FHELP (Jan93) ftools.futils FHELP (Jan93) NAME fhelp -- Display FTOOLS help information. USAGE fhelp taskname DESCRIPTION This task displays help information about an FTOOLS task in the host environment. By default the output is written to the terminal (STDOUT), but the 'outfile' parameter may be used to direct the output to an ASCII file instead. The user is prompted to enter a p to page the next page of help information. Entering a q quits the help application. PARAMETERS task [task name] A task name for which help information is to be displayed. (nrows = 22) [integer, min=1, max=80] The number of number of rows to display per page. (path = /system/dependent/path/) [path name] The path name of the location of the ASCII help files. This is site installation specific. (outfile = STDOUT) [file name] An optional name of the output ASCII file into which the column information will be written. The default of 'STDOUT' directs output to the terminal. (clobber = yes) [boolean] If true, an existing file with the same name as specified for the output filename will be overwritten. more = yes [boolean] This parameter is used to request paging from the user. It should not be specified on the command line. EXAMPLES 1. Display the help information for the FTOOLS task fdump: ft> fhelp fdump 2. Display the help information for the FTOOLS task fhelp: ft> fhelp fhelp 3. Display the help information for all FTOOLS tasks: ft> fhelp ftools BUGS SEE ALSO: fthelp