2) found 1 items '0.778761525104207'. Rule PhotMap:CntMed(2) found 1 items '1'. Rule PhotMap:Cnt1Pct(2) found 1 items '0'. Rule PhotMap:Cnt99Pct(2) found 1 items '4'. Rule PhotMap:MeanCPS(2) found 1 items '4019.68716216216'. Rule PhotMap:MinCPS(2) found 1 items '3793'. Rule PhotMap:MaxCPS(2) found 1 items '4369'. Rule PhotMap:StdDevCPS(2) found 1 items '93.4419011029399'. Rule PhotMap:MeanStimCPS(2) found 1 items '74.6905405405405'. Rule PhotMap:MinStimCPS(2) found 1 items '69'. Rule PhotMap:MaxStimCPS(2) found 1 items '77'. Rule PhotMap:StdDevStimCPS(2) found 1 items '1.30175612585542'. Rule PhotMap:MeanFDead(2) found 1 items '0.0230353397662152'. Rule PhotMap:MinFDead(2) found 1 items '0.0041145792384097'. Rule PhotMap:MaxFDead(2) found 1 items '0.0958408679927667'. Rule PhotMap:StdDevFDead(2) found 1 items '0.0157745785046116'. Rule PhotMap:RAFldCen(2) found 1 items '55.7058108427275'. Rule PhotMap:DecFldCen(2) found 1 items '-6.41672967576831'. Rule PhotMap:MeanRoll(2) found 1 items '102.959918502413'. Rule PhotMap:NAspUsed(2) found 1 items '1481'. Rule PhotMap:NAspRead(2) found 1 items '1481'. Rule PhotMap:NValidPhot(2) found 1 items '4852532'. Rule PhotMap:ExpNSecs(2) found 1 items '1480'. Rule PhotMap:InnerCPS(2) found 1 items '3938.17635135135'. Rule PhotMap:OuterCPS(2) found 1 items '75.1202702702703'. Rule PhotMap:StrayCPS(2) found 1 items '6.39121621621622'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cnt.fits.gz matched 35 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits.gz ... Rule PhotMap:ElapTime(1) found 1 items '1480'. Rule PhotMap:PhTime0(1) found 1 items '783444341.995'. Rule PhotMap:PhTime1(1) found 1 items '783445821.995'. Rule PhotMap:PhDaTime(1) found 1 items '041102T152542Z'. Rule PhotMap:ExpTime(1) found 1 items '1480'. Rule PhotMap:NPhRead(1) found 1 items '39224707'. Rule PhotMap:NPhOnMap(1) found 1 items '35458414'. Rule PhotMap:NPhSkip(1) found 1 items '2940343'. Rule PhotMap:NPhMask2(1) found 1 items '2842775'. Rule PhotMap:CntMean(1) found 1 items '5.43891467939573'. Rule PhotMap:CntMed(1) found 1 items '5'. Rule PhotMap:Cnt1Pct(1) found 1 items '1'. Rule PhotMap:Cnt99Pct(1) found 1 items '12'. Rule PhotMap:MeanCPS(1) found 1 items '25945.1054054054'. Rule PhotMap:MinCPS(1) found 1 items '25177'. Rule PhotMap:MaxCPS(1) found 1 items '27203'. Rule PhotMap:StdDevCPS(1) found 1 items '371.253272393565'. Rule PhotMap:MeanStimCPS(1) found 1 items '65.9101351351351'. Rule PhotMap:MinStimCPS(1) found 1 items '56'. Rule PhotMap:MaxStimCPS(1) found 1 items '76'. Rule PhotMap:StdDevStimCPS(1) found 1 items '3.02134036733074'. Rule PhotMap:MeanFDead(1) found 1 items '0.136435948488783'. Rule PhotMap:MinFDead(1) found 1 items '0.0565296013837566'. Rule PhotMap:MaxFDead(1) found 1 items '0.239982178892471'. Rule PhotMap:StdDevFDead(1) found 1 items '0.0373917096386833'. Rule PhotMap:RAFldCen(1) found 1 items '55.705803845117'. Rule PhotMap:DecFldCen(1) found 1 items '-6.4167285324931'. Rule PhotMap:MeanRoll(1) found 1 items '102.959924289279'. Rule PhotMap:NAspUsed(1) found 1 items '1484'. Rule PhotMap:NAspRead(1) found 1 items '1484'. Rule PhotMap:NValidPhot(1) found 1 items '34674155'. Rule PhotMap:ExpNSecs(1) found 1 items '1480'. Rule PhotMap:InnerCPS(1) found 1 items '25870.6871621622'. Rule PhotMap:OuterCPS(1) found 1 items '73.8412162162162'. Rule PhotMap:StrayCPS(1) found 1 items '0.577702702702703'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cnt.fits.gz matched 35 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-psf_eq.fits ... Rule GetFWHM:FWHMGaussFit(2) found 1 items '3.99'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMNSamp(2) found 1 items '13'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMGaussFitSum(2) found 1 items '4.55'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMMajSum(2) found 1 items '5.52'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMMinSum(2) found 1 items '5.1'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMEllipSum(2) found 1 items '0.92'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMThetaSum(2) found 1 items '60.02'. Rule GetFWHM:FW80Sum(2) found 1 items '7.38'. Rule GetFWHM:PkPixFracSum(2) found 1 items '0.0936424812982549'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMCat(2) found 1 items '5.18'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMCatMaj(2) found 1 items '6.1'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-psf_eq.fits matched 11 rules. Slurping and searching file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-psf_eq.fits ... Rule GetFWHM:FWHMGaussFit(1) found 1 items '5.11'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMNSamp(1) found 1 items '256'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMGaussFitSum(1) found 1 items '5.28'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMMajSum(1) found 1 items '7'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMMinSum(1) found 1 items '6.14'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMEllipSum(1) found 1 items '0.87'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMThetaSum(1) found 1 items '112.01'. Rule GetFWHM:FW80Sum(1) found 1 items '9.42'. Rule GetFWHM:PkPixFracSum(1) found 1 items '0.0661390204736853'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMCat(1) found 1 items '5.6'. Rule GetFWHM:FWHMCatMaj(1) found 1 items '8.33'. File /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-psf_eq.fits matched 11 rules. Matched a total of 264 rules. Writing output to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-sumstats.txt' ... Writing 20 columns and 210 rows to '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-sumstats.fits' ... Done. << End of MarshalQA >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:42:24Z PCPU: 1.64/0.23/18 CCPU: 0.02/0.04 HOST: skirnir PID: 9500 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' << End of GPipeQA >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:42:26Z PCPU: 0.63/0.14/199 CCPU: 46.59/8.29 HOST: skirnir PID: 8887 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' << End of OrbPipe1b >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:42:28Z PCPU: 0.96/0.15/935 CCPU: 408.1/37.61 HOST: skirnir PID: 6927 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Updating headers of FITS files matching '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-*.fits' modified after 100228T180041Z (1267380041) (skew=0 seconds, slop=30 seconds) ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asp.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-aspraw.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-asprta_preref.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-exp.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-exp.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_tbl.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flag_tbl.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flags.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-flagstar.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-ncat.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-fd-rr.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_flagstar.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-cat_mch_rtastar.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-exp.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-exp.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-fcat.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flag_tbl.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flags.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-flagstar.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-nd-rr.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-rtastar_used.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-scst.fits ... Checking /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits ... Updating header for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-xd-mcat.fits ... Updated 25 FITS headers. Compressing files with types ./cnt,./int,./intbgsub,./wt,./skybg,./rrhr,./objmask,./dph,qa/dph2,qa/dphqa,./dose,./scdose,./scq ... Compressed 0 images. SPAWN created cmd 'gqareport -verbose -name MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grel ops-v7_0_1 -mkv0 1 -paths /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ow 1 -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/manual -main=0 -compat -stdout -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict'. Mysystem exec'ing Gqareport (keep,out,err=0,0,0) as ... gqareport -verbose -name MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -grel ops-v7_0_1 -mkv0 1 -paths /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ -base MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 -ow 1 -opath /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/manual -main=0 -compat -stdout -enqjob: -append -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict -orbpipe1b:photmap: -dead -orbpipe1b:grta: -maxdith\ 4e-5 -fitstblcat: -strict << GQAReport >> version='$Id: gqareport,v 1.48 2007/09/27 17:50:12 tim Exp $ ', release=ops-v7_0_1, moddate=2010/02/11_23:49:26Z Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:43:41Z PCPU: 0.26/0.06/2 CCPU: 0/0 HOST: skirnir PID: 9779 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' CWD: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/ EXEC: /home/galex/ops/bin/gqareport (/home/galex/ops/bin/) Named parameters for GQAReport: run_name = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; min_grelease = ops-v7_0_1; make_v0_file = 1; paths = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/; path_list_file = undef; is_main = 0; main_visit_policy = hdr; stdout = 1; v0_compat = 1; visit_qareport = undef; output_path = /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//qa/manual; base = MISDR1_27036_0462_0001; manqa_path = qa/manual; qa_path = qa; band = undef; opt_wheel_pos = 1; pipe_data_version_number = 1; exec = qareport; idl = /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.1/bin/idl; verbose = 1; other_opts = {visitlinks=>/home/galex/fltops/visits}; debug = 0; Minimum GRELEASE = 'ops-v7_0_1'. Output root = '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_skirnir9779-qareport'. Read 1 paths. Temporary output file name = '/tmp/qareport_9779_hOXw.txt'. Normalized 1 paths. Path list: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try setenv RSI_DIR /usr/local/rsi setenv IDL_DIR /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.1 setenv IDL_PATH /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.1/lib:/usr/local/rsi/idl_6.1/utilities:/usr/local/rsi/idl_6.1/macros:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ops/lib/idl:/home/galex/ds/idl:/home/galex/lib/idl:/users/min/astrolib_jan06/pro:/home/galex/lib/idl/galex:/home/galex/lib/idl/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/DustCodeIDL:/home/galex/lib/idl/fanning:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/astron:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/img:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/imgroam:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/misc:/home/galex/lib/idl/deutsch/uit Sending to IDL: 'qareport, "MISDR1_27036_0462_0001", "/tmp/qareport_9779_hOXw.txt", "/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_skirnir9779-qareport", '01', ow='d', greleasever="ops-v7_0_1", main=0, nonpipe=0, verbose=1, usepathlist=1'. Reading '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001_skirnir9779-qareport.txt' ... # QA REPORT: MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 # Pipeline Minimum: ops-v7_0_1 # Sun Feb 28 10:43:54 2010 # eclipse, field, fexptime, nexptime, nhvnomn, grelease, grade, coadd, flags, comments 8090 | MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 | 1480.00 | 1480.00 | 1509.00 | ops-v7_0_1 | PASS | YES | | # #----------------------------------- #RECOMMENDATION TOTALS #----------------------------------- #PASS : 1 #FAIL : 0 #UNKNOWN : 0 Found these report columns: eclipse field fexptime nexptime nhvnomn grelease grade coadd flags comments Creating v0 QA files ... `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-qa_v00.txt' -> `/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/qa/manual//MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-qa.txt' Done. << End of GQAReport >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:44:09Z PCPU: 0.27/0.07/30 CCPU: 0.49/0.21 HOST: skirnir PID: 9779 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' === OrbPipe: Obst updating suppressed!!! Setting use link in '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img' to '07-try' ... Creating symlink /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/use to target 07-try Creating symlink /home/galex/fltops/visits/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try to target /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try Creating symlink /home/galex/fltops/visits/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/use to target 07-try Locking ops log directory '/home/galex/fltops/logs/pipe' ... Appending to cumulative ops log file '/home/galex/fltops/logs/pipe/ops.log' ... Appending to new ops log file '/home/galex/fltops/logs/pipe/ops_to_status.log' ... Removing RAW6 files created by mini-ingest: /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//e08090_04307az03i-fd-raw6.fits ... gone. /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//e08090_04307az03i-nd-raw6.fits ... gone. /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//e08090_04307az03i_t16-fd-raw6.fits ... gone. /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//e08090_04307az03i_t16-nd-raw6.fits ... gone. /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//e08090_04307hz02i_t16-fd-raw6.fits ... gone. /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//e08090_04307hz02i_t16-nd-raw6.fits ... gone. Unlocking directory /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try//lock... << End of OrbPipe >> status=0 Date/time: 2010/02/28_18:44:14Z PCPU: 14.44/3.31/3812 CCPU: 1637/106 HOST: skirnir PID: 30433 USER: gop GRP: gop/gop CFG: 'ops' OS: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)' Final status report (v1.2) for /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/: start time=100228T174046Z, end time=100228T184416Z, pipeline release='ops-v7_0_1'. Steps specified : ingest,raw6,scst,mkqadir,split,orbpipe1b,opslog,rta,phxcheck,premap,varpix,map,sex,astromchk,flag,flagastromchk,merge,merge_sex,pipeqa,qav0,orbpipe1b Steps suppressed: none Base OW SubVisit MPSLeg Exit Status NUVstat FUVstat RA Dec Roll NExpTime NValidPh FExpTime FValidPh ErrBlame | MISDR1_27036_0462_0001 d 0/0 0/0 0 0/0 0/0 0/0 55.697 -6.447 102.999 1480.0 34674155 1480.0 4852532 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appending summary to file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-summary.txt ... Writing calibration info to file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-calinfo.txt ... Writing status to file /home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/03345-MISDR1_27036_0462/d/00-visits/0001-img/07-try/MISDR1_27036_0462_0001-status.txt ...