CALDFLAG (Jun97) ftools.caltools CALDFLAG (Jun97) NAME caldbflag -- switches flag status of calibration files in a CIF USAGE mission instrument alias inpfile flag1 switch1 flag2 switch2 flag3 switch3 flag4 switch4 flag7 switch7 flag8 switch8 flag10 switch10 flag12 switch12 origin flag13 swit13 flag14 swit14 (calfexp) (chatter) (mode) DESCRIPTION This task is a maintenance task for CALDB managers. For a given calibration dataset listed within a local Calibration Index File (CIF), the task enables 1 or more CIF flags to be switched to requested values (at the EXTENSION level). THIS TASK SHOULD BE RUN FROM THE TOP LEVEL DIRECTORY TO THE CALDB i.e. from $CALDB. As input, the task requires : (i) an ASCII file containing a list of calibration files whose flag status is to be changed. FOR EACH FILE the path to the file should be given AND the extension i.e. data/xte/pca/bcf/e2c/pca_e2c_eo3v00.fits[1] data/xte/pca/bcf/e2c/pca_e2c_eo3v00.fits[2] data/xte/pca/bcf/e2c/pca_e2c_eo3v00.fits[5] (ii) the mission & instrument whose CIF is to be updated. (iii) the name of any alias for this instrument (doesnt matter which is entered) i.e. for ASCA XRT the aliases are XRT1, XRT2, XRT3, XRT4 for ASCA SIS the aliases are SIS0, SIS1 for ASCA XRT the aliases are GIS2, GIS3 for ROSAT PSPC the aliases are PSPCB, PSPCC If an instrument has no alias (i.e. XTE PCA) then just re-enter the name of the instrument (i.e. PCA). The alias info is required by a subroutine which determines the path to a CIF. (iii) the names of the CIF flags (equivalent to CIF columns) to switch. (iv) the NEW value for each CIF flag. The input ASCII file consists of one entry (filename[#extn]) per row. The task parses each entry, separating the filename[#extn] from any directory path. This i/p filename[#extn] is then compared to entries in the CIF. If a match is found then the status of the requested flag(s) for that file is updated appropriately in the CIF. The CIF flags whose values (status) may be switched are: flag1 (CIF column CAL_DEV) On/off-line status flag2 (CIF column CAL_CLAS) OGIP class flag3 (CIF column CAL_DTYP) OGIP Caldb data type flag4 (CIF column CAL_CNAM) OGIP data set flag7 (CIF column CAL_VSD) Validity Start Date flag8 (CIF column CAL_VST) Validity Start Time flag10 (CIF column CAL_QUAL) Data quality flag flag12 (CIF column CAL_DESC) Description string flag13 (CIF column CAL_ORIG) flag to indicate (place) origin of cal data flag14 (CIF column DETNAM) Name of detector Flags CAL_CLAS, CAL_DTYP, CAL_CNAM, CAL_VSD, CAL_VST, CAL_QUAL, CAL_DESC, CAL_ORIG, DETNAM: the NEW input value merely replaces the old value. Flag CAL_DEV slightly more complex : In cases when files are being taken off-line (the ASCII list should therefore contain ALL the [#extn] of that file), the path to (but NOT the name of) the calibration file is removed from the CAL_DIR & CAL_FILE columns in the CIF. This is to allow for the possibility that the file will be restored back on-line in a different location. In cases when files are being put back on-line (the ASCII list should therefore contain ALL the [#extn] of that file), any path to the file given via the i/p ASCII file is compared to the current working directory.The task then attempts to determine the full path to the file and checks whether it exists. If so (meaning the task was indeed successfully able to determine the full path to the file), this path is written to the appropriate row(s) of the CAL_DIR column in the CIF. General Points : The i/p ASCII file may contain blank lines, which will be ignored. In addition, lines in the ASCII file starting with the character # will be considered comment cards and also be ignored. The calibration filenames may include local path names (since to determine filename matches, all files, including those in the CIF, are stripped of their paths). Appropriate Errors & Warnings are issued if a calibration file given in the ASCII file does not exist in the CIF, already has the flag status requested, or (in the case of switches to the CAL_DEV flag), when caldbflag is unable to determine the full path to the newly restored file. PARAMETERS mission [character string] The user-supplied string for the mission name. instrument [character string] The user-supplied string for the instrument name. alias [character string] The name of the instrument alias inpfile [character string] The name of the user ASCII file containing the calibration files whose CIF flag status is to be changed. flag1 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_DEV flag in CIF. switch1 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_DEV. flag2 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_CLAS flag in CIF. switch2 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_CLAS. flag3 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_DTYP flag in CIF. switch3 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_DTYP. flag4 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_CNAM flag in CIF. switch4 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_CNAM. flag7 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_VSD flag in CIF. switch7 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_VSD. flag8 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_VST flag in CIF. switch8 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_VST. flag10 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_QUAL flag in CIF. switch10 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_QUAL. flag12 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_DESC flag in CIF. switch12 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_DESC origin [logical] User-supplied information as to whether CIF contains CAL_ORIG column. flag13 [logical] User-supplied request to switch CAL_ORIG flag in CIF. switch13 [character string] New value supplied to CAL_ORIG flag14 [logical] User-supplied request to switch DETNAM flag in CIF. switch14 [character string] New value supplied to DETNAM (calfexp=CALDB) [character string] The name of the environment variable. (chatter = 9) [integer] Flag to indicate how chatty the task is at execution. A value of 9 is the default, with lower/higher values producing quieter/verbose output respectively. (mode = "ql") [character string] BUGS None known LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES v1.0.0 (1996 Aug) original version (Lorraine Breedon) v1.1.0 (1997 Jan) adapted to account for file extensions (Lorraine Breedon) v1.2.0 (1997 Jun) adapted to account for extra CIF column CAL_ORIGIN (Lorraine Breedon) v1.3.0 (1997 Dec) included option to switch DETNAM flag (Lorraine Breedon) PRIMARY AUTHOR Lorraine Breedon HEASARC NASA/GFSC (301) 286-1364