batwarpimg - Correct BAT sky image for known imaging distortions
batwarpimg infile outfile distfile=CALDB
batwarpimg corrects BAT sky images for known imaging distortions. The
distortion map is usually stored in the calibration database (CALDB),
and describes the image shift in instrument coordinates. The input
sky map is resampled with these slight shifts applied, so that
sources appear at their "true" position.
Note that the interpolation process inherently involves some smoothing
of the sky image, so a small amount of information is lost.
- infile [filename]
- The name (and optional extension) of the input image file name.
If an explicit image extension name is supplied, and rows='-', then
only that extension will be processed.
- outfile [filename]
- The name of the output image.
- (rows = "-") [string]
- List of images to be processed from the input file. The list must
be comma-separated, and can have single elements or ranges. For
example, "1,3-5,6". The first image in the file is number 1.
- (distfile = "CALDB") [string]
- Name of the distortion map, or CALDB if users have access to the
BAT calibration database. This must be an N × M × 3 image extension with
proper WCS keywords, including the alternate "T" coordinate system in
tangent plane coordinates. The first image plane should be the
(true-apparent) position offset in the IMX direction; the
second plane is the same for the IMY direction.
- (outcoord="TRUE") [string]
- The output coordinate system. TRUE indicates to convert to "true"
or corrected coordinates, while APPARENT indicates the reverse
conversion. Note that because the conversion is lossy, a round trip
pair of conversions may not equal the original.
- (copyall="YES") [boolean]
- Indicates whether to copy all other extensions. If yes, then the
unprocessed extensions are copied untouched. If no, then only the
processed extensions are saved.
- (clobber = NO) [boolean]
- If the output file already exists, then setting "clobber = yes" will cause it to be overwritten.
- (chatter = 2) [integer, 0 - 5]
- Controls the amount of informative text written to standard
output. Setting chatter = 1 produces a basic summary of the task
actions; chatter = 2 (default) additionally prints a summary of input
parameters; chatter = 5 prints debugging information.
- (history = YES) [boolean]
- If history = YES, then a set of HISTORY keywords will be written to
the header of the specified HDU in the output file to record the value
of all the task parameters that were used to produce the output
1. Correct an image for distortions.
batwarpimg input.fits output.fits distfile=CALDB
Apr 2007