gisxspec - Do spectral analysis for gis data.
gisxspec g2elist g3elist xcol ycol ra dec radius bin srcregfile backregfile srcphafile backphafile
'gisxspec' Do spectral analysis for gis data.
- g2elist [string]
- A list of the G2 event file names. The list items should be delimited by blank
- g3elist [string]
- A list of the G3 event file names. The list items should be delimited by blank
- xcol [string]
- X coordination column of the FITS events file.
- ycol [string]
- Y coordination column of the FITS events file.
- ra ="def" [string]
- Right ascension (in h:m:s) of the center of the default selected area. If ra = "def", the ra
is the same as that of the center of the image.
- dec ="def" [string]
- Declination (in degree:m:s) of the center of default selected area. If dec = "def", the dec
is the same as that of the center of the image.
- radius ="def" [string]
- The radius (arcmin) of the default selected area. If dec = "def", the radius
is 1/8 of the height of the image.
- bin =15 [integer]
- bin size
- srcreg [filename]
- File name of the source region file.
- backreg [filename]
- File name of the background region file.
- srcpha [filename]
- File name of the combined g2 and g3 source pha file.
- backpha [filename]
- File name of the combined g2 and g3 background pha file.
- srcarf [filename]
- File name of the combined g2 and g3 source arf file.
- (g2srcpha) [filename]
- File name of the g2 source pha file.
- (g2backpha) [filename]
- File name of the g2 background pha file.
- (g2srcarf) [filename]
- File name of the g2 source arf file.
- (g3srcpha) [filename]
- File name of the g3 source pha file.
- (g3backpha) [filename]
- File name of the g3 background pha file.
- (g3srcarf) [filename]
- File name of the g3 source arf file.
- (device ="/xw") [device]
- xspec plot device.
- (timeout =200) [double]
- The time (in second) for access to POWplot. It will stop if time pass over
"timeout" but it still cannot connect to POWplot.
- (chatter = 1) [integer]
- Controls the verbosity level of the output. Currently
this parameter has no effect.
Note that when commands are issued on the Unix command line, strings
containing special characters such as '[' or ']' must be enclosed in
single or double quotes.
make2region and pspcxspec
March 29, 2005