ftstat computes numerical statistics of the input HDU, sending the output to STDOUT or to the optional outfile. If the specified input HDU is a table, then ftstat computes the minimun, maximum, mean, standard deviation, sum, the number of good and null values for each numeric column. If sigma clipping is performed then an indication of whether the clipping converged or not will be printed too. Non-numeric columns are ignored (i.e., columns with TFORMn = A, X, L, C, or M).
If the specified input HDU is a 1-D or 2-D image, then ftstat computes min and max pixel values, the locations of min and max pixel value (in both pixel and world coordinate), mean, standard deviation, sum, and the number of good and null pixels. If centroid = YES, then it computes the centroid and sigma centroid of the image as well. If centroid = NO and clip=YES, then an iterative sigma-clipping algorithm is applied to reject outlying pixels before computing the statistics. The clipping iterations are not performed if centroid = YES.
All the statistics are written to output task parameters (e.g. min, max, mean, etc) for use in scripting applications. Do 'plist ftstat' to see the values of all these parameters.
1. Compute the statistics for an input image file file.img.
ftstat file.img
2. Compute the statistics for a rectangular subset of a FITS image bounded by pixels 200 through 210 in the X dimension, and pixels 300 through 310 in the Y dimension.
ftstat 'ngc1316o.fits[200:210,300:310]'
3. Compute the statistics for all column in the 'events' table in the input FITS file named 'myfile.fits':
ftstat 'myfile.fits[events]'
4. Compute the statistics only for the 'X and Y' columns in the 'events' table; The listed column names are separated by semicolons.
ftstat 'rate.fits[events][col X;Y]'
The design of this task is based on the fstatistic and fimgstat in the ftools package and on the Chandra CIAO tool dmstat.