Chandra X-ray Center |
PI: CHANDRA engineering request/realtime commanding |
Parameter | Value | Description |
ASCDSVER | | ASCDS version number |
DATE | 2006-09-11T12:26:13 | Date and time of file creation |
DATE-OBS | 2002-04-18T08:32:50 | Observation start date |
DATE-END | 2002-04-18T14:28:00 | Observation end date |
RA_PNT | 166.01192348143 | Pointing RA |
DEC_PNT | -7.0260697507576 | Pointing Dec |
ROLL_PNT | 261.57656204466 | Pointing Roll |
RA_TARG | 0.0 | Observer's specified target RA |
DEC_TARG | 0.0 | Observer's specified target Dec |
DATAMODE | FAINT | Data mode |
READMODE | TIMED | Read mode |
FP_TEMP | 155.70414734 | Focal Plane Temperature [K] |
FSW_VERS | 30 | ACIS flight software version number |
Parameter | Value | Description |
ASCDSVER | | ASCDS version number |
DATE | 2006-09-11T12:44:46 | Date and time of file creation |
DATE-OBS | 2002-04-18T08:32:50 | Observation start date |
DATE-END | 2002-04-18T14:28:00 | Observation end date |
INSTRUME | ACIS | Instrument |
DETNAM | ACIS-012367 | Detector |
GRATING | NONE | Grating |
OBJECT | Source name | |
TITLE | ACIS-012367 diagnostics | Proposal title |
OBSERVER | CHANDRA engineering request/realtime commanding | Principal investig |
OBS_ID | 61229 | Observation id |
SEQ_NUM | Sequence number | |
RA_NOM | 166.01192348143 | Nominal RA |
DEC_NOM | -7.0260697507576 | Nominal Dec |
ROLL_NOM | 261.57656204466 | Nominal Roll |