Grinnell Image Display (obsolete)

Supported device
Grinnell GMR-270 Image Display System.
Device type code
Default device name
TV_DEVICE (a logical name, usually defined by the system manager).
Default view surface dimensions
Depends on monitor.
The full view surface is 512 x 512 pixels.
Color capability
Color indices 0--255 are supported. The representation of all color indices can be changed.
Input capability
The graphics cursor is a white cross-hair. The user positions the cursor using the arrow keys and PF1--PF4 keys on his terminal keyboard (SYS$COMMAND). The arrow keys move the cursor in the appropriate direction; the size of the step for each keystroke is controlled by the PF1--PF4 keys: PF1 = 1 pixel, PF2 = 4 pixels, PF3 = 16 pixels, PF4 = 64 pixels. The user indicates that the cursor has been positioned by typing any character other than an arrow or PF1--PF4 key [control characters, e.g., ctrl-C, and other special characters should be avoided, as they may be intercepted by the operating system].
File format
It is not possible to send Grinnell plots to a disk file.
Obtaining hardcopy
Not possible.
T. J. Pearson, 1989.