FIMGZIP (Jul92) ftools.fimage FIMGZIP (Jul92) NAME fimgzip -- Compress an image into a variable-length column in a FITS binary table. USAGE fimgzip infile outfile algorithm DESCRIPTION This task will compress the n-dimensional (n<=3) images and storing the resulting bytes in a variable-length column in a FITS binary table. The program first divides the n-dimensional image into a rectangular grid of subimages or `tiles'. Each tile is then compressed as a continuous block of data, and the resulting compressed byte stream is stored in a row of a variable length column in a FITS binary table. By dividing the image into tiles it is generally possible to extract and uncompress subsections of the image without having to uncompress the whole image. The default tiling pattern treats each row of a 2-dimensional image (or higher dimensional cube) as a tile, such that each tile contains NAXIS1 pixels. However, users can change this default convention by supplying their own xtilesize, ytilesize and ztilesize parameters. For the compressed method, users can choose it from three algorithms, RICE, GZIP, and PLIO. The details of these algorithms can be found in the URLS: PARAMETERS infile [filename] The input FITS file and the image extension. outfile [filename] The output FITS file name. If the file does not exist, the program will create one for you. Otherwise, the compressed image table will be appended at the end of the file. algorithm = "RICE" [string] The choosed algorithm. It can be one of the RICE, GZIP, and PILO. The default algorithm is RICE. (xtilesize = INDEF) [integer] X dimension of the tiles. The default value is NAXIS1. (ytilesize = INDEF) [integer] Y dimension of the tiles. The default value is 1. (ztilesize = INDEF) [integer] Z dimension of the tiles. The default value is 1. (blocksize = 32) [integer] Compression parameter. Only used for RICE algorithm. (nbit = 4) [integer] Compression parameter for float images. Only takes values from 0 to 8. (clobber = no) [boolean] If true, an existing file with the same name as the requested output file will be overwritten. EXAMPLES Compress an image in test.fits[3] using RICE algorithm, and put the output to the file of test_compress.fits ft>fimgzip test.fits+3 test_compress.fits RICE BUGS SEE ALSO fimgunzip