IRAF V2.12EXPORT Release Notes January 25, 2002 Updated: March 15, 2002 These release notes provide a summary of the major changes in V2.12. This is a major release of IRAF and will be available for all supported platforms. More detailed technical documentation of all system changes will be found in the 'notes.v211' and 'notes.v212' files in the iraf$doc and iraf$local directories. Detailed revisions notes for each application package are in the package directories in a file called Revisions, e.g. apphot$Revisions. * Highlights of This Release * IRAF System Revisions Summary * Core IRAF Revisions Summary - New Tasks - Existing tasks with new parameters/defaults - Existing tasks with new capabilities * NOAO Package Revisions Summary - New NOAO Packages - New NOAO Package Tasks - Existing tasks with new parameters/defaults - Existing tasks with new capabilities * General Package Changes * General Task Changes * Parameter File Changes * Details of Major System Changes - FITS Kernel Changes - Large Image Support - Virtual Memory Cache - New Developer libraries * System Changes Which May Affect You - Shared Library Version Incremented - External Package Recompilation - Parameter File Changes - Installation Script Changes - Help System Changes - Image Display Changes - PLIO Changes - New Environment Variables Changes ============================================================================== Highlights of This Release ============================================================================== o Pixel Mask Support Added to FITS Kernel The FITS kernel was modified to add support for storing images in extensions as compressed pixel masks using the binary table extension. These masks may be accessed like any other image and allow for tasks to more easily store bad-pixel masks, regions masks, or error arrays in the same image file as the science data. o New Pixel Mask Tasks Several new tasks have been added to the system PROTO package for manipulating pixel masks: o MIMSTATISTICS allows image statistics to be computed while rejecting pixels specified by an input mask. o MSKEXPR task is a general-purpose mask expression evaluator similar to IMEXPR for images, but has builtin boolean region functions which can be used to set values inside or outside of certain geometric shapes. o MSKREGIONS creates an output mask based on an input text de- scription. Region descriptions can be composed of geometric shapes and logical operation on mask regions. o OBJMASKS in the NPROTO package is a new task for detecting objects in an image and creating an output catalog or pixel mask of found objects. o Shared Memory Limitations Eased The IMAGES and DAOPHOT packages executables are now linked statically to remove per-process memory limitations imposed by the IRAF shared library on Sun and Dec Alpha systems. Previously tasks such as DAOFIND and IMCOMBINE were limited to 268Mb on Sun systems, these tasks can now use up to the machine memory limits. o Image I/O Buffer Sizes Increased Support for large image I/O was improved by changes to the internal buffer sizes. These buffers may automatically adjust to optimal values for the image being accessed, however new environment variables may be set to further tune the buffers at the user level. Where needed applications tasks were modified to take advantage of these buffer size changes to force the imio buffer to be the size of the input image. o Simplified Installation Script The install script was rewritten to clarify the output and provide some basic checking of the IRAF system setup prior to installation, and to do some of the most common post-install configuration. The script will print an explanation of any errors it finds and suggest corrective action, the hope is this will lead the user past some of the most common installation errors. In addition, the SYSINFO diagnostic script which does more extensive checking of the system is also now part of the distribution. This script can be used to verify the system once the install is complete, or to generate a report of the system configuration if needed by site support. An UNINSTALL script to remove iraf command links and files created by the INSTALL script is also available to remove IRAF from a machine. All scripts are now installed in the hlib$ directory. o New HELP GUI and Output Options The HELP task was enhanced to have a new GUI option for XGterm users. This is essentially the XHELP task which has been available in the GUIAPPS external package for some time, however the task is fully backwards compatible and the text-mode output is still the default. As part of this work, help pages may also now be formatted as either HTML or Postscript for web presentation or pretty-printing to a hardcopy device. The LROFF task was similarly modified to provide direct conversion of lroff text sources. o DISPLAY Task Changes As part of the recent X11IRAF enhancements, the DISPLAY task and others such as IMEXAMINE which interact with the display server were modified to take advantage of the new features in XImtool V1.3. These include support for 16 frame buffers (increased from 4 in previous versions), and enhanced WCS readout capabilities. The changes are fully backwards compatible for use with older XImtool versions or display servers such as SAOimage, SAOtng, or DS9 which have not yet been updated. X11IRAF V1.3 is being released simultaneously (but still separately) with IRAF V2.12. While V2.12 is fully compatible with older versions of X11IRAF, however users will need to upgrade both systems to take full advantage of all the new features. Users should consult the X11IRAF Release Notes for details on what has changed there. o New Packages Several new packages are available in this release (see the NOAO package change notes below for details): - A new ASTCAT package for extracting astrometric and photometric calibration data from remote or local catalogs was added to NOAO. - A new CRUTIL package for doing cosmic ray detection and removal package was installed in the IMRED package. - A new QUADRED reduction package for QUAD format data was installed in the IMRED package. This is a generalized replacement for the ARED.QUAD and XCCDRED external packages for processing CTIO and ESO FORS1 multi-amplifier data. - A new OBSUTIL package was installed in NOAO. This is a collection of tasks from various external packages which are useful to plan or carry out observations. o New Developer Libraries. Several new libraries are available for SPP developers: - PSIO is a new Postscript text generation library installed in sys$psio. - CATQUERY is a remote astrometric/photometric catalog access lib installed in the XTOOLS utility library. - SKYWCS is a sky coordinate transformation library installed in the XTOOLS utility library. ============================================================================== IRAF System Revisions Summary ============================================================================== o The IRAF shared library version number was incremented for SunOS and Solaris systems. See below for details on how this change will affect external packages and locally-compiled software. o The maximum number of nodes in a local iraf network was increased from 320 to 512. o The max number of open files in FIO, FIO_MAXFD, was increased from 256 to 4096. This is the "hard limit" on the maximum number of open files in an IRAF process. o The maximum number of host level open files, MAXOFILES, was increased from 64 to 256. This is the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously open at the host level. It determines the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously open by an IRAF process in the usual case. o The number of keywords in a group header block for STF images (i.e. the MAX_PCOUNT) was increased from 50 to 99 in the STF image kernel. o Added support for the bitwise boolean operators: '&' (and), '|' (or), '^' (xor), and '~' (not/complement), to vectory expression evaluator fmtio$ The IMEXPR task was modified to allow these new bitwise operations. o Added new vector operators to VOPS library: alan, alank (logical AND) and alor, alork (logical OR). These take any integer data as input (short, int, long) and return a logical (expressed as int) result. o The 'imextn' environment variable will now accept upper-case extensions to specify image types. o Host Command Execution: The way command line arguments are parsed was modified to make it easier to set the value of a string parameter to the null string. Whitespace is still skipped in @par files as before, however null strings are valid parameter values and will no longer cause a parameter prompt. o The MKPKG special file list link support was enhanced to allow replacing LFLAGS (the link flags variable) as well as the entire link line. This makes is possible to write special-file list entries for packages which need e.g. to be compiled nonshared on certain platforms without creating a platform specific mkpkg file for the package itself. o The HSI zawset.c routine which controls a process working set size was modified to automatically detect the physical size of system memory (with a maximum return value of 2Gb). The hard upper limit on memory utilization defined by the unix kernel can be limited either by the value return by the IRAF kernel (up to 90% of physical memory), or by the value set in the user environment variable MAXWORKSET (given in units of Mb). o New stdimage display devices were added to support the display of Gemini GMOS CCD data. These devices are named 'imt45' thru 'imt49' and correspond to the following frame buffer sizes: imt45 2080 x 4644 # imt45|imtgmosccd imt46 6400 x 4644 # imt46|imtgmos imt47 3200 x 2322 # imt47|imtgmos2 imt48 1600 x 1161 # imt48|imtgmos4 imt49 800 x 581 # imt49|imtgmos8 ============================================================================== CORE IRAF REVISIONS SUMMARY ============================================================================== New Tasks --------- imcoords.ccget - extract objects from a test file catalog imcoords.ccstd - transform to and from standard astrometric coordinates proto.mimstatistics - do image statistics through a mask proto.rskysub - sky subtract images using running mean or median proto.mskexpr - general mask expression evaluator proto.mskregions - create a mask from a list of region specifications Existing Tasks with New Parameters or New Parameter Defaults ------------------------------------------------------------ immatch.imcentroid - new parameter maxshift immatch.imalign - new parameter maxshift immatch.geomap - new parameter maxiter, default reject = 3.0 not INDEF imcoords.ccmap - new parameter maxiter, default reject = 3.0 not INDEF imcoords.imcctran - new parameter longpole imutil.hedit - new parameter addonly imutil.imstatistics - new parameters nclip, lsigma, usigma, cache Existing Tasks with New Capabilities ------------------------------------ immatch.imcentroid - optionally rejects objects whose centers wander too much immatch.imalign - optionally rejects objects whose centers wander too much immatch.geomap - iterative rejection capability added imcoords.ccmap - iterative rejection capability added imcoords.imcctran - support for non-zenithal projections added imutil.hedit - support for add keyword only if new option imutil.imstatistics - support for iterative rejection and memory caching added imutil.imexpr - support for bitwise operators or, and, xor, and not added ============================================================================== NOAO PACKAGE REVISIONS SUMMARY ============================================================================== New NOAO Packages ----------------- astcat - Astronomical catalog and surveys access package crutil - Cosmic ray detection and removal package obsutil - Observing utilities package New NOAO Package Tasks ---------------------- apphot.pcalc - Do arithmetic operations on a list of apphot databases apphot.pconvert - Convert a text database to a tables database apphot.pdump - Print selected fields from a list of apphot databases apphot.pexamine - Interactively examine and edit an apphot database apphot.prenumber - Renumber stars in an apphot database apphot.pselect - Select records from an apphot database apphot.psort - Sort an apphot database astcat.aclist - List the supported astrometric catalogs astcat.agetcat - Extract astrometry files from astrometric catalogs astcat.afiltcat - Filter astrometry files derived from astrometric catalogs astcat.adumpcat - Catalog access debugging task astcat.aslist - List the supported image surveys astcat.agetim - Extract FITS images from image surveys astcat.ahedit - Initialize the image wcs and set standard keywords astcat.aimfind - Select images containing catalog objects astcat.adumpim - Image survey access debugging task astcat.aregpars - Default region parameter set astcat.acatpars - Default astrometry file format parameter set astcat.afiltpars - Default astrometry file filtering parameters astcat.aimpars - Default image data parameters astcat.awcspars - Default image wcs parameters crutil.cosmicrays - Remove cosmic rays using flux ratio algorithm crutil.craverage - Detect CRs against average and avoid objects crutil.crcombine - Combine multiple exposures to eliminate cosmic rays - Interactively edit cosmic rays using an image display crutil.crfix - Fix cosmic rays in images using cosmic ray masks crutil.crgrow - Grow cosmic rays in cosmic ray masks crutil.crmedian - Detect and replace cosmic rays with median filter crutil.crnebula - Detect and replace cosmic rays in nebular data obsutil.psfmeasure - Measure PSF sizes from stellar images obsutil.specfocus - Determine spectral focus and alignment variations obsutil.starfocus - Determine direct focus variations from stellar images obsutil.ccdtime - CCD photometry exposure time calculator obsutil.pairmass - Plot airmass vs time for a given coordinate obsutil.sptime - Spectroscopic exposure time calculator obsutil.specpars - Spectrograph instrument parameters for sptime obsutil.bitcount - Accumulate the bit statistics for a list of images obsutil.findgain - Estimate the gain and readnoise of a CCD obsutil.shutcor - Shutter correction from images of varying exposure times nproto.objmasks - detect and catalog objects in image Existing Packages and Tasks with New Parameters or New Parameter Defaults ------------------------------------------------------------------------- apphot - new package parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.daofind - new parameters wcsout, cache apphot.fitpsf - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.fitsky - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.phot - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.polymark - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.polyphot - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.qphot - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.radprof - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.wphot - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache apphot.txdump - replaced by pdump, available as a hidden task astutil.setairmass - new parameters ra, dec, equinox, st, ut, scale daophot - new package parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache daophot.addstar - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache daophot.allstar - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and wcspsf daophot.daoedit - new parameters cache daophot.daofind - new parameters wcsout, and cache - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache daophot.nstar - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache daophot.peak - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache daophot.phot - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache daophot.psf - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache daophot.substar - new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache Existing Tasks with New Capabilities ------------------------------------ - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.daofind - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.fitpsf - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.fitsky - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.phot - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.polymark - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.polyphot - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.qphot - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.radprof - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing apphot.wphot - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing astutil.setairmass - ra, dec, equinox, st, ut, scale are no longer hardwired astutil.rvcorrect - more flexibility in setting ut daophot.addstar - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing daophot.allstar - coordinate system support daophot.daoedit - optional image cacheing daophot.daofind - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing daophot.nstar - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing daophot.peak - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing daophot.phot - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing daophot.psf - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing daophot.substar - coordinate system support, optional image cacheing ============================================================================== General Package Changes ============================================================================== NOAO ONEDSPEC More than 999 apertures are now allowed. APPHOT Coordinate Support: All the apphot tasks have been modified to accept input coordinates in the logical, tv, physical, or world systems, and to write output coordinates in the logical, tv, or physical coordinate systems. One consequence of this is that the apphot tasks will now work correctly on image sections in interactive mode. Another is that users can now work directly on image sections while preserving the coordinate system of the parent image. Image Cacheing Support: All the apphot tasks which accept image pixel input have been mod- ified to optional cache the entire input image in memory. Cacheing may significantly improve the performance of tasks where many random access operations are performed. File and image name directory information removed from output files All the apphot tasks have been modified to strip directory infor- mation from the image and coordinate file names written to the output files, to the terminal, and to the plot headers. The colon commands will still read and write full image and coordinate file path names. New PTOOLS Tasks Added The ptools package tasks pcalc, pconvert, pdump, prenumber, pselect and psort were added to the apphot package. The functionality of the old txdump task as been replaced by the pdump. TXDUMP is still avail- able as a hidden task. ASTCAT The astcat package is a set of tasks for extracting astrometric and photometric calibration data from remote or local catalogs, filtering the data, extracting FITS images from remote or local surveys, and adding standard keywords to the extracted images. There is also a task for selecting images which contain catalog objects and locating the catalog objects in the image. IMRED.CRUTIL Cosmic ray detection and removal package. This package includes new tasks and links to tasks from other package. It replaces the CRUTIL external package. IMRED.QUADRED Reduction package for QUAD format data. This replaces the ARED.QUAD and XCCDRED external packages for processing CTIO and ESO FORS1 multi- amplifier data. DAOPHOT Coordinate Support All the daophot tasks have been modified to accept input coordinates in the logical, tv, physical, or world systems, and to write the output coordinates in the logical, tv, or physical coordinate systems. One consequence of this is that the daophot tasks will now work correctly on image sections in interactive mode. Another is that users can now work directly on image sections while preserving the coordinate system of the parent image. Image Cacheing Support All the daophot tasks which accept image pixel input have been modified to optionally cache the entire input image in memory. Cacheing signif- icantly improves the performance of the tasks when many random access operations are performed. The cacheing already performed by the ALLSTAR task is unchanged. File and image name directory information removed from output files All the daophot tasks have been modified to strip directory information from the image and coordinate file names written to the output files, to the terminal, and to the plot headers. The colon commands will still read and write full image and coordinate file path names. OBSUTIL New observing utilities package. This collects tasks from the NMISC, SPECTIME, PROTO, and NLOCAL external package which are useful to plan or carry out observations. The new tasks are: PSFMEASURE STARFOCUS SPECFOCUS CCDTIME PAIRMASS SPTIME BITCOUNT FINDGAIN SHUTCOR OBSOLETE o Added tasks OIMCOMBINE and OIMSTATISTICS which are the previous versions from V2.113b system o Deleted the ODISPLAY task ============================================================================== General Task Changes ============================================================================== NOAO ONEDSPEC.SPLOT Rather than refusing to evaluate errors when there is negative data, negative data is treated as zero. ASTUTIL.SETAIRMASS Modified to have greater flexibility in selecting the keyword defining the universal time. New parameters define the keywords for RA, dec, equinox, siderial time, universal time, and astrospheric scale height. ASTUTIL.RVCORRECT Modified to have greater flexibility in selecting the keyword defining the universal time. IMRED.ECHELLE.ECIDENTIFY Help page describes how to externally evaluate the dispersion fcns. IMRED.CCREDRED.COSMISRAYS Task was removed (see CRUTIL) NPROTO.FINDGAIN Task was removed (see OBSUTIL) NPROTO.OBJMASKS This is a new task for detecting objects in an image and creating an output catalog or pixel mask of found objects. TWODSPEC.LONGSLIT.FITCOORDS - Help page describes the contents of the database and how to ext- ernally evaluate the fits. - The RMS is shown in the graph title and in the :show output. TWODSPEC.APEXTRACT.APEDIT When there is just one aperture the background regions are shown on the graph without needing to enter the 'b' background mode. IMAGES TV.DISPLAY - The mask overlay feature when the displayed image is a reduction of mask (e.g. a block average) now uses the maximum of all mask pixels within the display pixel. - The task will now allow up to 16 frame buffers to be used for the display if allowed by the server. (Currently requires XIMtool V1.3). TV.IMEXAMINE - A new key 't' allows output of a region centered on the cursor as an image for further analysis by other programs. - The task will now allow up to 16 frame buffers to be used for the display if allowed by the server. (Currently requires XIMtool V1.3). - Cursor readback will now properly detect the correct image when more than one image is displayed per frame, e.g. in a mosaic. (Currently requires XIMtool V1.3). IMMATCH.IMCOMBINE - New parameters "headers", "bpmasks", "rejmasks", "nrejmasks", and "expmasks" provide additional types of output. The old parameters "rejmask" and "plfile" were removed. The new "nrejmasks" parameter corresponds to the old "plfile" and the new "rejmasks" parameter corresponds to the old "rejmask". - There is a new "combine" type "sum" for summing instead of averaging the final set of offset, scaled, and weighted pixels. - There is a new parameter "outlimits" to allow output of a subregion of the full output. This is useful for raster surveys with large numbers of images. - Additional keywords may appear in the output headers. - Scaling is now done relative to the first image rather than an average over the images. This is done so that flux related keywords such as exposure time and airmass remain representative. - A median calculation was made faster. - The previous version is available in the OBSOLETE package. IMMATCH.IMCENTROID IMMATCH.IMALIGN A new parameter maxshift has been added to the imcentroid and imalign tasks. Maxshift defines the maximum permitted difference between the predicted and computed shifts. It is used to reject objects whose positions have wandered too far from the predicted positions. IMMATCH.GEOMAP IMCOORDS.CCMAP An iterative rejection capability has been added to the geomap and ccmap tasks. The new parameter maxiter in combination with the existing parameter reject define the rejection parameter. The default value of the reject parameter has been changed from INDEF to 3.0. The colon command ":order " has been added to the geomap and ccmap tasks. The new command enables the user to change all the order parameters simultaneously when experimenting with different fitting functions. IMCOORDS.STARFIND The starfind task background estimation algorithm has been modified so that it no longer depends on the value and density of the central pixel. IMCOORDS.IMCCTRAN Support for non-zenithal projections has been added to the imcctran task. The previous technique of rotating the cd matrix does not work properly for these functions. The new parameter longpole was added to imcctran. Longpole enables the user to select either the cd matrix or longpole / latpole method for transforming zenithal projections. IMCOORDS.CCGET The new task ccget was added to the imcoords package. Ccget extracts objects in a user specified region from a a simple text file catalog. IMCOORDS.CCSTD The task ccstd was added to the imcoords package. Ccstd transforms pixel and celestial coordinates to standard coordinates and vice versa. IMUTIL.HEDIT The new parameter addonly was added to hedit task. The addonly switch is used to add a parameter to the image header only if it does not already exist. The addonly switch has a precedence intermediate between the add and delete switches. IMUTIL.IMSTATISTICS An interative rejection capability has been added to the imstatistics task. The new parameters nclip, lsigma, and usigma define the rejection parameters. A memory cacheing option was also added to imstatistics in order to optionally speed up performance if iterative rejection is en- abled or the midpt/mode is computed. IMUTIL.IMEXPR Support for the bitwise operators or (|), and (&), exclusive or (^), and not (~) has been added to the imexpr task. The logical operators or (||) and and (&&) have ben made truly logical i.e. they return 0's or 1's, rather than results of a bitwise or and and. PROTO MIMSTATISTICS The new task mimstatistics has been added to the proto package. Mimstatistics does image statistics through a mask. RSKYSUB The new task rskysub was added to the proto package. Rskysub does a running mean or median sky subtraction on an ordered list of images using optional background scaling and object masking. MSKEXPR The new task mskexpr has been added to the proto package. Mskexpr creates a new mask from a user supplied expression, an optional reference image, and an optional reference mask. MSKREGIONS The new task mskregions has been added to the proto package. Mskregions creates a new mask or modifies an existing mask using a list of region definitions or region expressions. XTOOLS SKYWCS A new library skywcs has been added to the xtools package. The skywcs library is a set of routines for managing image and catalog celestial coordinate systems and for transforming from one celestial coordinate system to another. Skywcs is layered on the Starlink Positional Astronomy library slalib which is installed in the iraf math package. CATQUERY A new library catquery was added to the xtools package. The catquery library is a set of routines for doing local and remote catalog and image survey access. SYSTEM HELP Task was modified to call the XHELP code to run the GUI version of the task if requested. Task output is the same if the device remains the default 'terminal' value, however resetting the 'device' parameter to one of 'gui', 'html', or 'ps' will either spawn the GUI task under xgterm or print the converted help page to the stdout. LROFF The task was enhanced with a new 'format' parameter that allows the text to be formatted as one of: plain-text, HTML, or Postscript. =============================================================================== Parameter File Changes =============================================================================== In the tables below each parameter change is identified with one of the following codes followed by task name and the description of the change. * n = new parameter * c = changed/modified parameter * d = deleted parameter CL n cl Added the new CL parameter "release". This is a string valued parameter with values such as "2.11.3a", "2.12", "3.0" etc. This differs from "version" which is a descriptive string such as "NOAO/IRAF V2.11.3 EXPORT". There can be multiple releases of one version of the software, and "release" specifies exactly what build the software is. The release strings are composed in such a way that they can be used in expressions, e.g. (release >= 2.11.3) would be true for IRAF V2.11.3 and all subsequent releases. DATAIO c dataio.export Made the 'format' parameter automatic mode c dataio.import Made the 'format' parameter automatic mode IMAGES n imcoords.imcctran Added a new parameter longpole to the imcctran task. If longpole=yes then coordinate transfor- mations with zenithal projections will be rot- ated using longpole rather than the CD matrix. c immatch.wregister Fixed boundary option typo, "refect" to "reflect". c immatch.sregister Fixed boundary option typo, "refect" to "reflect". n immatch.imcentroid Added a new parameter maxshift to the imcentroid immatch.imalign and imalign tasks. Maxshift is the maximum perm- itted difference between the computed and predicted shifts. Maxshift can be used to reject objects whose centers have wandered too far from the expected center. By default maxshift is undefined. n immatch.geomap Added a new parameter maxiter to the geomap and immatch.ccmap ccmap tasks. Maxiter defines the maximum number of rejection iterations and has a default value of 0 for no rejection. c immatch.geomap Changed the default value of the ccmap and geomap c immatch.ccmap parameter reject from INDEF to 3.0. c immatch.imcombine Numerous changes, see details above c imgeom.imlintran Changed the nrows argument names to nlines n imutil.hedit Added a new addonly parameter to the hedit task. If addonly is set a new field will only be added to the image header if it does not already exist. n tv.imexamine Added new parameters 'output', 'ncoutput', and 'nloutput' used by the new 't' keystroke when outputting an image section centered on the cursor. SYSTEM n help New parameters required for GUI options, output formats for HTML/PS, printer, etc. n lroff Added new 'format' parameter for HTML/PS output UTILITIES c utilities.surfit Added support for the half cross-terms option to the surfit task. This involved changing the type of the xterms parameter from boolen (yes/no) to string (none,half,full). NOAO ASTUTIL n astutil.setairmass new parameters ra, dec, equinox, st, ut, scale DIGIPHOT n apphot new package parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache n new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.daofind new parameters wcsout, cache n apphot.fitpsf new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.fitsky new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.phot new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.polymark new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.polyphot new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.qphot new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.radprof new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n apphot.wphot new parameters wcsin, wcsout, cache n daophot new package params wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache n daophot.addstar new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache n daophot.allstar new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and wcspsf n daophot.daoedit new parameters cache n daophot.daofind new parameters wcsout, and cache n new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache n daophot.nstar new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache n daophot.peak new parameters wcsin, wcsout, wcspsf, and cache n daophot.phot new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache n daophot.psf new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache n daophot.substar new parameters wcsin, wcsout, and cache ONEDSPEC n standard new parameter mag, magband, and teff. These n splot params can be use to specify calibration files n lcalib as blackbody curves scale to a specified magnitude TWODSPEC c apextract.apall1 Reduced the 'polysep' parameter. c apextract.apdebug Reduced the 'polysep' parameter. c apextract.apfit1 Reduced the 'polysep' parameter. c apextract.apnoise1 Reduced the 'polysep' parameter. c apextract.apnorm1 Reduced the 'polysep' parameter. c apextract.apparams Reduced the 'polysep' parameter. ============================================================================== Details of Major System Changes ============================================================================== FITS kernel changes ------------------- The FITS kernel was modified to add support for storing images in extensions as compressed pixel masks. The mask is stored as a binary table using the "ZIMAGE" (compressed image) convention proposed by White, Greenfield, Pence, and Tody in 1999: /docs/software/fitsio/compression/compress_image.html In the current implementation only the "PLIO_1" compression algorithm is implemented. Mask extensions may be read or written directly by the kernel. When writing a new extension it will be appended to the MEF file. To append an image to a MEF file as a mask, include "type=mask" in the image kernel section when the output image is opened. Masks are interfaced to the system as images and may be read and written like any other image via IMIO. They have a normal image header and can be manipulated with any program that deals with images. The pixel type is INT. It is also possible to access a mask image as a PLIO mask. An IMSTATI query for IM_PLDES parameter will return the PLIO mask descriptor. While a mask extension is opened under IMIO it is represented as a PLIO mask and may be accessed in this form like any other mask. The mask image is stored in the FITS binary table (BINTABLE) extension when the image is closed, and is loaded from the extension when the image is opened. The compression representation used to store the mask in the binary table is the same as is used within PLIO. The new (V2.12) encoding is used, allowing very large masks to be stored. Currently masks up to 3D are supported. Data on each 2D mask plane will be compressed in both X and Y as with PLIO. The depth of the mask is preserved. Although a mask is stored as a binary table the format of the table is not completely general. In the current implementation there can be only one column in the table (COMPRESSED_DATA). This is an integer-valued variable length array column containing, for each line of the N-dimensional image, the PLIO compressed version of that image line. The actual compressed data is stored in the heap area of the table. Multiple image lines may point to the same compressed line list, e.g., to store the empty line or to compression in Y. Large Image Support ------------------- The following changes were made to enable IMIO to use larger buffer sizes to optimize i/o for large images: The default file buffer size set by IMIO is unchanged: it is still about 512 MB, the value set for V2.11.2. However, a new parameter IM_BUFFRAC was added. Both IM_BUFSIZE and IM_BUFFRAC are used to help determine the FIO buffer size set when an image is opened. The logic for this is implemented in imsetbuf.x. Backwards compatibility. If you do nothing about IMIO/FIO buffers in your program, the system may transparently use a larger buffer for larger images. If you set BUFSIZE in your program, the system will by default use the value you give, or possibly a larger value, if the image you are accessing is very large. If you set BUFSIZE and you want to guarantee that the value you set is used (even for very large images) then you should also set BUFFRAC=0 to ensure that only BUFSIZE is used. How it works. BUFFRAC specifies the default FIO buffer size used to access an image, expressed as a percentage of the size of the image. For example, the builtin default value of BUFFRAC=10 will try to make a FIO buffer 10% of the size of the image. The actual value used will be given by BUFFRAC, but will be at least BUFSIZE, and no more than a builtin default maximum value, currently 32 MB. Given the builtin defaults, the buffer size will range from 0.5 to 32 MB depending upon the size of the image being accessed. As noted above, BUFSIZE and BUFFRAC can be set to force the buffer size to a specific value if desired. Environment variables for both parameters are provided. The names are "IMIO_BUFSIZE" (specified as bytes) and "IMIO_BUFFRAC" (specified as a decimal fraction). If defined, these override (at image open time) the builtin default values for both parameters. An IMSET call by the application will override all such defaults. The FIO buffer allocated will not be larger than the size of the image. The FIO buffer will also not exceed the maximum size set by the file driver being accessed. For example, for PLIO images the file buffer will not exceed about 2KB, even for a very large mask. This is because the "pixel file" for a PLIO image is dev$null, the driver for which specifies a maximum i/o buffer size of 2K (the real file to load or save the mask will use a different descriptor). The intent here is to provide an adaptive mechanism for setting the FIO buffer size used to access an image, which automatically adapts to the size of the image being accessed. If you access a lot of small images you will get smaller buffers - everything will be as before. If you access very large images, you may get large buffers up to the builtin maximum value of (currently) 32 MB. Using large buffers could cause a machine to run out of memory. However, it is likely that if someone is working on 300 MB images that they are using a machine which has a memory at least that large - probably larger. If there are problems, the environment variable overrides can be used to tune IMIO. The reason for large file buffers is to limit the number of disk data transfers, and hence the number of disk seeks. Using buffers larger than a certain amount (32 MB is generous) is probably counterproductive. If the i/o system provides 20 MB/sec i/o transfers, 32 MB will take 1.6 seconds. This should be more than a large enough granularity to provide efficient i/o, hence is a reasonable limit (at this point paging effects are likely to dominate). Virtual Memory Cache -------------------- The VMcache client interface and daemon provide a method by which data-intensive IRAF tasks (or non-IRAF tasks for that matter) can manage how files/images are maintained in virtual memory to avoid excessive system paging. In essence it's a way to "lock" a specific image in memory to improve performance. As of this release no tasks in the system have been modified to make use of the VMcache daemon, however installing it in the system at this point provides a framework for future applications and systems development. The following notes summarize the changes made for this feature and describe it's function in more detail. A more complete description of the interface, environment variables which control it, etc can be found in the main systems revisions file iraf$local/notes.v211. The source for the developmental version of the VMcache library and the VMcache daemon (vmcached) have been installed in the unix$boot tree and the HSI binary file driver was modified to add VMcache client support. This adds two new capabilities to the driver: 1) built-in support for direct i/o (on systems that support it), and 2) a client interface to the VMcache daemon to permit the daemon to optimally manage binary file i/o if a VMcache daemon is present. The vmcached code is complete but only enough debug/testing was done to support development of the VMcache client interface for IRAF (the vmcached code is debugged but the new version of the vmcache library code has not been tested). Since the daemon can be utilized outside the normal IRAF release we do not have to fully develop it for the release. It should be stressed that VMcache is only useful or warranted for systems that are very data intensive. The standard host operating system file access heuristics are best for "normal" processing where either the system is not really busy, or the datafiles are not excessively large. On systems with very large physical memories where massive amounts of data are being processed, VMcache can make a significant difference in overall system performance. VMcache is too complex to document here. Without going into the details, its function is to manage a cache of files in system virtual memory. Files can be explicitly cached or uncached, or they can be "accessed", and VMcache will decide whether or not to cache the file in virtual memory. This is what the VMcache client interface does: every time it accesses (opens or extends) a file larger then the VM threshold it sends an "access" directive to the VMcache daemon. The daemon sends back a response of 0 (file not cached; use direct i/o to access the file), or 1 (file cached in VM; use normal VM-buffered i/o to access the file). Even if a file is not cached the daemon keeps track of all accesses. Files which are frequently accessed will have a higher prority and are more likely to be cached in memory. The VMcache daemon is a separate system-level program outside of IRAF. This is necessary to provide a central system-wide cache controller. It also provides flexibility, allowing multiple versions of the daemon to exist, e.g., to allow experimentation with different types of caching algorithms. It also allows easy customization of the daemon independently of the IRAF applications using the VMcache client interface. New Developer Libraries ----------------------- o Several new libraries are now available for developers: PSIO New Postscript text generation library installed in the sys$psio. The PSIO interface is used to format a block of text as Postscript output on a page of a given size (Letter, Legal, A4 or B5). See the psio$README file for details. CATQUERY Remote astrometric/photometric catalog access lib installed in the XTOOLS utility library. The catquery package provides a set of routines for local and remote catalog and image survey server access. The sup- ported catalogs and image surveys are described in records stored in a catalog and image survey configuration file respectively. The catalog and image survey records specify the network address, the query format, and the output format for each supported catalog or image display server. See "help catalogs" and "help surveys" for details. SKYWCS Sky coordinate transformation library installed in the XTOOLS utility library. The skywcs package contains a simple set of routines for managing sky coordinate information and for transforming from one sky coordinate system to another. The sky coordinate system is defined either by a system name, e.g. "J2000", "galactic", etc., or by an image system name, e.g. "dev$ypix" or "dev$ypix world". ============================================================================== System Changes Which May Affect You ============================================================================== * SHARED LIBRARY VERSION INCREMENTED (Sun/IRAF only) The IRAF shared library for SunOS and Solaris platforms has been incremented with this release due to the nature of various system changes. Existing IRAF binaries (e.g. locally written software or external packages) will continue to run using the old shared image, however they will need to be recompiled against V2.12 in order to pick up the numerous system bug fixes and features in this release. In particular, pixel masks produced by V2.12 IRAF tasks may be incompatible with external packages which have not been recompiled. * EXTERNAL PACKAGE RECOMPILATION The V2.12 release contains changes to the FIO and PLIO/PMIO interface header files used by numerous applications. Relinking of an external package may fail to pick up these changes and not recompile a source file which uses one of these header files if the mkpkg file doesn't correctly list all of the dependencies (nearly all packages have one or more mkpkg files which have this problem). In the worst cases this could lead to a runtime error due to the incompatibilities. For this reason we recommend that all packages and local tasks be recompiled (completely from source* (rather than simply relinked against the new version) to assure that all changes and new features will be included. Recompilation also guarantees that packages can take advantage of some of the larger buffer sizes and optimizations in this release. Site support can supply a list of missing mkpkg dependencies for most external packages being developed outside NOAO that wish to fix these files for a future release. * PARAMETER FILE CHANGES As with all major releases, we recommend that you do a MKIRAF and delete all your old parameter files after the IRAF upgrade. You may choose not to do this if you are in the midst of a project and have setups that may be difficult to reproduce. The automatic parameter file update/merge mechanism, which is used if you do not initialize your parameters with MKIRAF, is based on file date comparisons. If you run IRAF V2.11 after V2.12 has been installed, the file dates on your uparm parameter files will be more recent than the V2.12 installation date. If you then try to run V2.12, the automatic parameter file merge/update will fail due to the file dates. The system only updates personal parameter files which are older than the update date of the system. A MKIRAF avoids the problem if you delete your parameter files, causing them to be updated from the system default versions. * INSTALLATION SCRIPT CHANGES As the first step of an ongoing effort to simplify the installation and system configuration, the IRAF install script was rewritten to do some error-checking of the iraf setup, present a simplified and easier to read output, and do some common post-install configuration of the system. Additionally, the SYSINFO diagnostic script for finding system errors and reporting on the configuration, and a new UNINSTALL script for removing IRAF files/links from the system have also been installed. The old install script is still available as a fallback in case problems with the new script are found. * HELP SYSTEM CHANGES The HELP task was modified with several new parameters controlling the display and formatting of the help pages. Help may now be presented as formatted text (as before), HTML, or fully formatted Postscript. Additionally, users running under an XGterm window can use the task in a new GUI mode. The help GUI allows users to browse the help system and easily search for tasks/topics using a familiar web-like interface. The GUI mode is not the default, but can be enabled easily using the 'device' parameter. * IMAGE DISPLAY CHANGES Tasks which display images or interact with the image display were modified to take advantage of new features added to XImtool V1.3 (e.g. the multiple WCS and pixel-value readouts and 16 display frame buffers). These changes were done in a backwards compatible way so interaction with display servers such as SAOimage, SAOtng, DS9, or older XImtool versions should be unaffected. If problems are dis- covered a CL environment variable 'disable_wcs_maps' can be defined to force all of the old behaviors. These changes do not add any new functionality to the tasks themselves, only the underlying display protocols. * PLIO Changes The LEN and BLEN fields of the encoded line list (LL) descriptor would limit the length of a pixel area (and hence the size of a pixel mask) to the max size of a signed short, 32768. This was due to the use of a simple array of type short to encode the line list (which simplifies handling considerably). Nonetheless the limit to 32K was unacceptable. The fix adopted was to increase the LL header from 3 to 7 words. Two 16 bit words are now used to encode each of LEN and BLEN. A "version" word was added to allow the old, new, and future encodings to be distinguished. A "hdrlen" word was added to parameterize the length of the LL header, rather than fix it at compile time as in the initial version. With this change, the maximum length of an image line under PLIO is increased from 32768 to 1073741824 (32768*32768). All the higher level PLIO code is integer, so should already support larger masks. This was done in such a way that old line lists can still be read, although PLIO will always write out new format line lists (pixel mask files and images, QPOE, and MWCS all store encoded line lists in external storage, so backwards compatibility is important; also existing complied programs will continue to generate the old format). The cost is 8 bytes per encoded line list. For most masks this should only increase the size of the mask by a few percent at most. * NEW ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The following new environment variables may be defined to tune the size of the system file i/o buffers used by the image i/o system. The system will automatically adjust to use larger buffers when accessing larger images, these variables may be set to further optimize the buffers IMIO_BUFSIZE Size of the FIO buffer size in bytes. IMIO_BUFFRAC FIO buffer size expressed as a percentage of the image size. Actual value will be at least BUFSIZE and no more than BUFMAX. IMIO_BUFMAX Max size of FIO buffer which will override the 32Mb default. Other miscellaneous environment variables: disable_wcs_maps If defined or set to 'yes', this variable will force any tasks which interact with the image display to use the old protocols. pspage Variable which is used by the PSIO interface to set the default page size. Acceptable values include "letter" (the default) for US Letter, "legal" for US Legal, and "a4" and "b5" for the most common European sizes. Pspage can be used by the new HELP and LROFF tasks to automatically set the desired Postscript page size.