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linux-64   noarch   osx-64   
Package Latest Version Doc Dev License linux-64osx-64noarch Summary
acis_bkg_evt 4.9.7 X None
adwaita-icon-theme 3.34.3 LGPL XX Adwaita Gtk+ icon theme
at-spi2-atk 2.26.3 dev GPL-2 XX The At-Spi2 Atk package contains a library that bridges ATK to At-Spi2...
at-spi2-core 2.26.3 doc dev GPL-2 XX The At-Spi2 Atk package contains a library that bridges ATK to At-Spi2...
atk 2.28.1 LGPL-2.0 XX Accessibility Toolkit.
cairo 1.14.12 doc dev LGPL X Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices.
caldb 4.10.2 X None
caldb_main 4.10.2 X None
cfitsio 4.0.0 XX None
ciao 4.14.0 GPL3 XX None
ciao-contrib 4.14.4 X None
dbus 1.13.6 doc dev GPL2 X Simple message bus system for applications to talk to one another
ds9 8.3 XX None
epoxy 1.3.1 COPYING XX Epoxy is a library for handling OpenGL function pointer management.
gdk-pixbuf 2.36.12 GPL-2.0 XX GdkPixbuf is a library for image loading and manipulation.
glib 2.56.2 doc dev LGPL-2.1 X Provides core application building blocks for libraries and...
gsl 2.5 GPL-3.0 X GNU Scientific Library
gtk3 3.22.30 LGPL-2 XX Primary library used to construct user interfaces in GNOME applications
harfbuzz 1.8.8 doc dev MIT X An OpenType text shaping engine.
hicolor 0.17 GPLv2 XX The hicolor-icon-theme package contains a default fallback theme for...
hrc_bkg_evt 4.7.7 X None
intltool 0.40.6 LGPL-2.0 XX Internationalization Tool Collection.
jpeg 9c Custom XX read/write jpeg COM, EXIF, IPTC medata
libcroco 0.6.13 LGPL XX Standalone CSS2 parsing and manipulation library
librsvg 2.40.19 GPLv2 XX Library to render SVG files using cairo.
libuuid 1.3.0 BSD X Portable uuid C library.
marx 5.5.1 GPL2 XX None
pango 1.42.4 doc dev LGPL-2.1 X Text layout and rendering engine.
perl-xml-parser 2.44_01 GPL-3.0 XX A perl module for parsing XML documents
sherpa 4.14.0 GPL3 XX None
wcssubs 3.950 GPL XX None
xpa 2.1.20 MIT XX None
xspec-modelsonly 12.12.0 XX None
Updated: 2022-11-15 19:36:30 +0000 - Files: 33