Summary Page for Gems in the Chandra Deep Fields: The Nature of Optically Passive X-ray Galaxies (aka XBONGs)
Gems in the Chandra Deep Fields: The Nature of Optically Passive X-ray Galaxies (aka XBONGs)

Target: RGB1144+674


PI: Dr. Sally Laurent-Muehleisen 
Seq Num: 701098
Obs ID: 5675
Instrument: ACIS

Summary Page Contents
  1. Main Summary Page
  2. Observation Parameter Page
  3. Source Page

acisf05675N002 _full _img.fits
acisf05675N002 _cntr _img.fits
acisf05675N002 _full _img.fits
acisf05675N002 _cntr _img.fits