APASS DR10 README file created 20-November-2018 aah The files "apass_dr10a.zip" and "apass_dr10b.zip" contain the full data set split into zones where "m" are negative Dec, and "p" are positive Dec. The zip files are large, and may take some time to download. If you have any difficulties accessing them, please let us know. Each file contains a header, followed by one record per star. The star record format is: I3.3 APASS south-polar-distance (SPD) zone c "-" I7.7 zone sequential star number F11.6 RA (decimal degrees) F7.3 RA error (arcsec) F11.6 DEC (decimal degrees) F7.3 DEC error (arcsec) I5 number of observed nights for B I5 number of observed nights for V I5 number of observed nights for u (SU) I5 number of observed nights for g (SG) I5 number of observed nights for r (SR) I5 number of observed nights for i (SI) I5 number of observed nights for z_s (SZ) I5 number of observed nights for Y F7.3 B F7.3 V F7.3 u (SU) F7.3 g (SG) F7.3 r (SR) F7.3 i (SI) F7.3 z_s (SZ) F7.3 Y F7.3 err(B) F7.3 err(V) F7.3 err(u) (SU) F7.3 err(g) (SG) F7.3 err(r) (SR) F7.3 err(i) (SI) F7.3 err(z_s) (SZ) F7.3 err(Y) When submitting a journal publication based on APASS data, please check with Arne Henden (ahenden@gmail.com) to see if the first APASS system paper has been published and therefore is citable. If you are submitting to AJ/ApJ etc., please include the facilities keyword "AAVSO". For all publications, include the following acknowledgment: "This paper makes use of data from the AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey, whose funding has been provided by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund and from the NSF (AST-1412587)." If use of the APASS data is a major part of your publication, such as in the generation of an input catalog for some study, then we strongly suggest that you include one of the primary APASS researchers as a co-author. Not only has the survey been largely privately funded, but also there are several defects in the interim catalog that an APASS researcher can help you to understand and thereby improve your paper. Again, contact Arne Henden first. We request that all parties downloading the full catalog get permission from the AAVSO, so please do not post the catalog URLs or give them to anyone else. Request via aavso@aavso.org . Please do not use the AAVSO query facility more than 500 times per day. If you need to query this catalog often, build your own db and query on your own hardware! Let me show you how: 1- create a db and table: The file apass_apass_dr10_master.sql will create the mysql table apass.apass_dr10_master 2 - Get the apass_dr10a/b.zip files from ftp://ftp.aavso.org/apass/dr10 and unzip them. 3 - run a script like this to populate the table: for filename in *.txt; do sed 's/ \+/ /g' $filename > $filename.new # to remove multiple spaces separating fields. mysql -h localhost --local_infile=1 -u root -pxxxxxxx -e "load data local infile '$filename.new' into table apass.apass_dr10_master \ fields terminated by ' ' ignore 1 lines;" rm $filename.new # use this to track progress. This is going to take hours! wc -l $filename 4 - Details of the query left to you.