NAME saplot -- a script that queries the user for all required input and runs in sucession SAEXTRCT and FPLOT. USAGE saplot DESCRIPTION This script file is meant to allow the user to add files for filtering on the fly and then plot the results. In this way the user can add files to be processed on the fly and see the results of each additional file added. After the first run all previous answers are carried through for each subsequent iteration. This script file will ask the user if he wants full filtering capability. If the user answers YES than ALL of the required parameters for SAEXTRCT will be asked for. If the user answers NO than only the absolutely necessary parameters will be asked for. The script will (if there is more than one possiblity) ask the user if the lightcurve or the spectra is to be plotted. The user will be able to interact with FPLOT interactively at the PLT> command option. PARAMETERS EXAMPLES 1. saplot NOTES: BUGS Please report problems to Provide a detailed description of the problem and an e-mail address at which you can be reached if further information is required. Before reporting a bug please check your .PAR file. At the moment all comparisons are CASE SENSITIVE. SEE ALSO SAEXTRCT and FPLOT for more information