XRSCOORD (December 1999) suzaku.xrscoord XRSCOORD (December 1999) NAME xrscoord -- calculate the ACT, DEC, FOC and sky X/Y for XRS event files USAGE xrscoord ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.fff DEFAULT KEY \ ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.unf DESCRIPTION Calculate the ACT, DEC, FOC and sky X/Y for XRS event files, referring satellite attitude and teldef file. PARAMETERS infile input event FITS file (XRSeventFitsRD)" teldef_xrs teldef file for XRS (XRSpixelToXY)" attitude attitude file, or DEFAULT/EULER (XRSpixelToXY) When DEFAULT is specified, an attitude file is searched based on the name of the input event file. When EULER is specified, fixed Euler angles are used for the attitude of the satellite. pointing pointing type, ATT/KEY/USER (XRSpixelToXY) When ATT is specified, mean pointing position is calculated from the attitude file, and the position is used for the sky reference position. When KEY is specified, RA_NOM and DEC_NOM keywords in the input event file is used for the sky reference position. When USER is specified, a user can set manually RA, DEC and ROLL of the sky reference. ea_phi (only when attitude=EULER) mean euler angle phi in degree (XRSpixelToXY) ea_theta (only when attitude=EULER) mean euler angle theta in degree (XRSpixelToXY) ea_psi (only when attitude=EULER) mean euler angle psi in degree (XRSpixelToXY) ref_alpha (only when pointing=USER) R.A. of the sky reference position (XRSpixelToXY) ref_delta (only when pointing=USER) DEC. of the sky reference position (XRSpixelToXY) ref_roll (only when pointing=USER) roll angle of the sky refernce (XRSpixelToXY) aberration correct aberration (XRSpixelToXY) leapfile location of leap-seconds file outfile output event FITS file (XRSeventFitsWT) clobber Overwrite output file if exists? (XRSeventFitsWT) num_event number of event (-1=all,0=exit) event_freq Event number printout frequency EXAMPLES Calculate the DET, FOC, sky X/Y values for the event file ae19990716_1000_2233_xrs.fff, and create a new event file ae19990716_1000_2233_xrs.unf, referring ae19990716_1000_2233.att, with sky reference position taken from RA_NOM, DEC_NOM. % xrscoord ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.fff default KEY \ ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.unf Calculate the DET, FOC, sky X/Y values for the event file ae19990716_1000_2233_xrs.fff, and create a new event file ae19990716_1000_2233_xrs.unf, referring ae19990716_1000_2233.att, with sky reference position taken from mean pointing position. % xrscoord ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.fff default ATT \ ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.unf Calculate the DET, FOC, sky X/Y values for the event file ae19990716_1000_2233_xrs.fff, and create a new event file ae19990716_1000_2233_xrs.unf, assuiming the Euler angles (187.25,88.0,70.0) and the sky reference point (187.25,2.0) and the roll angle of the sky refernece is 0.0. % xrscoord ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.fff EULER USER \ 187.25 88.0 70.0 187.25 2.0 0.0 ae19981017_1045_1918_xrs.unf SEE ALSO none AUTHOR This program was developed primarily in the ASTRO-E ANL environment by Yoshitaka Ishisaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University; ishisaki@.phys.metro-u.ac.jp ), and the XRS team. CONTACT Questions and comments should be addressed to astroehelp@olegacy.gsfc.nasa.gov.