XRSARFGEN (July 2005) ftools.xrsarfgen XRSARFGEN (July 2005) NAME xrsarfgen -- Generates a Suzaku XRS ARF for an input PHA file USAGE xrsarfgen phafile rmffile outfile [options] DESCRIPTION XRSARFGEN generates an Suzaku XRS ARF file suitable for input into XSPEC for the input PHA and RMF files. The energy bins for which the ARF is created are read from the RMF file. XRSARFGEN operates in one of several modes, depending on the input parameters. PARAMETERS phafile [string] The name of the input PHA file. rmffile [string] The name of the input RMF file. outfile [string] The name of the output ARF file. AUTHOR This program was developed primarily in the ASTRO-E ANL environment by Yoshitaka Ishisaki (TMU), the Suzaku XRT team, and the XRS team. CONTACT Questions and comments should be addressed to astroehelp@olegacy.gsfc.nasa.gov.