XISGTIGEN (March 2009) suzaku.xis XISGTIGEN (March 2009) NAME xisgtigen -- Generate a FITS file of good time interval (GTI) that does not suffer from telemetry saturation USAGE xisgtigen infile outfile DESCRIPTION 'xisgtigen' generates a FITS file with a list of time interval (GTI) that does not suffer from telemetry saturation, when events in an XIS CCD frame in the input event file -- output of the digital processor (DP) -- are the same number as those counted with the XIS digital electronics (DE). The input event file has to be an unscreened event list with the frame extension. The output FITS file can be used later for the XSELECT time filtering. With the hidden options "segment_[abcd]", users can choose CCD segments to monitor the telemetry saturation. If one of the segments chosen had telemetry saturation, that time interval is excluded from the GTI list. The task assumes that there is more than one event in a CCD frame in a 8 sec frame exposure. If there is no event in a frame (though it rarely happens), the task excludes the exposure interval from the GTI list. PARAMETERS infile [filename] Input event FITS file with the FRAMES extension. outfile [filename] Name of the output GTI file. (ignore_frames = yes) [boolean] Flag to ignore the FRAMES extension (gapsec = 0.1) [real] Allowed gap between frames in second. (segment_a = yes) [boolean] Check events in segment A. (segment_b = yes) [boolean] Check events in segment B. (segment_c = yes) [boolean] Check events in segment C. (segment_d = yes) [boolean] Check events in segment D. (clobber = yes) [boolean] Overwriting the existing output file when yes. (num_event = -1) [integer] number of event (-1:all, 0:exit) (event_freq = 1000) [integer] Event number printout frequency (anl_verbose = 2) [integer] ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum) (anl_profile = yes) [boolean] Enable ANL module profiling (chatter = 2) [integer] message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max) EXAMPLES 1. Check event number of segment A+B+C+D % xisgtigen infile=ae20050914_1728_1929_xis0_3x3.fff \ outfile=output.gti 2. Check event number of segment B+C % xisgtigen infile=ae20050914_1728_1929_xis0_3x3.fff \ outfile=output.gti \ segment_a=no segment_d=no BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Kiyoshi Hayashida (Osaka University), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU), and the XIS team. LAST MODIFIED March 2009