background foreground insertBorderWidth justify selectForeground |
borderWidth highlightColor insertOffTime relief textVariable |
cursor highlightThickness insertOnTime selectBackground |
exportSelection insertBackground insertWidth selectBorderWidth |
See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options.
show |
state |
See the "entry" manual entry for details on the associated options.
command invalid width |
childSitePos textBackground |
fixed textFont |
focusCommand validate |
See the "entryfield" widget manual entry for details on the above inherited options.
labelBitmap labelPos |
labelFont labelText |
labelImage labelVariable |
labelMargin |
See the "labeledwidget" widget manual entry for details on the above inherited options.
arroworient repeatInterval |
decrement |
increment |
repeatDelay |
See the "spinner" widget manual entry for details on the above inherited options.
Name: range Class: Range Command-Line Switch: -range
Name: step Class: Step Command-Line Switch: -step
Name: wrap Class: Wrap Command-Line Switch: -wrap
The spinint command creates a spinint widget. The spinint allows "spinning" of integer values within a specified range with wrap support. The spinner arrows may be drawn horizontally or vertically.
The spinint command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
pathName option ?arg arg ...?Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for spinint widgets:
delete insert xview |
get peek |
icursor scan |
index selection |
See the "entry" manual entry for details on the associated methods.
childsite |
clear |
See the "entryfield" manual entry for details on the associated methods.
option add *textBackground white spinint .si -labeltext "Temperature" -labelpos w \\ -fixed yes -width 5 -range {32 212} pack .si -pady 10