Run Ftools
This tool is the GUI client of console FTOOL programs. It takes advantage of
the rich functionalities of FTOOL tools and integrates them into fv. With
this utility, to run a FTOOL program, you no longer need to leave the fv and
open the other console window. However, you need to install the FTOOL or HEASOFT
package to use this utility.
There are four menus.
- Ftool
- Run :Run the selected tool program.
- Cancel : Cancel the current running tool program.
- tool help : Open the help file for the selected tool.
- Clear Log : Clear Log window.
- Dump Log: Dump the content of Log window to a log file.
- Exit: Terminate this tool.
- Packages
Listing of the sub-packages of tools. When one of them is selected,
its contents will appear on the tool window.
- Favorite
You can choose tools from different sub-packages and assemble them
in your favorite group.
- Go to... : Go to your favorite group.
- Add...: Add current selected tool to the favorite group.
- Delete...: Delete the selected tool from the favorite group.
- Reset...: Delete every tool from the favorite group.
- Configure Configure the tool path, parfile path, and
help file path, whether to save the parameters automatically, and
whether to clear the log window automatically.
- Help :
- About this program... : Open this help file.
- About selected tool.. : Open the help file for the selected tool.
Tool Window
When you selected a sub-package from Packages menu button, a
listings of tools in this sub-package and its brief description will appear
in this window. To select the desired tool, click the left mouse button
on it.
- Add to Favorite : Add the selected tool to the
favorite group.
- Run : Run the selected tool. It opens the
Parameter Dialog or
Command Dialog depending on whether the task is parameter file
based or a script.
- Cancel : Terminate the Running tool.
- tool Help : Open the tool help window.
Log Window
This window records the output of the tool when it is running.
- Clear Log : Clear Log window.
- Dump Log: Dump the content of Log window to a log file.
- Exit: Terminate this tool.
This window is opened when the Run Button is pressed. It
displays the listings of parameters of the selected tool if it is
parameter-based. It consists of three columns, name, description,
and value. You can enter the parameter value or set the Yes/No radio
buttons in the Value field. For a parameter asking file
name(s), you can press the Browser button next to it to
open a file selection dialog .
All the mandatory parameters are shaded with green color.
- Show hidden : Toggle between showing or hiding the hidden
- Reset : Reset the parameter values to system default
- OK : Accept the current values, close this dialog and
start to run the tool.
- Cancel : Close this dialog without running the tool.
- Help : Open the help file of the tool.
This window is opened when the Run Button is pressed if
the corresponding tool is not parameter-based. The command is entered
in the Command field. The Output Fits File field is
optional. It tells the program the file name of the output Fits File,
so it can open the File Summary after the command is
successfully finished.
- OK : Accept the command, close this dialog and
start to run the command.
- Cancel : Close this dialog without running.
- Help : Open the help file for the command.
This window is opened when the browser Button in the Parameter Dialog is pressed.
To select a desired file, use left mouse to click on it then press
either the Apply to... or Append to... button.
The file name will be entered or appended on the Value field.
When appending, a separator in the Separator field will be
inserted before the file name is appended.
The attributes of the selected file can also be selected by the
radio buttons, Output and Input , and the check box
Fits file . When both the Output and Fits file
are set, a File Summary window will be opened after
the tool successfully finishes its execution.
Go to About fv.