XRSQLP (2005 February) suzaku.xrsqlp XRSQLP (2005 February) NAME xrsqlp -- Quick Look Plot tool of ASTRO-E2 XRS event file and "xrssim" output file. USAGE xrsqlp xrs_eventfile DESCRIPTION xrsqlp makes a Quick Look plots of XRS event file, either real data or "xrssim" output simulated data. PARAMETERS infile (string) xrssim output event file. gdevice (string) pgplot graphic device. Often used are "/xs" for xwindow, "/cps" for color postscript file, and "/gif" for GIF image. page (Boolean) Output in a single page (yes) or not (no). For xrssim output event file, four figures are made, which may be output separately (page=no) or on a single page (page=yes). ImageBinning (integer) Sky image binning factor. XRS has 30 active pixels, each of which is 0.624mm x 0.624 mm, or 0.477 arcmin x 0.477 arcmin. Both for XRS and XIS, we define DET, FOC and SKY coordinates whose pixel size is 0.02274mm x 0.02274mm (same as XIS pixel), or 0.01734 arcmin x 0.01734 arcmin. FOC and SKY image size is 1536 x 1536, whereas that of DET is 256x256. For each XRS event, xrsqlp projects the pixel shape on the sky, and all the inside sky pixels in the XRS pixel are filled with value unity/(number of sky pixels per XRS pixel). This is a time consuming process. ImageBinning specifies the sky image binning, with which it is faster to make XRS sky image (but XRS pixel boundary will become less smooth). SmoothWidth (integer) In the case of xrssim output, input photon positions on the focal plane are recorded in the event file, from which contour map of the photon distribution is written. Smoothwidth determines the smoothing of the photon distribution on the sky coordinate, after rebinned with ImageBinning. In the detector coordinate, image is not rebinned, and smoothing length is ImageBinning*SmoothWidth. logscale (Boolean) Either contour is drawn with log scale (yes) or not (no). Ncont (integer) Number of contours. outfits (Boolean) xrsqlp is able to make an output FITS file for the XRS sky image (XRS pixels are filled). Specify to create the XRS sky image file or not. outputFITS (string) Name of the output FITS image. teldef_file (string) XRS teldef file name, such as xrs_teldef_2003-02-15.fits. clobber (Boolean) Clobber output FITS file or not. EXAMPLES xrsqlp infile=crab.events gdevice="/cps" page=yes Imagebinning=2\ SmoothWidth=2 logscale=no ncont=16 outfits=yes outputFITS=xrsqlp.fits \ teldef_file=xrs_teldef_2003-02-15.fits clobber=yes Makes Quick Look plots from the "crab.events" file, and the four figures are output on a single page as a postscript file ("pgplot.ps" is made). Skyimage is rebinned by two, contour is smoothed by 2 bin (after the rebinning), in logarithmic scale, and 16 contour levels are made. Output XRS sky image FITS file is xrsqlp.fits. BUGS Not reported. SEE ALSO AUTHOR Ken Ebisawa (ebisawa@subaru.gsfc.nasa.gov) at ASTRO-E2 GOF.