Suzaku General
- aeaspect -- Calculate mean satellite Euler angles for Suzaku
- aeattcor -- Correct the attitute
- aebarycen -- Apply barycenter correction to Suzaku EVENT and HK files
- aecoordcalc -- Coordinates calculator for Suzaku
- aemkehk -- Create an extended HK file from attitude and orbit files
- aemkpinudhk -- Calculate PINUD count from HXD HK for the NXB estimator
- aemkreg -- Generate a ds9 region file for given satellite Euler angles
- aepipeline -- Re-process the XIS, PIN and GSO data to produce cleaned event files
- aetimecalc -- Mission time calculator for Suzaku
- suzakuversion -- Report version string for Suzaku package
- hxdarfgen -- Generate the HXD arf files of PINs
- hxdbsttime -- Fill the BST_FRZD_TM keyword in the header of the BURST FITS
- hxddtcor -- Calculate the dead time correction for PHA files
- hxdgrade -- Fill the GRADE column for the WELL FITS
- hxdgsoxblc -- calculate the GSO source(+background) and background lightcurves
- hxdgsoxbpi -- calculate the GSO source(+background) and background spectra
- hxdgtigen -- Give the GTI to remove the telemetry saturation intervals
- hxdmkbstlc -- Make lightcurve(s) from the HXD Burst event file
- hxdmkbstspec -- Extract spectra from HXD Bust event file
- hxdmkgainhist -- Calculate gain history files for HXD WELL_PIN and WELL_GS events
- hxdmkgainhist_gso -- Calculate gain-history for HXD WELL_GSO. Used within hxdmkgainhist
- hxdmkgainhist_pin -- Calculate gain-history for HXD WELL_PIN. Used within hxdmkgainhist
- hxdpi -- Fill the HXD PI columns for the WELL FITS
- hxdpinxblc -- calculate the PIN source(+background) and background lightcurves
- hxdpinxbpi -- calculate the PIN source(+background) and background spectra
- hxdscltime -- Fill the TIME column for the WELL FITS (using SCLTIME and TI)
- hxdtime -- Fill the TIME column for the WELL FITS (using WELTIME and TI)
- hxdmkwamgainhist -- Produce a gain history file for the TRANSIENT FITS
- hxdmkwamspec -- Make spectra from the HXD WAM event file
- hxdmkwamlc -- Make lightcurve(s) from the HXD WAM event file
- hxdwambstid -- Make temporal burst ID table
- hxdwamgrade -- Fill the GRADE column for the TRN FITS
- hxdwampi -- Make gain correction for the TRANSIENT FITS
- hxdwamtime -- Fill the TIME column for the TRANSIENT FITS
- mkphlist -- Photon list generator for xissim
- xis5x5to3x3 -- Convert XIS 5x5 mode event file into 3x3 mode
- xiscontamicalc -- Calculate parameters relevant for the XIS OBF contaminant
- xiscoord -- Calculate the ACT, DEC, FOC and sky X/Y for XIS event files
- xisexpmapgen -- Create a detector mask image and an exposure map for XIS
- xisgtigen -- Write GTI after checking saturated frames and jumps in the frame time
- xisllegtigen -- Generate a FITS file of good time interval (GTI) that does not suffer from incorrect light leak estimation (LLE)
- xisnxbgen -- Estimate the XIS non X-ray background
- xispi -- Calculate the XIS PI and grade values from PHAS
- xisputpixelquality -- Put pixel quality code (PIXEL_QUALITY or STATUS) for each XIS event
- xisrmfgen -- Create the XIS energy Redistribution Matrix File
- xissim -- Generate a simulated XIS event file using the outputs of mkphlist
- xissimarfgen -- Calculate the ARF using the XRT ray-tracing simulator
- xistime -- Time assignment for Burst mode, P-sum mode or Window Option
- xisucode -- Assign the micro-code related keywords
April 2009