Ö÷Ìâ: Questions on u-band data Yipeng, Shenshiyin and Zhou, We've done some initial, independent comparisons with the u-band data that you shared with us on June 12th. I'll include some of that below. But a number of our photometry experts will be converging on Berkeley this coming week, so this would be the opportunity to look at this more carefully. For that, I was wondering if we could request the same images from Zhou but before re-interpolating. The approach we're looking at (forward modeling with "The Tractor") assumes that the pixel-level data are independent. Attached are some comparisons to SDSS data from co-adding ~50 epochs from the stripe 82 data. This is using the DR8 data, where the photometry and flat-fields were as good as we could make them. The first plot shows the straight comparison between the SCUSS "Bertin" magnitudes and SDSS co-add. The quoted SCUSS errors are 0.02 mag at u~20, but the scatter implies 0.08 mag. (The "DAOphot" magnitudes have a larger scatter.) The increased scatter could imply that the data aren't as deep as expected, or that we're seeing differences between the calibration or color terms between the surveys. The 2nd plot shows the trends with color. There is some at the few percent level, but this is a match better match between the systems than one might hope for. So very good news, and it simply means this trend should be removed when making this comparison. The residuals with RA,Dec are the most interesting. SDSS DR8 has systematics in Dec. at the level of 0.5%, but in RA they'll be good to < 0.2% (because of the drift scanning and averaging over many runs). I think this shows there's a real opportunity to improve the SCUSS data with the flat-fields. (Could there also be a problem with the interpolationif it's not flux-conserving?) In detail, the SDSS data uses 6 u-band filters. They're very similar, but we know the differences between them. Figure 8 and Table 3 on this paper tabulate these: http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-3881/139/4/1628/fulltext/ If you have the non-interpolated images to share, we can see what we learn this week, and would certainly let you know what we find. If you don't have the SDSS co-added photometry from the final data release (DR8), we should share those too. We don't have anything like that on the DR8 web site (maybe we should!). Thanks! David