SGI/IRIX Workstation
- Note
- This device driver is for workstations running the Silicon
Graphics IRIX operating system. It makes use of the SGI GL library
(you need to include this library when linking PGPLOT programs that
use this driver: use, e.g.,
). Most users will
prefer to use the X-Window driver (/XWIN or /XSERV), which works
correctly on IRIX workstations.
- Supported device
- IRIS 4D workstation. This driver handles the following
capabilities: arbitrary sized view surface, 32 colors, 16 pre-defined,
white background, buffering, a fully working cursor, with values
returned for the mouse buttons, fast polygon and rectangle fill.
- Device type code
gives a 7.8 by 7.8-inch window (640 by 640
pixels); x/IRIS
gives a square window, x by
x inches; x,y/IRIS
gives a
rectangular window, x by y inches. x and y
can be integers or decimal numbers.
- Bugs
- This driver does not report the position of the cursor correctly
unless the window is in the very bottom left of the screen. This and
other bugs are unlikely to be corrected: you should use the X-window
driver instead.
- Author
- Stephen Green, 1990.