Below the column names are listed the data formats and (if present) the units labels for the columns. If an "Expand" button appears below the column information, the column is a vector column. Clicking on the "Expand" button will bring up a 2-D table, displaying all the vector elements.
Not all of the following menu items are supported in all table windows. Many apply only to tables of real table extensions, but not to vector tables.
Create a scatter plot of table data. A column selection window will appear, from which you can select the columns to plot. You can also enter arithmetic expressions. See Plot Dialog for details.
Sort the table. You can select from the dialog box, at most, three columns to sort on. The sorted table will replace the original table, so the FITS file must be opened as read/write. A "delete duplicates" option can be given to eliminate extra rows with identical sort keys. (See Sort Columns for more details.)
Perform a calculation with the table. You will be presented with a calculator-like dialog box in which you can enter an arithmetic expression to evaluate for each row of the table. You can store the results in either a new column or a pre-existing one. See the Calculator help file for more details.
Make a 1D or 2D histograms from column(s). The histogram dialog box gives you control over the histogram size, binning, and row range to use. See Histogram help file for details.
Calculate statistical information (mean, std. dev, etc) on a table's columns. See Column Statistics for details.
List of all the available help files.
Selection will be highlighted in yellow.