xrtcalcpi | - Fill or update PI column in XRT event files (PC, WT and PD modes). |
xrtcentroid | - Calculate source centroid for a given area (box) using XIMAGE. |
xrtevtrec | - Reconstruct events, calculate PHA and assign grade for WT and PD modes. |
xrtexpocalc | - Generate exposure map from sky coordinates instrument map. |
xrtexpocorr | - Apply vignetting correction to sky coordinates instrument map. |
xrtexpomap | - Generate exposure maps for XRT Photon Counting mode event files. |
xrtfilter | - Run 'prefilter' and 'makefilter' to create a filter file from housekeeping data. |
xrtflagpix | - Flag events for bad pixels and calibration source location. |
xrtgrblc | - Swift XRT GRB light curve extraction task. |
xrthkproc | - Process XRT housekeeping header packets file. |
xrthotpix | - Search for hot and flickering pixels for XRT Photon Counting mode. |
xrtimage | - Subtract bias and clean bad pixels in XRT Imaging Mode data. |
xrtinstrmap | - Build the RAW intrument map. |
xrtlccorr | - Generate rate correction file and corrected PC/WT light curve. |
xrtmkarf | - Generate an ARF file for an input RMF file. |
xrtpcbias | - Correct the bias subtracted on-board for PC mode. |
xrtpccorr | - Correct on-ground PHAS values for data taken in Photon Counting mode. |
xrtpcgrade | - Calculate the PHA values and assign event grades. |
xrtpdcorr | - Subtract the bias to the event PHA values taken in Photodiode mode. |
xrtphascorr | - Re-order the pixel telemetered in the PC PHAS array. |
xrtpipeline | - Run in sequence the tasks for XRT data processing. |
xrtproducts | - Generate high level product data files from a cleaned event file. |
xrtscreen | - Generate GTIs and use them (and other criteria) to perform event screening. |
xrttam | - Perform attitude correction to detector coordinates using the TAM device. |
xrttdrss | - Process XRT TDRSS messages. |
xrttdrss2 | - Process new XRT TDRSS messages (telemetry patches f and g support). |
xrttimetag | - Assign event arrival times and fill DETX/DETY columns for Windowed Timing and Photodiode modes. |
xrtversion | - Print the version and date of the Swift-XRT subpackage. |
xrtwtcorr | - Correct on-ground the bias for data taken in Windowed Timing mode. |