NAME chantrans -- a script that queries the user for a series of relative channel values (beginning at 0) and translates them into their absolute channel values and store that into a file ready for input into SA(E)EXTRCT. USAGE chantrans -i "infile" -f "outfile" -c "Relative channel ranges" -h (help) -p (print out all channel information) or chantrans DESCRIPTION This script file is meant to allow the user to specify an input file, and output file, and a series of relative channel ranges (i.e., 0-16, 22, 28-50) and the script will read the CPIX keyword from the infile translate the specified relative channel ranges to their absolute channels ranges (e.g., given CPIXn = (0:22),(23~29), (30:51;2), (52:255), the output file would contain 0-16, 22, 32-64) and this value would be input in SA(E)EXTRCT as the "chint" value. PARAMETERS (SWITCHES/FLAGS) -i {file} - provide name of the spectral file input to FPLOT. -f {file} - provide the name of an output file to contain the absolute channel range. -c {Relative channel range} - Give a relative channel range in the form of "0-5, 16, 17-22, 50-128" (Note that these values can be read off of an FPLOT image of the spectrum). -p - Print out relationship between relative channels and absolute channels. EXAMPLES 1. chantrans -i "sac.pha" -f "chint.out" -c "0-16, 22, 28-50" 2. chantrans NOTES: BUGS Please report problems to Provide a detailed description of the problem and an e-mail address at which you can be reached if further information is required. Before reporting a bug please check your .PAR file. At the moment all comparisons are CASE SENSITIVE. SEE ALSO SAEXTRCT and SEXTRCT for more information