This directory contains code that read and calculates the Nh value using an Nh map construct by Dickey and Lockman. hnh.c FTOOL C wrapper nh.f program nhinit.f get the parameters nhmake.f read and interpolate the nh value nh.par parameter file nh.hlp help file Makefile makefile It requires to build the following library : fitsio, xanlib (sla), xpi It requires to read the Nh map. Two maps are available: 1- map 360 X 180 delivery from Bregman. The projection is GLS with the usage of the fits convention off by one pixel. The pixel size is 1 degree X 1 degree and contains the average value as obtained by Dickey and Lockman. 2- map 480 X 240 delivery by S. Snowden. The projection is Aitoff with apparently the correct fits convention is use. The pixel size is 0.675 degrees X 0.675 degrees. The map therefore is resampled from the original average by Dickey and Lockman. Currently the code uses the second version but it would be better try to get the first map fixed. map file h1_nh.fits May 2000 fixes - Change the calling sequence of nhmake.f to return the average and weighted values. This makes easier to include the routine in code that build databases. - Add an example in the help file - At the lower boundery now always check for positive pixel number and start from 1 is negative or 0. This is to avoid changing the search box size, which produces the same result. Feb 2001 fixes - the position reported by Ed Equinox 2000 RA=21.66183268 DEC=-22.011388 is at the boundery of the map. On linux and solaris this print a null result on osf this causes a floating and the W3nh do not report any message. I have added a message that tell to use a larger distance and this fixes the floating on osf. Apr 2007 fixes - Added support for an alternate map by way of the altmap parameter and the usemap parameter, which lets the user choose either the default map, the alternate map, or both. - Changed the default map to that provided by K. Kuntz, derived from the LAB survey HI map. - Added output parameters: avnh - average nH (default map) avwnh - weighted average nH (default map) alnh - average nH (alternate map) alwnh - weighted average nH (alternate map) - Fixed fairly serious bug causing nh to skip the first pixel found, even if it should be included in the average. This was due to an uninitialized variable which was not a problem on OSF, Solaris, or older versions of GNU compilers.