FTOOLS Help Files: filenames - Syntax for command-line processing of FITS files via filenames filetypes - Syntax for specifying the file medium (eg, disk or network) colfilter - Filename syntax for modifying column and keyword values imfilter - Filename syntax for extracting image subsections rowfilter - Filename syntax for filtering the rows of a FITS table binfilter - Filename syntax for producing histograms from tabular data calc_express - Description of calculator functions available for filtering fpack/funpack - FITS tile-compression & decompression tasks ASCA Mission-specific Tasks: add_sis_rmf - [P] Reports percentage of counts in evtfile in each chip addascaspec - [P] Combine ASCA spectral files ascaarf - Generates an ASCA ARF file for an input PHA file ascaeffmap - Generates an ASCA EFF detector image file for an input PHA file ascaexpo - Generate an exposure map for an ASCA observation. ascalin - Produce the ASCA calibrated science file data products ascascreen - [P] Cleans raw ASCA science files ascaray - ASCA mirror ray tracing program ascatape - Read FITS files off NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied ASCA data distribution tapes. aspect - Computes the euler angles of the best aspect point attitude - Compute summary information for an ASCA attitude file cleansis - Detect anomalous ASCA SIS pixel values and output the cleaned events file with a 'hot pixel' extension appended corpileup - Apply pileup correction to ASCA data. correctrdd - Apply RDD correction to ASCA SIS FAINT, BRIGHT or BRIGHT2 data dfe2mkf - Insert output information of FAINTDFE into existing MKF file faint - Convert ASCA faint mode data to a bright mode format faintdfe - Calculate the dark frame error for SIS FAINT mode data fasttime - Corrects SIS FAST mode data times fastwmap - Add a WMAP to a FAST mode spectral file. fmosaic - Create a mosaic of several ASCA observations. fmosaic2img - [P] Combine fmosaic output files into a single image. ghkcurve - Extract light curve from ASCA GIS housekeeping file. ghkdump - Display GIS housekeeping parameters of the GIS HK file gisrti - Compute Rise Time Invariant value in GIS PH mode science file gis3bitfix - [P] Fix science files affected by the GIS3 3 bit LSB error Adapted to Perl from gis3bitfix.e gqaplot - ASCA GIS quick analysis ftool ldeadtime - Carry out deadtime correction for FITS light curves. make_ascaray_images - [P] run the ftool "ascaray" sequentially for 300 energies from 0.1 keV to 12 keV. mkdtime - Calculates the deadtime fractions for the GIS mkfilter2 - Produce an ASCA filter file for XSELECT mkgisbgd - Create exposure corrected blank sky spectrum and image from point-source removed blank sky event files offsetcoord - Offset a celestial coordinate pair sisclean - Plot frequency histogram of an SIS image file and apply an intensity threshold cut sisgbr - [P] QDP fit branching ratios derived from FITS data sishist - Frequency histogram of an image created from an SIS event file sispi - Fills PI column of ASCA SIS event files. sisrmg - Generate SIS instrument response matrix sqaplot - ASCA SIS quick analysis ftool temp2gain - Make a GIS gain history file in FITS format from FRF file. timeconv - Convert from satellite to barycentric. [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. Attitude Tasks (Multi-mission): applyxform - Transform a list of coordinates. aspect - Calculate the mean pointing for an attitude file. attdump - Report the R.A., Dec, and Roll for an attitude file. combinexform - Create or modify a transform. coordinator - Convert raw coordinates to detector and sky coordinates. draw_teldef - Produce a PostScript plot of coordinates described by a teldef calibration file. expomap - Generate an exposure map. getwcs - Extracts the WCS keywords for a teldef file coordinate system. getxform - Extract a transform between coordinate systems in a teldef file. imagetrans - Apply a coordinate transform to an image. imagexform - Transform an image from one coordinate system to another. makefilter - Create a filter file from Housekeeping files. pointxform - transforms coordinates from an input coordinate system to one or more output coordinate systems. prefilter - Derive attitude and orbit related quantities. transform_wcs - Modify WCS keywords according to a transform. Calibration Database Tasks: addarf - Adds two or more Ancillary Response Files (ARFs) addrmf - Adds together two or more RMFs brcaldb - Browse the Caldb data holdings c_caldbflag - switches flag status of calibration files in a CIF c_caldbinfo - Checks whether a local CALDB is correctly installed for a user c_crtcif - Create an empty Calibration Index File (CIF) calcrpsf - Calculates a radial point spread function caldbflag - switches flag status of calibration files in a CIF caldbinfo - Checks whether a local CALDB is correctly installed chkcif - Check entries in a Calibration Index File cifcadd - add a new column, CAL_ORIG, to a CIF cmppha - Converts a TYPE II to a TYPE I OGIP pha file col2img - Converts a collimator response dataset to an image crcif - Creates an empty Calibration Index File dmprmf - Displays OGIP standard Response FITS file gcorpha - remaps PHA channels from SPECTRUM extension. gcorrmf - Remaps a detector redistribution matrix in channel-space genrsp - Generic spectral response generator lstgood - List "good" files found in a Calibration Index File marfrmf - Multiplies an ancillary response file by a redist matrix mkcaldb - Create a Calibration Database mkcaldir - Create the Caldb directory structure mkcalinit - Create a caldbinit file mudcif - Many UpDates to a Calibration Index File (CIF) quzcif - Interrogates Caldb for location of a dataset rbnrmf - Physically compresses a RMF file rbnrpsf - Rebins a radial point spread function rpsf2eef - Converts a radial PSF (RPSF) dataset to a radial encircled energy function (REEF) dataset. rpsfqdp - Converts OGIP format radial profile file to ASCII QDP rsp2rmf - Converts SF format response matrices to OGIP FITS format st2rpsf - Reads STWFITS file and writes an OGIP RPSF file stcal - Stores one or more calibration files in the Caldb udcif - Adds a calibration file to a CIF Einstein Specific FITS Tasks: sssarf - creates an Ancilliary Response File (ARF) for Einstein SSS PHA data sssbck - builds the EINSTEIN SSS background PHA files for a given source obsn Example Tasks: cdummyftool - "Hello World" C ftool example/template fdummyftool - "Hello World" Fortran ftool example/template EXOSAT Tasks: automerge - [P] Create a list of compatible event files and run exomerge cmadead - Correct EXOSAT CMA lightcurves and images for deadtime exoleuv - Estimate the stellar UV count rate for different CMA filters exomerge - Merge files from a given observation. Update coordinates exopha - [P] Create one channel spectrum for the EXOSAT CMA tkexomerge - [T] Create a list of event files via tk interface & run exomerge exovig - [P] Give the vignetting correction factor for the EXOSAT LE [T] Tcl/tk script. [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. FITS Image Tasks: chimgtyp - Changes data type (BITPIX) of an image array f2dhisto - Make a 2-D histogram from 2 columns in a table fadapt - Convolve a FITS image with an adaptive top hat filter farith - Perform arithmetic on 2 FITS images fboxcar - Convolve a FITS image with a rectangular boxcar filter fcarith - Perform arithmetic on FITS image with a constant fexpoadapt - Adaptively smooth an image and an exposure map together. fgauss - Convolve a FITS image with an elliptical Gaussian function fim2lst - Convert a 2D image to a pixel list (inverse of f2dhisto) fimg2tab - Copies the image pixel values into a (binary/ascii) table extension. fimconcat - Take 2 images and place them side by side as single image fimgbin - Rebin a FITS image using a rectangular bin size fimgdmp - Dump contents of a FITS image (see also ftlist) fimgextract - Extract a (vector) column from a table or a subset from an array, optionally summing over the rows fimgmerge - Merge any number of images onto a given image fimgstat - Compute statistics of an image (see also ftstat) fimgpar - Edit FITS image pixel values (see also ftedit) fimgtrim - Reset image pixels with values above/below threshold values fimhisto - Creates a histogram of the image extension florentz - Convolve a FITS image with an elliptical Lorentzian function flst2im - Create an output FITS image file from input list file containing a list of the coordinates and respective values fmaskfilt - Filter an event list based on an input mask image fmedian - Convolve a FITS image with a median value within an user defined rectangular box fmrgmsk - Merge 2 or more spatial masks fparimg - Write a task parameter value to a FITS image pixel fregcon - SAOimage region file converter from one instrument/detector to another fsaoi - Translate an SAOImage region file to an input file for fselect fvec2img - Create an image from a column of vectors Futils (General Purpose Utilities) Tasks: cphead - Copy a header from one FITS file to another FITS file. faddcol - Copies columns from one FITS table extension to another fappend - Append a FITS extension onto another FITS file fapropos - [P] Does keyword searches for FTOOLS fcalc - Calculates values for a column using an arithmetic expression fcatdiff - Compares columns of a fits file and reports row differences fchecksum - Verify or update the checksum keywords in a FITS file fcollen - Modify the vector length of a column in a binary table. fcolpar - Returns column number for an input filename and column name fcopy - Copy the contents of a FITS file to a new file. fcreate - Create a FITS table from ASCII input files fcurve - Make a light curve histogram from a column in a table fdelcol - Delete a specified column in a FITS table fdelete - Delete a FITS file. fdelhdu - Delete an extension from a FITS file fdelrow - Delete specified rows in a FITS table fdiff - Display the differences between pairs of FITS file. fdump - Dump contents of a FITS table (see also ftlist) fextract - Copy a FITS extension from a file into a new file ffilecat - Copies keyword values from a list of FITS file to FITS Table fhelp - [P (optional)] Display FTOOLS help information fhisto - Make a histogram of a column in a table fimgcreate - Create a FITS primary array image from an ASCII template file findex - Create an index file for a FITS table column finterp - Interpolate a column from one FITS table extension into another fkeypar - Copy a FITS header keyword to a parameter fkeyprint - Display keyword(s) in FITS header(s) (see also ftlist) fkeytab - Copy a FITS header keyword to a FITS table element flcol - List column information in a FITS table (see also ftlist) flist - List contents of a FITS table (see also ftlist) flookup - Filter a FITS file from selection based on a lookup table fmemsort - Fast memory sort of a FITS table fmerge - Merge rows from several FITS tables into one FITS table fmodcomm - Modify commentary header keywords (see also fthedit) fmodhead - Modify the header keywords in a FITS file (see also fthedit) fmodtab - [P] Edit FITS tables (see also ftedit) fparhelp - [P] Provides help for a specified parameter for a given ftool fparkey - Edit a FITS header keyword (see also fthedit) fparstamp - [P] Copy contents of a .par file into a FITS file header fpartab - Edit FITS tables (see also ftedit) fplot - Plots columns from a FITS file using QDP/PLT Plot Package fselect - Create a new table from selected rows of a table fsort - Sort a FITS table in place fstatistic - Calculate statistics of a column (see also ftstat) fstruct - List the structure of a FITS file (see also ftlist) fsumrows - Sum or average values from list of table columns over spec. rows ftabcopy - Copy columns from one FITS table to another (see also ftpaste) ftabkey - Copy a FITS table element to a FITS header keyword ftabpar - Copy a FITS table element to a parameter value fv - An interactive GUI FITS file browser and display tool fverify - Verify that a FITS file conforms to the FITS Standard fversion - [P] Report FTOOLS version number and release date pconfig - [P] Configure parameter files to user defaults ofverify - Verify that a FITS file (original Fortran version of fverify) The following general purpose tools are in the HEATOOLS package: ftappend - Append a copy of an HDU from one file onto another file ftcalc - Calculate values in a table column ftchecksum - Verify or update the checksum keywords in a FITS file ftcoco - Convert between galactic, equatorial and ecliptic coordinates ftconvert - Convert a fits table into another format ftcopy - Copy a file, applying optional filters ftcreate - Create a FITS table from ASCII template files ftdelhdu - Delete a HDU in a FITS file ftdelrow - Delete rows from a table ftdiff - Display differences between 2 FITS files ftedit - Edit one or more image pixels or table elements ftemplate - Create a FITS file from an ASCII template file fthedit - Edit one or more header keywords ftimgcalc - Perform arbitrary image computations ftimgcreate - Create a FITS image from an ASCII data file ftjoin - Join the columns of two tables according to a matching criterium ftkeypar - Read a keyword and copy its value to the parameter file ftlist - List the contents of the input file ftmerge - Merge rows from multiple input tables into a single table ftpaste - Merge columns from 2 input tables into a single table ftpixcalc - Combine FITS images ftselect - Copy selected rows from the input table to a new table ftselfjoin - Search for matching entries within a single table ftsort - Sort rows in a table ftstat - Calculate statistics of images or tables ftverify - Check that a file conforms to the FITS format [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. GRO (Gamma Ray Observatory) Specific Tasks: barytime - Reads EGRET event files and performs user-selected cuts on photon direction, energy and quality screening parameters, producing an output list with a column containing the solar-system barycenter corrected photon arrival times bcmppha - Converts BATSE PHA files to a format readable by XSPEC bcont - Reads one or more (contiguous) BATSE daily data sets for plotting, interactive time cuts, statistical tests bod2pha - Makes XSPEC PHA file from BATSE occultation data bod2rmf - Makes XSPEC RMF file for BATSE occultation data. bodfluxhis - Extracts light curve from BATSE Earth occultation data bodgetvp - Gets viewing period info from BATSE occultation data bpulsarspec - Reads BATSE pulsar database files and displays the hardness ratio vs. phase or time, flux vs. phase eaddmap - Add or subtract two EGRET maps econvpha - Converts EGRET .spec files to XSPEC .pha files econvrmf - Converts EGRET .resp files to XSPEC .rmf files. emapgen - Converts a photon list (qvp file) to a counts map fbbft2pha - Converts BATSE BFITS file to spectral PHA file fbdrm2rmf - Converts BATSE DRM file to RMF format fesdb2rdf - Reads i/p QVP and EXP (optional) data files and writes an o/p FITS data file in OGIP standard format fevpbtoa - Converts Fits formatted Comptel EVP data to an ASCII file groview - Display BATSE, COMPTEL and EGRET viewing angles for user selected range of viewing grppha2 - Manipulates OGIP standard TYPE II PHA FITS file intmap - Generates EGRET intensity and exposure maps like - Performs Maximum Likelihood analysis of EGRET sky maps specmat - Contstructs XSPEC compatible spectral data file and response matrix from source flux and position information generated by the "like" program HEAO1 Mission-specific Tasks: a2source - Find HEAO1 A2 raw rate files for a given sky position a2lcurve - Extract lightcurve from HEAO1 A2 rate data dsdlcurve - Extract scanning profile from HEAO1 A2 DSDISK data HEAGEN (High Energy Astrophysics) Multi-mission tools: barycorr - Generalized multi-mission barycenter correction tool. rebingausslc - Rebin an irregularly sampled light curve (such as BAT or ASM). rsp2rmfarf - Split an RSP file into an RMF and an ARF. sprbnarf - Rebin an ARF. HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics) Specific Tasks: addspec - adds PHA spectra, bkgd files & combines respons matices arf2arf1 - convert a Type 2 ARF file to a Type 1 ARF file ascii2pha - Creates an OGIP FITS PHA file from an ascii dataset bincurve - Bins vectors and outputs as a light curve binspec - Bin spectra in vector columns chkarf - Check validity of keywords in an ARF FITS file chkpha - Check validity of keywords in a PHA/PI FITS file chkrmf - Check validity of keywords in a RMF FITS file ecd2pha - Converts Einstein HEASARC CD-ROM PHA to OGIP PHA file extractor - Extracts products from input events files extrpsf - Extracts radial PSF (RPSF) dataset from an event file. fadmap - Produce maps for SAS2 or COSB data fixregion - Convert SAO region file to another coordinate system flx2xsp - Creates spectra and response files from an ascii file of fluxes and errors. fovdsp - Display ISDC format reference catalog and INTEGRAL or Swift fields of view on Galactic or Equatorial coordinates, aitoff or tangential projections. Also, FITS images may be displayed. gisxspec - [P] Do spectral analysis for gis data. grppha - Manipulates OGIP standard PHA FITS file gtisum - Compute and list information on Good Time Intervals hkexpand - Expand a compressed format housekeeping (HK) data file hkscale - Scales a FITS housekeeping data file into physical values hkunexpand - Compress an expanded format houskeeping (HK) data file makeregion - [P] Make a region file for an image with POWplot make2region - [P] Create two region files for an image through POWplot. mathpha - Performs mathematical operations on PHA files mekal - Generate XSPEC table file for MEKAL plasma emission model nh - Return hydrogen column density for a given Ra and Dec. pspcxspec - [P] Perform spectral analysis for PSPC data raysmith - Generate XSPEC table file for Raymond-Smith plasma emission model rbnpha - Compresses a PHA dataset selectxrange - [P] Make an x range file for an event fits file with POWplot. sf2pha - Converts SF format PHA file to OGIP FITS format sky2xy - Transform from sky to pixel coordinates using WCS keywords spibkg_init - Initialize input database for XSPEC "spibkg" models used in spectral deconvolution of INTEGRAL/SPI data xy2sky - Transform from pixel to sky coordinates using WCS keywords OSO8 Mission-specific Tasks: osofindfast - [P] Find OSO8 raw rate files for a given sky position osorat - Extract lightcurve from OSO8 raw rate data (B&C detector) osopha - Extract spectra & lightcurve from OSO8 pha data (B&C detector) [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. ROSAT Mission-specific Tasks: abc - Apply Barycentric Corrections to ROSAT event data. ao - Evaluates the geometrical variation of the scattered solar X-ray background bct - Produce a Barycenter Correction Table from ROSAT orbit data calcbgdcor - Calculates the correction for background calculation of source spectrum castpart - Cast model particle background counts in sky coordinates detect - detects sources from an image file extpha - [P] Extracts source spectrum files from PSPC _src files fixrev0pha - Changes the CDELT1 and CDELT2 keywords in a ROSAT PHA file gevt2rdf - Converts a German _events dataset to RDF _bas format hiback - [P] Creates _qsrc file from _src file hriaspcor - Use Morse's method to correct aspect errors hriexpmap - Creates exposure map for given ROSAT HRI observational dataset hrifilt - Creates a ROSAT HRI makefilter file hrirpsf - Calculates theoretical HRI PSF img2us - Converts from German Image file format to US RFITS format lte - Evaluates the polynomial fit made by RATEFIT routine mkqsrc - Adds extra fields for quality screening to ROSAT source file mk_allevt - [P] Combines standard & rejected events tables of an RDF file pcarf - Generates a ROSAT PSPC ARF for an input PHA file pcbgdcor - [P] performs background calc. for ROSAT [runs pcparpha, pcarf,fixregion,calcbgdcor) pcecor - Corrects PI channel in Events file pcexpmap - Creates exposure map for ROSAT PSPC observation pcfilt - Creates a ROSAT PSPC makefilter file pcparpha - Generates a background PHA spectrum for ROSAT PSPC pcpicor - [P] Corrects PI channel in PSPC events file pcrpsf - Calculates a theoretical radial PSF for the ROSAT PSPC pcsasscor - Corrects PI channel for SASS spatial gain error in events file pctcor - Applies temporal correction to PI data in PSPC events file rate - Creates light curves binned on 30-s intervals for the seven bands ratefit - Fits PSPC light curves in seven broad pulse-height bands rosbary - [P] Perform barycentric correction for ROSAT. (Runs abc & bct) roscc2utc - converts spacecraft time to utc with MJD,yyyy-mm-dd:hr:min:sec src2pha - Creates a PHA file from specified extensions in an RDF src file srcdetect - [P] Source detection which runs xselect and then detect tilt - Evaluates the nominal scattered solar X-ray background [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. Suzaku Mission-specific Tasks: HXD Instrument-specific tasks hxdarfgen - Generate the HXD arf files of PINs hxdbsttime - Fill the BST_FRZD_TM keyword in header of the BURST FITS hxddtcor - Calculate the dead time correction for PHA files hxdgrade - Fill the GRADE column for the WELL FITS hxdgsoxblc - Calculate the GSO source(+background) and background lightcurves hxdgsoxbpi - Calculate the GSO source(+background) and background spectra hxdgtigen - Give the GTI to remove the telemetry saturation intervals hxdmkbstlc - Make lightcurve(s) from the HXD Burst event file hxdmkgainhist - Calculate gain history files for HXD WELL_PIN and WELL_GS events hxdmkgainhist_gso - Calculate gain-history for HXD WELL_GSO. Used within hxdmkgainhist. hxdmkgainhist_pin - Calculate gain-history for HXD WELL_PIN. Used within hxdmkgainhist. hxdpi - Fill the HXD PI columns for the WELL FITS hxdpinxblc - Calculate the PIN source(+background) and background lightcurves hxdpinxbpi - Calculate the PIN source(+background) and background spectra hxdscltime - Fill the TIME column for the WELL FITS (using SCLTIME & TI) hxdtime - Fill the TIME column for the WELL FITS (using WELTIME & TI) hxdmkwamgainhist - Produce a gain history file for the TRANSIENT FITS hxdwamgrade - Fill the GRADE column for the TRN FITS hxdmkwamlc - Make lightcurve(s) from the HXD WAM event file hxdwampi - Make gain correction for the TRANSIENT FITS hxdmkwamspec - Make spectra from the HXD WAM event file hxdwamtime - Fill the TIME column for the TRANSIENT FITS XIS Instrument-specific tasks xis5x5to3x3 - Convert onvert XIS 5x5 mode event file into 3x3 mode xiscontamicalc - Calculate parameters relevant for the XIS OBF contaminant xiscoord - Calculate the ACT, DEC, FOC and sky X/Y for XIS event files xisgtigen - Write GTI after checking saturated frames and jumps in the frame time xisllegtigen - Generate a FITS file of good time interval (GTI) that does not suffer from incorrect light leak estimation (LLE) xisnxbgen - Estimate the XIS non X-ray background xispi - Calculate the XIS PI and grade values from PHAS xisputpixelquality - Put pixel quality code (PIXEL_QUALITY or STATUS) for each XIS event xissim - Generate a simulated XIS event file using output of mkphlist xissimarfgen - Calculate the ARF using the XRT ray-tracing simulator xistime - Time assignment for Burst mode, P-sum mode or Window Option xisucode - Assign the micro-code related keywords General Suzaku tasks aeaspect - Calculate mean satellite Euler angles for Suzaku aebarycen - Apply barycenter correction to Suzaku EVENT and HK files aecoordcalc - Coordinates Calculator for Suzaku aemkehk - create an extended HK file from attitude and orbit files aemkpinudhk - Calculate PINUD count from HXD HK for the NXB estimator aemkreg - Generate a ds9 region file for given satellite Euler angles aepipeline - Re-process the XIS, PIN and GSO data to produce cleaned event files aetimecalc - Mission Time Calculator for Suzaku mkphlist - Photon list generator for xissim suzakuversion - Report version string for Suzaku package Swift Mission-specific Tasks: BAT Instrument-specific tasks batbinevt - Compute mask weighted light curves or spectra from BAT event data. batcelldetect - Perform source detection using the sliding cell method. batclean - Read in a DPI and clean out a fit to the diffuse background. batdetmask - Retrieve BAT gross detector quality map from CALDB. batdph2dpi - (OBSOLETE) compress a 3-d image cube in a FITS binary table along the first (energy) dimension to create a 2-d image. batdph2pha - (OBSOLETE) Read in a BAT Detector Plane Histogram and output a file containing a spectrum for each detector. batdrmgen - Compute BAT detector response matrix for a known source position. bateconvert - Read in an event file and apply energy conversions. baterebin - Read in a survey DPH and rebin the energy spectra using quadratic corrections. batfftimage - Make sky image from detector plane image by FFT deconvolution. batglobalgti - Retrieve BAT global science analysis times. batgrbproduct - Perform standard BAT GRB processing. bathotpix - Locate and mask out hot pixels in a BAT detector image. batid2xy - Convert between detector ID and x/y position in the BAT array. batimgstatpos - Compute celestial coordinates for BAT image status packets. batmasktaglc - Derive light curves from mask tagged rate packets. batmaskwtevt - Compute mask weights for an event file. batmaskwtimg - Compute mask weights for the entire detector BAT plane. batoccultgti - Compute BAT good time intervals due to occultation. batoccultmap - Compute BAT exposure mask due to occultation. batphasimerr - Estimate statistical errors for simulated BAT spectrum. batphasyserr - Apply BAT spectral systematic error vector. batsumdph - (OBSOLETE) Add specified rows in a BAT_DPH table and generate a new, single-row BAT_DPH extension. batsurvey - Perform processing on BAT Survey DPH data. battblocks - Estimate interesting Bayesian Blocks and burst durations for time-variable data. batupdatephakw - Update BAT ray tracing columns in spectral files. UVOT Instrument-specific tasks uvot2pha - Create a pha file from a UVOT image and region files. uvotapercorr - Aperture correction for Swift-UVOT source count rates. uvotapplywcs - Perform coordinate translations as given by WCS keywords. uvotaspcorr - Find aspect corrections for UVOT sky images. uvotattcorr - Adjust attitude file with information from UVOT aspect corrections. uvotbadpix - Create pixel quality maps for UVOT images uvotcentroid - Locate the centroid of a source on a UVOT image. uvotcoincidence - Perform coincidence loss correction. uvotdetect - Detect sources in a UVOT image. uvotevgrism - Filter a UVOT grism event list and determine wavelength uvotevtlc - Make a background-subtracted light curve from UVOT event data. uvotexpcorr - Swift/UVOT exposure time correction. uvotexpmap - Generate exposure maps for UVOT sky images. uvotflatfield - Perform flat-fielding on UVOT images. uvotflux - Convert source count rates to magnitudes and flux. uvotgraspcorr - Aspect correct UVOT grism images. uvotgrplot - Plot UVOT grism spectra. uvotimage - Create UVOT level 2 images. uvotimgrism - Extract UVOT grism spectra. uvotimsum - Sum UVOT sky images or exposure maps. uvotinteg - Determine centroid/area/sum for an image region. uvotlss - Calculate large scale sensitivity corrections. uvotmag - (OBSOLETE) Use uvotcoincidence/uvotflux instead. uvotmaghist - Make a light curve from the exposures in a UVOT image file. uvotmodmap - Correct UVOT images for modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise. uvotoptsum - Optimally coadd UVOT images. uvotpict - Create a finding chart image. uvotproduct - Create level III science products from Level II UVOT data. uvotrmfgen - Create a UVOT response matrix. uvotscreen - Filter a UVOT event list. uvotsequence - List and visualize UVOT observing sequences. uvotshiftpha - Shift a UVOT PHA in time assuming a power-law decay uvotskycorr - Attempt to aspect correct UVOT sky images. uvotskylss - Create and sum large scale sensitivity maps. uvotsource - Instrumental source magnitude derived from UVOT image. uvottfc - Swift/UVOT TDRSS finding chart processing. uvotunicorr - Perform user-guided aspect correction of a sky image. XRT Instrument-specific tasks xrtcalcpi - Fill or update PI column in XRT event files (PC, WT and PD modes). xrtcentroid - Calculate source centroid for a given area (box) using XIMAGE. xrtevtrec - Reconstruct events, calculate PHA and assign grade for WT and PD modes. xrtexpocalc - Generate exposure map from sky coordinates instrument map. xrtexpocorr - Apply vignetting correction to sky coordinates instrument map. xrtexpomap - Generate exposure maps for XRT Photon Counting mode event files. xrtfilter - Run 'prefilter' and 'makefilter' to create a filter file from housekeeping data. xrtflagpix - Flag events for bad pixels and calibration source location. xrtgrblc - Swift XRT GRB light curve extraction task. xrthkproc - Process XRT housekeeping header packets file. xrthotpix - Search for hot and flickering pixels for XRT Photon Counting mode. xrtimage - Subtract bias and clean bad pixels in XRT Imaging Mode data. xrtinstrmap - Build the RAW intrument map. xrtlccorr - Generate rate correction file and corrected PC/WT light curve. xrtmkarf - Generate an ARF file for an input RMF file. xrtpcbias - Correct the bias subtracted on-board for PC mode. xrtpccorr - Correct on-ground PHAS values for data taken in Photon Counting mode. xrtpcgrade - Calculate the PHA values and assign event grades. xrtpdcorr - Subtract the bias to the event PHA values taken in Photodiode mode. xrtphascorr - Re-order the pixel telemetered in the PC PHAS array xrtpipeline - Run in sequence the tasks for XRT data processing. xrtproducts - Generate high level product data files from a cleaned event file. xrtscreen - Generate GTIs and use them (and other criteria) to perform event screening. xrttam - Perform attitude correction to detector coordinates using the TAM device. xrttdrss - Process XRT TDRSS messages. xrttdrss2 - Process new XRT TDRSS messages (telemetry patches f and g support). xrttimetag - Assign event arrival times and fill DETX/DETY columns for Windowed Timing and Photodiode modes. xrtversion - Print the version and date of the Swift-XRT subpackage. xrtwtcorr - Correct on-ground the bias for data taken in Windowed Timing mode. General Swift tasks attjumpcorr - Correct Swift attitude files for jumps. swiftround - Perform rounding on a multi-extension FITS file. swifttime - Swift time system converter. swiftversion - Report overall version number and date of entire HEADAS/Swift package. swiftxform - Perform image tansformations on a multi-extension Swift image file. swtimecorr - Apply clock correction to Swift files (with option to convert to UTC). Time Related Tasks: burst - Remove bursts of events from time ordered event list cktime - Checks that a time column is time ordered day2time - Convert time offset (in days) relative to a reference date/time to an absolute date/time deadtime - Update the exposure of PHA file by deadtime based on GTIs fltime - Filter an event list within given time intervals (GTIs) makefilter - Create a filter file from Housekeeping files. maketime - Calculate time intervals (GTIs) from housekeeping (HK) data mgtime - Merge 2 or more time interval (GTI) files sec2time - Convert time offset to absolute time time2day - Calculate time (days) between input and reference date/time time2sec - Convert absolute time to a time offset VELA5B Mission-specific Tasks: fvelalc - Creates a FITS light curve for an isolated Vela 5B source fvelmap - Creates a set of FITS source maps of a rectangular region fvelgallc - Creates multiple light curves for sources in confused fields velabox - Lists the Vela 5B raw data files needed for FVELALC velamap - Lists the Vela 5B raw data files needed for FVELMAP XRONOS (Time Series Analysis package) Tasks: ascii2flc - [P] creates a xronos input FITS file from an ASCII file autocor - calculates auto correlation for a time series crosscor - calculates cross correlation of two time series earth2sun - change times to solar system barycenter efold - creates epoch folded lightcurve, hardness and color-color plots efsearch - finds best chi-squared period by folding over range of periods flc2ascii - [P] Dump xronos input or output in ASCII file readable by QDP lcmath - Subtracts or adds two binned lightcurves. lcstats - calculates statistical variables a time series lcurve - creates lightcurves, hardness and color-color plots listdata - list data file on the screen powspec - creates power spectrum density rbf2fits - Converts the "EXOSAT rate buffer" format in FITS. timeskew - calculates time skewness function for a time series xronwin - [P] creates a window file suitable for xronos tasks [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. XTE Mission-specific Tasks: addshots - Adds shot noise to an input light curve. addsine - Adds a sine curve (or a user-defined periodic function) to an existing timing FITS file. asmappend - Reads in an ASM master file and a series of files that are sorted and appended to the master file. asmchannel - [P] Separates an ASM color file into separate light curve files for each ASM energy channel. asmsrcupdate - [P] Runs ASMAPPEND on a collection of XTE ASM master files and their respective incoming files. bemerge - Merges XTE binned event spectral files. chantrans - [P] Translates relative channel range to an absolute channel range by reading XTE produced .pha files. correctlc - Corrects lightcurves for variance in number of active PCUs. decodeevt - Decodes event keywords in XTE Science Event files. edsgcor - Converts the PCA/EDS Gain & Offset (ascii) file to FITS format. fakelc - Creates a fake light curve given a mean count rate. The output may be either an event list or a binned light curve. fasebin - Bins observations of a periodic signal into a two-dimensional histogram of phase vs. energy [PHA-type II FITS ("fB") file]. faxbary - [P] An alternative to fxbary for barycenter-correction. fbadd - Adds several commensurate fB files together. fbfsum - Averages fB files in phase, by summing rows together. fbssum - Allows averaging of fB files in energy and performs phase analysis. fbsub - Subtracts a baseline (unpulsed contribution) from an fB histogram. fcollect - First half of XTEFILT, which creates a filter file for an observation based on housekeeping, attitude and orbit data. fgabor - Performs a Gabor transform on a lightcurve and returns the normalized power as a function of time and frequency. fxbary - Reads XTE light-curve, science array, or science event data files and either adds a new column BARYTIME (as the last column) which gives the barycentric time for this data, or overwrites the TIME column. grosstimefilt - [P] Filters out all times that fall outside a specified range and modifies appropriate keywords in a XTE SA or SE file. gti2xronwin - [P] Converts a GTI file (or extension) to a XRONOS-format time filter file, i.e., *.wi file. hextebackest - Estimate background for HEXTE Cluster A. hxtarf - Computes and applies the HEXTE collimator response to produce a .arf file for a HEXTE spectrum (.pha). hxtback - [P] Reads a HEXTE science or housekeeping FITS file and creates new FITS files based on cluster position. hxtdead - Corrects a HEXTE spectral or light curve FITS file for detector dead time, including correction for time lost to the rocking motion. The program is applied to .pha or .lc files produced by seextrct or saextrct from a single FITS file. hxtlcurv - [P] Produces background-corrected HEXTE lightcurves. hxtrsp - [P] Produces response matrix for a HEXTE spectrum (PHA file). make_se - [P] Creates XTE/SE (Event) data files from a list of input files which may contain Good_Xenon and/or Transparent Mode data files. mkgtif - Creates GTI extension file for HEXTE data. pca_bs - [P] Performs rough PCA lightcurve background subtraction. pcabackest - Creates an estimated PCA background spectrum for a specific observation from the background model created by the PCA instrument team. pcaclrsp - Creates a collimator corrected light curve for an XTE PCA input light curve. pcagainset - Inserts PCA/EDS gain and offset values into a PCA .pha file. pcarmf - Creates a .rmf file for an specified anode chain (i.e. combination of layers) in a given PCU pcarsp - [P] Runs the tools necessary to construct response matrices for XTE PCA spectral data. perdgrm - Computes the periodogram (a discrete fourier analysis) on light curves which are comprised of binned intensities at unevenly spaced time intervals. rddescr - Obtains channel and gain information from an input XTE .pha file. rebinlc - Rebins lightcurves by integer multiple of TIMEDEL recofmi - Reconstructs an FMI from subdirectories' FMIs which may be nested one level or two levels deep. rex - [P] Makes preliminary products and then extracts data; i.e. filter files, GTIs, lists of data files, background data files and lists, lc and pha files. runpcabackest - [P] Runs PCABACKEST on a series of StdMode2 data files. sa2phaII - Converts a Standard Mode 2 Science Array (SA) file into a type-II PHA file. sachip - [P] Runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT once from command line. saexpd - Reads science array vectors and outputs generic FITS files. saextrct - Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from Science Array files. saplot - [P] Cyclically queries the user for additional SA files and then runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT (for SOF use). sbmerge - Combines concurrent single-bit (SB) mode data and creates an output file in Science Array (SA) format. sebitmask - Creates bitmask for filtering SE data with FSELECT. seexpd - Reads science events data and outputs generic FITS files. seextrct - Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from Science Event data. sefilter - [P] Helps the user generate an expression that is fed into SEBITMASK and examines the result to determine if the file can be directly input into SEEXTRCT for filtering, or if it first needs to be input to FSELECT. seplot - [P] Cyclically queries the user for additional SE files and then runs SEEXTRCT and FPLOT (for SOF). seselect - [P] Runs SEBITMASK and FSELECT to generate a FITS file. sumpha - [P] Adds individual .pha files and merges GTI extensions. timetrans - [P] Translates relative time range to an absolute time range by reading XTE produced .lc files. trans2fits - Creates science event FITS file from Transparent Mode data. xdf - The GUI XTE data finder xenon2fits - Creates science event FITS file from Good Xenon data. xpcaarf - Creates a .arf file for an input XTE PCA .pha and .rmf file. xsut - GUI front-end to GNUtar for selective untarring of XTE data distribution tapes or data archive tar files. xtecol - Applies the HEXTE collimator correction to a light curve. xtederive - Second half of XTEFILT, which creates a filter file for an observation based on housekeeping, attitude and orbit data. xtefilt - [P] Creates a filter file (.xfl) for a given RXTE observation. xtetape - Reads FITS files from NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied XTE data distribution tapes. xteversion - [P] Prints the version and date of the XTE subpackage. [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool. Parameter File Manipulation Tasks: pconfig - [P] Configure parameter files to user defaults pget - Get the value of one or more parameters in a parameter file plist - List parameters from one or more IRAF-style parameter files pquery - Get the value of a parameter in an IRAF-style parameter file pset - Set one or more parameters in an IRAF-style parameter file punlearn - Get a copy of the system parameter file [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool.