XISRMFGEN (Feb 2009) suzaku.xis XISRMFGEN (Feb 2009) NAME xisrmfgen -- create the XIS energy Redistribution Matrix File (RMF) USAGE xisrmfgen phafile outfile See `description' for the other usage DESCRIPTION 'xisrmfgen' creates an XIS RMF file fit for a Suzaku pha file or any parameters affecting the instrumental response such as the XIS units, CCD clock modes, observation date, and so on. 'xisrmfgen' calculates a line profile of monochromatic X-rays at each energy bins with energy between the event threshold up to the energy with x0.01 of the probability at the event threshold energy. The information required to calculate the RMF (XIS unit, CCD clock mode, telemetry edit mode, charge injection mode, and observation date) are obtained in a different way, depending on how the parameter 'phafile' is set. If 'phafile' is set to an existing input spectrum or image file, the XIS instrument unit, CCD clock mode, telemetry edit mode, window option, and change injection mode are obtained from the keywords INSTRUME, CLK_MODE, EDITMODE, WINOPT, and CI, respectively. The observation date is calculated from the TSTART and TSTOP keywords as (TSTART + TSTOP)/2. Note that 'xisrmfgen' also requires in the calculation a weighted map in DET coordinates. Therefore the primary header of the spectral file should contain a WMAP in DET coordinates and the image file also should be constructed in the same DET coordinates. If 'phafile' is set to NONE, the information required by xisrmfgen to generate the RMF is prompt via the following parameters 'instrume', 'clk_mode', 'editmode', 'winopt', 'ci', and 'date_obs'. Note these parameters are ignored (not asked) when a file is input. The WMAP in this case is assumed uniform on the whole CCD. The energy bin of the RMF by default are set with a constant width of 2 eV within the energy range 0.2-16 keV (see parameter ebin_mode=0). The width and the energy range can be changed using the parameters 'ebin_width', 'ebin_lowermost,and 'ebin_uppermost' for a constant binning. If the parameter 'ebin_mode' is set to 1, energy bin width may not be constant. In this case the lower and high energy boundaries for each bin are read from an ARF or RMF input loaded from the ebinfile option. PARAMETERS phafile [filename] Name of the input file. The input file can be a spectrum or image file. If set to 'NONE' the task calculates the response based on the input parameters: 'instrume', 'clk_mode', 'editmode', 'winopt', 'ci', and 'date_obs'. outfile [filename] Name of output RMF. (rebin = 1) [integer] Rebinning factor. The default is set to 1. For higher rebinning use even values (2,4,8...). (clobber = yes) [boolean] Overwrite output file if exists. (telescop=SUZAKU) [string] Telescope name. This should be set always to SUZAKU. Used when phafile='NONE'. instrume [string] XIS unit name (XIS0 , XIS1, XIS2, XIS3). This parameter is required when phafile='NONE'. date_obs [string] Date and time of the observation. The format can be Suzaku TIME (time in seconds from the mission start) or UTC 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss'. This parameter is required when phafile='NONE'. clk_mode [string] CCD clock mode (normal, burst or psum). This parameter is required when phafile='NONE'. editmode [string] Edit mode of telemetry (5x5, 3x3, 2x2 or timing) This parameter is required when phafile='NONE'. winopt [integer] Window option (0:off, 1:1/4, 2:1/8, 3:1/16). This parameter is required when phafile='NONE'. ci [integer] Charge injection mode (0:no CI, 1:diagnostic CI, 2:SCI 54 rows, 3:SCI 108 rows). This parameter is required when phafile='NONE'. (enable_scirmf = yes) [boolean] Enable SCI RMF generation. (edge_treatment = 1) [integer] How to treat atomic edges (0:ignore, 1:shift ebin). (ebin_mode = 0) [integer] Mode for the energy bin. When ebin_mode = 0 (default) the energy bin width is set to constant within the energy range, specified in 'ebin_lowermost' and 'ebin_uppermost'. The bin width can be changed from the 'ebin_width' parameter. When ebin_mode = 1, the energy ranges described in the response file and bin width are read from a file load from the 'ebinfile' option. (ebin_lowermost = 0.20) [real] Lowermost energy bin in keV, required when ebin_mode=0. (ebin_uppermost = 16.0) [real] Uppermost energy bin in keV, required when ebin_mode=0. (ebin_width = 2.0) [real] Constant energy bin width in eV, required when ebin_mode=0. ebinfile [file name] Input an ARF or RMF file, from which the format of the response table (i.e. ENERG_LO and ENERG_HI columns) is read. This parameter is required when ebin_mode=1. (leapfile = CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/leapsec.fits) [filename] Name of the leap second file. The default set-up searches the latest leapfile in CALDB or in the LHEA_DATA directory (environment variable created when the software is initialized). (quantefffile = CALDB) [filename] Name of the quantum efficiency calibration file. If set to CALDB (default) an appropriate file is automatically selected from the calibration database. The root name of the calibration file is 'ae_xisN_quanteff_YYYYMMDD.fits', where N is the XIS unit and YYYYMMDD is the release date. (rmfparamfile = CALDB) [filename] Name of the spectral response calibration file. If set to CALDB (default) an appropriate file is automatically selected from the calibration database. The root name of the calibration files is 'ae_xisN_rmfparam_YYYYMMDD.fits', where N is the XIS unit and YYYYMMDD is the release date. (makepifile = CALDB) [filename] Name of the gain and split threshold calibration file. If set to CALDB (default) an appropriate file is automatically selected from the calibration database. The root name of the calibration files is 'ae_xisN_makepi_YYYYMMDD.fits', where N is the XIS unit and YYYYMMDD is the release date. (anl_verbose = 1) [integer] ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum). (anl_profile = yes) [boolean] Enable ANL module profiling. (num_event = -1) [integer] number of frames (-1:all, 0:exit). (event_freq = 1000) [integer] Frame number printout frequency. (chatter = 2) [integer] message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max). EXAMPLES 1. Create a response file (src_xis1.rmf), corresponding to the input spectrum file `src_xis1.pi'. All the calibration parameters are read from CALDB. % xisrmfgen phafile=src_xis1.pi outfile=xis1.rmf 2. Create a response file (src_xis1.rmf), corresponding to the input detector image file `src_xis1.img'. The energy bins are read from the input ARF file `ae_xi1_xisnom6_20060615.arf'. % xisrmfgen phafile=src_xis1.img outfile=xis1.rmf ebin_mode=1 \ ebinfile=ae_xi1_xisnom6_20060615.arf 3. Create a response file (src_xis1.rmf) from instrumental or observing parameters specified. % xisrmfgen phafile=none outfile=xis1.rmf instrume=XIS1 \ date_obs=2006-04-20T12:00:00 \ clk_mode=normal editmode=5x5 winopt=0 ci=0 BUGS 'xisrmfgen' generates the same RMF files for the burst mode as those for the normal mode since we found no remarkable difference in response between the burst mode and the normal mode. Detailed quantitative studies of the response in the burst mode is underway. 'xisrmfgen' also generates the same RMF file for a window option as for data with the identical observing and instrumental parameters but without the window option. However, please note that the gain and resolution of the window option can be slightly different from those without that option. 'xisrmfgen' generates the same RMF files for the 2x2 mode data as those for the 5x5/3x3 mode data since we found no remarkable difference in response between the 2x2 mode data and the 5x5/3x3 mode data. The RMF parameters for the psum timing mode can be different from those for the normal 5x5/3x3 mode. However, the psum RMF parameters have not been studied, and 'xisrmfgen' currently applies the RMF parameters of the normal 5x5 mode in generating psum RMFs. Users should be very careful in analyzing the psum data with the RMFs thus generated. SEE ALSO Yamaguchi, H. et al., Proc.of The X-ray Universe 2005, Madrid, Spain, 26-30 Sep. 2005 Nakajima, H. et al. 2005, NIM A, 541, p.365-371 Nakajima, H. et al. 2004, Proc. of SPIE, 2004, 5488, p.124-135 LaMarr, B. et al. 2004, Proc. of SPIE, 2004, 5501, p.385-391 AUTHOR This program was developed by Hiroshi Nakajima, Hiroya Yamaguchi (Kyoto Univ), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU) and the XIS team. LAST MODIFIED Feb 2009