Summary Page for How Do T Tauri Stars Generate X-rays?
How Do T Tauri Stars Generate X-rays?

Target: V710 Tau


PI: Prof. David Weintraub 
Seq Num: 200359
Obs ID: 5426
Instrument: ACIS

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Full Field with Sources
Full Field with Sources

List of the Brighest Sources in the Field
RA[deg] DEC[deg] NET_COUNTS[count] NET_COUNTS_ERR[count] SNR
68.060746 18.337413 1502.428589 42.217331 35.587955
67.854744 18.271673 1426.965942 40.680447 35.077438
67.990862 18.359620 176.142853 14.929601 11.798229
67.990825 18.360504 154.000000 14.629119 10.526950
68.086327 18.056030 340.079742 38.374218 8.862193
67.962070 18.043056 319.883728 40.121479 7.972879
68.086970 18.077292 211.791672 35.240753 6.009851
68.058452 18.050744 221.940201 37.621571 5.899281
67.956149 18.066105 198.125000 34.784405 5.695800
67.958300 18.056271 219.050003 38.832478 5.640897

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