******************************************************************************* * Text: Operating System Dependencies * * * * File: * * osdepend.txt * * * * Description: * * This file briefly describes the places in the source files of the * * GetImage program that are operating system dependent. Currently, only * * OpenVMS and UNIX are supported. * * * * History: * * Created : 25-JAN-94 by J. Doggett * * for the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. * * at the Space Telescope Science Institute, * * to facilitate the accessing of data from the CD-ROM set of the * * Digitized Sky Survey. * * Delivered : 01-MAR-94 by J. Doggett * * GetImage Version 1.0 * * * * Updated : 26-OCT-94 by J. Doggett * * Updated for the ss_mount program. * * Redelivered: 30-NOV-94 by J. Doggett * * GetImage Version 1.1. * * * * Copyright (c) 1994, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, * * Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Produced under National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant * * NAG W-2166. * ******************************************************************************* config.h * Insures appropriate macros are defined to identify the operating environment. filenams.c * The file included with the prototype for the library function "access" depends on the operating system. * The function Build_Full_File_Name calls the appropriate function (Build_Full_xxxx_File_Name, where xxxx identifies the operating system) to build a file name depending on the operating system. getimage.c * The file included with the prototype for the library function "access" depends on the operating system. * The functions createUNIX_CDROMmountCommand, Get_Disc_Error_Action, and mountCDROM depend on the macro "USE_SSMOUNT" which, if defined, compiles in hooks for the ss_mount program which is used only with UNIX systems. * The function dismountCDROM calls the appropriate function (createxxxx_CDROMdismountCommand, where xxxx identifies the operating system) to build a dismount command depending on the operating system. * In the function Extract_Disc_List_HHH_Headers, if the header file to be created already exists, on OpenVMS systems a new version will be created, while on UNIX systems no new header **************************************** * Operating System Dependencies page 2 * **************************************** file will be created to insure that the existing file is not overwritten. * In the function Extract_Disc_List_Images, if the image file to be created already exists, on OpenVMS systems a new version will be created, while on UNIX systems no new image will be created to insure that the existing file is not overwritten. * In the function Get_GetImage_Options, construction of the root directory for the image data depends on the operating system. * The function dismountCDROM calls the appropriate function (createxxxx_CDROMmountCommand, where xxxx identifies the operating system) to build a mount command depending on the operating system. * In the function Open_User_Output, if the output file to be created already exists, on OpenVMS systems a new version will be created, while on UNIX systems no new image will be created to insure that the existing file is not overwritten. image.c * The file included with the prototype for the library function "access" depends on the operating system. plate.c * The file included with the prototype for the library function "access" depends on the operating system. * In the function Plate_Directory_Exists, the name of the plate directory file depends on the operating system. writeimg.c * The file included with the prototype for the library function "access" depends on the operating system. * In the function writefits, if the FITS file to be created already exists, on OpenVMS systems a new version will be created, while on UNIX systems no new FITS file will be created to insure that the existing file is not overwritten. * In the function writehhh, if the header file to be created already exists, on OpenVMS systems a new version will be created, while on UNIX systems no new header file will be created to insure that the existing file is not overwritten. * In the function writehhh, if the image file to be created already exists, on OpenVMS systems a new version will be created, while on UNIX systems no new image file will be created to insure that the existing file is not overwritten. qfile.h * The image i/o required for OpenVMS is extremely system dependent. Most other systems may work with the UNIX code. **************************************** * Operating System Dependencies page 3 * **************************************** qread.c * The image i/o required for OpenVMS is extremely system dependent. Most other systems may work with the UNIX code. ss_mount.c * This program was written exclusively for UNIX systems to handle the mounting of CD-ROM discs. Because volume management is highly system dependent, there are many places throughout ss_mount.c which also are system dependent. ss_mount is used only if the macro "USE_SSMOUNT" is defined in the source file "config.h".