hxdbstjudge - Judge HXD WAM light curves for bursts


hxdbstjudge input_name=<WAM TH light curve> outfile=<output text file> bgd_integ_time=<background integration time> delta_t=<burst integration time> sigma=<detection threshold>


This task uses a simple algorithm to detect bursts in an HXD WAM light curve. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Integrate background rate for bgd_integ_time seconds, if no previous burst is overlapping.
  2. Integrate light curve after background interval for delta_t seconds.
  3. Determine if light curve is sigma above background.

The output file is a pure text file with several columns, and a comment header (comments are indicated as lines starting with '#'). The columns in the output file are as follows:

1 - Burst Start Date (UTC)
2 - Burst Start Time (UTC)
3 - Burst Start Time (MET s)
4 - Burst Stop Time (MET s)
5 - Burst Duration (s)
Time that light curve spent <sigma> above background
6 - Total Burst Counts
Sum of all counts betwee Burst Start Time and Burst Stop Time
7 - Total sigma of burst
Sigma above background for entire burst


input_name [filename]
Input HXD WAM light curve (see also fhelp hxdmkwamlc)

outfile [string]
Output text file name.

bgd_integ_time [int]
Background light curve integration time (in seconds)

delta_t [float]
Source integration time. Bursts that last less than this time may not be well characterized. Bursts much longer than this time may not be detected.

sigma [float]
Detection threshold in sigma.

(leapfile) [filename]
Leap second FITS table.

(chatter) [int, [0,5], default=2]
Chattiness level. 0 means essentially nothing will be printed. 5 is debugging mode. Default is 2.

(clobber) [bool, default=no]
Clobber existing output file? This parameter is ignored if inplace=yes.



October 2009