Summary Page for How Do T Tauri Stars Generate X-rays?
How Do T Tauri Stars Generate X-rays?

Target: V710 Tau


PI: Prof. David Weintraub 
Seq Num: 200358
Obs ID: 5425
Instrument: ACIS

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Full Field with Sources
Full Field with Sources

List of the Brighest Sources in the Field
RA[deg] DEC[deg] NET_COUNTS[count] NET_COUNTS_ERR[count] SNR
67.854559 18.271627 1250.592529 37.977623 32.929718
67.990788 18.360501 767.857117 29.933092 25.652451
68.060723 18.337417 762.571411 31.750370 24.017717
67.990833 18.359607 232.857147 18.351042 12.689042
68.140593 18.074986 307.720917 34.725941 8.861413
68.115606 18.068581 277.222595 41.318005 6.709486
68.019062 18.042947 270.019928 42.745487 6.316923
68.046155 18.049798 246.930237 41.778233 5.910500
67.816141 18.335430 67.199997 12.590013 5.337564
68.031832 18.043994 209.910294 40.208286 5.220573

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