ftlist - List the contents of the input file.


ftlist infile[ext][filters] option


'ftlist' displays the contents of the input file. Depending on the value of the 'option' parameter, this task can be used to list any combination of the following:

If a specific HDU name or number is given as part of the input file name then only that HDU will be listed. If only the root name of the file is specified, then every HDU in the file will be listed.


infile [filename]
Input file name and optional extension name or number enclosed in square brackets of the file or HDU to be displayed. If a specific HDU is not given, then all the HDUs in the file will be displayed. Additional virtual file filters can be appended to the file name, as shown in some of the examples, to modify the amount of information that is display.

option [string]
The option parameter controls the type of information to display. The string may consist of any combination of the characters H, C, K, I, and/or T, where,
         H lists a 1-line summary of the HDU,
         C lists the names and units of Columns in a table, 
         K lists the Keywords, 
         I lists Image pixel values, and
         T lists the element values in rows and columns of a Table.
By default the K, I, and T options display, respectively, all the keywords, image pixels or table elements in the HDU. These options can be modified to display only a restricted range of values by using the additional parameters described below.

(outfile = "-") [filename]
Name of optional text file where the output listing will be sent. If 'outfile' = "-", "stdout", "STDOUT", or a blank string, then the output will be sent to the stdout stream. If the name is preceded by an '!' (or '\!' on the Unix command line), then any existing file with that name will be overwritten by the new file.

(clobber = No) [boolean]
If outfile already exists, then setting "clobber = yes" will cause it to be overwritten.

(include = "*") [string]
When listing header keywords (with option = 'K') the 'include' parameter contains a comma separated list of the keywords to be displayed. The wild card characters (?, *, and #) may be used in the names, where '?' will match any single character, '*' matches any string of characters (including zero characters) and '#' matches a string of decimal digits. The default value, '*', will display every keyword. For example, include = 'p*,naxis#,?zero*' will display all keywords beginning with 'P', plus all keywords beginning with 'NAXIS' and followed by one or more digits, plus all the keywords that have the string 'ZERO' as the 2nd through 5th characters of the keyword name.

(exclude = "") [string]
When listing header keywords (with option = 'K') the 'exclude' parameter contains an optional comma separated list of keyword names that should not be displayed, even if they match one of the 'include' keyword names . Wildcard characters may be used in the list as described for the 'include' parameter. For example, include='C*' and exclude='COMMENT' will list all the keywords beginning with C except the COMMENT keywords.

(section = "*:*") [string]
When listing the pixel values in an image (with option = 'I'), the 'section' parameter specifies the range of row and columns in the image to display. By default the entire image will be listed, but this is probably not useful in most cases because the long output lines will simply wrap around on the display. The image section format is "xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax". For example, "30:35,40:50" will display the pixel values in columns 30 - 35 and rows 40 - 50 of the image.

(columns = "*") [string]
When listing the contents of FITS tables (with option = 'T') the 'columns' parameter gives a comma separated list of the columns in the table to be displayed. Either the column name or the columun number (beginning with 1 for the first column in the table) may be listed; The column names are not case-sensitive. The columns will be displayed in the order that they are given in this list. If a column name in the list does not exist in the table, it will be ignored.

The wildcard characters (?, *, and #) may be used in the names to match more than one column, as described for the 'include' parameter. For example, 'columns=?sky' will list all the columns whose names are 4 characters long and end with the string 'sky'. The default value, '*', will display all the columns in the table.

The simplest way to display all but a small number of columns in the table is to use the '[col]' virtual filename filter to list the excluded columns, preceded by a minus sign. For example, if infile = 'file.fits[col -ACOL;-BCOL]' then all the columns in the table except the columns named 'ACOL' and 'BCOL' will be displayed.

(rows = "-") [string]
When listing the contents of FITS tables (with option = 'T') the 'rows' parameter gives a comma separated list of rows or row ranges in the table to be displayed. For example, "2,4,8-12" will display the table element values in rows 2, 4, and rows 8 through 12 of the table, and "50-" will display rows 50 and higher. The row numbers must be specified in ascending order and the ranges must not overlap. By default, all rows are displayed.

(vector = "-") [string]
When listing the contents of vector columns in binary tables (with option = "T"), the 'vector' parameter gives the range of elements in the vector to display. For example, vector=1-5 will list the first 5 elements. By default, all elements are displayed. Bit columns, (e.g., with TFORMn = '32X') are a special case and are displayed as a string of 1s or 0s, 8 bits per line. In this case, 'vector=1-2' would display the first 16 bits in the vector.

(separator = " ") [string]
When listing image pixel values (option = 'I') or table elements (option = 'T'), the string given by the separator parameter will be inserted between each column. By default, the columns will be separated by a space character.

(rownum = "Yes") [boolean]
If rownum = "Yes", then the row number will be listed at the beginning of each row when displaying image pixels (option = 'I') or table data (option = 'T').

(colheader = "Yes") [boolean]
If colheader = "Yes", a header will be listed at the top of each column when displaying image pixels (option = 'I') or table data (option = 'T'). The header consists of the column number in the case of images, and the column name and units in the case of tables.


Note that when commands are issued on the Unix command line, strings containing special characters such as '[' or ']' must be enclosed in single or double quotes.

1. Print out summary information about each HDU in the input file (the 'H' option), and a list of the columns in each table HDU (the 'C' option).

      ftlist infile.fits hc
2. Print out the HDU summary (H option) and the header keywords (K option) in the input file. The first example lists all the keywords in the all the HDUs in the file. The second example lists only the COMMENT and HISTORY keywords in the 2nd HDU in the file. The 3rd example lists all the keyword beginning with the letter 'C', excluding the COMMENT keywords.

      ftlist infile.fits hk

      ftlist infile.fits+1 hk include='comment,history'

      ftlist infile.fits+1 hk include='c*' exclude='COMMENT'
3. Print out summary HDU information, a list of columns in the table, and the element values in the tables. The first example lists the entire contents of all the table HDUs in the file. The 2nd example lists only rows 1 through 20 of the X and Y columns in the EVENTS extension. The 3rd example is similar, except it lists the 1st and 3rd columns in the table. The 4th example lists all the columns except the 'time' column, and only displays the first element of each vector column. The 4th example lists all the columns except the 'time' column and only displays the first 2 elements of each vector column.

      ftlist infile.fits hct

      ftlist 'infile.fits[events]' hct rows=1-20 columns=x,y

      ftlist 'infile.fits[events]' hct rows=1-20 columns=1,3

      ftlist 'infile.fits[col -time]' hct vector=1-2

4. Dump all the row and columns in the EVENTS table to the out.fits file; the values are separated by a comma, and no column headers or row numbers are printed.

      ftlist 'infile.fits[events] t outfile=out.fits separator=', '
              rownum=no colheader=no 

5. Print out the image pixel values for columns 50 through 55 and rows 20 through 40 in the input image, suppressing the column headers and row numbers.

      ftlist image.fits i section=50:55,20:40 colheader=no rownum=no


filenames, imfilter, colfilter, rowfilter, binfilter,

fv, the interactive FITS file editor, can also be used to view the contents of FITS files.

The design of this task is based on the fdump, fstruct, flcol, fkeyprint, flist, and fimgdmp tasks in the ftools package and the dmlist task in the CXC CIAO package.


April 2002