IRAF User Handbook Volume 2B User's Guides / KPNO Cookbooks Table of Contents [The following documents are in IRAF User Handbook Volume 2B. Those documents marked with an * can be found in the network archive as either compressed ASCII text (.txt.Z) or compressed PostScript (.ps.Z) format documents. The names of the files, as they exist in the archive, are given in ().] Glossary * The IRAF Packages, IRAF Version 2.10. ( * The NOAO Packages, IRAF Version 2.10. ( Overview Papers for IRAF Packages * The IRAF CCD Reduction Package - CCDRED, by Francisco Valdes, September 1987. ( * Reduction of long slit spectra with IRAF, by Francisco Valdes. ( * The IRAF APEXTRACT Package, by Francisco Valdes, April 1989. ( * An Overview of the IRAF DTOI Package, by Suzanne Hammond Jacoby, revised July 1988. ( * Some Notes on the ONEDSPEC Package, by George Jacoby, June 1985. ( * APEXTRACT Package Revisions Summary: IRAF Version 2.10, by Francisco Valdes, May 1992. ( * ONEDSPEC/IMRED Package Revisions Summary: IRAF Version 2.10, by Francisco Valdes, May 1992. ( Design Documents for IRAF Packages * Specifications for the Aperture Photometry Package, by Lindsey Davis, revised October 1987. ( User's Guides for IRAF Packages and Tasks * Radial Velocity Measurements with IDENTIFY, by Francisco Valdes, revised August 1990. ( * A User's Guide to the IRAF APPHOT Package, by Lindsey Davis, revised May 1989. ( * User's Guide to the CCDRED Package, by Francisco Valdes, revised February 1988. ( * Guide to the Coude Three Fiber Reduction Task DO3FIBER, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( * Guide to the ARGUS Reduction Task DOARGUS, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( * Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOECSLIT, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( * Guide to the Multifiber Reduction Task DOFIBERS, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( * Guide to the Fiber Optic Echelle Reduction Task DOFOE, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( * Guide to the HYDRA Reduction Task DOHYDRA, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( * Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOSLIT, by Francisco Valdes, April 1992. ( KPNO Cookbooks/User's Guides for Data Reductions Using IRAF * A User's Guide to CCD Reductions with IRAF, by Phil Massey, June 1992. ( * A User's Guide to Stellar CCD Photometry with IRAF, by Philip Massey and Lindsey Davis, April 1992. ( * A User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF, by Phil Massey, Frank Valdes, Jeannette Barnes, April 1992. ( User's Guides for IRAF Programming * An Introductory User's Guide to IRAF Scripts, revised by Rob Seaman, September 1989. ( Revised IRAF version 2.10 6/10/92