This task duplicates the Suzaku pipeline. It allows the user to run all or
part of the piepline processing and to vary the calibration files used. A
number of other pipeline processing parameters can also be changed.
The Suzaku pipeline processes data from all instruments on Suzaku simultaneously.
"aepipeline" allows the processing of data on an instrument by instrument basis.
This is controlled by the <instrument> parameter.
Possible values are :
The data output files produced are in exactly the same format(s) as
when they are produced by the Suzaku Production Pipeline.
The number of output files depends on both pipeline processing stage(s)
and the instrument(s) selected.
All output files are written to the directory specified by the <outdir> parameter.
The names of files produced are the same as those produced by the Suzaku pipeline.
However they can be pre-pended by a character string set by the <stemoutputs> parameter.
This defaults to the value set by the <steminputs> parameter.
- indir [directory name]
Directory containing the input data.
- outdir [directory name]
Output directory used for all output data, as well as the report file.
If clobber is not set, and this directory already exists, the task will fail.
CAUTION: If clobber
is set, and this directory already
exists, then this task will overwrite files as needed in this directory.
- steminputs [string]
- Stem for FITS input files [i.e. ae00000000000]
- (stemoutputs) [string]
- Stem for FITS output file. If set to "DEFAULT", then <steminputs>
will be used. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- entry_stage [int]
- Entry stage, 1 or 2 (Default = 1)
- Stage1 : Produces unfiltered event files
- Stage2 : Produces cleaned event files
- exit_stage [int]
- Exit stage 1 or 2 (Default = 2)
- Stage1 : Produces unfiltered event files
- Stage2 : Produces cleaned event files
- (clobber) [bool]
- Clobber existing output files? (Default = "no")
- (chatter) [int] [0,5]
- Chattiness level. (Default = 2)
0 - Essentially nothing will be produced.
5 - Debugging mode with large quantities of output.
- (history) [bool]
- Add HISTORY keywords to output files? (Default = "yes")
- (report) [string]
- Produce separate report file for run, "yes" or "no". (Default = "yes")
- (remove_temp_files) [bool]
- Remove temporary files? (Default = "yes")
- (verify_input) [bool]
- run ftverify on input files? (Default = "no")
- (seed) [int]
- Seed for random number generators. (Default = 7)
- instrument [string] [ALL|HXD|GSO|PIN|XIS|XIS0|XIS1|XIS2|XIS3]
- Instrument data to be processed. (Default = "ALL")
- ALL - Process all data for all modules of all instruments
- HXD - Process HXD data (both GSO and PIN) only
- GSO - Process HXD data GSO only
- PIN - Process HXD data PIN only
- XIS - Process all XIS data from all 4 XIS instrument modules - XIS0/1/2/3
- XIS0 - Process XIS0 data only
- XIS1 - Process XIS1 data only
- XIS2 - Process XIS2 data only
- XIS3 - Process XIS3 data only
More than one value may be specified at one time:
- Combination of GSO and PIN is allowed, is equivalent to HXD.
- Combinations of two or more of XIS0, XIS1, XIS2, XIS3 are allowed.
- Combination of XIS0, XIS1, XIS2, XIS3 is equivalent to XIS.
- Separate multiple entries with commas ONLY, EG. XIS1,XIS2.
- (xisconflist) [filename]
- XIS discriminator threshold lookup table. (Default = "$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/aexisconf.list")
- (leapfile) [filename]
- Leap second calibration file. (Default = "CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/leapsec.fits")
- (attitude) [filename]
- Attitude file, comma seperated list for multiple files. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- (housekeeping) [filename]
- Housekeeping file, comma seperated list for multiple files. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- (extended_housekeeping) [filename]
- Extended housekeeping file, comma seperated list for multiple files. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- (makefilter) [filename]
- Makefilter file, comma seperated list for multiple files. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- (orbit) [filename]
- Orbit file, comma seperated list for multiple files. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- (timfile) [filename]
- Time file, comma seperated list for multiple files. (Default = "DEFAULT")
- (hxd_start) [real]
- HXD CALDB start time, in seconds. (Default = 77604208E+08)
- (hxdpi_old) [bool]
- Use hxdpi_old version instead of hxdpi ? (Default = "No")
- (hxd_gsoght) [filename]
- HXD GSO gain history table - ONLY used for hxdpi_old. (Default = "CALDB")
- (hxd_gsogpt) [filename]
- HXD GSO gain parameter table - ONLY used for hxdpi (current version). (Default = "CALDB")
- (hxd_gsolin) [filename]
- HXD GSO linearity table. (Default = "CALDB")
- (hxd_gsopsd) [filename]
- PSD selection file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (hxd_pinghf) [filename]
- HXD PIN gain history file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (hxd_pinlin) [filename]
- HXD PIN linearity table. (Default = "CALDB")
- (hxd_pinthr) [filename]
- HXD PIN threshold file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (WPU) [string]
- WPU board IDs. (Default = "0123")
- (xis_start) [real]
- XIS CALDB start time, in seconds. (Default = 77120000E+08)
- (xis0_badcolum) [filename]
- XIS0 bad column file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis0_calmask) [filename]
- XIS0 calmask file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis0_makepi) [filename]
- XIS0 trail file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis0_teldef) [filename]
- XIS0 telescope definition file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis1_badcolum) [filename]
- XIS1 bad column file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis1_calmask) [filename]
- XIS1 calmask file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis1_makepi) [filename]
- XIS1 trail file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis1_teldef) [filename]
- XIS1 telescope definition file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis2_badcolum) [filename]
- XIS2 bad column file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis2_calmask) [filename]
- XIS2 calmask file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis2_makepi) [filename]
- XIS2 trail file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis2_teldef) [filename]
- XIS2 telescope definition file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis3_badcolum) [filename]
- XIS3 bad column file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis3_calmask) [filename]
- XIS3 calmask file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis3_makepi) [filename]
- XIS3 trail file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (xis3_teldef) [filename]
- XIS3 telescope definition file. (Default = "CALDB")
- (anl_profile) [bool]
- Enable ANL profiling. (Default = "yes")
- (anl_verbose) [int]
- ANL verbosity setting. (-1 for full, 0 for minimal) (Default = -1)
- (event_freq) [int]
- Event row counting frequency in FTOOLS. (Default =100000)
- (num_event) [int]
- Number of event (-1:all, 0:exit). (Default = -1)
- (time_convert_mode) [int]
- HxdTime2aetime mode.: 1, 2, 3, 4. (Default = 4)
- 1: use internal function in interpolation (TI to aetime).
- 2: use telemetry aetime, and simply add sub_aetime.
- (use_pwh_mode) [bool]
- Use HXD_WEL_PWH column in HK FITS or not. (Default = "no")
- (bstgti) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISTIME.
- XISTIME - Generate GTI for the XIS burst option without approximation? (Default = No)
- (pointing) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - Pointing type, KEY/USER. (Default = "KEY")
- (ea1) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - 1st XYZ-Euler angle (deg), asked when attitude=EULER. (Default = 0.0)
- (ea2) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - 2nd XYZ-Euler angle (deg), asked when attitude=EULER. (Default = 0.0)
- (ea3) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - 3rd XYZ-Euler angle (deg), asked when attitude=EULER. (Default = 0.0)
- (ref_alpha) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - R.A. of the sky reference position, asked when pointing=USER. (Default = 0.0)
- (ref_delta) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - DEC. of the sky reference position, asked when pointing=USER. (Default = 0.0)
- (ref_roll) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - Roll angle of the sky reference, asked when pointing=USER. (Default = 0.0)
- (aberration) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISCOORD.
- XISCOORD - Correct aberration. (Default = "no")
- (enable_scipixq) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPUTPIXELQUALITY.
- XISPUTPIXELQUALITY - Flag to enable SCI pixel quality bits. (Default = "yes")
- (enable_trcor) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Flag to enable charge trail correction. (Default = "yes")
- (enable_cticor) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Flag to enable CTI correction. (Default = "yes")
- (enable_scicti) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Flag to enable CTI correction for SCI. (Default = "yes")
- (enable_edge_smooth) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Flag to enable smoothing the PHA to PI relation around edge. (Default = "yes")
- (hk_time_margin) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Time margin in second to consider AE-temp is valid. (Default = 3600.0)
- (hk_aetemp_min) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Minimum value in degC to consider AE-temp is valid. (Default = -30.0)
- (hk_aetemp_max) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Maximum value in degC to consider AE-temp is valid. (Default = 40.0)
- (flag_rand_phas0) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Flag to randomize PHAS[0]. (Default = "yes")
- (flag_constant_spth) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Flag if the constant split threshold method is applied. (Default = "no")
- (yes: constant split threshold, no: the "energy" dependent split)
- (constant_spth) [int]
- Tool Specific Parameter - XISPI.
- XISPI - Value of the split threshold, when the constant method is selected. (Default = 20)
- (cleansis_run) [bool]
- Tool Specific Parameter - CLEANSIS.
- CLEANSIS - Run yes or no. (Default = "yes")
- (cellsize) [int]
- Tool Specific Parameter - CLEANSIS.
- CLEANSIS - Search cell size in units of pixels. (Default = 5)
- (logprob) [real]
- Tool Specific Parameter - CLEANSIS.
- CLEANSIS - The LOG of the Poisson probability threshold for rejecting a pixel. (Default = -5.3)
- (bthresh) [int]
- Tool Specific Parameter - CLEANSIS.
- CLEANSIS - Zero background cutoff threshold. (Default = 3)
- (xis0_expr) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - MAKETIME XISFILTER
MAKETIME XIS0 Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate good time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD == 0 && T_SAA_HXD>436 && ELV>5
&& DYE_ELV>20 && ANG_DIST<1.5 &&
- (xis1_expr) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - MAKETIME XISFILTER
MAKETIME XIS1 Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate good time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD == 0 && T_SAA_HXD>436 && ELV>5
&& DYE_ELV>20 && ANG_DIST<1.5 &&
- (xis2_expr) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - MAKETIME XISFILTER
MAKETIME XIS2 Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate good time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD == 0 && T_SAA_HXD>436 && ELV>5
&& DYE_ELV>20 && ANG_DIST<1.5 &&
- (xis3_expr) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - MAKETIME XISFILTER
MAKETIME XIS3 Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate good time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD == 0 && T_SAA_HXD>436 && ELV>5
&& DYE_ELV>20 && ANG_DIST<1.5 &&
- (hxd_pin_expr) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - MAKETIME HXDFILTER - PIN
MAKETIME HXD PIN Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD==0 && T_SAA_HXD>500 && TN_SAA_HXD>180
&& ELV>5 && ANG_DIST<1.5 &&
AOCU_HK_CNT3_NML_P==1 && COR>6 && HXD_HV_W0_CAL>700
&& HXD_HV_W1_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_W2_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_W3_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_T0_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_T1_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_T2_CAL>700 &&
- (hxd_gso_expr) [string]
- Tool Specific Parameter - MAKETIME HXDFILTER - GSO
MAKETIME HXD GSO Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD == 0 && T_SAA_HXD>500 && TN_SAA_HXD>180
&& ELV>5 && ANG_DIST<1.5 && HXD_DTRATE<3
&& AOCU_HK_CNT3_NML_P==1 && COR>6 &&
HXD_HV_W0_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_W1_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_W2_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_W3_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_T0_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_T1_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_T2_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_T3_CAL>700 &&
- (hxd_pse_expr) [string]
MAKETIME HXD PSE Expression. (Default = "DEFAULT")
The boolean expression used to calculate time intervals from
the mkf file. You may use the "@filename" construction to load
a complex expression from a file. The file may contain
multiple lines (which are concatenated together).
"DEFAULT" uses the production pipeline values :
SAA_HXD == 0 && T_SAA_HXD>500 && TN_SAA_HXD>180
&& ELV>5 && ANG_DIST<1.5 &&
AOCU_HK_CNT3_NML_P==1 && COR>6 && HXD_HV_W0_CAL>700
&& HXD_HV_W1_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_W2_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_W3_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_T0_CAL>700 &&
HXD_HV_T1_CAL>700 && HXD_HV_T2_CAL>700 &&
- (xis0_grade) [string]
(Default = "DEFAULT") Grade parameters are for designating which row(s) of
data are selected to be read from the input data files by the EXTRACTOR
FTOOL during XIS data extraction. Please enter them in the format of colon
seperated pairs of numbers, in numeric sequence, each pair seperated by a
comma. EG. "0:0,2:4".
"0:0" = select GRADES 0 only.
"2:4" = select GRADES 2 through 4
The only valid numeric values for GRADE are 0,2,3,4 and 6. "DEFAULT" uses
the production pipeline values : 0:0,2:4,6:6
- (xis1_grade) [string]
(Default = "DEFAULT") Grade parameters are for designating which row(s) of
data are selected to be read from the input data files by the EXTRACTOR
FTOOL during XIS data extraction. Please enter them in the format of colon
seperated pairs of numbers, in numeric sequence, each pair seperated by a
comma. EG. "0:0,2:4".
"0:0" = select GRADES 0 only.
"2:4" = select GRADES 2 through 4
The only valid numeric values for GRADE are 0,2,3,4 and 6. "DEFAULT" uses
the production pipeline values : 0:0,2:4,6:6
- (xis2_grade) [string]
(Default = "DEFAULT") Grade parameters are for designating which row(s) of
data are selected to be read from the input data files by the EXTRACTOR
FTOOL during XIS data extraction. Please enter them in the format of colon
seperated pairs of numbers, in numeric sequence, each pair seperated by a
comma. EG. "0:0,2:4".
"0:0" = select GRADES 0 only.
"2:4" = select GRADES 2 through 4
The only valid numeric values for GRADE are 0,2,3,4 and 6. "DEFAULT" uses
the production pipeline values : 0:0,2:4,6:6
- (xis3_grade) [string]
(Default = "DEFAULT") Grade parameters are for designating which row(s) of
data are selected to be read from the input data files by the EXTRACTOR
FTOOL during XIS data extraction. Please enter them in the format of colon
seperated pairs of numbers, in numeric sequence, each pair seperated by a
comma. EG. "0:0,2:4".
"0:0" = select GRADES 0 only.
"2:4" = select GRADES 2 through 4
The only valid numeric values for GRADE are 0,2,3,4 and 6. "DEFAULT" uses
the production pipeline values : 0:0,2:4,6:6