aberrator | - Apply velocity aberration adjustments to attitude files. |
applyxform | - Transform a list of coordinates. |
aspcorr | - Update the WCS reference value keywords in sky images. |
aspect | - Calculate the mean pointing for an attitude file. |
attcombine | - Combine the rotations in two attitude files. |
attdump | - Report the R.A., Dec, and Roll for an attitude file. |
combinexform | - Create or modify a transform. |
coordinator | - Convert raw coordinates to detector and sky coordinates. |
det2att | - Convert detector coordinate offsets to rotations. |
draw_teldef | - Produce a PS plot of coordinates described by a teldef file. |
expomap | - Generate an exposure map. |
getwcs | - Extract the WCS keywords for a teldef file coordinate system. |
getxform | - Extract a transform between coordinate systems in a teldef file. |
imagetrans | - Apply a coordinate transform to an image. |
imagexform | - Transform an image from one coordinate system to another. |
makefilter | - Create a filter file from Housekeeping files. DEPRECATED |
newmakefilter | - Create a filter file from Housekeeping files. REPLACES "makefilter" |
pointxform | - transforms coordinates from an input coordinate system to one or more output coordinate systems. |
prefilter | - Derive attitude and orbit related quantities. |
transform_wcs | - Modify WCS keywords according to a transform. |
tristarid | - Find correction to rotate observed objects onto reference objects. |
tristarid1 | - Find correction to rotate observed objects onto reference objects (called by tristarid). |