Hi John, Well, I nearly have a presentable version of the PGPLOT driver ready for Absoft MacFortran. A final query and an offer. Does your version respond to the mouse button for cursor input? In regards to cursor input I can offer you my version of the commands to replace the cursor with a crosshair for this operation. All it takes is c define cursor for graphic input record /Cursor/ GIcursor ! check how LS Fortran defines this structure! GIcursor.data(0) = b'0000000000000000' GIcursor.data(1) = b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(2) = b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(3) = b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(4) = b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(5) = b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(6) = b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(7) = b'0000000000000000' GIcursor.data(8) = b'0111111000111111' GIcursor.data(9) = b'0000000000000000' GIcursor.data(10)= b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(11)= b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(12)= b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(13)= b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(14)= b'0000000010000000' GIcursor.data(15)= b'0000000010000000' do 910 i=0,15 GIcursor.mask(i)=GIcursor.data(i) 910 continue GIcursor.hotSpot.v=8 GIcursor.hotSpot.h=8 call SetCursor(GIcursor) event loop to wait for input call InitCursor() ! reset the cursor I had written a driver for a different plot library several years ago when I came up with this. I really liked how you changed the window title to instruct the user on the cursor input and next plot requirements. I also implemented a way to update the window when updating is required. I allocated a handle and saved the opcodes that draw to the screen or set internal parameters. Let me know if you want the code to modify for LS Fortran. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Rob Managan managan@llnl.gov LLNL ph: 510-423-0903 P.O. Box 808, L-178 FAX: 510-423-5804 Livermore, CA 94551-0808