IRAF User Handbook Volume 1A The IRAF System Table of Contents [The following documents are in IRAF User Handbook Volume 1A. Those documents marked with an * can be found in the network archive as either compressed ASCII text (.txt.Z) or compressed PostScript (.ps.Z) format documents. The names of the files, as they exist in the archive, are given in ().] System Overview * The IRAF Data Reduction and Analysis System, by Doug Tody, April 1986. ( CL User's Guide * A User's Introduction to the IRAF Command Language Version 2.3, by Peter Shames and Doug Tody, revised August 1986. ( IRAF Test Procedures * Preliminary Test Procedure for IRAF, Part 1. Image and dataio tests, by Jeannette Barnes, revised May 26, 1989. ( IRAF Directory Trees * Sun/IRAF directory structure - Version 2.8 ( * VMS/IRAF directory structure - Version 2.8 ( IMFORT * Specifying Pixel Directories with IMFORT, by Doug Tody, June 26, 1989. ( * A User's Guide to Fortran Programming in IRAF, The IMFORT Interface, by Doug Tody, revised April 1987. ( NOTES The IIS Image Display, by Richard Wolff, February 1986. Revised IRAF Version 2.8