swiftxform - transform a multi-extension SWIFT image file
swiftxform infile=<filename> outfile=<filename>
This tool performs image transformations on the extensions in a SWIFT image file.
The real work is done by a collection of tools in the attitude package; swiftxform takes care of invoking them with the correct arguments.
- infile [filename]
- Input filename parameter. By default, the primary array is copied and normal image extensions are transformed. If a single extension is specified, only that extension is transformed.
- outfile [filename]
- Output filename parameter. In order to overwrite an existing file, use the clobber parameter.
- attfile [filename]
- Attitude filename parameter. This is used for SKY transformations. There are special values CONST:* which result in a temporary constant attitude file being created, but note that this is only as accurate as the constant pointing provided. The value CONST:KEY causes the RA_PNT, DEC_PNT, PA_PNT keywords to be used. The value CONST:PAR causes the ra, dec, roll parameters to be used.
- alignfile [filename]
- Alignment filename parameter. Only required when attfile=CONST:*.
- The image transformation method to be used.
If DEFAULT, AREA will be used for UVOT images and EVENTS will be used for XRT images.
See imagetrans for method definitions.
- ra [real: -1 - 360 deg]
- Central RA for SKY transformations. A negative value causes the *_PNT keywords to be read to determine the central RA and DEC.
- dec [real: -90 - 90 deg]
- Central DEC for SKY transformations.
- roll [real: -360 - 360 deg]
- ROLL for SKY transformations.
- to [string: RAW|DET|SKY]
- Specify output system of transform.
- teldeffile [string]
- Specify the telescope definition file or CALDB.
- (bitpix = 0) [int]
- FITS output image BITPIX or 0 to maintain the input image BITPIX.
- (skytime = DEFAULT) [string]
- Time at which to sample attitude for sky transformations. By default, XRT uses the middle of the exposure. By default, UVOT uses the start of the exposure if aspect following is active or the middle otherwise. Other values which are understood are
MET:<met> an absolute mission elapsed time
TSTART[:<offset>] TSTART plus and optional offset
TMIDDLE[:<offset>] TMIDDLE plus and optional offset
TSTOP[:<offset>] TSTOP plus an optional offset
DURATION[:<scale>] TSTART plus a multiple of the exposure duration
NONE no sky attitude required
- (aberration = no) [boolean]
- If true, account for velocity aberration.
- (zeronulls = no) [boolean]
- If true, treat NULL pixels in input as zeros.
- (copyall = no) [boolean]
- If true, non-transformed extensions will be copied to the output.
- (extempty = yes) [boolean]
- Ensure empty output primary when extension specified? This flag only matters when copyall is false.
- (allempty = no) [boolean]
- Ensure empty output primary when no extension specified?
- (round = 0) [real]
- If greater than 0, this parameter will be passed to swiftround to
perform rounding on the output.
- (cleanup = yes) [boolean]
- If true, intermediate files will be removed.
- (chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
- Standard HEAdas chatter parameter.
A range of 0 to 5 is enforced by the min and max fields in the parameter file.
- (clobber = no) [boolean]
- Standard HEAdas clobber parameter. If true, the output file will be overwritten.
The following examples illustrate running swiftxform
1. run swiftxform prompting for options
2. run swiftxform specifying a particular image extension and the output file on the command line
swiftxform infile=images.fits+1 outfile=xformed.fits
imagexform, getxform, combinexform, applyxform, getwcs, transform_wcs, pointxform, swiftround
October 2009