HXDARFGEN (Jul 2008) suzaku.hxd HXDARFGEN (Jul 2008) NAME hxdarfgen -- generate the HXD arf files of PINs USAGE For the PIN : hxdarfgen hxd_arf_pinid hxd_teldef attitude hxd_arfdb_name input_pi_name point_ra point_dec For the GSO : hxdarfgen hxd_arf_gsoid teldef_name attitude_name hxd_arfdb_name input_pi_name point_ra point_dec DESCRIPTION Generate HXD ARF file(s) with inputs as follows: Point source location on the sky, or image map, Satellite attitude file, nominal 'RA_NRM' 'DEC_NRM' appeared in the spectral file, Detector ID, with WMAP information in the spectral file. The tables of the transmission rate onto PIN and GSO for various incident angles are prepared by the HXD team, via GEAT4 base Monte Carlo simulator, and summerized in the caldb FITS file named "ae_hxd_pin_arfdb-YYYYMMDD.fits". The task hxdarfgen calculates the incident angle to each detector using teldef file, PI spectral file and attitude file, and reads the ae_hxd_pin_arfdb-YYYYMMDD.fits to calculate the arf file. Generated ARF file(s) should be coupled with "hxdnominal" position responses in both PIN and GSO case. Note: The arf file includes only transmission rate onto the PIN or GSO detector, and the quantum efficiency (QE) of the detector is ** NOT ** considered in the arf file. The QE and other effects are included into the rmf file. Therefore, in the spectral analysis, please check the version of arf-database corresponding to the rmf file. PARAMETERS hxd_arf_pinid PIN ID (0...63 64:merged >64:UNDEFINED). Default set to 64. hxd_arf_gsoid GSO ID (0...15 16:merged >16:UNDEFINED). Default set to 17. hxd_teldef [filename] HXD teldef file name. This file is located in CALDB. The name is ae_hxd_teldef_YYYYMMDD.fits where the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. attitude [filename] Suzaku Attitude file name hxd_arfdb_name [filename] arf database name in caldb.This file is located in CALDB. The name are ae_hxd_gsoart_YYYYMMDD.fits or ae_hxd_pinart_YYYYMMDD.fits for the GSO and PIN respectively. The string YYYYMMDD is the release date (hxdarf_point_yn = y) Input position is POINT or not. Default set to yes. "n" is not supported yet in this version. point_ra Input RA in degrees, required only when hxdarf_point_yn is yes point_dec Input DEC in degrees, required only when hxdarf_point_yn is yes (image_fname = NONE) Input image file, required only when hxdarf_point_yn is no. Default set to NONE. Image input is not supported yet in this version. input_pi_name [filename] Input spectral file (num_event = -1) number of event (-1=all, 0=exit). Default set to -1 (event_freq = 1000) Event number printout frequency. Default set to 1000 (anl_verbose = 1) ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum). Default set to 1 (anl_profile = 1) Enable ANL module profiling. Default set to 1 (chatter = 2) Message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max) EXAMPLES 1. Calculate arf file for PIN3 for PI file "ae20050405_2000_2100_hxd.pha" using the teldef file "ae_hxd_teldef_20050908.fits" and arfdb file "ae_hxd_pinart_20051126.fits" to the point (RA,DEC) = (274.0554, 49.8675): (Note that the GSOID is set to 17 (>16) in this case. % hxdarfgen hxd_arf_pinid=3 hxd_arf_gsoid=17 \ hxd_teldef="ae_hxd_teldef_20050908.fits" \ attitude="attitude.fits" \ hxd_arfdb_name="ae_hxd_pinart_20051126.fits" \ input_pi_name="ae20050405_2000_2100_hxd.pha" \ point_ra=274.0554 point_dec=49.8675 2. Calculate an arf file merged for 64 PIN, set the hxd_arf_pinid parameter to be the value of 64: % hxdarfgen hxd_arf_pinid=64 hxd_arf_gsoid=17 \ hxd_teldef="ae_hxd_teldef_20050908.fits" \ attitude="attitude.fits" \ hxd_arfdb_name="ae_hxd_pinart_20051126.fits" \ input_pi_name="ae20050405_2000_2100_hxd.pha" \ point_ra=274.0554 point_dec=49.8675 3. Ccalculate GSO arf file for W01, set hxd_arf_pinid over 64: % hxdarfgen hxd_arf_pinid=65 hxd_arf_gsoid=1 \ hxd_teldef="ae_hxd_teldef_20050908.fits" \ attitude="attitude.fits" \ hxd_arfdb_name="ae_hxd_gsoghf_20051126.fits" \ input_pi_name="ae20050405_2000_2100_hxd.pha" \ point_ra=274.0554 point_dec=49.8675 4. To get merged GSO arf file: % hxdarfgen hxd_arf_pinid=65 hxd_arf_gsoid=16 \ hxd_teldef="ae_hxd_teldef_20050908.fits" \ attitude="attitude.fits" \ hxd_arfdb_name="ae_hxd_gsoghf_20051126.fits" \ input_pi_name="ae20050405_2000_2100_hxd.pha" \ point_ra=274.0554 point_dec=49.8675 BUGS SEE ALSO "How to make ASTRO-E2 ARF" document by K.Ebisawa etal. AUTHOR Yukikatsu TERADA (Saitama University), Kennich TAMURA (ISAS/JAXA), and the HXD team LAST MODIFIED June 2007